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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

    select null
      from hr_lookups
     where lookup_code  = p_lookup_code
       and lookup_type  = p_lookup_type
       and p_effective_date between
               nvl(start_date_active, p_effective_date)
           and nvl(end_date_active, p_effective_date);
Line: 82

    select null
      from hr_standard_lookups
     where lookup_code  = p_lookup_code
       and lookup_type  = p_lookup_type
       and p_effective_date between
               nvl(start_date_active, p_effective_date)
           and nvl(end_date_active, p_effective_date);
Line: 127

    select pbg.security_group_id
      from per_business_groups_perf pbg
         , ben_ext_incl_chg xic
     where xic.ext_incl_chg_id = p_ext_incl_chg_id
       and pbg.business_group_id = xic.business_group_id;
Line: 276

    select null
    from   ben_ext_rcd_in_file a
    where  a.ext_rcd_in_file_id = p_ext_rcd_in_file_id;
Line: 352

    select null
    from   ben_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd a
    where  a.ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id = p_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id;
Line: 432

  cursor c1 is select sprs_cd
  from ben_ext_rcd_in_file
  where ext_rcd_in_file_id = p_ext_rcd_in_file_id;
Line: 435

  cursor c2 is select sprs_cd
  from ben_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd
  where ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id = p_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id;
Line: 440

 select 'x'
 from pay_event_groups
 where event_group_id = p_chg_evt_cd
Line: 566

  cursor c1 is select 'x'
  from ben_ext_incl_chg
  where ext_rcd_in_file_id = p_ext_rcd_in_file_id
  and   chg_evt_cd = p_chg_evt_cd
  and   (p_ext_incl_chg_id <> ext_incl_chg_id or p_ext_incl_chg_id is null ) ;
Line: 573

   cursor c2 is select 'x'
  from ben_ext_incl_chg
  where ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id = p_ext_data_elmt_in_rcd_id
  and   chg_evt_cd = p_chg_evt_cd
  and   (p_ext_incl_chg_id <> ext_incl_chg_id or p_ext_incl_chg_id is null ) ;
Line: 625

  (p_insert               IN boolean
  ,p_business_group_id    IN number
  ,p_legislation_code     IN varchar2
  ,p_legislation_subgroup IN varchar2 DEFAULT NULL) IS
  -- Call the supporting procedure to check startup mode
  IF (p_insert) THEN
    -- Call procedure to check startup_action for inserts.
      (p_generic_allowed   => TRUE
      ,p_startup_allowed   => TRUE
      ,p_user_allowed      => TRUE
      ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id
      ,p_legislation_code  => p_legislation_code
      ,p_legislation_subgroup => p_legislation_subgroup
Line: 665

Procedure insert_validate(p_rec in ben_xic_shd.g_rec_type
                         ,p_effective_date in date) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'insert_validate';
Line: 717

End insert_validate;
Line: 722

Procedure update_validate(p_rec in ben_xic_shd.g_rec_type
                         ,p_effective_date in date) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'update_validate';
Line: 774

End update_validate;
Line: 779

Procedure delete_validate(p_rec in ben_xic_shd.g_rec_type
                         ,p_effective_date in date) is
  l_proc  varchar2(72) := g_package||'delete_validate';
Line: 795

End delete_validate;
Line: 808

    select b.business_group_id
    from   ben_ext_incl_chg b
    where b.ext_incl_chg_id      = p_ext_incl_chg_id