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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 29

        09 Feb 06       K Thampan     4891953  Fixed performance bug.
        23-AUG-06       K Thampan     5482199  Statutory changes for 2007
        19-SEP-06       K Thampan     5547703  Amend sap_control to call generate_payments
                                               with insert-mode if absence is > 0 and
                                               also change csr_check_if_existing_entries
                                               not to reference from per_absence_attendances
        19-OCT-06       K Thampan     5604330  Amended function entitled_to_sap to
                                               check for employee date of death before creating
                                               'Some work was done' stoppage.
                                               Also update check_death to create stoppage based
                                               on the 'rolling 7-day week' not the next Sunday.
	02-AUG-07      P Balu	      6271407  Changed the To_Date function to fnd_date.canonical_to_date
					       function in the cursor csr_existing_entries.
	14-NOV-08      Nagabushan     7563477  Changed the fnd_date.canonical_to_date function to
					       fnd_date.chardate_to_date function in the cursor csr_existing_entries.
g_package  varchar2(33) := '  ssp_sap_pkg.';  -- Global package name
Line: 56

	select	absence.absence_attendance_id,
		nvl (absence.date_end, hr_general.end_of_time) date_end,
            per_absence_attendances	ABSENCE
	   where absence.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
	order by absence.date_start;
Line: 71

	select	maternity.person_id,
		maternity.MPP_start_date APP_start_date,
		maternity.pay_SMP_as_lump_sum pay_SAP_as_lump_sum,
		nvl (service.final_process_date, hr_general.end_of_time) FINAL_PROCESS_DATE
    	ssp_maternities				    MATERNITY,
		per_all_people_f				    PERSON,
		per_periods_of_service			SERVICE
        person.person_id = maternity.person_id
	and	person.person_id = service.person_id
	and	maternity.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
	and	nvl(service.actual_termination_date+1,service.date_start)
                between person.effective_start_date
		and person.effective_end_date
        and     service.date_start = (select max(serv.date_start)
                                     from per_periods_of_service serv
                                     where serv.person_id = person.person_id);
Line: 251

	select	1
	from	ssp_maternities
	where	person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 282

	select	average_earnings_amount
	from	ssp_earnings_calculations
	where	person_id = person.person_id
	and	effective_date = l_effective_date;
Line: 331

	select	count (*)
	from	per_absence_attendances
	where	person_id = person.person_id
	and	maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 339

select /*+ ORDERED use_nl(paa,paaf,etype,entry) */
from   per_all_assignments_f   PAAF,
       pay_element_types_f     ETYPE,
       pay_element_entries_f   ENTRY
where  PAAF.person_id = person.person_id
and    ETYPE.element_name = c_SAP_element_name
and    ETYPE.legislation_code = 'GB'
and    ENTRY.element_type_id = ETYPE.element_type_id
and    entry.creator_type = c_SAP_creator_type
and    entry.creator_id = p_maternity_id
and    entry.assignment_id = PAAF.assignment_id
and not exists (
       -- Do not select entries which have already had reversal action
       -- taken against them because they are effectively cancelled out.
       select 1
       from   pay_element_entries_f      ENTRY2
       where  entry.element_entry_id=entry2.target_entry_id
       and    entry.assignment_id = entry2.assignment_id)
and not exists (
       -- Do not select reversal entries
       select  1
       from    pay_element_links_f LINK,
               pay_element_types_f TYPE
       where   link.element_link_id = entry.element_link_id
       and     entry.effective_start_date between link.effective_start_date and link.effective_end_date
       and     link.element_type_id = type.element_type_id
       and     link.effective_start_date between type.effective_start_date and type.effective_end_date
       and     type.element_name = c_SAP_Corr_element_name);
Line: 449

		select	stoppage_id
		from	ssp_stoppages
		where	user_entered <>'Y'
		and	override_stoppage <> 'Y'
		and	maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 480

		select	1
		from	per_periods_of_service
		where	person_id = person.person_id
		and	date_start <= ssp_sap_pkg.continuous_employment_date
		and	nvl (actual_termination_date, hr_general.end_of_time)
				>= person.MW;
Line: 601

        select ppf.date_of_death
        from per_all_people_f ppf
        where ppf.person_id = person.person_id
        and ppf.date_of_death is not null;
Line: 607

        select to_char(person.app_start_date, 'DAY')
        from   dual;
Line: 715

		select	*
		from	ssp_medicals
		where	maternity_id = woman.maternity_id
		and	evidence_status = 'CURRENT';
Line: 1063

	-- create the entry as planned; if there is, then we must update the
Line: 1154

      select	entry.element_entry_id,
-- if in future we get two different rates then a decode can be added here
         l_high_rate RATE,
--BUG 6271407 begin
/*        to_date (ssp_smp_support_pkg.value
--BUG 7563477 begin
/*        fnd_date.canonical_to_date(ssp_smp_support_pkg.value
            ssp_sap_pkg.c_week_commencing_name)) WEEK_COMMENCING,*/
            ssp_sap_pkg.c_week_commencing_name)) WEEK_COMMENCING,
--BUG 7563477 end
--BUG 6271407 end
        to_number(ssp_smp_support_pkg.value (entry.element_entry_id,
              ssp_sap_pkg.c_amount_name)) AMOUNT,
        to_number(ssp_smp_support_pkg.value (entry.element_entry_id,
              ssp_sap_pkg.c_recoverable_amount_name)) RECOVERABLE_AMOUNT
      from	pay_element_entries_f ENTRY,
            per_all_assignments_f     asg
      where	creator_type = c_SAP_creator_type
      and creator_id = p_maternity_id
      and asg.person_id     = person.person_id
      and asg.assignment_id = entry.assignment_id
      and	entry.effective_start_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                               and asg.effective_end_date
      and not exists (
        -- Do not select entries which have already had reversal action taken
        -- against them because they are effectively cancelled out.
        select 1
        from pay_element_entries_f	ENTRY2
        where entry.element_entry_id= entry2.target_entry_id
        and   entry.assignment_id   = entry2.assignment_id)
      and not exists (
        -- Do not select reversal entries
        select 1
        from	pay_element_links_f LINK,
                pay_element_types_f TYPE
        where link.element_link_id = entry.element_link_id
        and	entry.effective_start_date between link.effective_start_date
                and link.effective_end_date
        and link.element_type_id = type.element_type_id
        and	link.effective_start_date between type.effective_start_date
                and type.effective_end_date
        and type.element_name = c_SAP_Corr_element_name);
Line: 1216

        select  count (*)
        from    per_absence_attendances
        where   person_id = person.person_id
        and     maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 1239

                select  stoppage_id
                from    ssp_stoppages
                where   user_entered <>'Y'
                and     override_stoppage <> 'Y'
                and     maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 1294

             and ssp_smp_pkg.g_smp_update = 'N')
             or (old_entry.effective_start_date
                   = hypothetical_entry.effective_start_date (entry_number)
                 and old_entry.week_commencing
                   = hypothetical_entry.week_commencing (entry_number)
                 and not hypothetical_entry.stopped (entry_number) = 'TRUE'
                 and ssp_smp_pkg.g_smp_update = 'Y'));
Line: 1331

            hr_utility.trace (l_proc||' unprocessed - update it');
Line: 1332

            hr_entry_api.update_element_entry (
              p_dt_update_mode => 'CORRECTION',
              p_session_date => old_entry.effective_start_date,
              p_element_entry_id => old_entry.element_entry_id,
              p_input_value_id1 => g_SAP_element.rate_id,
              p_input_value_id2 => g_SAP_element.amount_id,
              p_input_value_id3 => g_SAP_element.recoverable_amount_id,
              p_entry_value1=> hypothetical_entry.rate (entry_number),
              p_entry_value2=> hypothetical_entry.amount(entry_number),
                      hypothetical_entry.recoverable_amount (entry_number));
Line: 1368

            hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (
              p_dt_delete_mode => 'ZAP',
              p_session_date => old_entry.effective_start_date,
              p_element_entry_id => old_entry.element_entry_id);
Line: 1380

                          ' Inserting CORRECTION entry for week commencing ' ||
                          to_char (old_entry.week_commencing));
Line: 1421

        hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (
          p_effective_start_date=> old_entry.effective_start_date,
          p_effective_end_date => old_entry.effective_end_date,
          p_element_entry_id  => l_dummy,
          p_target_entry_id  => old_entry.element_entry_id,
          p_assignment_id  => old_entry.assignment_id,
          p_element_link_id  => old_entry.element_link_id,
          p_creator_type  => c_SAP_creator_type,
          p_creator_id  => p_maternity_id,
          p_entry_type  => c_SAP_entry_type,
          p_input_value_id1=> g_SAP_correction_element.rate_id,
          p_input_value_id2=> g_SAP_correction_element.week_commencing_id,
          p_input_value_id3=> g_SAP_correction_element.amount_id,
          p_input_value_id4=> g_SAP_correction_element.recoverable_amount_id,
          p_entry_value1=> old_entry.rate,
--          p_entry_value2=> old_entry.week_commencing,
          p_entry_value2  => to_char(old_entry.week_commencing,'DD-MON-YYYY'),
          p_entry_value3=> old_entry.amount * -1,
          p_entry_value4=> old_entry.recoverable_amount * -1);
Line: 1455

        hr_utility.trace('Deleting an absence so don''t insert entries');
Line: 1461

            hr_entry_api.insert_element_entry (
              p_effective_start_date =>
                          hypothetical_entry.effective_start_date (new_entry),
              p_effective_end_date =>
                          hypothetical_entry.effective_end_date (new_entry),
              p_element_entry_id => l_dummy,
              p_assignment_id  => hypothetical_entry.assignment_id (new_entry),
              p_element_link_id => hypothetical_entry.element_link_id (new_entry),
              p_creator_type  => c_SAP_creator_type,
              p_creator_id  => p_maternity_id,
              p_entry_type  => c_SAP_entry_type,
              p_input_value_id1 => g_SAP_element.rate_id,
              p_input_value_id2 => g_SAP_element.week_commencing_id,
              p_input_value_id3 => g_SAP_element.amount_id,
              p_input_value_id4 => g_SAP_element.recoverable_amount_id,
              p_entry_value1  => hypothetical_entry.rate (new_entry),
--            p_entry_value2  => hypothetical_entry.week_commencing (new_entry),
              p_entry_value2  => to_char(hypothetical_entry.week_commencing(new_entry),'DD-MON-YYYY'),
              p_entry_value3  => hypothetical_entry.amount (new_entry),
              p_entry_value4  =>
                          hypothetical_entry.recoverable_amount (new_entry));
Line: 1545

		select	1
		from	ssp_stoppages STP,
			ssp_withholding_reasons WRE
		where	stp.override_stoppage <> 'Y'
		-- and the stoppage ovelaps the period or the stoppage is for
		-- death and is prior to the period
		and	((wre.reason <> employee_died
			   and stp.withhold_from <= p_end_date
			   and nvl (stp.withhold_to, hr_general.end_of_time)
				>= p_start_date)
			or (wre.reason = employee_died
			   and stp.withhold_from <= p_end_date))
		and	stp.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
		and	stp.reason_id = wre.reason_id;
Line: 1607

	        select	meaning
		from	hr_lookups
		where	lookup_type = 'SAP_RATES'
		and	lookup_code = p_rate_band;
Line: 1751

	select	1
	from	ssp_maternities
	where	maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 1759

select /*+ ORDERED use_nl(paa,paaf,etype,entry) */
from   per_absence_attendances PAA,
       per_all_assignments_f   PAAF,
       pay_element_entries_f   entry
where  PAA.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
and    PAAF.person_id = PAA.person_id
and    entry.creator_type = 'M'
and    entry.creator_id = p_maternity_id
and    entry.assignment_id = paaf.assignment_id;
Line: 1772

select count(*)
from   ssp_maternities mat,
       per_absence_attendances ab
where  mat.maternity_id = p_maternity_id
and    ab.person_id = mat.person_id
and    ab.maternity_id = mat.maternity_id;
Line: 1817

      hr_entry_api.delete_element_entry (
                           p_dt_delete_mode    => 'ZAP',
                           p_session_date      => obsolete.effective_start_date,
                           p_element_entry_id  => obsolete.element_entry_id);
Line: 1837

    select mpp_start_date, due_date
    from   ssp_maternities
    where  maternity_id = p_maternity_id;
Line: 1842

    select to_number(element_information3)
    from   pay_element_types_f
    where  element_name = c_SAP_element_name
    and	   l_due_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;