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Line 7317: inl_adj_associations_v a, --BUG#9804065

7313: INTO
7314: l_sum_chLnAmt
7315: FROM
7316: inl_adj_charge_lines_v cl,
7317: inl_adj_associations_v a, --BUG#9804065
7318: inl_ship_lines_all sl,
7319: inl_ship_line_groups slg,
7320: inl_ship_headers_all sh
7321: WHERE

Line 11149: inl_adj_associations_v a

11145: CURSOR c_elc_adj_chlines IS
11146: SELECT DISTINCT charge_line_id
11147: FROM inl_ship_headers_all sh,
11148: inl_adj_charge_lines_v cl,
11149: inl_adj_associations_v a
11150: WHERE sh.ship_header_id = a.ship_header_id
11151: AND a.from_parent_table_id = cl.charge_line_id
11152: AND sh.pending_update_flag = 'Y'
11153: AND a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'

Line 11410: FROM inl_adj_associations_v a

11406: LOOP
11407: -- Check if associations changed
11408: SELECT COUNT(1)
11409: INTO l_count_assoc_changed
11410: FROM inl_adj_associations_v a
11411: WHERE a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'
11412: AND a.from_parent_table_id = l_elc_adj_chlines(i).charge_line_id
11413: AND a.adjustment_type_flag IS NOT NULL
11414: AND a.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id;

Line 11425: FROM inl_adj_associations_v a

11421: IF NVL(l_count_assoc_changed,0) > 0 THEN -- associations changed
11422: -- Check if charge contains associations
11423: SELECT COUNT(1)
11424: INTO l_exist_associations
11425: FROM inl_adj_associations_v a
11426: WHERE a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'
11427: AND a.from_parent_table_id = l_elc_adj_chlines(i).charge_line_id
11428: AND (a.adjustment_type_flag IS NULL
11429: OR a.adjustment_type_flag = 'A')

Line 11600: FROM inl_adj_associations_v a

11596: l_fnd_user_id, -- 11
11597: SYSDATE, -- 12
11598: L_FND_LOGIN_ID, -- 13
11599: NULL -- 14
11600: FROM inl_adj_associations_v a
11601: WHERE a.ship_header_id = p_ship_header_id
11602: AND a.from_parent_table_name = 'INL_CHARGE_LINES'
11603: AND a.from_parent_table_id = l_elc_adj_chlines(i).charge_line_id
11604: AND (a.adjustment_type_flag IS NULL