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Line 508: from jtf_rs_item_categories_v a, mtl_category_set_valid_cats b

504: -- Get the total count if "Last" hyperlink is clicked
505: IF (p_range_high < 0) THEN
506: SELECT count(*)
507: INTO l_total_count
508: from jtf_rs_item_categories_v a, mtl_category_set_valid_cats b
509: where UPPER(a.category_name) like NVL(l_display_value, '%')
510: and nvl(a.enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
511: and trunc(sysdate) < nvl(disable_date, sysdate)
512: and a.category_id = b.category_id

Line 528: from jtf_rs_item_categories_v a, mtl_category_set_valid_cats b

525: END IF;
526: OPEN lov_output_cur FOR
527: select distinct a.category_name, a.category_id, a.DESCRIPTION, null,null, null, null, null, null, null
528: from jtf_rs_item_categories_v a, mtl_category_set_valid_cats b
529: where UPPER(a.category_name) like l_display_value
530: and nvl(a.enabled_flag, 'Y') <> 'N'
531: and trunc(sysdate) < nvl(disable_date, sysdate)
532: and a.category_id = b.category_id