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APPS.HR_AHK_BUS dependencies on HR_API_HOOKS

Line 72: -- the parent HR_API_MODULES table. Prohibit insert into table HR_API_HOOKS

68: -- -----------------------------------------------------------------
69: --
70: -- Description:
71: -- Check that the api_module_id is not null and that it refers to a row on
72: -- the parent HR_API_MODULES table. Prohibit insert into table HR_API_HOOKS
73: -- should the api-module-type equal 'AI' (Alternative Interface).
74: --
75: -- Pre-Requisites:
76: -- None

Line 125: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_FK1');

121: open csr_valid_module_type;
122: fetch csr_valid_module_type into l_api_module_type;
123: if csr_valid_module_type%notfound then
124: close csr_valid_module_type;
125: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_FK1');
126: end if;
127: -- #661588:-
128: if l_api_module_type = 'AI' then
129: close csr_valid_module_type;

Line 186: select api_module_id from hr_api_hooks hah

182: --
183: -- Declare a cursor that will check whether the passed
184: -- in hook type and module id form a unique combination
185: cursor csr_valid_combo is
186: select api_module_id from hr_api_hooks hah
187: where hah.api_module_id = p_api_module_id
188: and hah.api_hook_type = p_api_hook_type;
190: -- Declare a cursor to retrieve the module type from

Line 230: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_CK1');

226: if hr_api.not_exists_in_hr_lookups
227: (p_effective_date => p_effective_date,
228: p_lookup_type => 'API_HOOK_TYPE',
229: p_lookup_code => p_api_hook_type) then
230: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_CK1');
231: end if;
233: --------------------------------------------------------
234: -- Check for unique Module id and hook type combo --

Line 241: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_UK1');

237: fetch csr_valid_combo into l_api_module_id;
239: if csr_valid_combo%found then
240: close csr_valid_combo;
241: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_UK1');
242: end if;
244: close csr_valid_combo;

Line 469: select api_module_id from hr_api_hooks hah

465: --
466: -- Declare a cursor that will check whether the passed
467: -- in hook package and hook procedure form a unique combination
468: cursor csr_valid_combo is
469: select api_module_id from hr_api_hooks hah
470: where hah.hook_package = p_hook_package
471: and hah.hook_procedure = p_hook_procedure;
473: --

Line 496: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_UK2');

492: fetch csr_valid_combo into l_api_module_id;
494: if csr_valid_combo%found then
495: close csr_valid_combo;
496: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_UK2');
497: end if;
499: close csr_valid_combo;

Line 713: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_CK2');

710: if (p_legislation_function is not null and p_legislation_package is null) OR
711: (p_legislation_function is null and p_legislation_package is not null)
712: then
713: hr_ahk_shd.constraint_error('HR_API_HOOKS_CK2');
714: end if;
716: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc,10);
717: end chk_leg_package_function;