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Line 592: from ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b

589: if cur_rec.ws_code is not null then
590: begin
591: select ws_name into l_ws_name
592: from ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b
593: where b.ws_id = tl.ws_id
594: and tl.language = FND_GLOBAL.CURRENT_LANGUAGE
595: and b.ws_code=cur_rec.ws_code;
596: exception

Line 831: from ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b

828: if cur_rec.ws_code is not null then
829: begin
830: select ws_name into l_ws_name
831: from ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b
832: where b.ws_id = tl.ws_id
833: and tl.language = FND_GLOBAL.CURRENT_LANGUAGE
834: and b.ws_code=cur_rec.ws_code;
835: exception

Line 1118: FROM ieu_uwqm_audit_log a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl,

1114: DECODE(a.WORKITEM_DIST_STATUS_ID_CURR, '0', 'On Hold', '1', 'Distributable',
1115: '2', 'Distributing', '3', 'Distributed') WORKITEM_DIST_STATUS_ID_CURR ,
1116: a.workitem_obj_code,a.OWNER_ID_CURR, rs1.group_name owner_name,
1117: a.ASSIGNEE_ID_CURR, rs2.resource_name assignee_name, a.ws_code, a.work_item_number, b.ws_id, tl.ws_name ws_name
1118: FROM ieu_uwqm_audit_log a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl,
1119: jtf_rs_groups_vl rs1, JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_vl rs2
1120: WHERE a.owner_type_curr = 'RS_GROUP'
1121: and a.assignee_type_curr = 'RS_INDIVIDUAL'
1122: AND a.owner_id_curr = rs1.group_id(+)

Line 1162: FROM ieu_uwqm_audit_log a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl,

1158: '2', 'Distributing', '3', 'Distributed') WORKITEM_DIST_STATUS_ID_CURR ,
1159: a.workitem_obj_code,a.OWNER_ID_CURR, rs1.group_name owner_name,
1160: a.ASSIGNEE_ID_CURR, rs2.resource_name assignee_name, b.ws_id, tl.ws_name ws_name,
1161: a.work_item_number
1162: FROM ieu_uwqm_audit_log a, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl,
1163: jtf_rs_groups_tl rs1, JTF_RS_RESOURCE_EXTNS_vl rs2
1164: WHERE a.owner_type_curr = 'RS_GROUP'
1165: and a.assignee_type_curr = 'RS_INDIVIDUAL'
1166: and a.workitem_obj_code = b.object_code

Line 1191: from ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b

1187: -- dbms_output.put_line('extended');
1188: x_msg_data := x_msg_data || 'extened';
1189: --dbms_output.put_line('extened');
1190: /* select ws_name into l_ws_name
1191: from ieu_uwqm_work_sources_tl tl, ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b b
1192: where b.ws_id = tl.ws_id
1193: and tl.language = FND_GLOBAL.CURRENT_LANGUAGE
1194: and b.ws_code=cur_rec.ws_code;
1195: */

Line 1458: from ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b where ws_code = cur_rec.ws_code;

1454: if (cur_rec.SOURCE_OBJECT_ID_CURR = p_item_number
1455: and cur_rec.SOURCE_OBJECT_TYPE_CODE_CURR = p_object_code) then
1456: begin
1457: select ws_type into ws_type
1458: from ieu_uwqm_work_sources_b where ws_code = cur_rec.ws_code;
1459: exception
1460: when no_data_found then null;
1461: end;
1462: if ws_type = 'ASSOCIATION' then