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1 PACKAGE BODY ghr_ds_jan99_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: ghdsconv.pkb 120.0.12010000.2 2009/05/26 10:34:23 utokachi noship $ */
4 PROCEDURE do_conversion(
5           p_errbuf out NOCOPY varchar2
6          ,p_retcode out NOCOPY number
7          ,p_old_location_id    IN     hr_locations.location_id%TYPE
8          ,p_new_location_id    IN     hr_locations.location_id%TYPE)
9 IS
12 l_old_duty_station_code        ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_code%TYPE;
13 l_new_duty_station_code        ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_code%TYPE;
14 l_old_locality_pay_area_id     ghr_duty_stations_f.locality_pay_area_id%TYPE;
15 l_new_locality_pay_area_id     ghr_duty_stations_f.locality_pay_area_id%TYPE;
16 l_duty_station_code            ghr_duty_stations_f.duty_station_code%TYPE;
17 l_person_id                    per_people_f.person_id%TYPE;
18 l_effective_start_date         per_assignments_f.effective_start_date%TYPE;
19 l_full_name                    per_people_f.full_name%TYPE;
20 l_national_identifier          per_people_f.national_identifier%TYPE;
21 l_assignment_id                per_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE;
22 l_location_id                  per_assignments_f.location_id%TYPE;
23 l_position_id                  per_assignments_f.position_id%TYPE;
24 l_pos_name                     per_positions.name%TYPE;
25 l_organization_id              per_assignments_f.organization_id%TYPE;
26 l_effective_date               date;
27 l_assign_effective_date        date;
30 l_count                        number := 0;
32 l_log_text                     varchar2(2000);
34 l_datetrack_update_mode        varchar2(30);
35 l_object_version_number        number;
36 l_special_ceiling_step_id      number;
37 l_start_date                   date;
38 l_end_date                     date;
39 l_people_group_id              number;
40 l_group_name                   varchar2(2000);
41 l_org_now_no_manager_warning   boolean;
42 l_other_manager_warning        boolean;
43 l_spp_delete_warning           boolean;
44 l_entries_changed_warning      varchar2(2000);
45 l_tax_district_changed_warning boolean;
47 l_position_definition_id       number;
48 l_name                         varchar2(2000);
49 l_valid_grades_changed_warning boolean;
51 l_entered_by                   hr_locations.entered_by%TYPE;
52 l_location_code                hr_locations.location_code%TYPE;
54 l_eed                          date;
55 l_esd                          date;
56 l_exists                       boolean := false;
57 l_out_eed                      date;
58 l_out_esd                      date;
60 same_loc_err                   exception;
61 ds422760045                    exception;
62 old_not_in_opm                 exception;
63 new_not_in_opm                 exception;
64 old_new_not_in_opm             exception;
65 pay_area_id_err                exception;
68 cursor cur_old_ds is
69 select b.duty_station_code   old_duty_station_code
70 from hr_location_extra_info a,
71      ghr_duty_stations_f    b
72 where information_type = 'GHR_US_LOC_INFORMATION'
73 and   a.lei_information3 = b.duty_station_id
74 and   b.duty_station_code in
75 ('040355019', '060920071', '181788003', '181789003', '195549095',
76  '204891103', '211257115', '211758081', '211758187', '213397003',
77  '220376047', '222431059', '240414031', '240931047', '241371003',
78  '265260085', '296675179', '330043017', '343478025', '398961099',
79  '421172125', '424275109', '424676109', '471348157',
80  '484208013', '484209153', '485936303', '511566069', '530171061',
81  '530533025', '541475079', '542325035', '542334035', '542857045',
82  'UV0000000', 'CF0000000', 'CG0000000', 'PS0000000', 'TC0000000',
83  'TC1000000', 'TC1030000', 'TC1040000', 'TC1050000', 'TC1200000',
84  'TC1300000', 'TC1500000', 'WS0000000', '422760045')
85 and   a.location_id = p_old_location_id;
87 cursor cur_new_ds is
88 select b.duty_station_code       new_duty_station_code
89 from hr_location_extra_info a,
90      ghr_duty_stations_f    b
91 where information_type = 'GHR_US_LOC_INFORMATION'
92 and   a.lei_information3 = b.duty_station_id
93 and   b.duty_station_code in
94 ('040335019', '062922071', '181850003', '181850003', '195548095', '204840131',
95  '211256115', '211757081', '211757187', '210019003', '221920121', '221130059',
96  '240411031', '240110047', '241366003', '265260075', '296654179', '330029017',
97  '343475025', '399230099', '421170125', '420000109', '420000109', '471338157',
98  '480000013', '482400153', '484140303', '511565041', '530170061', '530529025',
99  '541474079', '541348035', '541348035', '541541045',
100  'UV0000000', 'CF0000000', 'CG0000000', 'PS0000000', 'AE0000000',
101  'AE1000000', 'AE1030000', 'AE1040000', 'AE1050000', 'AE1200000',
102  'AE1300000', 'AE1500000', 'WS0000000')
103 and  a.location_id = p_new_location_id;
105 cursor cur_old_locality_id   is
106 select nvl(locality_pay_area_id,0) locality_pay_area_id
107 from   ghr_duty_stations_f
108 where  duty_station_code = l_old_duty_station_code
109 and    nvl((l_effective_date - 1),sysdate)
110        between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
112 cursor cur_new_locality_id   is
113 select nvl(locality_pay_area_id,0) locality_pay_area_id
114 from   ghr_duty_stations_f
115 where  duty_station_code = l_new_duty_station_code
116 and    nvl(l_effective_date,sysdate)
117        between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
119 cursor cur_people is
120 select paf.person_id             person_id,
121        paf.effective_start_date  effective_start_date,
122        paf.assignment_id         assignment_id,
123        paf.object_version_number object_version_number
124 from   per_assignments_f   paf,
125        per_assignment_status_types ast
126 where  l_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
127                         and     paf.effective_end_date
128 and    paf.location_id           = p_old_location_id
129 and    ast.assignment_status_type_id = paf.assignment_status_type_id
130 and    ast.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN','TERM_ASSIGN')
131 union
132 select paf1.person_id             person_id,
133        paf1.effective_start_date  effective_start_date,
134        paf1.assignment_id         assignment_id,
135        paf1.object_version_number object_version_number
136 from   per_assignments_f   paf1,
137        per_assignment_status_types ast1
138 where  l_effective_date <= paf1.effective_start_date
139 and    paf1.location_id           = p_old_location_id
140 and    ast1.assignment_status_type_id = paf1.assignment_status_type_id
141 and    ast1.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN','TERM_ASSIGN')
142 order by 3,2;
145  Cursor c_full_name is
146    select ppf.full_name
147    from   per_people_f ppf
148    where  person_id = l_person_id
149    and    l_effective_date
150    between ppf.effective_start_date and ppf.effective_end_date;
152  cursor     c_update_mode_a is
153     select   asg.effective_start_date ,
154              asg.effective_end_date
155     from     per_assignments_f asg
156     where    asg.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
157     and      l_assign_effective_date
158     between  asg.effective_start_date
159     and      asg.effective_end_date;
161    cursor     c_update_mode_a1 is
162     select   asg.effective_start_date ,
163              asg.effective_end_date
164     from     per_assignments_f asg
165     where    asg.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
166     and      l_assign_effective_date  <  asg.effective_start_date;
168 cursor cur_position is
169 select pos1.position_id           position_id,
170        pos1.name                  name,
171        pos1.effective_start_date  effective_start_date,
172        pos1.object_version_number object_version_number
173 from   hr_all_positions_f pos1
174 where  l_effective_date between pos1.effective_start_date
175                         and     pos1.effective_end_date
176 and    pos1.location_id           = p_old_location_id
177 union
178 select pos2.position_id           position_id,
179        pos2.name                  name,
180        pos2.effective_start_date  effective_start_date,
181        pos2.object_version_number object_version_number
182 from   hr_all_positions_f pos2
183 where  l_effective_date <= pos2.effective_start_date
184 and    pos2.location_id           = p_old_location_id
185 order by 1,3;
187  cursor     c_pos_update_mode_a is
188     select   pos.effective_start_date ,
189              pos.effective_end_date
190     from     hr_all_positions_f pos
191     where    pos.position_id = l_position_id
192     and      l_assign_effective_date
193     between  pos.effective_start_date
194     and      pos.effective_end_date;
196    cursor     c_pos_update_mode_a1 is
197     select   pos.effective_start_date ,
198              pos.effective_end_date
199     from     hr_all_positions_f pos
200     where    pos.position_id = l_position_id
201     and      l_assign_effective_date  <  pos.effective_start_date;
203 cursor cur_organizations is
204 select organization_id,name
205 from   hr_organization_units
206 where  location_id = p_old_location_id
207 for update of location_id;
209 ---cursor cur_loc is
210 ---select entered_by,location_code,object_version_number
211 ---from   hr_locations
212 ---where location_id = p_old_location_id
213 ---for update of inactive_date;
216     p_retcode  := 0;
217     p_errbuf   := NULL;
219 -- Set the effective_date as
220     l_effective_date   := to_date('1999/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD');
221     l_old_duty_station_code := null;
222     l_new_duty_station_code := null;
224     ghr_mto_int.set_log_program_name('GHR_LOC_CONV_PKG');
226 -- Check Location id are same
227     if p_old_location_id = p_new_location_id then raise same_loc_err; end if;
229 -- Fetch the Location Extra info old duty station code and validate
230 -- otherwise write in the log.
232     for cur_old_ds_rec in cur_old_ds
233     loop
234      l_old_duty_station_code     := cur_old_ds_rec.old_duty_station_code;
235     end loop;
237 -- Check old location id Extra info duty station is not pertaining to OPM Change
238 -- otherwise fetched old_location_id is null
239     if l_old_duty_station_code is null then raise old_not_in_opm; end if;
241 -- Check old Location id Extra information is ds422760045
242     if l_old_duty_station_code = '422760045' then raise ds422760045; end if;
244 -- Fetch the Location Extra info new duty station code and validate
245 -- otherwise write in the log.
247     for cur_new_ds_rec in cur_new_ds
248     loop
249      l_new_duty_station_code     := cur_new_ds_rec.new_duty_station_code;
250     end loop;
252 -- Check new location id Extra info duty station is not pertaining to OPM Change
253 -- otherwise fetched new_location_id is null
254     if l_new_duty_station_code is null then raise new_not_in_opm; end if;
256     if l_old_duty_station_code = '040355019' then l_duty_station_code := '040335019'; end if;
257     if l_old_duty_station_code = '060920071' then l_duty_station_code := '062922071'; end if;
258     if l_old_duty_station_code = '181788003' then l_duty_station_code := '181850003'; end if;
259     if l_old_duty_station_code = '181789003' then l_duty_station_code := '181850003'; end if;
260     if l_old_duty_station_code = '195549095' then l_duty_station_code := '195548095'; end if;
261     if l_old_duty_station_code = '204891103' then l_duty_station_code := '204840131'; end if;
262     if l_old_duty_station_code = '211257115' then l_duty_station_code := '211256115'; end if;
263     if l_old_duty_station_code = '211758081' then l_duty_station_code := '211757081'; end if;
264     if l_old_duty_station_code = '211758187' then l_duty_station_code := '211757187'; end if;
265     if l_old_duty_station_code = '213397003' then l_duty_station_code := '210019003'; end if;
266     if l_old_duty_station_code = '220376047' then l_duty_station_code := '221920121'; end if;
267     if l_old_duty_station_code = '222431059' then l_duty_station_code := '221130059'; end if;
268     if l_old_duty_station_code = '240414031' then l_duty_station_code := '240411031'; end if;
269     if l_old_duty_station_code = '240931047' then l_duty_station_code := '240110047'; end if;
270     if l_old_duty_station_code = '241371003' then l_duty_station_code := '241366003'; end if;
271     if l_old_duty_station_code = '265260085' then l_duty_station_code := '265260075'; end if;
272     if l_old_duty_station_code = '296675179' then l_duty_station_code := '296654179'; end if;
273     if l_old_duty_station_code = '330043017' then l_duty_station_code := '330029017'; end if;
274     if l_old_duty_station_code = '343478025' then l_duty_station_code := '343475025'; end if;
275     if l_old_duty_station_code = '398961099' then l_duty_station_code := '399230099'; end if;
276     if l_old_duty_station_code = '421172125' then l_duty_station_code := '421170125'; end if;
277     if l_old_duty_station_code = '424275109' then l_duty_station_code := '420000109'; end if;
278     if l_old_duty_station_code = '424676109' then l_duty_station_code := '420000109'; end if;
279     if l_old_duty_station_code = '471348157' then l_duty_station_code := '471338157'; end if;
280     if l_old_duty_station_code = '484208013' then l_duty_station_code := '480000013'; end if;
281     if l_old_duty_station_code = '484209153' then l_duty_station_code := '482400153'; end if;
282     if l_old_duty_station_code = '485936303' then l_duty_station_code := '484140303'; end if;
283     if l_old_duty_station_code = '511566069' then l_duty_station_code := '511565041'; end if;
284     if l_old_duty_station_code = '530171061' then l_duty_station_code := '530170061'; end if;
285     if l_old_duty_station_code = '530533025' then l_duty_station_code := '530529025'; end if;
286     if l_old_duty_station_code = '541475079' then l_duty_station_code := '541474079'; end if;
287     if l_old_duty_station_code = '542325035' then l_duty_station_code := '541348035'; end if;
288     if l_old_duty_station_code = '542334035' then l_duty_station_code := '541348035'; end if;
289     if l_old_duty_station_code = '542857045' then l_duty_station_code := '541541045'; end if;
291     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'UV0000000' then l_duty_station_code := 'UV0000000' ; end if;
292     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'CF0000000' then l_duty_station_code := 'CF0000000' ; end if;
293     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'CG0000000' then l_duty_station_code := 'CG0000000' ; end if;
294     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'PS0000000' then l_duty_station_code := 'PS0000000' ; end if;
295     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'TC0000000' then l_duty_station_code := 'AE0000000' ; end if;
296     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'TC1000000' then l_duty_station_code := 'AE1000000' ; end if;
297     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'TC1030000' then l_duty_station_code := 'AE1030000' ; end if;
298     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'TC1040000' then l_duty_station_code := 'AE1040000' ; end if;
299     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'TC1050000' then l_duty_station_code := 'AE1050000' ; end if;
300     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'TC1200000' then l_duty_station_code := 'AE1200000' ; end if;
301     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'TC1300000' then l_duty_station_code := 'AE1300000' ; end if;
302     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'TC1500000' then l_duty_station_code := 'AE1500000' ; end if;
303     if l_old_duty_station_code = 'WS0000000' then l_duty_station_code := 'WS0000000' ; end if;
305 -- Check old duty_station and new duty station combination as per OPM
306     if l_duty_station_code <> l_new_duty_station_code then
307        raise old_new_not_in_opm;  end if;
309 -- Fetch Locality pay areas id and then compare
310     for cur_old_locality_id_rec in cur_old_locality_id
311     loop
312      l_old_locality_pay_area_id     := cur_old_locality_id_rec.locality_pay_area_id;
313     end loop;
314     for cur_new_locality_id_rec in cur_new_locality_id
315     loop
316      l_new_locality_pay_area_id     := cur_new_locality_id_rec.locality_pay_area_id;
317     end loop;
319     if nvl(l_new_locality_pay_area_id,0) <> nvl(l_old_locality_pay_area_id,0) then
320        raise pay_area_id_err; end if;
322 -- Fetch all the employees and Update the location_id in Assignment, Position,
323 -- Organization.
324   begin
325    for cur_people_rec in cur_people
326    loop
327          l_person_id             := cur_people_rec.person_id;
328          l_effective_start_date  := cur_people_rec.effective_start_date;
329          l_assignment_id         := cur_people_rec.assignment_id;
330          l_object_version_number := cur_people_rec.object_version_number;
332       If l_effective_start_date >= l_effective_date then
333              -- l_datetrack_update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
334               l_assign_effective_date := l_effective_start_date;
335       else
336         --l_datetrack_update_mode := 'UPDATE';
337         l_assign_effective_date := l_effective_date;
338       end if;
341       for update_mode in c_update_mode_a loop
342         l_esd := update_mode.effective_start_date;
343         l_eed := update_mode.effective_end_date;
344       end loop;
345       If l_esd = l_assign_effective_date then
346          l_datetrack_update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
347       Elsif l_esd < l_assign_effective_date and
348             to_char(l_eed,'YYYY/MM/DD') = '4712/12/31' then
349          l_datetrack_update_mode := 'UPDATE';
350   --  to end date a row and then create a new row
351       Elsif  l_esd <  l_assign_effective_date  then
352         for update_mode1 in c_update_mode_a1 loop
353           l_exists := true;
354           exit;
355         end loop;
356         If l_exists then
357           l_datetrack_update_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
358           l_exists := false;
359         Else
360           l_datetrack_update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
361         End if;
362       End if;
363     --End if;
364     hr_utility.set_location('UPDATE_MODE  :   ' || l_datetrack_update_mode,2);
365       for c_full_name_rec in c_full_name loop
366         l_full_name  :=  c_full_name_rec.full_name;
367       end loop;
368       l_log_text := 'In Assignments - Employee Name : ' || l_full_name || ' : '  ;
369       l_log_text := l_log_text || ' Assignment Id : ' || to_char(l_assignment_id)  || ' - ';
371      hr_utility.set_location('asg id  ' || l_assignment_id,1);
372      hr_utility.set_location('ed      ' || l_effective_date,1);
373      hr_utility.set_location('ead      ' || l_assign_effective_date,1);
374      hr_utility.set_location('OVN     ' || l_object_version_number,1);
376 ---- Update Assignment - New Location in Date track as of 01-JAN-1999
377     ghr_session.set_session_var_for_core
378       (p_effective_date   => l_assign_effective_date );
379    begin
380      hr_assignment_api.update_emp_asg_criteria
381        (p_effective_date               => l_assign_effective_date
382        ,p_datetrack_update_mode        => l_datetrack_update_mode
383        ,p_assignment_id                => l_assignment_id
384        ,p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number
385        ,p_location_id                  => p_new_location_id
386        ,p_special_ceiling_step_id      => l_special_ceiling_step_id
387        ,p_effective_start_date         => l_start_date
388        ,p_effective_end_date           => l_end_date
389        ,p_people_group_id              => l_people_group_id
390        ,p_group_name                   => l_group_name
391        ,p_org_now_no_manager_warning   => l_org_now_no_manager_warning
392        ,p_other_manager_warning        => l_other_manager_warning
393        ,p_spp_delete_warning           => l_spp_delete_warning
394        ,p_entries_changed_warning      => l_entries_changed_warning
395        ,p_tax_district_changed_warning => l_tax_district_changed_warning
396         );
397     l_count  := l_count  + 1;
398     exception when others then
399               ghr_mto_int.log_message
400                (p_procedure => 'Error in Assignments'
401                ,p_message   => l_log_text || ' Sql error : '|| sqlerrm(sqlcode)
402                );
403     end;
404     begin
405      ghr_history_api.post_update_process;
406     exception when others then
407               ghr_mto_int.log_message
408                (p_procedure => 'Error in Assignments(History)'
409                ,p_message   => l_log_text || ' Sql error : '|| sqlerrm(sqlcode)
410                );
411     end;
412    end loop;
414      if l_count <> 0 then
415         ghr_mto_int.log_message
416          (p_procedure => 'Success Completion Asg'
417          ,p_message   => 'All Employees New Location changed in ' || to_char(l_count) || ' Assignments'
418           );
419      else
420         ghr_mto_int.log_message
421          (p_procedure => 'Success Completion Asg'
422          ,p_message   => 'But No Employees for the given Old Location'
423          );
424      end if;
425   end;
427 -- Initialize the Counter for positions.
428    l_count := 0;
429   begin
430    for cur_position_rec in cur_position
431    loop
432        l_pos_name                := cur_position_rec.name;
433        l_position_id             := cur_position_rec.position_id;
434        l_effective_start_date    := cur_position_rec.effective_start_date;
435        l_object_version_number   := cur_position_rec.object_version_number;
437        l_log_text := 'In Positions - Position Name  ' || l_pos_name;
439 -- Update Position - New Location
440 -----
441       If l_effective_start_date >= l_effective_date then
442              -- l_datetrack_update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
443               l_assign_effective_date := l_effective_start_date;
444       else
445         --l_datetrack_update_mode := 'UPDATE';
446         l_assign_effective_date := l_effective_date;
447       end if;
450       for pos_update_mode in c_pos_update_mode_a loop
451         l_esd := pos_update_mode.effective_start_date;
452         l_eed := pos_update_mode.effective_end_date;
453       end loop;
454       If l_esd = l_assign_effective_date then
455          l_datetrack_update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
456       Elsif l_esd < l_assign_effective_date and
457             to_char(l_eed,'YYYY/MM/DD') = '4712/12/31' then
458          l_datetrack_update_mode := 'UPDATE';
459   --  to end date a row and then create a new row
460       Elsif  l_esd <  l_assign_effective_date  then
461         for pos_update_mode1 in c_pos_update_mode_a1 loop
462           l_exists := true;
463           exit;
464         end loop;
465         If l_exists then
466           l_datetrack_update_mode := 'UPDATE_CHANGE_INSERT';
467           l_exists := false;
468         Else
469           l_datetrack_update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
470         End if;
471       End if;
472     --End if;
473     hr_utility.set_location('UPDATE_MODE Position  :   ' || l_datetrack_update_mode,2);
474 ----
475      hr_utility.set_location('pos id  ' || l_position_id,1);
476      hr_utility.set_location('ed      ' || l_effective_date,1);
477      hr_utility.set_location('esd     ' || l_effective_start_date,1);
478      hr_utility.set_location('ead      ' || l_assign_effective_date,1);
479      hr_utility.set_location('OVN     ' || l_object_version_number,1);
481    begin
482      ghr_session.set_session_var_for_core
483     (p_effective_date   => l_effective_date );
485      savepoint hrposupd;
487      hr_position_api.update_position
488        (p_position_id                  => l_position_id
489        ,p_effective_start_date         => l_out_esd
490        ,p_effective_end_date           => l_out_eed
491        ,p_object_version_number        => l_object_version_number
492        ,p_location_id                  => p_new_location_id
493        ,p_position_definition_id       => l_position_definition_id
494        ,p_name                         => l_name
495        ,p_valid_grades_changed_warning => l_valid_grades_changed_warning
496        ,p_effective_date               => l_assign_effective_date
497        ,p_datetrack_mode               => l_datetrack_update_mode
498         );
500        ghr_history_api.post_update_process;
501        l_count  := l_count  + 1;
502    exception when others then
503              rollback to hrposupd;
504              ghr_mto_int.log_message
505               (p_procedure => 'Error in Positions'
506               ,p_message   => l_log_text || ' Sql error : '|| sqlerrm(sqlcode)
507               );
508    end;
510    end loop;
512    if l_count <> 0 then
513       ghr_mto_int.log_message
514        (p_procedure => 'Success Completion Pos'
515        ,p_message   => 'New Location changed for ' || to_char(l_count) || ' of Positions'
516         );
517    else
518       ghr_mto_int.log_message
519        (p_procedure => 'Success Completion Pos'
520        ,p_message   => 'But No Positions for the given Old Location'
521        );
522    end if;
523   end;
525 -- Initialize the Counter for Organizations.
526    l_count := 0;
527  begin
528    for cur_organizations_rec in cur_organizations
529    loop
530       l_organization_id     := cur_organizations_rec.organization_id;
532 ---- Update Organization - New Location
533    update hr_organization_units set location_id = p_new_location_id
534    where current of cur_organizations;
536    l_count  := l_count  + 1;
538    end loop;
540    if l_count <> 0 then
541       ghr_mto_int.log_message
542        (p_procedure => 'Success Completion Org'
543        ,p_message   => 'New Location changed for ' || to_char(l_count) || ' of Organizations'
544         );
545    else
546       ghr_mto_int.log_message
547        (p_procedure => 'Success Completion  Org'
548        ,p_message   => 'But No Organizations for the given Old Location'
549        );
550    end if;
551  end;
553 --- Commented because do not inactivate the location Bug # 896345
554 --- begin
555 ---   for cur_loc_rec in cur_loc
556 ---   loop
557 ---       l_entered_by            := cur_loc_rec.entered_by;
558 ---       l_location_code         := cur_loc_rec.location_code;
559 ---       l_object_version_number := cur_loc_rec.object_version_number;
560 ---
561 ---- Update Location as inactive as on 31-DEC-1998
562 ---   update hr_locations set inactive_date = (l_effective_date - 1)
563 ---   where current of cur_loc;
564 ---
565 ---   end loop;
566 --- end;
568  commit;
571    when same_loc_err then
572      l_log_text := 'The New Location chosen is the same as the Old Location. ';
573      l_log_text := l_log_text || 'Please verify that the New Location is correct.';
574      l_log_text := l_log_text || ' Only OPM mandated changes can be run through the Duty Station Conversion. ';
575             ghr_mto_int.log_message
576              (p_procedure => 'Same Old and New Location Name'
577              ,p_message   => l_log_text
578               );
579             commit;
581    when ds422760045 then
582 l_log_text := ' An error has occurred while attempting to change Duty Station 422760045,';
583 l_log_text := l_log_text || ' Fairfield/Delaware/Pennsylvania.  You must complete a Request for ';
584 l_log_text := l_log_text || 'Personnel action to move all affected employees from this Duty Station ';
585 l_log_text := l_log_text || 'to a different Duty Station. You may obtain a listing of all employees ';
586 l_log_text := l_log_text || 'in this Duty Station by running the Location Occupancy Report.';
587             ghr_mto_int.log_message
588                 (p_procedure         => 'DS 422760045'
589                ,p_message           => l_log_text
590                );
591             commit;
593    when old_not_in_opm then
594    l_log_text := 'The Old Location chosen has an associated Duty Station that is not one of the OPM mandated Duty Stations. ';
595    l_log_text := l_log_text || 'Please verify that the Old Location is correct. ';
596    l_log_text := l_log_text || 'Only OPM mandated changes can be run through the Duty Station Conversion. ';
597             ghr_mto_int.log_message
598              (p_procedure => 'Old Location'
599              ,p_message   => l_log_text
600               );
601             commit;
603    when new_not_in_opm then
604    l_log_text :=   'The New Location chosen has an associated Duty Station that is not one of the OPM mandated Duty Stations. ';
605    l_log_text := l_log_text || 'Please verify that the New Location is correct. ';
606    l_log_text := l_log_text || 'Only OPM mandated changes can be run through the  Duty Station Conversion. ';
607             ghr_mto_int.log_message
608              (p_procedure => 'New Location'
609              ,p_message   => l_log_text
610               );
611             commit;
613    when old_new_not_in_opm then
614             ghr_mto_int.log_message
615              (p_procedure => 'Old to New Combination'
616              ,p_message   => 'Old Location Duty station is mapped to a wrong New Location Duty Station'
617               );
618             commit;
620    when pay_area_id_err then
621 l_log_text :=  'This change in Locations results in a Change in Locality Pay Areas. ';
622 l_log_text := l_log_text || 'Therefore a Request for Personnel Action (RPA) must be completed for each ';
623 l_log_text := l_log_text || 'employee involved in this move. You may obtain a listing of all employees';
624 l_log_text := l_log_text || ' in this Location by running the Location Occupancy Report.';
625 l_log_text := l_log_text || ' Process a NOAC 895 to change the Locality Adjustment and Employee Location. ';
626 l_log_text := l_log_text || 'Use the Start Date the employee was first assigned to this location';
627 l_log_text := l_log_text || ', as of the effective date of the RPA. ';
629             ghr_mto_int.log_message
630                (p_procedure         => 'Locality Adjustment Different'
631                ,p_message           => l_log_text
632                );
633             commit;
634    when others then
635             rollback;
636             ghr_mto_int.log_message
637              (p_procedure => 'Conversion Failure'
638              ,p_message   => l_log_text || ' Sql error : '|| sqlerrm(sqlcode)
639               );
640             commit;
641  END do_conversion;
642 END ghr_ds_jan99_pkg;