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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 43

	SELECT DECODE(pp_component,'DAY'   , ( TO_NUMBER(pp_factor)* -1 )+ pp_date
                       ,'WEEK'  , ( TO_NUMBER(pp_factor)* -7 )+ pp_date
                       ,'MONTH' , ADD_MONTHS(pp_date,-1*TO_NUMBER(pp_factor))
                       ,'YEAR'  , ADD_MONTHS(pp_date, TO_NUMBER(pp_factor)* -12 )
    INTO   ld_date
Line: 61

	SELECT DECODE(pp_component,'DAY'   , ( TO_NUMBER(pp_factor) )+ pp_date
                       ,'WEEK'  , ( TO_NUMBER(pp_factor)* 7 )+ pp_date
                       ,'MONTH' , ADD_MONTHS(pp_date,TO_NUMBER(pp_factor))
                       ,'YEAR'  , ADD_MONTHS(pp_date, TO_NUMBER(pp_factor)*12 )
    INTO   ld_date
Line: 75

    SELECT date1, date2, date3, date4
    FROM   igi_rpi_period_schedules
    WHERE  schedule_id  = pp_schedule_id
    AND    nvl(enabled_flag,'Y') = 'Y';
Line: 128

    SELECT date1, date2, date3, date4
    FROM   igi_rpi_period_schedules
    WHERE  schedule_id  = pp_schedule_id
    AND    nvl(enabled_flag,'Y') = 'Y';
Line: 183

       SELECT  sc.period_name
       FROM    igi_rpi_standing_charges sc
       WHERE   sc.standing_charge_id = pp_standing_charge_id
       AND     sc.set_of_books_id          = ( select set_of_books_id
                                    from   ar_system_parameters )
       AND  sc.status = CHARGE_STATUS
Line: 191

       SELECT nvl(js.schedule_id,0) schedule_id
               , jr.component
               , jr.factor
     FROM    igi_rpi_component_periods       jr
     ,       igi_rpi_period_schedules js
     WHERE jr.period_name =   pp_period_name
     AND  jr.schedule_id =   js.schedule_id
     AND  js.period_name  = pp_period_name
     SELECT  0 schedule_id, jr.component, jr.factor
     FROM    igi_rpi_component_periods   jr
     WHERE    jr.period_name  = pp_period_name
     AND    NOT EXISTS ( select 'x'
                         from igi_rpi_period_schedules js
                         where js.period_name = jr.period_name
                           and js.schedule_id = jr.schedule_id
Line: 235

       SELECT  sc.period_name
       FROM    igi_rpi_standing_charges sc
       WHERE   sc.standing_charge_id = pp_standing_charge_id
       AND     sc.set_of_books_id          = ( select set_of_books_id
                                    from   ar_system_parameters )
       AND  sc.status = CHARGE_STATUS
Line: 243

       SELECT nvl(js.schedule_id,-1) schedule_id
               , jr.component
               , jr.factor
     FROM    igi_rpi_component_periods       jr
     ,       igi_rpi_period_schedules js
     WHERE jr.period_name =   pp_period_name
     AND  jr.schedule_id =   js.schedule_id
     AND  js.period_name  = pp_period_name
     SELECT   0 schedule_id, jr.component, jr.factor
     FROM    igi_rpi_component_periods   jr
     WHERE    jr.period_name  = pp_period_name
     AND    NOT EXISTS ( select 'x'
                         from igi_rpi_period_schedules js
                         where js.period_name = jr.period_name
                           and js.schedule_id = jr.schedule_id )
Line: 280

PROCEDURE UpdateStandingCharges
        ( pp_standing_charge_id  IN NUMBER
        , pp_generate_sequence IN NUMBER )
CURSOR C_UpdateStandingCharges (cp_standing_charge_id IN NUMBER
                               ,cp_generate_sequence IN NUMBER )
SELECT sc.standing_charge_id , sc.rowid sc_rowid, sc.charge_reference,
       sc.start_date, sc.standing_charge_date
,      sc.end_date , sc.next_due_date , sc.previous_due_date
,      sc.advance_arrears_ind
,      nvl(sc.date_synchronized_flag,ALREADY_SYNC_STATUS) date_synchronized_flag
FROM     igi_rpi_standing_charges  sc
WHERE sc.standing_charge_id     = cp_standing_charge_id
AND sc.generate_sequence        = cp_generate_sequence
AND sc.set_of_books_id          = ( select set_of_books_id
                                    from   ar_system_parameters )
AND  sc.status = CHARGE_STATUS
Line: 300

   select rowid row_id, start_date
   from   igi_rpi_line_details
   where  standing_charge_id = cp_standing_charge_id
   and    start_date is not null
Line: 305

lv_update_sc    C_UpdateStandingCharges%ROWTYPE;
Line: 314

        FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg1',
                                      ' Beginning of UpdateStandingCharges...');
Line: 318

    FOR lv_update_sc IN  C_UpdateStandingCharges (pp_standing_charge_id,pp_generate_sequence)

        --WriteToLog ( ' ------------------------------------------------------- ');
Line: 329

            FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg2',
                                          ' Standing Charge ID  '|| lv_update_sc.standing_charge_id );
Line: 331

            FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg3',
                                          ' Standing Charge Ref '|| lv_update_sc.charge_reference );
Line: 333

            FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg4',
                                          ' Old  Next Due Date  '|| lv_update_sc.next_due_date );
Line: 338

          if lv_update_sc.date_synchronized_flag = SYNCHRONIZED_STATUS
            ld_new_next_due_date  :=  GetNewNextDate ( lv_update_sc.standing_charge_id
                                                 , lv_update_sc.next_due_date
Line: 345

             IF (lv_update_sc.standing_charge_date IS NOT NULL) THEN
            ld_new_sc_date         :=  GetNewNextDate ( lv_update_sc.standing_charge_id
                                                 , lv_update_sc.standing_charge_date
Line: 357

                FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg5',
                                              ' New Next due Date   '|| ld_new_next_due_date );
Line: 359

                FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg6',
                                              ' New GL Date         '|| ld_new_sc_date );
Line: 368

                   FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg7',
                                                 'New Next due date is null.');
Line: 379

                   FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg8',
                                                 'New GL date is null ');
Line: 387

            SET   next_due_date     = ld_new_next_due_date,
              standing_charge_date  = ld_new_sc_date,
              previous_due_date = lv_update_sc.next_due_date,
              date_synchronized_flag = ALREADY_SYNC_STATUS
            WHERE ROWID           = lv_update_sc.sc_rowid
Line: 395

            FOR l_lines in C_lines( lv_update_sc.standing_charge_id)
                ld_new_ld_date :=  GetNewNextDate
                                   ( lv_update_sc.standing_charge_id
                                   ,  l_lines.start_date
Line: 405

                       FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg9',
                                                     'New Next due date is null.');
Line: 412

                UPDATE igi_rpi_line_details
                SET    start_date = ld_new_ld_date
                WHERE  rowid      = l_lines.row_id
Line: 424

        FND_LOG.STRING(l_state_level, 'igi.plsql.igirrps.update_standing_charges.Msg10',
                                      'End UpateStandingCharges...');
Line: 449

       SELECT   sc.standing_charge_id, sc.generate_sequence
                , sc.batch_source_id
                , sc.charge_reference
       FROM     igi_rpi_standing_charges sc
       WHERE    sc.set_of_books_id  = p_set_of_books_id
       AND      sc.standing_charge_id = nvl( p_standing_charge_id
                                         , sc.standing_charge_id )
       AND      sc.batch_source_id  = nvl(p_batch_source_id,
       AND      sc.status = CHARGE_STATUS
       AND      sc.next_due_date   <= p_run_date
       and      sc.date_synchronized_flag = NOT_SYNC_STATUS
Line: 464

       SELECT   rct.interface_header_attribute1 trx_sc_id
       ,        rct.interface_header_attribute2 trx_seq
       ,        rct.customer_Trx_id
       ,        rct.trx_date
       ,        rsc.next_due_date
       ,        rsc.advance_arrears_ind
       ,        rsc.batch_source_id
       ,	rsc.default_invoicing_rule
       from     ra_customer_trx rct
       ,        igi_rpi_standing_charges rsc
       where    rct.batch_source_id  = nvl(cp_batch_source_id,
                                        rct.batch_source_id )
       and      rct.set_of_books_id  = p_set_of_books_id
       and      to_char(rsc.standing_charge_id) = rct.interface_header_attribute1
       and      to_char(rsc.generate_sequence)  = rct.interface_header_attribute2
       and      rsc.set_of_books_id    = p_set_of_books_id
--     AND      rsc.standing_charge_id = nvl( p_standing_charge_id
--                                         , rsc.standing_charge_id )
       AND      rsc.standing_charge_id = nvl( cp_standing_charge_id
                                         , rsc.standing_charge_id ) /* BUG 3951309 agovil */
       AND      rsc.batch_source_id    = nvl(cp_batch_source_id
                                         , rsc.batch_source_id )
       and      trunc(rsc.next_due_date)      <= trunc(p_run_date)
       and      rsc.date_synchronized_flag = NOT_SYNC_STATUS
       and      exists
                ( select 'x'
                  from   igi_ar_system_options
                  where  rpi_header_context_code = rct.interface_header_context
       and      exists
                ( select 'x'
                  from   ra_customer_trx_lines rctl
                  where  rctl.customer_trx_id = rct.customer_trx_id
Line: 500

/*Added additional columns in line_det for retrieving price and effective date to update
the Standing Charges and Price History - RPI Enhancement.*/
cursor line_det ( cp_sc_id in  number)  is
       select   line_item_id,
       from igi_rpi_line_details_all
       where standing_charge_id = cp_sc_id
Line: 583

                 SELECT interface_line_id
                 FROM   ra_interface_lines
                 WHERE  interface_line_attribute1 = to_char(l_sc.standing_charge_id)
                 AND    interface_line_attribute2 = to_char(l_sc.generate_sequence)
Line: 597

                  delete from ra_interface_errors
                  where  interface_line_id = l_xface.interface_line_id
Line: 605

                                                       ' Deleted the errors information.');
Line: 612

              delete from ra_interface_salescredits
                 WHERE  interface_line_attribute1 = to_char(l_sc.standing_charge_id)
                 AND    interface_line_attribute2 = to_char(l_sc.generate_sequence)
Line: 621

                                                       ' Deleted the Sales information.');
Line: 625

              delete from ra_interface_distributions
                 WHERE  interface_line_attribute1 = to_char(l_sc.standing_charge_id)
                 AND    interface_line_attribute2 = to_char(l_sc.generate_sequence)
Line: 634

                                                       ' Deleted the Distribution information.');
Line: 638

              delete from ra_interface_lines
                 WHERE  interface_line_attribute1 = to_char(l_sc.standing_charge_id)
                 AND    interface_line_attribute2 = to_char(l_sc.generate_sequence)
Line: 647

                                                ' Interface information deleted for '||
                                                  l_sc.standing_charge_id );
Line: 651

              update igi_rpi_standing_charges
              set    date_synchronized_flag = ALREADY_SYNC_STATUS
              where  standing_charge_id     = l_sc.standing_charge_id
              and    generate_sequence      = l_sc.generate_sequence
              and    date_synchronized_flag = NOT_SYNC_STATUS
Line: 699

               UpdateStandingCharges  ( l_trx.trx_sc_id ,l_trx.trx_seq ) ;
Line: 704

      Select next_due_date
      into   l_next_due_date
      From   igi_rpi_standing_charges
      Where  standing_charge_id = l_trx.trx_sc_id
      And    generate_sequence =  l_trx.trx_seq
Line: 716

and the where condn for next due date in update statement
for Bug NO 2454958 */
	IF (trunc(line_rec.revised_effective_date) <= trunc(p_run_date)) THEN

		igi_rpi_line_audit_det_all_pkg.insert_row (
             x_mode                              => 'R',
             x_rowid                             => lv_rowid,
             x_standing_charge_id                => TO_NUMBER (l_trx.trx_sc_id),
             x_line_item_id                      => TO_NUMBER (line_rec.LINE_ITEM_ID),
             x_charge_item_number                => TO_NUMBER (line_rec.CHARGE_ITEM_NUMBER),
             x_item_id                           => TO_NUMBER (line_rec.ITEM_ID),
             x_price                             => line_rec.REVISED_PRICE,
             x_effective_date                    => line_rec.REVISED_EFFECTIVE_DATE,
             x_revised_price                     => null,
             x_revised_effective_date            => null,
             x_run_id                            => TO_NUMBER (line_rec.RUN_ID),
             x_org_id                            => TO_NUMBER (line_rec.ORG_ID),
	     x_previous_price                    => line_rec.PRICE,
      	     x_previous_effective_date           => line_rec.CURRENT_EFFECTIVE_DATE

Line: 737

               update igi_rpi_line_details_all
               set previous_price           = price,
                  previous_effective_date  = current_effective_date,
                  price                    = revised_price,
                  current_effective_date   = revised_effective_date,
                  revised_price            = '',
                  revised_effective_date   = ''
               where line_item_id           = line_rec.line_item_id
               and trunc(revised_effective_date)
                       <= trunc(p_run_date);
Line: 754

               UpdateStandingCharges  ( l_trx.trx_sc_id ,l_trx.trx_seq ) ;