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1 PACKAGE inv_logical_transactions_pvt AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: INVLTPVS.pls 115.3 2003/10/15 06:14:36 lplam noship $ */
7 -- Procedure
8 --    validate_input_parameters
9 -- Description
10 --    validate the input paremters before populating the
11 --    inventory transactions table.
13 PROCEDURE validate_input_parameters
14   (
15    x_return_status            	        OUT    	NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
16    , x_msg_count                	OUT    	NOCOPY NUMBER
17    , x_msg_data                 	OUT    	NOCOPY VARCHAR2
18    , p_api_version_number  IN          NUMBER := 1.0
19    , p_init_msg_lst        IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
20    , p_mtl_trx_tbl                 	IN     	inv_logical_transaction_global.mtl_trx_tbl_type
21    , p_validation_level         	IN     	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_true
22    , p_logical_trx_type_code	        IN	NUMBER  DEFAULT NULL
23    );
26 /*==========================================================================*
27  | Procedure : INV_MMT_INSERT                                               |
28  |                                                                          |
29  | Description : This API will be called by INV create logical transactions |
30  |               API to do a bulk insert into MTL_MATERIAL_TRANSACTIONS     |
31  |               table.                                                     |
32  |                                                                          |
33  | Input Parameters :                                                       |
34  |   p_api_version_number - API version number                              |
35  |   p_init_msg_lst       - Whether initialize the error message list or not|
36  |                          Should be fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true     |
37  |   p_mtl_trx_rec        - An array of mtl_trx_rec_type records            |
38  |                                                                          |
39  | Output Parameters :                                                      |
40  |   x_return_status      - fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded         |
41  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected     |
42  |                          error occurred                                  |
43  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if an unexpected |
44  |                          eror occurred                                   |
45  |   x_msg_count          - Number of error message in the error message    |
46  |                          list                                            |
47  |   x_msg_data           - If the number of error message in the error     |
48  |                          message list is one, the error message is in    |
49  |                          this output parameter                           |
50  *==========================================================================*/
52   PROCEDURE inv_mmt_insert
53    (
54       x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
55     , x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
56     , x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
57     , p_api_version_number  IN          NUMBER := 1.0
58     , p_init_msg_lst        IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
59     , p_mtl_trx_tbl         IN
60     inv_logical_transaction_global.mtl_trx_tbl_type
61     , p_logical_trx_type_code	        IN	NUMBER
62   );
64 /*==========================================================================*
65  | Procedure : INV_LOT_SERIAL_INSERT                                        |
66  |                                                                          |
67  | Description : This API will be called by INV create_logical_transactions |
68  |               API to do a bulk insert into mtl_transaction_lot_numbers if|
69  |               the item is lot control and insert into                    |
70  |               mtl_unit_transactions if the item is serial control.       |
71  |                                                                          |
72  | Input Parameters :                                                       |
73  |   p_api_version_number - API version number                              |
74  |   p_init_msg_lst       - Whether initialize the error message list or not|
75  |                          Should be fnd_api.g_false or fnd_api.g_true     |
76  |   p_parent_transaction_id  - the transaction id of the parent transaction|
77  |                              in mmt.                                     |
78  |   p_transaction_id     - the transaction id of the parent transaction in |
79  |                          mmt.                                            |
80  |   p_lot_control_code   - the lot control code of the item                |
81  |   p_serial_control_code - the serial control code of the item            |
82  |                                                                          |
83  | Output Parameters :                                                      |
84  |   x_return_status      - fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded         |
85  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected     |
86  |                          error occurred                                  |
87  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if an unexpected |
88  |                          eror occurred                                   |
89  |   x_msg_count          - Number of error message in the error message    |
90  |                          list                                            |
91  |   x_msg_data           - If the number of error message in the error     |
92  |                          message list is one, the error message is in    |
93  |                          this output parameter                           |
94  *==========================================================================*/
96  PROCEDURE inv_lot_serial_insert
97   (
98       x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
99     , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
100     , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
101     , p_api_version_number    IN          NUMBER := 1.0
102     , p_init_msg_lst          IN          VARCHAR2 DEFAULT fnd_api.g_false
103     , p_parent_transaction_id IN          NUMBER
104     , p_transaction_id        IN          NUMBER
105     , p_lot_control_code      IN          NUMBER
106     , p_serial_control_code   IN          NUMBER
107     , p_organization_id       IN          NUMBER
108     , p_inventory_item_id     IN          NUMBER
109     , p_primary_quantity      IN          NUMBER
110     , p_trx_source_type_id    IN          NUMBER
111     , p_revision              IN          VARCHAR2
112   );
114 /*==========================================================================*
115  | Procedure : GENERATE_SERIAL_NUMBERS                                      |
116  |                                                                          |
117  | Description : This API will generate serial numbers with the quantity    |
118  |               provided and store it in a pl/sql table.                   |
119  |                                                                          |
120  | Input Parameters :                                                       |
121  |   p_org_id   - the organization_id to generate the serial number.        |
122  |   p_item_id  - the inventory_item_id to generate the serial number.      |
123  |   p_lot_number - the lot number of the item.                             |
124  |   p_qty      - the number of serial numbers that need to be generated.   |
125  |   p_revision - the revision of the item.                                 |
126  |                                                                          |
127  | Output Parameters :                                                      |
128  |   x_return_status      - fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded         |
129  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected     |
130  |                          error occurred                                  |
131  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if an unexpected |
132  |                          eror occurred                                   |
133  |   x_msg_count          - Number of error message in the error message    |
134  |                          list                                            |
135  |   x_msg_data           - If the number of error message in the error     |
136  |                          message list is one, the error message is in    |
137  |                          this output parameter                           |
138  |   x_ser_num_tbl        - the pl/sql table of generated serial number.    |
139  *==========================================================================*/
141  PROCEDURE generate_serial_numbers
142   (
143       x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
144     , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
145     , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
146     , x_ser_num_tbl           OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR30_TBL
147     , p_org_id                IN          NUMBER
148     , p_item_id               IN          NUMBER
149     , p_lot_number            IN          VARCHAR2
150     , p_qty                   IN          NUMBER
151     , p_revision              IN          VARCHAR2
152   );
154 /*==========================================================================*
155  | Procedure : INV_MUT_INSERT                                               |
156  |                                                                          |
157  | Description : This API will insert records into mtl_unit_transactions.   |
158  |                                                                          |
159  | Input Parameters :                                                       |
160  |   p_parent_serial_trx_id   - the serial transaction id from the parent   |
161  |                              record                                      |
162  |   p_serial_transaction_id  - the serial transaction id that should insert|
163  |                              into mtl_unit_transactions.                 |
164  |   p_serial_number_tbl      - the serial numbers that need to be inserted |
165  |                              into mtl_unit_transactions.                 |
166  |   p_organization_id        - the organization id.                        |
167  |   p_inventory_item_Id      - the inventory item id.                      |
168  |   p_trx_source_type_id     - the transaction source type id.             |
169  |   p_receipt_issue_type     - the type of the transaction                 |
170  |                              1 - issue                                   |
171  |                              2 - receipt                                 |
172  | Output Parameters :                                                      |
173  |   x_return_status      - fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded         |
174  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected     |
175  |                          error occurred                                  |
176  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if an unexpected |
177  |                          eror occurred                                   |
178  |   x_msg_count          - Number of error message in the error message    |
179  |                          list                                            |
180  |   x_msg_data           - If the number of error message in the error     |
181  |                          message list is one, the error message is in    |
182  |                          this output parameter                           |
183  *==========================================================================*/
185  PROCEDURE inv_mut_insert
186   (
187       x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
188     , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY    NUMBER
189     , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY    VARCHAR2
190     , x_serial_number_tbl     IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR30_TBL
191     , p_parent_serial_trx_id  IN            NUMBER
192     , p_serial_transaction_id IN            NUMBER
193     , p_organization_id       IN            NUMBER
194     , p_inventory_item_id     IN            NUMBER
195     , p_trx_source_type_id    IN            NUMBER
196     , p_receipt_issue_type    IN            NUMBER
197   );
199 /*==========================================================================*
200  | Procedure : UPDATE_SERIAL_NUMBERS                                        |
201  |                                                                          |
202  | Description : This API will update the current_status of the serial      |
203  |               number in mtl_serial_numbers to issue out of store.        |
204  |                                                                          |
205  | Input Parameters :                                                       |
206  |   p_serial_number_tbl      - the serial numbers that need to be updated  |
207  |                              in mtl_serial_numbers.                      |
208  |   p_organization_id        - the organization id.                        |
209  |   p_inventory_item_Id      - the inventory item id.                      |
210  |                                                                          |
211  | Output Parameters :                                                      |
212  |   x_return_status      - fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success, if succeeded         |
213  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_exc_error, if an expected     |
214  |                          error occurred                                  |
215  |                          fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error, if an unexpected |
216  |                          eror occurred                                   |
217  |   x_msg_count          - Number of error message in the error message    |
218  |                          list                                            |
219  |   x_msg_data           - If the number of error message in the error     |
220  |                          message list is one, the error message is in    |
221  |                          this output parameter                           |
222  *==========================================================================*/
223  PROCEDURE update_serial_numbers
224   (
225       x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
226     , x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER
227     , x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
228     , p_ser_num_tbl           IN          VARCHAR30_TBL
229     , p_organization_id       IN          NUMBER
230     , p_inventory_item_id     IN          NUMBER
231   );
233 END inv_logical_transactions_pvt;