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1 PACKAGE BODY per_jp_report_common_pkg
2 -- $Header: pejpcmrp.pkb 120.0.12010000.7 2009/07/20 16:50:06 mdarbha noship $
3 -- *************************************************************************
4 -- * Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation Japan,2009       Product Development.
5 -- * All rights reserved
6 -- *************************************************************************
7 -- *
9 -- * pejpcmrp.pkb
10 -- *
12 -- * This script creates the package body of per_jp_report_common_pkg
13 -- *
15 -- *   None
16 -- *
17 -- * CALLED BY
18 -- *   Concurrent Program
19 -- *
20 -- * LAST UPDATE DATE   08-JUN-2009
21 -- *   Date the program has been modified for the last time
22 -- *
23 -- * HISTORY
24 -- * =======
25 -- *
26 -- * DATE        AUTHOR(S)  VERSION           BUG NO     DESCRIPTION
27 -- * -----------+---------+-----------------+----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
28 -- * 26-MAY-2009 SPATTEM    120.0.12010000.1  8558615    Creation
29 -- * 08-JUN-2009 SPATTEM    120.0.12010000.2  8558615    Changes done as per review Comments
30 -- * 23-JUN-2009 SPATTEM    120.0.12010000.5  8623767    Changed the lcu_org_hierarchy query to get data from all levels.
31 -- * 12-JUL-2009 MDARBHA   120.0.12010000.6  8667163    Changed the lcu_org_hierarchy query to get all the organizations related to a Business Group
32 --                                                                                            Added cursor lcu_org_hierarchy query_nn to get the organizations in case the Organization parameter is null.
33 --* 20-JUL-2009 MDARBHA   120.0.12010000.7  8675479    Changed the lcu_org_hierarchy query to get only the organizations from primary hierarchy
34 --
35 -- *********************************************************************************************************************************
36 AS
37 --
38   gb_debug                BOOLEAN;
39 --
40   FUNCTION get_org_hirerachy(p_business_group_id     IN per_assignments_f.business_group_id%TYPE
41                             ,p_organization_id       IN per_assignments_f.organization_id%TYPE
42                             ,p_include_org_hierarchy IN VARCHAR2
43                             )
44   RETURN gt_org_tbl
45   AS
46 --
47 --  bug # 8623767 - Modified the query to get all levels in hierarchy
48 -- bug # 8667163 -Modified to get all the organizations related to a Business Group
49     CURSOR lcu_org_hierarchy
50     IS
51     SELECT organization_id
52     FROM   hr_all_organization_units
53     WHERE  business_group_id=p_business_group_id
54 	AND    organization_id NOT IN(SELECT business_group_id
55 	                             FROM hr_organization_units
56 								 WHERE business_group_id=p_business_group_id);
57 --
58 --	bug # 8667163 -Modified to get all the organizations related to a Organization Passed as a parameter.
59     CURSOR lcu_org_hierarchy_nn
60     IS
61     SELECT DISTINCT POSE.organization_id_child organization_id
62     FROM   per_org_structure_elements POSE
63 	      ,per_organization_structures POS
64 	      ,per_org_structure_versions POSV
65     WHERE  POSE.business_group_id                 = p_business_group_id
66     AND    p_include_org_hierarchy                = 'Y'
67     AND    POSV.org_structure_version_id = POSE.org_structure_version_id
68 	AND    POS.primary_structure_flag='Y'
69 	AND    POS.organization_structure_id = POSV.organization_structure_id
70     START   WITH POSE.organization_id_parent      = p_organization_id
71     CONNECT BY PRIOR POSE.organization_id_child   = POSE.organization_id_parent;
72 --
73     lt_org_id    gt_org_tbl;
74     ln_index    NUMBER := 0;
75 --
76   BEGIN
77 --
78   gb_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
79 --
80   IF gb_debug THEN
81       hr_utility.set_location ('In Organization Hierarchy Package',10);
82   END IF;
83 --
84   IF p_business_group_id = p_organization_id  THEN
85 --
86 	IF gb_debug THEN
87       hr_utility.set_location ('Business_group_id=Organization_id',10);
88     END IF;
89 --
90     FOR lr_org_hierarchy IN lcu_org_hierarchy
91       LOOP
92         ln_index := ln_index + 1;
93         lt_org_id(ln_index)  := lr_org_hierarchy.organization_id;
94 --
95 		IF gb_debug THEN
96          hr_utility.set_location (lr_org_hierarchy.organization_id,10);
97         END IF;
98 --
99     END LOOP;
100   ELSE
101      FOR lr_org_hierarchy IN lcu_org_hierarchy_nn
102        LOOP
103          ln_index := ln_index + 1;
104          lt_org_id(ln_index)  := lr_org_hierarchy.organization_id;
105 --
106 		 IF gb_debug THEN
107          hr_utility.set_location (lr_org_hierarchy.organization_id,10);
108         END IF;
109 --
110     END LOOP;
111   END IF;
112 --
113     ln_index := ln_index + 1;
114     lt_org_id(ln_index)  := p_organization_id;
115 --
116 	IF gb_debug THEN
117          hr_utility.set_location (p_organization_id,10);
118     END IF;
119 --
120     RETURN lt_org_id;
121 --
122   END get_org_hirerachy;
124 END per_jp_report_common_pkg;