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Line 61: /* Bug 5405854: The check has to be made from pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions

57: dummy1 := NULL;
60: -- Check if this Org Structure is used for burdening'
61: /* Bug 5405854: The check has to be made from pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions
62: as this has the details about the burden schedule revisions.
63: We should not be looking at the hierarchy attached at the
64: Business group.
65: SELECT 'X'

Line 79: FROM pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions ind

75: INTO dummy1
76: FROM sys.dual
77: WHERE exists (
78: SELECT 'X'
79: FROM pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions ind
80: WHERE ind.organization_structure_id = p_org_structure_id
81: );

Line 135: /* Bug 5405854: The check has to be made from pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions

131: dummy1 := NULL;
133: BEGIN
134: -- Check if this Org Structure is used for burdening
135: /* Bug 5405854: The check has to be made from pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions
136: as this has the details about the burden schedule revisions.
137: We should not be looking at the hierarchy attached at the
138: Business group.
139: SELECT 'X'

Line 153: FROM pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions ind

149: INTO dummy1
150: FROM sys.dual
151: WHERE exists (
152: SELECT 'X'
153: FROM pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions ind
154: WHERE ind.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
155: );

Line 194: FROM pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions ind,

190: OR ( pai.exp_org_structure_version_id = ose.org_structure_version_id
191: AND pai.exp_start_org_id = ose.organization_id_child)) /*End-Added for bug:8285339*/
192: UNION /* Added for bug 5405854 - Burdening start org */
193: SELECT 'X'
194: FROM pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions ind,
195: per_org_structure_elements ose
196: WHERE ose.org_structure_element_id = p_org_structure_element_id
197: AND ind.org_structure_version_id = ose.org_structure_version_id
198: AND ind.start_organization_id = ose.organization_id_child

Line 226: /* Bug 5405854: The check has to be made from pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions

222: dummy1 := NULL;
224: BEGIN
225: -- Check if this Element is in the Project Burdening Hierarchy'
226: /* Bug 5405854: The check has to be made from pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions
227: as this has the details about the burden schedule revisions.
228: We should not be looking at the hierarchy attached at the
229: Business group.
230: SELECT 'X'

Line 253: pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions irr, --Bug 6074710

249: FROM sys.dual
250: WHERE exists (
251: SELECT ics.organization_id
252: FROM pa_ind_compiled_sets ics,/*10327103 changed the table used from "pa_ind_cost_multipliers" to pa_ind_compiled_sets*/
253: pa_ind_rate_sch_revisions irr, --Bug 6074710
254: per_org_structure_elements ose
255: WHERE ose.org_structure_element_id = p_org_structure_element_id
256: /* Added below 2 conditions for bug 6074710*/
257: AND ose.org_structure_version_id = irr.org_structure_version_id