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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 64

      SELECT quote.contract_id, quote.quote_number, quote.cust_party_id, quote.cust_account_id,
        quote.quote_version, quote.party_id, quote.resource_id,
        quote.currency_code, quote.org_id
      FROM aso_quote_headers_all quote
      WHERE quote.quote_header_id = p_doc_id;
Line: 72

      SELECT payments.cust_po_number, payments.payment_term_id
      FROM aso_quote_headers_all quote, aso_payments payments
      WHERE quote.quote_header_id = payments.quote_header_id
        AND payments.quote_line_id IS NULL
        AND quote.quote_header_id = p_doc_id;
Line: 80

      SELECT shipments.freight_terms_code, shipments.ship_method_code
      FROM aso_quote_headers_all quote, aso_shipments shipments
      WHERE quote.quote_header_id = shipments.quote_header_id
        AND shipments.quote_line_id IS NULL
        AND quote.quote_header_id = p_doc_id;
Line: 465

        SELECT DISTINCT Segment1
        BULK COLLECT INTO x_line_var_value_tbl.item
        FROM Mtl_System_Items_b items, Aso_Quote_Lines_All lines
        WHERE lines.inventory_item_id = items.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID
          AND lines.organization_id = items.organization_id
          AND lines.LINE_CATEGORY_CODE = 'ORDER'
          AND lines.quote_header_id = p_doc_id;
Line: 484

        SELECT DISTINCT Category_Concat_Segs
        BULK COLLECT INTO x_line_var_value_tbl.category
        FROM Mtl_Item_Categories mic, Aso_Quote_Lines_All lines, Mtl_Categories_V cats
        WHERE lines.inventory_item_id = mic.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID
          AND mic.category_id = cats.category_id
          AND mic.organization_id = lines.organization_id
          AND mic. category_set_id =
            (SELECT nvl(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('ASO_CATEGORY_SET'), sets.category_set_id )
              FROM Mtl_Default_Category_Sets sets
              WHERE functional_area_id = 7)
          AND lines.LINE_CATEGORY_CODE = 'ORDER'
          AND lines.quote_header_id = p_doc_id;
Line: 535

    l_update_allowed            VARCHAR2 (1);
Line: 545

      SELECT status.update_allowed_flag, quote.quote_expiration_date,
        quote.max_version_flag, quote.price_request_id
      FROM aso_quote_headers_all quote, aso_quote_statuses_b status
      WHERE quote.quote_header_id = p_doc_id
        AND quote.quote_status_id = status.quote_status_id;
Line: 617

      FETCH c_quote_header INTO l_update_allowed, l_quote_expiration_date,
        l_max_version_flag, l_price_request_id;
Line: 627

        'OK_To_Commit: l_update_allowed '|| l_update_allowed,
Line: 661

	l_update_allowed := 'Y';
Line: 667

        OR l_update_allowed = 'N'
        OR l_max_version_flag = 'N'
        OR l_price_request_id IS NOT NULL
     	    l_return  := FND_API.G_FALSE;