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Line 7: AD_PA_ANALYSIS_RUN_BUGS table to get the list of bug numbers recommended.

3: /**
4: The Procedure returns the list of patches recommended in the current request set.
5: i.e., this AD API would query the FND Concurrent Request table to get the request
6: ID of the currently running Request Set and use this request ID to query the
7: AD_PA_ANALYSIS_RUN_BUGS table to get the list of bug numbers recommended.
8: **/
9: PROCEDURE get_recommend_patch_list
10: ( a_rec_patch OUT NOCOPY t_rec_patch )
11: IS

Line 14: ad_pa_analysis_run_bugs where analysis_run_id = X_anal_req_id and

10: ( a_rec_patch OUT NOCOPY t_rec_patch )
11: IS
12: CURSOR rec_cur(X_anal_req_id Number) IS
13: select bug_number from
14: ad_pa_analysis_run_bugs where analysis_run_id = X_anal_req_id and
15: (analysis_status in ('READY', 'MISSING', 'PENDING') or analysis_status is null);
17: req_id NUMBER:= 0;
18: anal_req_id NUMBER:= 0;

Line 61: AD_PA_ANALYSIS_RUN_BUGS table to get the list of bug numbers/baseline/patchid.

57: /**
58: The Procedure returns the list of patches recommended in the current request set.
59: i.e., this AD API would query the FND Concurrent Request table to get the request
60: ID of the currently running Request Set and use this request ID to query the
61: AD_PA_ANALYSIS_RUN_BUGS table to get the list of bug numbers/baseline/patchid.
62: **/
63: PROCEDURE get_recommend_patch_list
64: ( p_recomm_patch_tab OUT NOCOPY t_recomm_patch_tab )
65: IS

Line 69: FROM ad_pa_analysis_run_bugs aparb,

65: IS
67: CURSOR rec_cur(X_anal_req_id NUMBER) IS
68: SELECT aparb.bug_number, aparb.baseline, app.patch_id
69: FROM ad_pa_analysis_run_bugs aparb,
70: ad_pm_patches app
71: WHERE aparb.analysis_run_id = X_anal_req_id
72: AND aparb.bug_number = app.bug_number
73: AND aparb.baseline = app.baseline