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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_se_hcir AS
2    /* $Header: pysehcir.pkb 120.0.12000000.1 2007/07/18 11:07:49 psingla noship $ */
3    PROCEDURE get_data (
4       p_business_group_id   IN              NUMBER,
5       p_payroll_action_id   IN              VARCHAR2,
6       p_template_name       IN              VARCHAR2,
7       p_xml                 OUT NOCOPY      CLOB
8    ) IS
9       --Cursors needed for report
10       CURSOR csr_all_legal_employer (
11          csr_v_pa_id   pay_action_information.action_context_id%TYPE
12       ) IS
13          SELECT action_information4 legal_employer_name, action_information5 org_number,
14 	        fnd_date.canonical_to_date(action_information6) curr_start_date,
15 		fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information7)curr_end_date,
16 		fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information8) prev_start_date,
17 		fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information9) prev_end_date,
18                 fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information10)
19                       curr_avg_men_count,
20                 fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information11) curr_avg_women_count,
21                 fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information12)
22                       prev_avg_men_count,
23                 fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information13) prev_avg_women_count, effective_date
24          FROM   pay_action_information
25          WHERE action_context_type = 'PA'
26          AND   action_context_id = csr_v_pa_id
27          AND   action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
28          AND   action_information1 = 'PYSEHCIA'
29          AND   action_information2 = 'LE';
31       l_payroll_action_id   pay_action_information.action_information1%TYPE;
32       l_counter             NUMBER                                            := 0;
33    BEGIN
34       IF p_payroll_action_id IS NULL THEN
35          BEGIN
36             SELECT payroll_action_id
37             INTO  l_payroll_action_id
38             FROM   pay_payroll_actions ppa, fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs, fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs1
39             WHERE fcrs.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
40             AND   fcrs.priority_request_id = fcrs1.priority_request_id
41             AND   ppa.request_id BETWEEN fcrs1.request_id AND fcrs.request_id
42             AND   ppa.request_id = fcrs1.request_id;
43          EXCEPTION
44             WHEN OTHERS THEN
45                NULL;
46          END;
47       ELSE
48          l_payroll_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
49       END IF;
51       FOR i IN csr_all_legal_employer (l_payroll_action_id)
52       LOOP
53          --
54          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_NAME';
55          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.legal_employer_name;
56          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
57          --
58          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_NUM';
59          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.org_number;
60          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
61 	  --
62          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'CURR_START_DATE';
63          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char(i.curr_start_date,'YYYYMMDD');
64          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
65 	  --
66          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'CURR_END_DATE';
67          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char(i.curr_end_date,'YYYYMMDD');
68          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
70 	   --
71          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PREV_START_DATE';
72          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char(i.prev_start_date,'YYYYMMDD');
73          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
75 	   --
76          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PREV_END_DATE';
77          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := to_char(i.prev_end_date,'YYYYMMDD');
78          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
79          --
80          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'CURR_AVG_MEN_COUNT';
81          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.curr_avg_men_count;
82          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
83          --
84          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'CURR_AVG_WOMEN_COUNT';
85          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.curr_avg_women_count;
86          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
87          --
88          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PREV_AVG_MEN_COUNT';
89          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.prev_avg_men_count;
90          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
91          --
92          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PREV_AVG_WOMEN_COUNT';
93          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.prev_avg_women_count;
94          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
95          --
96          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'CURR_AVG_TOTAL_COUNT';
97          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.curr_avg_men_count + i.curr_avg_women_count;
98          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
99          --
100          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PREV_AVG_TOTAL_COUNT';
101          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.prev_avg_men_count + i.prev_avg_women_count;
102          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
103       --
104       END LOOP;
106       writetoclob (p_xml);
107    END get_data;
109 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
110    PROCEDURE writetoclob (
111       p_xfdf_clob   OUT NOCOPY   CLOB
112    ) IS
113       l_xfdf_string    CLOB;
114       l_iana_charset   VARCHAR2 (30);
115       current_index    PLS_INTEGER;
116       l_str1           VARCHAR2 (1000);
117       l_str2           VARCHAR2 (20);
118       l_str3           VARCHAR2 (20);
119       l_str4           VARCHAR2 (20);
120       l_str5           VARCHAR2 (20);
121       l_str6           VARCHAR2 (30);
122       l_str7           VARCHAR2 (1000);
123       l_str8           VARCHAR2 (240);
124       l_str9           VARCHAR2 (240);
125       l_str10          VARCHAR2 (20);
126       l_str11          VARCHAR2 (20);
127       l_str12          VARCHAR2 (30);
128       l_str13          VARCHAR2 (30);
129       l_str14          VARCHAR2 (30);
130       l_str15          VARCHAR2 (30);
131    BEGIN
132       l_iana_charset := hr_se_utility.get_iana_charset;
133       l_str1 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' || l_iana_charset || '"?> <ROOT><PAACR>';
134       l_str2 := '<';
135       l_str3 := '>';
136       l_str4 := '</';
137       l_str5 := '>';
138       l_str6 := '</PAACR></ROOT>';
139       l_str7 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' || l_iana_charset || '"?> <ROOT></ROOT>';
140       l_str10 := '<PAACR>';
141       l_str11 := '</PAACR>';
142       l_str12 := '<FILE_HEADER_START>';
143       l_str13 := '</FILE_HEADER_START>';
144       l_str14 := '<LE_RECORD>';
145       l_str15 := '</LE_RECORD>';
146       dbms_lob.createtemporary (l_xfdf_string, FALSE , dbms_lob.CALL);
147       dbms_lob.OPEN (l_xfdf_string, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);
148       current_index := 0;
150       IF xml_tab.count > 0 THEN
151          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str1), l_str1);
152          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str12), l_str12);
154          FOR table_counter IN xml_tab.FIRST .. xml_tab.LAST
155          LOOP
156             l_str8 := xml_tab (table_counter).tagname;
157             l_str9 := xml_tab (table_counter).tagvalue;
159             IF l_str8 = 'ORG_NAME' THEN
160                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str14), l_str14);
161             END IF;
163             IF l_str9 IS NOT NULL THEN
164                l_str9 := '<![CDATA[' || l_str9 || ']]>';
165                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str2), l_str2);
166                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
167                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str3), l_str3);
168                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str9), l_str9);
169                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str4), l_str4);
170                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
171                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str5), l_str5);
172             ELSE
173                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str2), l_str2);
174                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
175                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str3), l_str3);
176                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str4), l_str4);
177                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str8), l_str8);
178                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str5), l_str5);
179             END IF;
181             IF xml_tab.LAST = table_counter THEN
182                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str15), l_str15);
183             ELSIF xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname = 'ORG_NAME' AND l_str8 <> 'REPORT_DATE' THEN
184                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str15), l_str15);
185             END IF;
186          END LOOP;
188          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str13), l_str13);
189          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str6), l_str6);
190       ELSE
191          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, LENGTH (l_str7), l_str7);
192       END IF;
194       p_xfdf_clob := l_xfdf_string;
195       hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving WritetoCLOB ', 20);
196    END writetoclob;
197 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 END pay_se_hcir;