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1 package body Wf_Directory as
2 /* $Header: wfdirb.pls 120.41 2010/07/16 04:18:47 dafang ship $ */
4 --
5 -- Private variables and APIs
6 --
7 hasBulkSyncView boolean;
8 g_origSystem    varchar2(30);
9 g_partitionID   number;
10 g_localPartitionID number;
11 g_partitionName varchar2(30);
12 g_localPartitionName varchar2(30);
13 g_system_status  varchar2(30);
15 -- logging variable
16 g_plsqlName varchar2(30) := 'wf.plsql.WF_DIRECTORY.';
18 -- System_Status (PRIVATE)
19 -- Returns the current System Status
20 function System_Status
21 return varchar2
22 is
23 begin
24   if wf_directory.g_system_status is null then
25    wf_directory.g_system_status:= wf_core.translate('WF_SYSTEM_STATUS');
26   end if;
27   return wf_directory.g_system_status;
28 end;
29 --
30 -- MinDate (PRIVATE)
31 --   Return the earliest of the two dates
32 -- IN
33 --   date1
34 --   date2
35 -- OUT
36 -- RETURN
37 --   date
38 --
39 function MinDate(date1 in date,
40                  date2 in date)
41 return date
42 is
43 begin
44   if (date2 is not null) then
45     --
46     -- when date2 is non-null, so we need to check
47     -- both if date1 is null and which is ealier.
48     --
49     if (date1 is null or date2 < date1) then
50       return(date2);
51     end if;
52   end if;
54   -- Note that date1 could be null
55   return date1;
56 end MinDate;
58 --
59 -- IsBulkSync (Private)
60 --   Return true if bulk sync view exists
61 --
62 -- RETURN
63 --   boolean
64 --
65 function IsBulkSync
66 return boolean
67 is
68   cnt number;
69 begin
70   if (hasBulkSyncView is null) then
72     select count(1) into cnt
73       from USER_VIEWS
74      where VIEW_NAME = 'WF_FND_USR_ROLES';
76     if (cnt = 0) then
77       hasBulkSyncView := false;
78     else
79       hasBulkSyncView := true;
80     end if;
81   end if;
83   return hasBulkSyncView;
84 end IsBulkSync;
87 --
88 -- String_To_UserTable (PRIVATE)
89 --   Converts a comma/space delimited string of users into a UserTable
90 -- IN
91 --   P_UserList  VARCHAR2
92 -- OUT
93 -- RETURN
94 --   P_UserTable WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable
95 --
96 procedure String_To_UserTable (p_UserList  in VARCHAR2,
97                                p_UserTable out NOCOPY WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable)
98 is
100   c1          pls_integer;
101   u1          pls_integer := 0;
102   l_userList  varchar2(32000);
104 begin
105   if (p_UserList is not NULL) then
106     --
107     -- Substring and insert users into UserTable
108     --
109     l_userList := ltrim(p_UserList);
110     <<UserLoop>>
111     loop
112       c1 := instr(l_userList, ',');
113       if (c1 = 0) then
114          c1 := instr(l_userList, ' ');
115         if (c1 = 0) then
116           p_UserTable(u1) := l_userList;
117           exit;
118         else
119           p_UserTable(u1) := substr(l_userList, 1, c1-1);
120         end if;
121       else
122         p_UserTable(u1) := substr(l_userList, 1, c1-1);
123       end if;
124       u1 := u1 + 1;
125       l_userList := ltrim(substr(l_userList, c1+1));
126     end loop UserLoop;
127   end if;
128 end String_To_UserTable;
131 --
132 -- CompositeName (PRIVATE)
133 --   Extracts the origSystem/origSystemID from a composite name
134 -- IN
135 --   p_CompositeName  VARCHAR2
136 -- OUT
137 --   p_CompositeName  VARCHAR2
138 --   p_origSystem     VARCHAR2
139 --   p_origSystemID   NUMBER
140 -- RETURN
141 --   boolean
142 --     TRUE - if name is composite
143 --     FALSE - if name is not composite
144 --
145 function CompositeName (p_CompositeName IN VARCHAR2,
146                         p_OrigSystem OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
147                         p_OrigSystemID OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) return boolean is
149   invalidNumConv EXCEPTION;
150   pragma exception_init(invalidNumConv, -6502);
151   colon NUMBER;
153   begin
154     colon := instr(p_CompositeName,':');
155     if (colon <> 0) then
156       p_origSystemID := to_number(substrb(p_CompositeName, colon+1));
157       p_origSystem := substrb(p_CompositeName, 1, colon-1);
158       return TRUE;
159     else
160       return FALSE;
161     end if;
162   exception
163     when invalidNumConv then
164       return FALSE;
166     when others then
167       wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','CompositeName',p_CompositeName);
168       raise;
169   end;
171 --
172 -- End Private API section
173 --
175 --
177 --   list of users who perform role
178 -- IN
179 --   role
180 -- OUT
181 --   table of users that perform the role
182 --
183 procedure GetRoleUsers(
184   role in varchar2,
185   users out NOCOPY Wf_Directory.UserTable)
187 is
188   l_origSystem VARCHAR2(30);
189   l_origSystemID NUMBER;
190   l_partID NUMBER;
191   l_partName VARCHAR2(30);
193   cursor c(c_rolename varchar2) is
194     select UR.USER_NAME
195     from WF_USER_ROLES UR
196     where UR.ROLE_NAME = c_rolename
197       and UR.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4);
199   cursor corig(c_rolename varchar2, c_origSys  varchar2,
200                c_origSysID number, c_partID number) is
201     select UR.USER_NAME
202     from WF_USER_ROLES UR
203     where UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = c_origSys
204     and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = c_origSysID
205     and UR.ROLE_NAME = c_rolename
206     and UR.PARTITION_ID = c_partID;
208 begin
209   if (compositeName(role, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID)) then
210     AssignPartition(l_origSystem, l_partID, l_partName);
211     open corig(role, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID, l_partID);
212     fetch corig bulk collect into users;
213     close corig;
214   else
215     open c(role);
216     fetch c bulk collect into users;
217     close c;
218   end if;
219 exception
220   when others then
221     if c%ISOPEN then
222       close c;
223     elsif corig%ISOPEN then
224       close corig;
225     end if;
226     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleUsers',Role);
227     raise;
228 end GetRoleUsers;
230 --
232 --   list of users associated with a user
233 -- IN
234 --   base user
235 --   relationship
236 -- OUT
237 --   table of related users
238 -- NOTES
239 --   currently unimplemented!
240 --   different relations may be supported by different directory services,
241 --   so the implementation of this procedure is expected to vary.
242 --   Example relationships are 'MANAGER', 'REPORT', 'HR_REP'
243 --
244 procedure GetUserRelation(
245   base_user in varchar2,
246   relation in varchar2,
247   users out NOCOPY Wf_Directory.UserTable)
248 is
249 begin
250   null;
251 exception
252   when others then
253         wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetUserRelation',base_user,relation);
254         raise;
255 end GetUserRelation;
257 --
259 --   list of roles performed by user
260 -- IN
261 --   user
262 -- OUT
263 --   table of roles performed by the user
264 --
265 procedure GetUserRoles(
266   user in varchar2,
267   roles out NOCOPY Wf_Directory.RoleTable)
268 is
269   l_origSystem VARCHAR2(30);
270   l_origSystemID NUMBER;
272   cursor c(c_username varchar2) is
273     select UR.ROLE_NAME
274     from   WF_USER_ROLES UR
275     where UR.USER_NAME = c_username
276       and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM not in ('HZ_PARTY','CUST_CONT');
278   cursor corig(c_username varchar2,
279                c_origSystem varchar2,
280                c_origSystemID number) is
281     select UR.ROLE_NAME
282     from WF_USER_ROLES UR
283     where UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = c_origSystem
284     and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = c_origSystemID
285     and UR.USER_NAME = c_username;
287 begin
288   if (CompositeName(user, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID)) then
289     open corig(user, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID);
290     fetch corig bulk collect into roles;
291     close corig;
292   else
293     open c(user);
294     fetch c bulk collect into roles;
295     close c;
296   end if;
297 exception
298   when others then
299     if (c%ISOPEN) then
300       close c;
301     elsif (corig%ISOPEN) then
302       close corig;
303     end if;
305     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetUserRoles',User);
306     raise;
307 end GetUserRoles;
309 --
311 --   information about a role
312 -- IN
313 --  role
314 -- OUT
315 --   display_name
316 --   email_address
317 --   notification_preference
318 --   language
319 --   territory
320 --
321 procedure GetRoleInfo(
322   role in varchar2,
323   display_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
324   email_address out NOCOPY varchar2,
325   notification_preference out NOCOPY varchar2,
326   language out NOCOPY varchar2,
327   territory out NOCOPY varchar2)
328 is
329   role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type;
330 begin
331   Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(role, role_info_tbl);
333   display_name            := role_info_tbl(1).display_name;
334   email_address           := role_info_tbl(1).email_address;
335   notification_preference := role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference;
336   language                := role_info_tbl(1).language;
337   territory               := role_info_tbl(1).territory;
339 exception
340   when others then
341     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleInfo',Role);
342     raise;
343 end GetRoleInfo;
345 --
347 --   information about a role
348 -- IN
349 --  role
350 -- OUT
351 --   role_info_tbl
352 --
353 procedure GetRoleInfo2(
354   role in varchar2,
355   role_info_tbl out NOCOPY wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type)
356 is
357   l_origSystem VARCHAR2(30);
358   l_origSystemID NUMBER;
359   l_isComposite BOOLEAN;
360   l_api varchar2(250) := g_plsqlName ||'GetRoleInfo2';
361   l_logPROC boolean := false;
363 begin
364   l_logPROC := WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level;
365   if( l_logPROC ) then
366     wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'BEGIN');
367   end if;
369   --Check for composite name.
370   l_isComposite := CompositeName(role, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID);
372   /*
373    ** First try to get the role information from the new
374    ** wfa_sec.get_role_info function.  This function looks at each component
375    ** of the wf_roles view and attempts to get the information from there.
376    ** If it does not find the role then use the old method of looking at the
377    ** view.
378    */
380    --Get all info including expiration_date , fax and
381    --status for the role.  Call get_role_info2
382    wfa_sec.get_role_info3(l_isComposite,
383                           role,
384                           role_info_tbl(1).name,
385                           role_info_tbl(1).display_name,
386                           role_info_tbl(1).description,
387                           role_info_tbl(1).email_address,
388                           role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference,
389                           role_info_tbl(1).orig_system,
390                           role_info_tbl(1).orig_system_id,
391                           role_info_tbl(1).fax,
392                           role_info_tbl(1).status,
393                           role_info_tbl(1).expiration_date,
394                           role_info_tbl(1).language,
395                           role_info_tbl(1).territory,
396                           role_info_tbl(1).nls_date_format, -- <7578908> new NLS parameters
397                           role_info_tbl(1).nls_date_language,
398                           role_info_tbl(1).nls_calendar,
399                           role_info_tbl(1).nls_numeric_characters,
400                           role_info_tbl(1).nls_sort,
401                           role_info_tbl(1).nls_currency  -- </7578908>
402                           );
404   if (role_info_tbl.COUNT = 0 or role_info_tbl(1).display_name is NULL) then
405     if( l_logPROC ) then
406       wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,
407         'no records found by wfa_sec.get_role_info3(), querying *active* roles in other partitions then.');
408     end if;
410     if NOT (l_isComposite) then
411       if( l_logPROC ) then
412         wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'case of no composite name');
413       end if;
415       -- try to select from all the ORIG_SYSTEMs that have no colon.
416       -- we query FNDRESPXXX also since we cannot list all of them here.
417       -- it is safer to use 'not in', in case of custom additions.
418       select R.NAME,
419              substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360),
420              substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000),
422              R.LANGUAGE,
423              R.TERRITORY,
424            wf_core.nls_date_format, -- <7578908> new NLS parameters
425            R.LANGUAGE,  -- default nls_date_language
426            wf_core.nls_calendar ,
427            wf_core.nls_numeric_characters,
428            wf_core.nls_sort,
429            wf_core.nls_currency,  -- </7578908>
430              substrb(R.EMAIL_ADDRESS,1,320),
431              R.FAX,
432              R.STATUS,
433              R.EXPIRATION_DATE,
434              R.ORIG_SYSTEM,
435              R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
436              R.PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM,
437              R.PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
438              R.OWNER_TAG,
439              R.LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
440              R.LAST_UPDATED_BY,
441              R.CREATION_DATE,
442              R.CREATED_BY,
443              R.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
444       into   role_info_tbl(1)
445       from   WF_LOCAL_ROLES R
446       where  R.NAME = GetRoleInfo2.role
447       and    R.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4)
448       and    nvl(R.EXPIRATION_DATE, sysdate+1) > sysdate
449       and    rownum = 1;
451     else
452       if( l_logPROC ) then
453         wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'case of composite name, querying with orig_system');
454       end if;
456       select R.NAME,
457              substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360),
458              substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000),
460              R.LANGUAGE,
461              R.TERRITORY,
462            wf_core.nls_date_format, -- <7578908> new NLS parameters
463            R.LANGUAGE,  -- default nls_date_language
464            wf_core.nls_calendar ,
465            wf_core.nls_numeric_characters,
466            wf_core.nls_sort,
467            wf_core.nls_currency,  -- </7578908>
468              substrb(R.EMAIL_ADDRESS,1,320),
469              R.FAX,
470              R.STATUS,
471              R.EXPIRATION_DATE,
472              R.ORIG_SYSTEM,
473              R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
474              R.PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM,
475              R.PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
476              R.OWNER_TAG,
477              R.LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
478              R.LAST_UPDATED_BY,
479              R.CREATION_DATE,
480              R.CREATED_BY,
481              R.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN
482       into   role_info_tbl(1)
483       from   WF_LOCAL_ROLES R
484       where  R.ORIG_SYSTEM = l_origSystem
485       and    R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_origSystemID
486       and    R.NAME = GetRoleInfo2.role
487       and    nvl(R.EXPIRATION_DATE, sysdate+1) > sysdate
488       and    rownum = 1;
489     end if;
491   else
492     role_info_tbl(1).name := role;
493   end if;
495   if( l_logPROC ) then
496     wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'END');
497   end if;
498 exception
499   when no_data_found then
500     if( WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION >=  fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
501       wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION, l_api,'role not found, querying ALL roles');
502     end if;
503   --If the role is not found in the local tables, we will check the view to make
504   --sure we continue to support standalone which has not denormalized wfds.
505   begin
506     if NOT (l_isComposite) then
507       if( l_logPROC ) then
508         wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'case of not composite role name');
509       end if;
510       select R.NAME,
511              substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360),
512              substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000),
514              R.LANGUAGE,
515              R.TERRITORY,
516            wf_core.nls_date_format, -- <7578908> new NLS parameters
517            R.LANGUAGE,  -- default nls_date_language
518            wf_core.nls_calendar ,
519            wf_core.nls_numeric_characters,
520            wf_core.nls_sort,
521            wf_core.nls_currency,  -- </7578908>
522              substrb(R.EMAIL_ADDRESS,1,320),
523              R.FAX,
524              R.STATUS,
525              R.EXPIRATION_DATE,
526              R.ORIG_SYSTEM,
527              R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
528              NULL,
529              to_number(NULL),
530              NULL,
531              to_date(NULL),
532              to_number(NULL),
533              to_date(NULL),
534              to_number(NULL),
535              to_number(NULL)
536       into   role_info_tbl(1)
537       from   WF_ROLES R
538       where  R.NAME = GetRoleInfo2.role
539       and    R.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4)
540       and    rownum = 1;
541       else
542         if( l_logPROC ) then
543           wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'case of composite role name');
544         end if;
546         select R.NAME,
547                substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360),
548                substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000),
550                R.LANGUAGE,
551                R.TERRITORY,
552            wf_core.nls_date_format, -- <7578908> new NLS parameters
553            R.LANGUAGE,  -- default nls_date_language
554            wf_core.nls_calendar ,
555            wf_core.nls_numeric_characters,
556            wf_core.nls_sort,
557            wf_core.nls_currency,  -- </7578908>
558                substrb(R.EMAIL_ADDRESS,1,320),
559                R.FAX,
560                R.STATUS,
561                R.EXPIRATION_DATE,
562                R.ORIG_SYSTEM,
563                R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
564                NULL,
565                to_number(NULL),
566                NULL,
567                to_date(NULL),
568                to_number(NULL),
569                to_date(NULL),
570                to_number(NULL),
571                to_number(NULL)
572        into   role_info_tbl(1)
573        from   WF_ROLES R
574        where  R.ORIG_SYSTEM = l_origSystem
575        and    R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_origSystemID
576        and    R.NAME = GetRoleInfo2.role
577        and    rownum = 1;
578       end if;
580       if( l_logPROC ) then
581         wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'END');
582       end if;
583     exception
584       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
585         if( WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION >=  fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
586           wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_EXCEPTION, l_api,'role not found again, setting role_info_tbl fields to NULL');
587         end if;
588         role_info_tbl(1).name := '';
589         role_info_tbl(1).display_name := '';
590         role_info_tbl(1).description := '';
591         role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference := '';
592         role_info_tbl(1).language := '';
593         role_info_tbl(1).territory := '';
594         role_info_tbl(1).email_address := '';
595         role_info_tbl(1).fax := '';
596         role_info_tbl(1).status := '';
597         role_info_tbl(1).expiration_date := to_date(null);
598         role_info_tbl(1).orig_system := '';
599         role_info_tbl(1).orig_system_id := to_number(null);
600         role_info_tbl(1).parent_orig_system := '';
601         role_info_tbl(1).parent_orig_system_id := to_number(null);
602         role_info_tbl(1).owner_tag := null;
603         role_info_tbl(1).last_update_date := to_date(null);
604         role_info_tbl(1).last_updated_by := to_number(null);
605         role_info_tbl(1).creation_date := to_date(null);
606         role_info_tbl(1).last_update_login := to_number(null);
607         role_info_tbl(1).NLS_DATE_FORMAT :='';
608         role_info_tbl(1).NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE    :='';
609         role_info_tbl(1).NLS_CALENDAR   :='';
610         role_info_tbl(1).NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS :='';
611         role_info_tbl(1).NLS_SORT   :='';
612         role_info_tbl(1).NLS_CURRENCY :='';
614         if( l_logPROC ) then
615           wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'END');
616         end if;
617     end;
619   when others then
620     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleInfo2',Role);
621     raise;
622 end GetRoleInfo2;
624 --
626 --   All information about a role for mailer
627 -- IN
628 --  role
629 -- OUT
630 --   display_name
631 --   email_address
632 --   notification_preference
633 --   language
634 --   territory
635 --   orig_system
636 --   orig_system_id
637 --   installed_flag - Y when a language is installed in WF_LANGUAGES,
638 --                    N otherwise.
639 --
640 procedure GetRoleInfoMail(
641   role in varchar2,
642   display_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
643   email_address out NOCOPY varchar2,
644   notification_preference out NOCOPY varchar2,
645   language out NOCOPY varchar2,
646   territory out NOCOPY varchar2,
647   orig_system out NOCOPY varchar2,
648   orig_system_id out NOCOPY number,
649   installed_flag out NOCOPY varchar2)
650 is
651   role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type;
652 begin
654   Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(role, role_info_tbl);
656   display_name            := role_info_tbl(1).display_name;
657   email_address           := role_info_tbl(1).email_address;
658   notification_preference := role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference;
659   language                := role_info_tbl(1).language;
660   territory               := role_info_tbl(1).territory;
661   orig_system             := role_info_tbl(1).orig_system;
662   orig_system_id          := role_info_tbl(1).orig_system_id;
664   begin
665     select nvl(INSTALLED_FLAG, 'N')
666       into GetRoleInfoMail.installed_flag
667       from WF_LANGUAGES
668      where NLS_LANGUAGE = GetRoleInfoMail.language;
669   exception
670     when NO_DATA_FOUND then
671       installed_flag := 'N';
672   end;
674 exception
675   when others then
676     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleInfoMail',Role);
677     raise;
678 end GetRoleInfoMail;
680   procedure GetRoleInfoMail2( p_role in varchar2,
681                               p_display_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
682                               p_email_address out NOCOPY varchar2,
683                               p_notification_preference out NOCOPY varchar2,
684                               p_orig_system out NOCOPY varchar2,
685                               p_orig_system_id out NOCOPY number,
686                               p_installed_flag out NOCOPY varchar2
687                             , p_nlsLanguage out NOCOPY varchar2,
688                               p_nlsTerritory out NOCOPY varchar2
689                             , p_nlsDateFormat out NOCOPY varchar2
690                             , p_nlsDateLanguage out NOCOPY varchar2
691                             , p_nlsCalendar out NOCOPY varchar2
692                             , p_nlsNumericCharacters out NOCOPY varchar2
693                             , p_nlsSort out NOCOPY varchar2
694                             , p_nlsCurrency out NOCOPY varchar2)
695   is
696     l_role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type;
697     l_api varchar2(250) := g_plsqlName ||'GetRoleInfoMail2';
699   begin
700     if( WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level ) then
701         wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'BEGIN');
702     end if;
704     Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(p_role, l_role_info_tbl);
706     p_display_name            := l_role_info_tbl(1).display_name;
707     p_email_address           := l_role_info_tbl(1).email_address;
708     p_notification_preference := l_role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference;
709     p_orig_system             := l_role_info_tbl(1).orig_system;
710     p_orig_system_id          := l_role_info_tbl(1).orig_system_id;
712     p_nlsLanguage          := l_role_info_tbl(1).language;
713     p_nlsTerritory         := l_role_info_tbl(1).territory;
714     p_nlsDateFormat        := l_role_info_tbl(1).NLS_DATE_FORMAT;
715     p_nlsDateLanguage      := l_role_info_tbl(1).NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE;
716     p_nlsCalendar          := l_role_info_tbl(1).NLS_CALENDAR;
717     p_nlsNumericCharacters := l_role_info_tbl(1).NLS_NUMERIC_CHARACTERS;
718     p_nlsSort              := l_role_info_tbl(1).NLS_SORT;
719     p_nlsCurrency          := l_role_info_tbl(1).NLS_CURRENCY;
721     begin
722       select nvl(INSTALLED_FLAG, 'N')
723         into GetRoleInfoMail2.p_installed_flag
724         from WF_LANGUAGES
725        where NLS_LANGUAGE = GetRoleInfoMail2.p_nlsLanguage;
726     exception
727       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
728         p_installed_flag := 'N';
729     end;
731     if( WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level ) then
732       wf_log_pkg.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'END');
733     end if;
734   exception
735     when others then
736       wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleInfoMail2', p_role);
737       raise;
738   end GetRoleInfoMail2;
740 --
742 --   Obtains the notification preference for a given role
743 -- IN
744 --  role
745 -- OUT
746 --  notification_preference
747 --
748 function GetRoleNtfPref(
749   role in varchar2) return varchar2
750 is
751   role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type;
752   notification_preference varchar2(8);
753 begin
755   Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(role, role_info_tbl);
756   notification_preference := role_info_tbl(1).notification_preference;
758   return notification_preference;
759 exception
760   when others then
761     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleNotePref',Role);
762     raise;
763 end GetRoleNtfPref;
765 --
767 --   orig system information about a role
768 -- IN
769 --  role
770 -- OUT
771 --   orig_system
772 --   orig_system_id
773 --
774 procedure GetRoleOrigSysInfo(
775   role in varchar2,
776   orig_system out NOCOPY varchar2,
777   orig_system_id out NOCOPY number
778 )
779 is
780   role_info_tbl wf_directory.wf_local_roles_tbl_type;
781 begin
782   Wf_Directory.GetRoleInfo2(role, role_info_tbl);
784   orig_system    := role_info_tbl(1).orig_system;
785   orig_system_id := role_info_tbl(1).orig_system_id;
787 exception
788   when others then
789     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleOrigSysInfo',Role);
790     raise;
791 end GetRoleOrigSysInfo;
793 --
795 --   partition information about a role
796 -- IN
797 --  role
798 -- OUT
799 --  partition_id
800 --  orig_system
801 --  display_name
802 --
803 procedure GetRolePartitionInfo(
804   role in varchar2,
805   partition_id out nocopy number,
806   orig_system out nocopy varchar2,
807   display_name out nocopy varchar2
808 )
809 is
810   l_orig_system varchar2(30);
811   l_orig_system_id number;
812   l_is_composite boolean;
813 begin
814   l_is_composite := CompositeName(role, l_orig_system, l_orig_system_id);
816   if not l_is_composite then
817     select partition_id, orig_system
818     into GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id, GetRolePartitionInfo.orig_system
819     from wf_local_roles
820     where name = GetRolePartitionInfo.role
821     and nvl(expiration_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
822     and rownum = 1;
823   else
824     select partition_id, orig_system
825     into GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id, GetRolePartitionInfo.orig_system
826     from wf_local_roles
827     where name = GetRolePartitionInfo.role
828     and orig_system =l_orig_system
829     and orig_system_id = l_orig_system_id
830     and nvl(expiration_date, sysdate+1) > sysdate
831     and rownum = 1;
832   end if;
834   select orig_system, display_name
835   into GetRolePartitionInfo.orig_system,
836   GetRolePartitionInfo.display_name
837   from wf_directory_partitions_vl
838   where GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id <> 1
839   and partition_id = GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id
840   or GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id = 1
841   and orig_system = GetRolePartitionInfo.orig_system;
843 exception
844   when no_data_found then
845     begin
846       if not l_is_composite then
847         select partition_id, orig_system
848         into GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id, GetRolePartitionInfo.orig_system
849         from wf_roles
850         where name = GetRolePartitionInfo.role
851         and rownum = 1;
852       else
853         select partition_id, orig_system
854         into GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id, GetRolePartitionInfo.orig_system
855         from wf_roles
856         where name = GetRolePartitionInfo.role
857         and orig_system =l_orig_system
858         and orig_system_id = l_orig_system_id
859         and rownum = 1;
860       end if;
862       select orig_system, display_name
863       into GetRolePartitionInfo.orig_system,
864       GetRolePartitionInfo.display_name
865       from wf_directory_partitions_vl
866       where GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id <> 1
867      and partition_id = GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id
868      or GetRolePartitionInfo.partition_id = 1
869      and orig_system = GetRolePartitionInfo.orig_system;
871     exception
872       when no_data_found then
873         partition_id := -1;
874         orig_system := null;
875         display_name := null;
876       when others then
877         wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRolePartitionInfo',role);
878         raise;
879     end;
880   when others then
881     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRolePartitionInfo',role);
882     raise;
883 end GetRolePartitionInfo;
885 --
887 --   test if user performs role
888 --
889 function IsPerformer(
890     user in varchar2,
891     role in varchar2) return boolean
892 is
893   userComposite boolean;
894   roleComposite boolean;
895   l_uorigSys varchar2(30);
896   l_uorigSysID number;
897   l_rorigSys varchar(30);
898   l_rorigSysID number;
899   l_partID number;
900   l_partName varchar2(30);
901   dummy pls_integer;
903 begin
904   userComposite := CompositeName(user, l_uorigSys, l_uorigSysID);
905   roleComposite := CompositeName(role, l_rorigSys, l_rorigSysID);
907   if NOT (roleComposite) then
908     if NOT (userComposite) then
909       select 1
910       into dummy
911       from SYS.DUAL
912       where exists
913         (select null
914         from WF_USER_ROLES UR
915         where UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user
916         and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM not in ('HZ_PARTY')
917         and UR.ROLE_NAME = IsPerformer.role
918         and UR.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4)
919         );
920     else
921       select 1
922       into dummy
923       from SYS.DUAL
924       where exists
925         (select null
926         from WF_USER_ROLES UR
927         where UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uOrigSys
928         and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uOrigSysID
929         and UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user
930         and UR.ROLE_NAME = IsPerformer.role
931         and UR.PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4)
932         );
933     end if;
934   else
935     AssignPartition (l_rorigSys,l_partID,l_partName);
936     if NOT (userComposite) then
937       select 1
938       into dummy
939       from SYS.DUAL
940       where exists
941         (select null
942         from WF_USER_ROLES UR
943         where UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user
944         and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM not in ('HZ_PARTY')
945         and UR.ROLE_NAME = IsPerformer.role
946         and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_rorigSys
947         and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID
948         and UR.PARTITION_ID = l_partID);
949     else
950       select 1
951       into dummy
952       from SYS.DUAL
953       where exists
954         (select null
955         from WF_USER_ROLES UR
956         where UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uOrigSys
957         and UR.USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rOrigSysID
958         and UR.USER_NAME = IsPerformer.user
959         and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = l_rOrigSys
960         and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rOrigSysID
961         and UR.ROLE_NAME = IsPerformer.role
962         and UR.PARTITION_ID = l_partID);
963     end if;
964   end if;
965   return TRUE;
966 exception
967   when no_data_found then
968     return FALSE;
969   when others then
970     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','IsPerformer',User,Role);
971     raise;
972 end IsPerformer;
974 --
976 --   user name for current db session
977 -- NOTES
978 --   unimplemented!  This needs more thought.
979 --
980 function CurrentUser return varchar2
981 is
982 begin
983   return NULL;
984 exception
985   when others then
986     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','CurrentUser');
987     raise;
988 end CurrentUser;
990 --
992 --   determine if a user is currently active
993 -- IN
994 --   username
995 -- RETURN:
996 --   True  - If user is Active
997 --   False - If User is NOT Active
998 --
999 function UserActive(
1000   username in varchar2)
1001 return boolean
1002 is
1003   colon pls_integer;
1004   dummy pls_integer;
1005 begin
1006   colon := instr(username, ':');
1007   if (colon = 0) then
1008     select 1
1009     into dummy
1010     from SYS.DUAL
1011     where exists
1012       (select null
1013       from wf_users
1014       where name = username
1015       and PARTITION_ID <> 9
1016       and status = 'ACTIVE');
1017   else
1018     select 1
1019     into dummy
1020     from SYS.DUAL
1021     where exists
1022       (select null
1023       from wf_users
1024       where orig_system = substr(username, 1, colon-1)
1025       and orig_system_id = substr(username, colon+1)
1026       and name = username
1027       and status = 'ACTIVE');
1028   end if;
1030   return TRUE;
1031 exception
1032   when no_data_found then
1033     return FALSE;
1034   when others then
1035     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','UserActive',Username);
1036     raise;
1037 end UserActive;
1039 --
1040 -- RoleActive
1041 --   determine if a user is currently active
1042 -- IN
1043 --   rolename
1044 -- RETURN:
1045 --   True  - If user is Active
1046 --   False - If User is NOT Active
1047 --
1048 function RoleActive(
1049   p_rolename in varchar2)
1050 return boolean
1051 is
1052   colon pls_integer;
1053   dummy pls_integer;
1054 begin
1055   if WF_DIRECTORY.UserActive(p_rolename) then
1056     return TRUE;
1057   end if;
1058   colon := instr(p_rolename, ':');
1059   if (colon = 0) then
1060     select 1
1061     into dummy
1062     from SYS.DUAL
1063     where exists
1064       (select null
1065       from WF_ROLES
1066       where name = p_rolename
1067       and status = 'ACTIVE');
1068   else
1069     select 1
1070     into dummy
1071     from SYS.DUAL
1072     where exists
1073       (select null
1074       from WF_ROLES
1075       where orig_system = substr(p_rolename, 1, colon-1)
1076       and orig_system_id = substr(p_rolename, colon+1)
1077       and name = p_rolename
1078       and status = 'ACTIVE');
1079   end if;
1080   return TRUE;
1081 exception
1082   when no_data_found then
1083     return FALSE;
1084   when others then
1085     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','RoleActive',p_rolename);
1086     raise;
1087 end RoleActive;
1089 --
1091 --   returns the Workflow username given the originating system info
1092 -- IN
1093 --   orig_system     - Code identifying the original table
1094 --   orig_system_id  - Id of the row in original table
1095 -- OUT
1096 --   user_name       - Workflow user_name
1097 --   display_name    - Users display name
1098 --
1099 procedure GetUserName(p_orig_system    in  varchar2,
1100                       p_orig_system_id in  varchar2,
1101                       p_name           out NOCOPY varchar2,
1102                       p_display_name   out NOCOPY varchar2)
1103 is
1104   cursor c_user is
1105     select name,
1106            substrb(display_name,1,360)
1107            p_display_name
1108     from   wf_users
1109     where  orig_system     = p_orig_system
1110     and    orig_system_id  = p_orig_system_id
1111     order by status, start_date;
1113 begin
1114     open  c_user;
1115     fetch c_user into p_name, p_display_name;
1116     close c_user;
1117 exception
1118   when others then
1119     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetUserName', p_orig_system,
1120                     p_orig_system_id);
1121     raise;
1122 end GetuserName;
1124 --
1126 --   returns the Workflow rolename given the originating system info
1127 -- IN
1128 --   orig_system     - Code identifying the original table
1129 --   orig_system_id  - Id of the row in original table
1130 -- OUT
1131 --   name            - Workflow role name
1132 --   display_name    - role display name
1133 --
1134 procedure GetRoleName(p_orig_system    in  varchar2,
1135                       p_orig_system_id in  varchar2,
1136                       p_name           out NOCOPY varchar2,
1137                       p_display_name   out NOCOPY varchar2)
1138 is
1139   cursor c_role is
1140     select name,
1141            substrb(display_name,1,360)
1142            p_display_name
1143     from   wf_roles
1144     where  orig_system     = p_orig_system
1145     and    orig_system_id  = p_orig_system_id
1146     order by status, start_date;
1147 begin
1148     open  c_role;
1149     fetch c_role into p_name,p_display_name;
1150     close c_role;
1151 exception
1152   when others then
1153     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory','GetRoleName',p_orig_system,p_orig_system);
1154     raise;
1155 end GetRoleName;
1157 --
1158 -- GetRoleDisplayName
1159 --   Return display name of role
1160 -- IN
1161 --   p_role_name - internal name of role
1162 -- RETURNS
1163 --   role display name
1164 --
1165 -- NOTE
1166 --   Cannot implement using GetRoleInfo/GetRoleInfo2, because of the
1167 -- pragma WNPS.
1168 --
1169 function GetRoleDisplayName (
1170   p_role_name in varchar2)
1171 return varchar2
1172 is
1173   colon pls_integer;
1175   cursor c_role (l_name in varchar2) is
1176     select substrb(display_name,1,360)
1177     from wf_roles
1178     where name = l_name
1179     and   PARTITION_ID not in (9,8,7,6,4);
1181   cursor corig_role (l_name in varchar2, l_origSys in varchar2,
1182                      l_origSysID in number) is
1183     select substrb(display_name,1,360)
1184     from wf_roles
1185     where orig_system = l_origSys
1186     and orig_system_id = l_origSysID
1187     and name = l_name;
1189   l_display_name wf_roles.display_name%TYPE;
1190   invalidNumConv EXCEPTION;
1191   pragma exception_init(invalidNumConv, -6502);
1192 begin
1193   begin
1194     colon := instr(p_role_name, ':');
1195     if (colon = 0) then
1196       open c_role(p_role_name);
1197       fetch c_role into l_display_name;
1198       close c_role;
1199     else
1200       open corig_role(p_role_name, substr(p_role_name, 1, colon-1),
1201                       to_number(substr(p_role_name, colon+1)));
1202       fetch corig_role into l_display_name;
1203       close corig_role;
1204     end if;
1205   exception
1206     when invalidNumConv then
1207       --p_role_name is not a true composite so we failed to open corig_role
1208       --we will fall back to c_role.
1209       open c_role(p_role_name);
1210       fetch c_role into l_display_name;
1211       close c_role;
1212   end;
1213   return l_display_name;
1214 end GetRoleDisplayName;
1216 --
1217 -- GetRoleDisplayName2
1218 --   Return display name of active/inactive role
1219 -- IN
1220 --   p_role_name - internal name of role
1221 -- RETURNS
1222 --   role display name
1223 --
1224 -- NOTE
1225 --   Cannot implement using GetRoleInfo/GetRoleInfo2, because of the
1226 -- pragma WNPS.
1227 --
1228 function GetRoleDisplayName2 (
1229   p_role_name in varchar2)
1230 return varchar2
1231 is
1232   colon pls_integer;
1234   cursor c_role (l_name in varchar2) is
1235     select substrb(nvl(wrt.display_name,wr.display_name),1,360)
1236     from wf_local_roles wr, wf_local_roles_tl wrt
1237     where wr.name = l_name
1238     and   wr.orig_system = wrt.orig_system (+)
1239     and   wr.orig_system_id = wrt.orig_system_id (+)
1240     and   wr.name = wrt.name (+)
1241     and   wr.partition_id  = wrt.partition_id (+)
1242     and   wrt.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
1243     and   wr.partition_id not in (9,8,7,6,4,3);
1245   cursor corig_role (l_name in varchar2, l_origSys in varchar2,
1246                      l_origSysID in number) is
1247     select substrb(nvl(wrt.display_name,wr.display_name),1,360)
1248     from wf_local_roles wr, wf_local_roles_tl wrt
1249     where wr.orig_system = l_origSys
1250     and   wr.orig_system_id = l_origSysID
1251     and   wr.name = l_name
1252     and   wr.orig_system = wrt.orig_system (+)
1253     and   wr.orig_system_id = wrt.orig_system_id (+)
1254     and   wr.name = wrt.name (+)
1255     and   wr.partition_id  = wrt.partition_id (+)
1256     and   wrt.language (+) = userenv('LANG')
1257     AND   wr.partition_id <> 3;
1259   l_display_name varchar2(360);
1260   invalidNumConv EXCEPTION;
1261   pragma exception_init(invalidNumConv, -6502);
1262 begin
1263   begin
1264     colon := instr(p_role_name, ':');
1265     if (colon = 0) then
1266       open c_role(p_role_name);
1267       fetch c_role into l_display_name;
1268       close c_role;
1269     else
1270       open corig_role(p_role_name, substr(p_role_name, 1, colon-1),
1271                       to_number(substr(p_role_name, colon+1)));
1272       fetch corig_role into l_display_name;
1273       close corig_role;
1274     end if;
1275   exception
1276     when invalidNumConv then
1277       --p_role_name is not a true composite so we failed to open corig_role
1278       --we will fall back to c_role.
1279       open c_role(p_role_name);
1280       fetch c_role into l_display_name;
1281       close c_role;
1282   end;
1283   return l_display_name;
1284 end GetRoleDisplayName2;
1286 --
1287 -- SetAdHocUserStatus
1288 --   Update status for user
1289 -- IN
1290 --   user_name        -
1291 --   status           - status could be 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE'
1292 -- OUT
1293 --
1294 procedure SetAdHocUserStatus(user_name      in varchar2,
1295                              status         in varchar2)
1296 is
1297 begin
1298   --
1299   -- Update Status
1300   --
1301   SetUserAttr(user_name=>SetAdHocUserStatus.user_name,
1302               orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_USERS',
1303               orig_system_id=>0,
1304               display_name=>NULL,
1305               notification_preference=>NULL,
1306               language=>NULL,
1307               territory=>NULL,
1308               email_address=>NULL,
1309               fax=>NULL,
1310               expiration_date=>NULL,
1311               status=>SetAdHocUserStatus.status);
1313 exception
1314   when others then
1315     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocUserStatus', user_name, status);
1316     raise;
1317 end SetAdHocUserStatus;
1319 --
1320 -- SetAdHocRoleStatus
1321 --   Update status for role
1322 -- IN
1323 --   role_name        -
1324 --   status           - status could be 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE'
1325 -- OUT
1326 --
1327 procedure SetAdHocRoleStatus(role_name      in varchar2,
1328                         status         in varchar2)
1329 is
1330 begin
1331   --
1332   -- Update Status
1333   --
1334   SetRoleAttr(role_name=>SetAdHocRoleStatus.role_name,
1335               orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_ROLES',
1336               orig_system_id=>0,
1337               display_name=>NULL,
1338               notification_preference=>NULL,
1339               language=>NULL,
1340               territory=>NULL,
1341               email_address=>NULL,
1342               fax=>NULL,
1343               expiration_date=>NULL,
1344               status=>SetAdHocRoleStatus.status);
1346 exception
1347   when others then
1348     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocRoleStatus', role_name, status);
1349     raise;
1350 end SetAdHocRoleStatus;
1353 --
1354 -- CreateUser (PRIVATE)
1355 --   Create a User
1356 -- IN
1357 --   name          - User Name
1358 --   display_name  - User display name
1359 --   description   -
1360 --   notification_preference -
1361 --   language      -
1362 --   territory     -
1363 --   email_address -
1364 --   fax           -
1365 --   status        -
1366 --   expiration_date - NULL expiration date means no expiration
1367 --   orig_system
1368 --   orig_system_id
1369 --   parent_orig_system
1370 --   parent_orig_system_id
1371 --   owner_tag -
1372 --   last_update_date -
1373 --   last_updated_by -
1374 --   creation_date -
1375 --   created_by -
1376 --   last_update_login
1377 -- OUT
1378 --
1380 procedure CreateUser( name                    in  varchar2,
1381                       display_name            in  varchar2,
1382                       orig_system             in  varchar2,
1383                       orig_system_id          in  number,
1384                       language                in  varchar2,
1385                       territory               in  varchar2,
1386                       description             in  varchar2,
1387                       notification_preference in  varchar2,
1388                       email_address           in  varchar2,
1389                       fax                     in  varchar2,
1390                       status                  in  varchar2,
1391                       expiration_date         in  date,
1392                       start_date              in  date,
1393                       parent_orig_system      in  varchar2,
1394                       parent_orig_system_id   in  number,
1395                       owner_tag               in  varchar2,
1396                       last_update_date        in  date,
1397                       last_updated_by         in  number,
1398                       creation_date           in  date,
1399                       created_by              in  number,
1400                       last_update_login       in  number)
1401   is
1402     nlang   varchar2(30);
1403     nterr   varchar2(30);
1404     l_partitionID number;
1405     l_partitionName varchar2(30);
1406     l_origSys VARCHAR2(30);
1408     l_count   number;
1409     l_creatby number;
1410     l_creatdt date;
1411     l_lastupdby number;
1412     l_lastupddt date;
1413     l_lastupdlog number;
1415     l_ntfPref varchar2(8);
1417   begin
1419     -- [Name Validation]
1420     -- If concat name is passed, check to make sure it is valid.
1421     --
1422     if ( instr(name, ':') > 0 ) then
1423       if ( (orig_system||':'||orig_system_id ) <> name) then
1424         WF_CORE.Token('NAME', name);
1425         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', orig_system);
1426         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYS_ID', orig_system_id);
1427         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVAL_CONCAT_NAME');
1429       end if;
1431     end if;
1433     --
1434     -- Make sure no '#' or '/' exist in name.
1435     --
1436     /* Bug 2779747
1437     if ( (instr(name, '/') > 0) or (instr(name, '#') > 0) ) then
1438       WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', name);
1439       WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE');
1440     */
1442     --
1443     -- Make sure the length of the name is  <= 320
1444     --
1445     if ( lengthb(name) > 320 ) then
1446       WF_CORE.Token('NAME', name);
1447       WF_CORE.Token('LENGTH', 320);
1448       WF_CORE.Raise('WF_ROLENAME_TOO_LONG');
1450     end if;
1452     --
1453     -- [Status Validation]
1454     --
1455     if ( CreateUser.status not in ('ACTIVE', 'TMPLEAVE', 'EXTLEAVE',
1456                                    'INACTIVE') ) then
1458       WF_CORE.Token('STATUS', CreateUser.status);
1461     end if;
1463     --
1464     -- [Notification_Preference Validation]
1465     --
1466     -- Bug 2779747
1467     if (CreateUser.notification_preference is NULL) then
1468       if (CreateUser.email_address is NULL) then
1469         l_ntfPref := 'QUERY';
1470       else
1471         l_ntfPref := 'MAILHTML';
1472       end if;
1473     elsif (CreateUser.notification_preference not in ('MAILHTML','MAILHTM2',
1475       WF_CORE.Token('NTF_PREF', CreateUser.notification_preference);
1476       WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_NTF_PREF');
1477     else
1478       l_ntfPref := CreateUser.notification_preference;
1479     end if;
1481     --
1482     -- Resolve Territory and Language
1483     --
1484     if (language is null or territory is null) then
1485       begin
1486         select nls_territory, nls_language into nterr, nlang
1487           from WF_LANGUAGES
1488          where code = userenv('LANG');
1489       exception
1490         when NO_DATA_FOUND then
1491           wf_core.raise('WF_NO_LANG_TERR');
1492       end;
1494     end if;
1496     l_origSys := UPPER(CreateUser.orig_system);
1497     --
1498     -- Set the partition for the orig_system
1499     --
1500       AssignPartition(l_origSys, l_partitionID, l_partitionName);
1502     --<rwunderl:4115907> Check to make sure the same name does not exist under
1503     --a different orig_system_id within this orig_system.  We may want to
1504     --change the indexes later to control this but given the data-model change
1505     --on the stage tables, we are just performing the check.
1506     if (instr(CreateUser.name, ':') < 1) then
1507       select count(*)
1508       into   l_count
1509       from   WF_LOCAL_ROLES
1510       where  NAME = CreateUser.name
1511       and    PARTITION_ID = l_partitionID
1512       and    ORIG_SYSTEM = l_origSys
1513       and    ORIG_SYSTEM_ID <> CreateUser.orig_system_id;
1514     end if;
1516     if (l_count > 0) then
1517       WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateUser.name);
1518       WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', l_origSys);
1519       WF_CORE.Raise('WFDS_DUPLICATE_NAME');
1520     end if;
1521     --
1522     -- Evaluating the WHO columns in case they are not passed
1524     l_creatby := nvl(Createuser.created_by,WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
1525     l_creatdt   := nvl(CreateUser.creation_date, SYSDATE);
1526     l_lastupdby := nvl(CreateUser.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
1527     l_lastupddt := nvl(CreateUser.last_update_date, SYSDATE);
1528     l_lastupdlog:= nvl(CreateUser.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.LOGIN_ID);
1531     -- Insert WF_LOCAL_ROLES with USER_FLAG = 'Y'
1532     --
1533       insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES
1534          (name,
1535           display_name,
1536           description,
1537           notification_preference,
1538           language,
1539           territory,
1540           email_address,
1541           fax,
1542           status,
1543           expiration_date,
1544           orig_system,
1545           orig_system_id,
1546           start_date,
1547           user_flag,
1548           partition_id,
1549           parent_orig_system,
1550           parent_orig_system_id,
1551           owner_tag,
1552           last_update_date,
1553           last_updated_by,
1554           creation_date,
1555           created_by,
1556           last_update_login)
1557         values
1558          ( nvl(CreateUser.name, l_origSys || ':' ||
1559                                       CreateUser.orig_system_id),
1560            nvl(CreateUser.display_name, (nvl(CreateUser.name,
1561                                              l_origSys || ':' ||
1562                                              CreateUser.orig_system_id))),
1563            CreateUser.description,
1564            l_ntfPref,
1565            nvl(CreateUser.language, nlang),
1566            nvl(CreateUser.territory, nterr),
1567            CreateUser.email_address,
1568            CreateUser.fax,
1569            CreateUser.status,
1570            CreateUser.expiration_date,
1571            l_origSys,
1572            CreateUser.orig_system_id,
1573            CreateUser.start_date,
1574            'Y',
1575            l_partitionID,
1576            nvl(CreateUser.parent_orig_system, CreateUser.orig_system),
1577            nvl(CreateUser.parent_orig_system_id, CreateUser.orig_system_id),
1578            CreateUser.owner_tag,
1579            l_lastupddt,
1580            l_lastupdby,
1581            l_creatdt,
1582            l_creatby,
1583            l_lastupdlog );
1585      --If MLS language support is enabled for this orig_system
1586      --then sync the data to _TL table aswell.
1587      if ((WF_DIRECTORY.IsMLSEnabled(l_origSys) = TRUE) AND
1588          (userenv('LANG') <> 'US')) then
1589       insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL
1590          ( NAME,
1591            ORIG_SYSTEM,
1592            ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
1593            PARTITION_ID,
1594            LANGUAGE,
1595            DISPLAY_NAME,
1596            DESCRIPTION,
1597            OWNER_TAG,
1598            LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
1599            LAST_UPDATED_BY,
1600            CREATION_DATE,
1601            CREATED_BY,
1602            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN)
1603         values
1604           ( nvl(CreateUser.name, l_origSys || ':' || CreateUser.orig_system_id),
1605             l_origSys,
1606             CreateUser.orig_system_id,
1607             l_partitionID,
1608             userenv('LANG'),
1609             nvl(CreateUser.display_name, (nvl(CreateUser.name,
1610                                               l_origSys || ':' ||
1611                                               CreateUser.orig_system_id))),
1612             CreateUser.description,
1613             CreateUser.owner_tag,
1614             l_lastupddt,
1615             l_lastupdby,
1616             l_creatdt,
1617             l_creatby,
1618             l_lastupdlog);
1619     end if;
1623     --All Users belong to their own user/role relationship.
1624     begin
1625       CreateUserRole(user_name=>CreateUser.name,
1626                      role_name=>CreateUser.name,
1627                      user_orig_system=>l_origSys,
1628                      user_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.orig_system_id,
1629                      role_orig_system=>l_origSys,
1630                      role_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.orig_system_id,
1631                      start_date=>CreateUser.start_date,
1632                      end_date=>CreateUser.expiration_date,
1633                      validateUserRole=>FALSE,
1634                      parent_orig_system=>CreateUser.parent_orig_system,
1635                      parent_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.parent_orig_system_id,
1636                      owner_tag=>CreateUser.Owner_Tag,
1637                      last_update_date=>CreateUser.last_update_date,
1638                      last_updated_by=>CreateUser.last_updated_by,
1639                      creation_date=>CreateUser.creation_date,
1640                      created_by=>CreateUser.created_by,
1641                      last_update_login=>CreateUser.last_update_login);
1643     exception
1644       when OTHERS then
1645         if (WF_CORE.error_name = 'WF_DUP_USER_ROLE') then
1646           SetUserRoleAttr(user_name=>CreateUser.name,
1647                           role_name=>CreateUser.name,
1648                           user_orig_system=>l_origSys,
1649                           user_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.orig_system_id,
1650                           role_orig_system=>l_origSys,
1651                           role_orig_system_id=>CreateUser.orig_system_id,
1652                           start_date=>CreateUser.start_date,
1653                           end_date=>CreateUser.expiration_date,
1654                           overWrite=>TRUE,
1655                           parent_orig_system=>CreateUser.parent_orig_system,
1656                           parent_orig_system_id=>
1657                           CreateUser.parent_orig_system_id,
1658                           owner_tag=>CreateUser.owner_tag,
1659                           last_update_date=>CreateUser.last_update_date,
1660                           last_updated_by=>CreateUser.last_updated_by,
1661                           last_update_login=>CreateUser.last_update_login,
1662                           created_by=>CreateUser.created_by,
1663                           creation_date=>CreateUser.creation_date);
1665         else
1666           raise;
1668         end if;
1669     end;
1670 exception
1671   when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then
1672     WF_CORE.Token('DISPNAME', CreateUser.display_name);
1673     WF_CORE.Token('USERNAME', nvl(CreateUser.name,
1674                                         l_origSys || ':' ||
1675                                         CreateUser.orig_system_id));
1676     WF_CORE.Raise('WF_DUP_USER');
1678   when others then
1679     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateUser', CreateUser.Name,
1680                     l_origSys, CreateUser.orig_system_id );
1681     raise;
1682 end CreateUser;
1685 --
1686 -- CreateAdHocUser
1687 --   Create an ad hoc user given a user name, display name, etc.
1688 -- IN
1689 --   name          - User name
1690 --   display_name  - User display name
1691 --   description   -
1692 --   notification_preference -
1693 --   language      -
1694 --   territory     -
1695 --   email_address -
1696 --   fax           -
1697 --   status        -
1698 --   expiration_date - NULL expiration date means no expiration
1699 -- OUT
1700 --
1701 procedure CreateAdHocUser(name                in out NOCOPY varchar2,
1702                       display_name            in out NOCOPY varchar2,
1703                       language                in  varchar2,
1704                       territory               in  varchar2,
1705                       description             in  varchar2,
1706                       notification_preference in  varchar2,
1707                       email_address           in  varchar2,
1708                       fax                     in  varchar2,
1709                       status                  in  varchar2,
1710                       expiration_date         in  date,
1711                       parent_orig_system      in  varchar2,
1712                       parent_orig_system_id   in  number)
1713 is
1714   role_id pls_integer;
1715   d1      pls_integer;
1717 begin
1718   --
1719   -- Check if user name and display name exists in wf_users
1720   --
1721   if (name is not null and display_name is not null) then
1723     /* GK: The display name does not have to be unique
1725     select count(1) into d1
1726       from wf_users u
1727       where u.name = CreateAdHocUser.name
1728          or u.display_name = CreateAdHocUser.display_name;
1729     if (d1 > 0) then
1730       wf_core.token('USERNAME', CreateAdHocUser.name);
1731       wf_core.token('DISPNAME', CreateAdHocUser.display_name);
1732       wf_core.raise('WF_DUP_USER');
1733     end if;
1735     */
1737     NULL;
1738   elsif (name is null ) then
1739     begin
1740       select to_char(WF_ADHOC_ROLE_S.NEXTVAL)
1741       into role_id
1742       from SYS.DUAL;
1743     exception
1744       when others then
1745         raise;
1746     end;
1748     CreateAdHocUser.name := '~WF_ADHOC-' || role_id;
1749     if display_name is null then
1750        CreateAdHocUser.display_name := CreateAdHocUser.name;
1751     end if;
1752   end if;
1754   CreateUser(name=>CreateAdHocUser.name,
1755              display_name=>CreateAdHocUser.display_name,
1756              orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_USERS',
1757              orig_system_id=>0,
1758              language=>CreateAdHocUser.language,
1759              territory=>CreateAdHocUser.territory,
1760              description=>CreateAdHocUser.description,
1761              notification_preference=>CreateAdHocUser.notification_preference,
1762              email_address=>CreateAdHocUser.email_address,
1763              fax=>CreateAdHocUser.fax,
1764              status=>CreateAdHocUser.status,
1765              expiration_date=>CreateAdHocUser.expiration_date,
1766              parent_orig_system=>CreateAdhocUser.parent_orig_system,
1767              parent_orig_system_id=>CreateAdhocUser.parent_orig_system_id);
1770 exception
1771   when others then
1772     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateAdHocUser');
1773     raise;
1774 end CreateAdHocUser;
1777 --
1778 -- CreateRole (PRIVATE)
1779 --   Create a role given a specific name
1780 -- IN
1781 --   role_name          -
1782 --   role_display_name  -
1783 --   role_description   -
1784 --   notification_preference -
1785 --   language           -
1786 --   territory          -
1787 --   email_address      -
1788 --   fax                -
1789 --   status             -
1790 --   start_date         - defaults to sysdate
1791 --   expiration_date   - Null means no expiration date
1792 -- OUT
1793 --
1794 procedure CreateRole( role_name               in  varchar2,
1795                       role_display_name       in  varchar2,
1796                       orig_system             in  varchar2,
1797                       orig_system_id          in  number,
1798                       language                in  varchar2,
1799                       territory               in  varchar2,
1800                       role_description        in  varchar2,
1801                       notification_preference in  varchar2,
1802                       email_address           in  varchar2,
1803                       fax                     in  varchar2,
1804                       status                  in  varchar2,
1805                       expiration_date         in  date,
1806                       start_date              in  date,
1807                       parent_orig_system      in  varchar2,
1808                       parent_orig_system_id   in  number,
1809                       owner_tag               in  varchar2,
1810                       last_update_date        in  date,
1811                       last_updated_by         in  number,
1812                       creation_date           in  date,
1813                       created_by              in  number,
1814                       last_update_login       in  number )
1816 is
1817   nlang         varchar2(30);
1818   nterr         varchar2(30);
1819   l_partitionID NUMBER;
1820   l_partitionName VARCHAR2(30);
1821   l_origSys     VARCHAR2(30);
1823   TYPE numTAB is table of number index by binary_integer;
1824   l_origSysIDTAB numTAB;
1826   l_creatby number;
1827   l_creatdt date;
1828   l_lastupdby number;
1829   l_lastupddt date;
1830   l_lastupdlog number;
1832   l_ntfPref varchar2(8);
1833 begin
1835   -- These validations are also performed in CreateUser.  Should the
1836   -- validations become resource intensive such as accessing DB, we
1837   -- might want to have a private variable to indicate if this is
1838   -- being called by CreateUser.
1840   -- [Name Validation]
1841   -- If concat role_name is passed, check to make sure it is valid.
1842   --
1843   if ( instr(role_name, ':') > 0 ) then
1844     if ( (orig_system||':'||orig_system_id ) <> role_name) then
1845       WF_CORE.Token('NAME', role_name);
1846       WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', orig_system);
1847       WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYS_ID', orig_system_id);
1848       WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVAL_CONCAT_NAME');
1850     end if;
1852   end if;
1854   --
1855   -- Make sure no '#' or '/' exist in role_name.
1856   --
1857   /* Bug 2779747
1858   if ( (instr(role_name, '/') > 0) or (instr(role_name, '#') > 0) ) then
1859     WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name);
1860     WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE');
1861   */
1863   --
1864   -- Make sure the length of the role_name is  <= 320
1865   --
1866   if ( lengthb(role_name) > 320 ) then
1867     WF_CORE.Token('NAME', role_name);
1868     WF_CORE.Token('LENGTH', 320);
1871   end if;
1873   --
1874   -- [Status Validation]
1875   --
1876   if ( CreateRole.status not in ('ACTIVE', 'TMPLEAVE', 'EXTLEAVE',
1877                                  'INACTIVE') ) then
1879     WF_CORE.Token('STATUS', CreateRole.status);
1882   end if;
1884   --
1885   -- [Notification_Preference Validation]
1886   --
1887   -- Bug 2779747
1888     if (CreateRole.notification_preference is NULL) then
1889       if (CreateRole.email_address is NULL) then
1890         l_ntfPref := 'QUERY';
1891       else
1892         l_ntfPref := 'MAILHTML';
1893       end if;
1894     elsif (CreateRole.notification_preference not in ('MAILHTML','MAILHTM2',
1896       WF_CORE.Token('NTF_PREF', CreateRole.notification_preference);
1897       WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_NTF_PREF');
1898     else
1899       l_ntfPref := CreateRole.notification_preference;
1900     end if;
1902   --
1903   -- Resolve Territory and Language
1904   --
1905     if (language is null or territory is null) then
1906       begin
1907         select nls_territory, nls_language into nterr, nlang
1908         from   WF_LANGUAGES
1909         where  code = userenv('LANG');
1911       exception
1912         when NO_DATA_FOUND then
1913           wf_core.raise('WF_NO_LANG_TERR');
1914       end;
1916     else
1917       nlang := CreateRole.language;
1918       nterr := CreateRole.territory;
1920     end if;
1922   l_origSys := UPPER(CreateRole.orig_system);
1924   --
1925   -- Check the partition.
1926   --
1927    AssignPartition(l_origSys,l_PartitionID, l_PartitionName);
1929   --<rwunderl:4115907> Check to make sure the same name does not exist under
1930   --a different orig_system_id within this orig_system.  We may want to
1931   --change the indexes later to control this but given the data-model change
1932   --on the stage tables, we are just performing the check.
1934   --We are also using bulk operation so we do not have to catch a
1935   --NO_DATA_FOUND exception which we expect this condition often.
1936   if (instr(CreateRole.role_name, ':') < 1) then
1938     select ORIG_SYSTEM_ID
1939     bulk collect into l_origSysIDTAB
1940     from   WF_LOCAL_ROLES
1941     where  NAME = CreateRole.role_name
1942     and    PARTITION_ID = l_partitionID
1943     and    ORIG_SYSTEM = CreateRole.orig_system
1944     and    ORIG_SYSTEM_ID <> CreateRole.orig_system_id
1945     and    rownum < 2;
1947   end if;
1949     -- Evaluating the WHO columns in case they are not passed
1951     l_creatby := nvl(CreateRole.created_by,WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
1952     l_creatdt   := nvl(CreateRole.creation_date, SYSDATE);
1953     l_lastupdby := nvl(CreateRole.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
1954     l_lastupddt := nvl(CreateRole.last_update_date, SYSDATE);
1955     l_lastupdlog:= nvl(CreateRole.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.LOGIN_ID);
1957   if (l_origSysIDTAB.COUNT > 0) then
1958     if (l_partitionID <> 2) then
1959       WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateRole.role_name);
1960       WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', l_origSys);
1961       WF_CORE.Raise('WFDS_DUPLICATE_NAME');
1962     else
1963       --This is an FND_RESP which could be coming in from the loader using
1964       --afrole.lct, so we will go ahead and call the SetUserAttr() api
1965       --for the other orig_system_id.
1966       SetRoleAttr(role_name=>CreateRole.role_name,
1967                   orig_system=>l_origSys,
1968                   orig_system_id=>l_origSysIDTAB(1),
1969                   display_name=>CreateRole.role_display_name,
1970                   description=>CreateRole.role_description,
1971                   notification_preference=>l_ntfPref,
1972                   language=>CreateRole.language,
1973                   territory=>CreateRole.territory,
1974                   email_address=>CreateRole.email_address,
1975                   fax=>CreateRole.fax,
1976                   start_date=>CreateRole.start_date,
1977                   expiration_date=>CreateRole.Expiration_date,
1978                   status=>CreateRole.status,
1979                   parent_orig_system=>CreateRole.parent_orig_system,
1980                   parent_orig_system_id=>CreateRole.parent_orig_system_id,
1981                   owner_tag=>CreateRole.owner_tag);
1982     end if;
1983   else
1984     --
1985     -- Insert WF_LOCAL_ROLES with USER_FLAG = 'N'
1986     --
1988      insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES
1989         (name,
1990          display_name,
1991          description,
1992          notification_preference,
1993          language,
1994          territory,
1995          email_address,
1996          fax,
1997          status,
1998          expiration_date,
1999          orig_system,
2000          orig_system_id,
2001          start_date,
2002          user_flag,
2003          partition_id,
2004          parent_orig_system,
2005          parent_orig_system_id,
2006          owner_tag,
2007          last_update_date,
2008          last_updated_by,
2009          creation_date,
2010          created_by,
2011          last_update_login)
2012        values
2013         (nvl(CreateRole.role_name, l_origSys || ':' ||
2014                    CreateRole.orig_system_id),
2015          nvl(CreateRole.role_display_name, (nvl(CreateRole.role_name,
2016                                                 l_origSys || ':' ||
2017                                                 CreateRole.orig_system_id))),
2018          CreateRole.role_description,
2019          l_ntfPref,
2020          nvl(CreateRole.language, nlang),
2021          nvl(CreateRole.territory, nterr),
2022          CreateRole.email_address,
2023          CreateRole.fax,
2024          CreateRole.status,
2025          CreateRole.expiration_date,
2026          l_origSys,
2027          CreateRole.orig_system_id,
2028          CreateRole.start_date,
2029          'N',
2030          l_PartitionID,
2031          CreateRole.parent_orig_system,
2032          CreateRole.parent_orig_system_id,
2033          CreateRole.owner_tag,
2034          l_lastupddt,
2035          l_lastupdby,
2036          l_creatdt,
2037          l_creatby,
2038          l_lastupdlog );
2040      if ((WF_DIRECTORY.IsMLSEnabled(l_origSys) = TRUE ) AND
2041          (userenv('LANG') <> 'US')) then
2042       --If the orig_system is MLS enabled then sync the dat into
2043       --the _TL table aswell.
2044       insert into WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL
2045          ( NAME,
2046            ORIG_SYSTEM,
2047            ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
2048            PARTITION_ID,
2049            LANGUAGE,
2050            DISPLAY_NAME,
2051            DESCRIPTION,
2052            OWNER_TAG,
2053            LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
2054            LAST_UPDATED_BY,
2055            CREATION_DATE,
2056            CREATED_BY,
2057            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN)
2058         values
2059          (nvl(CreateRole.role_name, l_origSys || ':' ||
2060                    CreateRole.orig_system_id),
2061             l_origSys,
2062             CreateRole.orig_system_id,
2063             l_partitionID,
2064             userenv('LANG'),
2065             nvl(CreateRole.role_display_name, (nvl(CreateRole.role_name,
2066                                                    l_origSys || ':' ||
2067                                                    CreateRole.orig_system_id))),
2068             CreateRole.role_description,
2069             CreateRole.owner_tag,
2070             l_lastupddt,
2071             l_lastupdby,
2072             l_creatdt,
2073             l_creatby,
2074             l_lastupdlog );
2075       end if;
2076     end if;
2077 exception
2078   when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then
2079     WF_CORE.Token('DISPNAME', CreateRole.role_display_name);
2080     WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', nvl(CreateRole.role_name,
2081                                         l_origSys || ':' ||
2082                                         CreateRole.orig_system_id));
2083     WF_CORE.Raise('WF_DUP_ROLE');
2085   when others then
2086     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateRole', CreateRole.role_Name,
2087                     l_origSys, CreateRole.orig_system_id);
2088     raise;
2089 end CreateRole;
2092 --
2093 -- CreateAdHocRole
2094 --   Create an ad hoc role given a specific name
2095 -- IN
2096 --   role_name          -
2097 --   role_display_name  -
2098 --   role_description   -
2099 --   notification_preference -
2100 --   role_users         - Comma or space delimited list
2101 --   language           -
2102 --   territory          -
2103 --   email_address      -
2104 --   fax                -
2105 --   status             -
2106 --   expiration_date   - Null means no expiration date
2107 -- OUT
2108 --
2109 procedure CreateAdHocRole(role_name               in out NOCOPY varchar2,
2110                           role_display_name       in out NOCOPY varchar2,
2111                           language                in            varchar2,
2112                           territory               in            varchar2,
2113                           role_description        in            varchar2,
2114                           notification_preference in            varchar2,
2115                           role_users              in            varchar2,
2116                           email_address           in            varchar2,
2117                           fax                     in            varchar2,
2118                           status                  in            varchar2,
2119                           expiration_date         in            date,
2120                           parent_orig_system      in            varchar2,
2121                           parent_orig_system_id   in            number,
2122                           owner_tag               in            varchar2)
2123 is
2124   l_users WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable;
2126 begin
2127   --Convert the string to a proper user table.
2128   if (role_users is NOT NULL) then
2129     WF_DIRECTORY.string_to_userTable(role_users, l_users);
2130   end if;
2132   --Pass the call over to the superceding procedure CreateAdHocRole2
2133   WF_DIRECTORY.CreateAdHocRole2(role_name=>CreateAdhocRole.role_name,
2134                role_display_name=>CreateAdhocRole.role_display_name,
2135                language=>CreateAdhocRole.language,
2136                territory=>CreateAdhocRole.Territory,
2137                role_description=>CreateAdhocRole.role_description,
2138                notification_preference=>CreateAdhocRole.notification_preference,
2139                role_users=>l_users,
2140                email_address=>CreateAdhocRole.email_address,
2141                fax=>CreateAdhocRole.fax,
2142                status=>CreateAdhocRole.status,
2143                expiration_date=>CreateAdhocRole.expiration_date,
2144                parent_orig_system=>CreateAdhocRole.parent_orig_system,
2145                parent_orig_system_id=>CreateAdhocRole.parent_orig_system_id,
2146                owner_tag=>CreateAdhocRole.owner_tag);
2147 exception
2148   when others then
2149     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateAdHocRole');
2150     raise;
2151 end CreateAdHocRole;
2153 --
2154 -- CreateAdHocRole2
2155 --   Create an ad hoc role given a specific name
2156 -- IN
2157 --   role_name               -
2158 --   role_display_name       -
2159 --   role_description        -
2160 --   notification_preference -
2161 --   role_users              - WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable
2162 --   language                -
2163 --   territory               -
2164 --   email_address           -
2165 --   fax                     -
2166 --   status                  -
2167 --   expiration_date         - Null means no expiration date
2168 -- OUT
2169 --
2170 procedure CreateAdHocRole2(role_name               in out NOCOPY varchar2,
2171                            role_display_name       in out NOCOPY varchar2,
2172                            language                in            varchar2,
2173                            territory               in            varchar2,
2174                            role_description        in            varchar2,
2175                            notification_preference in            varchar2,
2176                            role_users              in WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable,
2177                            email_address           in            varchar2,
2178                            fax                     in            varchar2,
2179                            status                  in            varchar2,
2180                            expiration_date         in            date,
2181                            parent_orig_system      in            varchar2,
2182                            parent_orig_system_id   in            number,
2183                            owner_tag               in            varchar2)
2184 is
2185   role_id pls_integer;
2186   name    varchar2(320);
2187   d1      pls_integer;
2189 begin
2190   --
2191   -- Check if role name exists in wf_roles
2192   --
2193   if (role_name is not null and role_display_name is not null) then
2194     /* GK: The display name does not have to be unique
2196     select count(1) into d1
2197       from wf_roles
2198       where name = CreateAdHocRole.role_name
2199          or display_name = CreateAdHocRole.role_display_name;
2200     if (d1 > 0) then
2201       wf_core.token('ROLENAME', CreateAdHocRole.role_name);
2202       wf_core.token('DISPNAME', CreateAdHocRole.role_display_name);
2203       wf_core.raise('WF_DUP_ROLE');
2204     end if;
2206     */
2208     NULL;
2210   elsif role_name is null then
2211   --
2212   -- Create role name if not exist
2213   --
2214     begin
2215       select to_char(WF_ADHOC_ROLE_S.NEXTVAL)
2216       into role_id
2217       from SYS.DUAL;
2218     exception
2219       when others then
2220         raise;
2221     end;
2223     role_name := '~WF_ADHOC-' || role_id;
2224     if role_display_name is null then
2225      role_display_name := role_name;
2226     end if;
2227   end if;
2229     CreateRole( role_name=>CreateAdHocRole2.role_name,
2230               role_display_name=>CreateAdHocRole2.role_display_name,
2231               orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_ROLES',
2232               orig_system_id=>0,
2233               language=>CreateAdHocRole2.language,
2234               territory=>CreateAdHocRole2.territory,
2235               role_description=>CreateAdHocRole2.role_description,
2236               notification_preference=>CreateAdHocRole2.notification_preference,
2237               email_address=>CreateAdHocRole2.email_address,
2238               fax=>CreateAdHocRole2.fax,
2239               status=>CreateAdHocRole2.status,
2240               expiration_date=>CreateAdHocRole2.expiration_date,
2241               parent_orig_system=>CreateAdHocRole2.parent_orig_system,
2242               parent_orig_system_id=>CreateAdHocRole2.parent_orig_system_id,
2243               owner_tag=>CreateAdHocRole2.owner_tag );
2246   --
2247   -- Add Role Users
2248   --
2249   if (role_users.COUNT > 0) then
2250     AddUsersToAdHocRole2(CreateAdHocRole2.role_name,
2251                          CreateAdHocRole2.role_users);
2252   end if;
2255 exception
2256   when others then
2257     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateAdHocRole2');
2258     raise;
2259 end CreateAdHocRole2;
2261 --
2262 -- CreateUserRole (PRIVATE)
2263 --   Create a user to role relationship.
2264 -- IN
2265 --   user_name -
2266 --   role_name -
2267 --   start_date -
2268 --   expiration_date -
2269 --   user_orig_system -
2270 --   user_orig_system_id -
2271 --   role_orig_system -
2272 --   role_orig_system_id -
2273 --   validateUserRole -
2274 --   start_date  -
2275 --   end_date -
2276 --   created_by -
2277 --   creation_date  -
2278 --   last_updated_by  -
2279 --   last_update_date -
2280 --   last_update_login -
2281 --   assignment_type -
2282 --   assignment_type -
2283 --   parent_orig_system -,
2284 --   parent_orig_system_id -
2285 --   owner_tag -
2286 --   assignment_reason -
2287 --
2288 procedure CreateUserRole ( user_name             in  varchar2,
2289                            role_name             in  varchar2,
2290                            user_orig_system      in  varchar2,
2291                            user_orig_system_id   in  number,
2292                            role_orig_system      in  varchar2,
2293                            role_orig_system_id   in  number,
2294                            validateUserRole      in  boolean,
2295                            start_date            in  date,
2296                            end_date              in  date,
2297                            created_by            in  number,
2298                            creation_date         in  date,
2299                            last_updated_by       in  number,
2300                            last_update_date      in  date,
2301                            last_update_login     in  number,
2302                            assignment_type       in  varchar2,
2303                            parent_orig_system    in  varchar2,
2304                            parent_orig_system_id in  number,
2305                            owner_tag             in  varchar2,
2306                            assignment_reason     in  varchar2,
2307                            eventParams           in wf_parameter_list_t )
2309 is
2310   l_count  PLS_INTEGER;
2311   l_upartID number;
2312   l_rpartID number;
2313   l_partitionID number;
2314   l_partitionName varchar2(30);
2315   l_uorigSys VARCHAR2(30);
2316   l_uorigSysID NUMBER;
2317   l_rorigSys VARCHAR2(30);
2318   l_rorigSysID NUMBER;
2319   l_validateUserRole BOOLEAN;
2320   l_params  WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T;
2321   l_affectedRow rowid;
2322   l_userStartDate date;
2323   l_userExpDate date;
2324   l_roleStartDate date;
2325   l_roleExpDate date;
2326   l_effStartDate date;
2327   l_effEndDate date;
2329   l_creatdt date;
2330   l_lastupddt date;
2331   l_lastupdby number;
2332   l_creatby   number;
2333   l_lastupdlog number;
2334   event wf_event_t;
2335   result varchar2(10);
2336   sub_id raw(20);
2337 begin
2338   if ((user_orig_system is NULL) or (user_orig_system_id is NULL) or
2339       (role_orig_system is NULL) or (role_orig_system_id is NULL)) then
2340     --We need to validate by USER_NAME and ROLE_NAME to retreive the origSys
2341     --info.
2342     --Checking the user.
2343     begin
2346       INTO   l_uorigSys, l_uorigSysID,
2347       l_userStartDate, l_userExpDate, l_upartID
2348       FROM   WF_LOCAL_ROLES
2349       WHERE  NAME = CreateUserRole.USER_NAME
2350       AND    ROWNUM < 2;
2351     exception
2352       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2353         WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateUserRole.user_name);
2354         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', 'NULL');
2355         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', 'NULL');
2356         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_USER');
2357     end;
2359     --Checking the Role.
2360     begin
2363       INTO   l_rorigSys, l_rorigSysID,
2364       l_roleStartDate, l_roleExpDate,l_rpartID
2365       FROM   WF_LOCAL_ROLES
2366       WHERE  NAME = CreateUserRole.ROLE_NAME
2367       AND    ROWNUM < 2;
2368     exception
2369       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2370         WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateUserRole.role_name);
2371         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', 'NULL');
2372         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', 'NULL');
2373         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_ROLE');
2374     end;
2375   else
2376     l_validateUserRole := validateUserRole;
2377     l_uorigSys   := UPPER(CreateUserRole.user_orig_system);
2378     l_uorigSysID := CreateUserRole.user_orig_system_id;
2379     l_rorigSys   := UPPER(CreateUserRole.role_orig_system);
2380     l_rorigSysID := CreateUserRole.role_orig_system_id;
2382   end if;
2384   --
2385   -- Confirm that the User and Role actually exist.  We also need to make
2386   -- sure the user and role start/end dates are recorded.
2388   --
2389   -- Removed the requirement for the user_name to be an actual user per Kevin
2390   -- and Mark for JTF team.
2391   if (l_validateUserRole) then
2392     begin
2393      if (l_upartID is null) then
2394       AssignPartition(l_uorigSys,l_upartID, l_partitionName);
2395      end if;
2396       SELECT start_date, expiration_date
2397       into l_userStartDate, l_userExpDate
2398       FROM   WF_LOCAL_ROLES
2399       WHERE   NAME = CreateUserRole.user_name
2400       AND    ORIG_SYSTEM = l_uorigSys
2401       AND    ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uorigSysID
2402       AND    PARTITION_ID = l_upartID;
2403     exception
2404       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2405         WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateUserRole.user_name);
2406         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', l_uorigSys);
2407         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', l_uorigSysID);
2408         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_USER');
2409     end;
2411     begin
2412      if (l_rpartID is null) then
2413       AssignPartition(l_rorigSys,l_rpartID, l_partitionName);
2414      end if;
2416       SELECT start_date, expiration_date
2417       INTO l_roleStartDate, l_roleExpDate
2418       FROM   WF_LOCAL_ROLES
2419       WHERE  NAME = CreateUserRole.role_name
2420       AND    ORIG_SYSTEM = l_rorigSys
2421       AND    ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID
2422       AND    PARTITION_ID = l_rpartID;
2423     exception
2424       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2425         WF_CORE.Token('NAME', CreateUserRole.role_name);
2426         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', l_rorigSys);
2427         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', l_rorigSysID);
2428         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_ROLE');
2429     end;
2430   elsif (CreateUserRole.user_name = CreateUserRole.role_name) then
2431     --If this is a self reference we can set the user and role date values to
2432     --the same as the start/end of the user/role relationship as they are the
2433     --same.
2434     l_userStartDate := CreateUserRole.start_date;
2435     l_userExpDate := CreateUserRole.end_date;
2436     l_roleStartDate := CreateUserRole.start_date;
2437     l_roleExpDate := CreateUserRole.end_date;
2438   end if;
2440   --
2441   -- Set the partition for the orig_system of the role_name
2442   --
2443   if (l_rpartID is null) then
2444    AssignPartition(l_rorigSys,
2445                   l_rpartID, l_partitionName);
2446   end if;
2448   -- Determine the effective dates for the user/role
2449   WF_ROLE_HIERARCHY.Calculate_Effective_Dates
2450                 ( CreateUserRole.start_date,
2451                   CreateUserRole.end_date,
2452                   l_userStartDate,
2453                   l_userExpDate,
2454                   l_roleStartDate,
2455                   l_roleExpDate,
2456                   null,
2457                   null,
2458                   l_effStartDate,
2459                   l_effEndDate);
2461     -- Evaluate the WHO columns in case they are not passed
2463     l_creatby := nvl(CreateUserRole.created_by,WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
2464     l_creatdt   := nvl(CreateUserRole.creation_date, SYSDATE);
2465     l_lastupdby := nvl(CreateUserRole.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
2466     l_lastupddt := nvl(CreateUserRole.last_update_date, SYSDATE);
2467     l_lastupdlog:= nvl(CreateUserRole.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.LOGIN_ID);
2469     -- Insert
2470     begin
2471       insert into WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
2472                   ( USER_NAME,
2473                     ROLE_NAME,
2474                     USER_ORIG_SYSTEM,
2475                     USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
2476                     ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM,
2477                     ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
2478                     START_DATE,
2479                     EXPIRATION_DATE,
2480                     USER_START_DATE,
2481                     USER_END_DATE,
2482                     ROLE_START_DATE,
2483                     ROLE_END_DATE,
2484                     EFFECTIVE_START_DATE,
2485                     EFFECTIVE_END_DATE,
2486                     PARTITION_ID,
2487                     PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM,
2488                     PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
2489                     ASSIGNMENT_TYPE,
2490                     OWNER_TAG,
2491                     LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
2492                     LAST_UPDATED_BY,
2493                     CREATION_DATE,
2494                     CREATED_BY,
2495                     LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN,
2496                     ASSIGNMENT_REASON
2497                   )
2498                values
2499                   (
2500                     CreateUserRole.user_name,
2501                     CreateUserRole.role_name,
2502                     l_uorigSys,
2503                     l_uorigSysID,
2504                     l_rorigSys,
2505                     l_rorigSysID,
2506                     trunc(CreateUserRole.start_date),
2507                     trunc(CreateUserRole.end_date),
2508                     l_userStartDate,
2509                     l_userExpDate,
2510                     l_roleStartDate,
2511                     l_roleExpDate,
2512                     l_effStartDate,
2513                     l_effEndDate,
2514                     l_rpartID,
2515                     nvl(CreateUserRole.parent_orig_system,
2516                         CreateUserRole.role_orig_system),
2517                     nvl(CreateUserRole.parent_orig_system_id,
2518                         CreateUserRole.role_orig_system_id),
2519                     CreateUserRole.assignment_type,
2520                     CreateUserRole.owner_tag,
2521                     l_lastupddt,
2522                     l_lastupdby,
2523                     l_creatdt,
2524                     l_creatby,
2525                     l_lastupdlog,
2526                     CreateUserRole.assignment_reason
2527                    ) returning rowid into l_affectedRow;
2529     --We were able to insert the record, so we will raise the created event
2530     --Build parameter list.
2531     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROWID', ROWIDTOCHAR(l_affectedRow), l_params);
2532     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_NAME', CreateUserRole.user_name, l_params);
2533     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_NAME', CreateUserRole.role_name, l_params);
2534     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_uorigSys, l_params);
2535     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', l_uorigSysID,  l_params);
2536     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_rorigSys, l_params);
2537     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', l_rorigSysID, l_params);
2538     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('START_DATE',
2539                                 to_char(trunc(CreateUserRole.start_date),
2540                                         WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
2541                                 l_params);
2542     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('END_DATE',
2543                                 to_char(trunc(CreateUserRole.end_date),
2544                                         WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
2545                                 l_params);
2547     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('CREATED_BY',
2548                                 to_char(CreateUserRole.created_by,
2549                                         WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2551   WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('CREATION_DATE',
2552                                to_char(CreateUserRole.creation_date,
2553                                         WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params);
2555     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATED_BY',
2556                                 to_char(CreateUserRole.last_updated_by,
2557                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2558      WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_DATE',
2559                                 to_char(CreateUserRole.last_update_date,
2560                                         WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params);
2561     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN',
2562                                 to_char(CreateUserRole.last_update_login,
2563                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2564     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ASSIGNMENT_TYPE',
2565                                 CreateUserRole.assignment_type, l_params);
2566     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM',
2567                                 CreateUserRole.parent_orig_system, l_params);
2568     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
2569                                 to_char(CreateUserRole.parent_orig_system_id,
2570                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2571     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARTITION_ID', to_char(l_partitionID,
2572                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask),l_params);
2573     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ASSIGNMENT_REASON',
2574                                 CreateUserRole.assignment_reason, l_params);
2575    if (eventParams is not null and eventParams.count>0) then
2576      for i in eventParams.first..eventParams.last loop
2577        WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList(upper(eventParams(i).getName()),
2578           eventParams(i).getValue(),l_params);
2579      end loop;
2580   end if;
2581   --determine if BES is enabled
2582   if (wf_directory.System_Status()='DISABLED') then
2583   --Create the event that is to be raised
2585     wf_event_t.initialize(event);
2586     event.Send_Date      := sysdate;
2587     event.Event_Name     := 'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.userRole.created';
2588     event.Event_Key      := l_uOrigSys||':'||
2589                                 to_char(l_uOrigSysId)||'|'||
2590                              l_rOrigSys||':'||
2591                                 to_char(l_rOrigSysId)||'|'||
2592                                 to_char(SYSDATE, 'J:SSSSS');
2593     event.Parameter_List := l_params;
2594     sub_id:= hextoraw('1');
2595     result:= WF_ROLE_HIERARCHY.Cascade_RF(sub_id,event);
2596     if (result='SUCCESS') then
2597      result:= WF_ROLE_HIERARCHY.Aggregate_User_Roles_RF(sub_id,event);
2598     end if;
2599   else
2600     WF_EVENT.Raise(p_event_name=>'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.userRole.created',
2601                    p_event_key=> l_uOrigSys||':'||
2602                                 to_char(l_uOrigSysId)||'|'||
2603                              l_rOrigSys||':'||
2604                                 to_char(l_rOrigSysId)||'|'||
2605                                 to_char(SYSDATE, 'J:SSSSS'),
2606                    p_parameters=>l_params);
2607   end if;
2609   exception
2610       when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then
2611         WF_CORE.Token('UNAME', CreateUserRole.user_name);
2612         WF_CORE.Token('RNAME', CreateUserRole.role_name);
2613         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_DUP_USER_ROLE');
2615       when OTHERS then
2616         raise;
2618   end;
2622 exception
2623   when others then
2624     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'CreateUserRole',
2625         user_name, role_name, l_uorigSys,
2626         to_char(nvl(user_orig_system_id, l_uorigSysID)),
2627         l_rorigSys, to_char(nvl(role_orig_system_id, l_rorigSysID)));
2629     raise;
2631 end CreateUserRole;
2634 --
2635 -- SetUserRoleAttr (PRIVATE)
2636 --   Update a user to role relationship.
2637 -- IN
2638 --   user_name -
2639 --   role_name -
2640 --   start_date -
2641 --   expiration_date -
2642 --   user_orig_system -
2643 --   user_orig_system_id -
2644 --   role_orig_system -
2645 --   role_orig_system_id -
2646 --   OverWrite -
2647 --   last_updated_by -
2648 --   last_update_date -
2649 --   last_update_login -
2650 --   assignment_type  -
2651 --   parent_orig_system -
2652 --   parent_orig_system_id
2653 --   owner_tag
2654 --   last_update_date -
2655 --   last_updated_by -
2656 --   creation_date -
2657 --   created_by -
2658 --   last_update_login  -
2659 --   assignment_reason -
2660 --   updateWho
2661 procedure SetUserRoleAttr ( user_name             in varchar2,
2662                             role_name             in varchar2,
2663                             start_date            in date,
2664                             end_date              in date,
2665                             user_orig_system      in varchar2,
2666                             user_orig_system_id   in number,
2667                             role_orig_system      in varchar2,
2668                             role_orig_system_id   in number,
2669                             OverWrite             in boolean,
2670                             last_updated_by       in number,
2671                             last_update_date      in date,
2672                             last_update_login     in number,
2673                             created_by            in number,
2674                             creation_date         in date,
2675                             assignment_type       in varchar2,
2676                             parent_orig_system    in varchar2,
2677                             parent_orig_system_id in number,
2678                             owner_tag             in varchar2,
2679                             assignment_reason     in varchar2,
2680                             updateWho             in BOOLEAN,
2681                             eventParams           in wf_parameter_list_t) is
2683   l_uorigSys    VARCHAR2(30) := UPPER(user_orig_system);
2684   l_uorigSysID  NUMBER       := UPPER(user_orig_system_id);
2685   l_rorigSys    VARCHAR2(30) := UPPER(role_orig_system);
2686   l_rorigSysID  NUMBER       := UPPER(role_orig_system_id);
2687   l_porigSys    VARCHAR2(30) := UPPER(nvl(parent_orig_system,
2688                                           role_orig_system));
2689   l_porigSysID  NUMBER       := UPPER(nvl(parent_orig_system_id,
2690                                           role_orig_system_id));
2691   l_params      WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T;
2692   l_affectedRow rowid;
2694   l_lastupdby  NUMBER;
2695   l_lastupddt  DATE;
2696   l_lastupdlog NUMBER;
2697   l_oldstartdate date;
2698   l_oldenddate date;
2699   l_UpdateWho BOOLEAN := nvl(updateWho,TRUE);
2700   l_partitionID number;
2701   l_partitionName varchar2(30);
2702   event wf_event_t;
2703   result varchar2(10);
2704   sub_id raw(20);
2705 begin
2706   --<rwunderl:2823630> Lookup origSys info if not provided.
2707   if ((SetUserRoleAttr.user_orig_system is NULL) or
2708       (SetUserRoleAttr.user_orig_system_id is NULL)) then
2709     --Checking the user.
2710     begin
2712       INTO   l_uorigSys, l_uorigSysID
2713       FROM   WF_LOCAL_ROLES
2714       WHERE  NAME = SetUserRoleAttr.user_name
2715       and    rownum < 2;
2717     exception
2718       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2719         WF_CORE.Token('NAME', SetUserRoleAttr.user_name);
2720         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', 'NULL');
2721         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', 'NULL');
2722         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_USER');
2723     end;
2724   end if;
2727   if ((SetUserRoleAttr.role_orig_system is NULL) or
2728       (SetUserRoleAttr.role_orig_system_id is NULL)) then
2729     --Checking the role.
2730     begin
2732       INTO   l_rorigSys, l_rorigSysID,l_partitionID
2733       FROM   WF_LOCAL_ROLES
2734       WHERE  NAME = SetUserRoleAttr.role_name
2735       AND    rownum < 2;
2737      if (l_porigSys is NULL or l_porigSysID is NULL) then
2738        l_porigSys := l_rorigSys;
2739        l_porigSysID := l_rorigSysID;
2740      end if;
2742     exception
2743       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2744         WF_CORE.Token('NAME', SetUserRoleAttr.role_name);
2745         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM', 'NULL');
2746         WF_CORE.Token('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', 'NULL');
2747         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_NO_ROLE');
2748     end;
2749   end if;
2750   if (l_partitionID is null) then
2751    AssignPartition(l_rorigSys,l_partitionID,l_partitionName);
2752   end if;
2753   --We  need to capture the current start/end date in case they are
2754   --changed.
2755   begin
2756     -- Bug 8680963 / 9323176
2757     select START_DATE, END_DATE
2758     into   l_oldStartDate, l_oldEndDate
2759     from   (select START_DATE, END_DATE
2760             from   WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS
2761             where  USER_NAME          = SetUserRoleAttr.user_name
2762             and    ROLE_NAME          = SetUserRoleAttr.role_name
2763             and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_uorigSys
2764             and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uorigSysID
2765             and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_rorigSys
2766             and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID
2767             and    PARTITION_ID = l_partitionID
2768             order  by relationship_id)
2769     where   rownum = 1;
2770     -- By using rownum=1 and ordering by relationship_id we guarantee the
2771     -- direct assignment will go first and then the older indirect assignments
2773   exception
2774     when NO_DATA_FOUND then
2775        WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVAL_USER_ROLE');
2776   end;
2778     -- Evaluating the WHO columns in case they are not passed
2779     l_lastupdby := nvl(setuserroleattr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
2780     l_lastupddt := nvl(setuserroleattr.last_update_date, SYSDATE);
2781     l_lastupdlog:= nvl(setuserroleattr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.LOGIN_ID);
2783   if (OverWrite and l_updateWho) then
2784     update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
2785     set EXPIRATION_DATE       = SetUserRoleAttr.end_date,
2786         START_DATE            = SetUserRoleAttr.start_date,
2787         LAST_UPDATED_BY       = l_lastupdby,
2788         LAST_UPDATE_DATE      = l_lastupddt,
2789         LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN     = l_lastupdlog,
2790           -- <7298384> never update CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY on update dml
2791 --        CREATION_DATE         = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.creation_date,
2792 --                                    CREATION_DATE),
2793 --        CREATED_BY            = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.created_by, CREATED_BY), -- </7298384>
2794         PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_porigSys,
2795         PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_porigSysID,
2796         ASSIGNMENT_REASON     = SetUserRoleAttr.assignment_reason
2797     where  USER_NAME          = SetUserRoleAttr.user_name
2798     and    ROLE_NAME          = SetUserRoleAttr.role_name
2799     and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_uorigSys
2800     and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uorigSysID
2801     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_rorigSys
2802     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID
2803     and    PARTITION_ID = l_partitionID
2804     returning rowid into l_affectedRow;
2806   elsif (OverWrite) then  --donot Update WHO Columns
2807     update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
2808     set EXPIRATION_DATE       = SetUserRoleAttr.end_date,
2809         START_DATE            = SetUserRoleAttr.start_date,
2810         PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_porigSys,
2811         PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_porigSysID,
2812         ASSIGNMENT_REASON     = SetUserRoleAttr.assignment_reason
2813     where  USER_NAME          = SetUserRoleAttr.user_name
2814     and    ROLE_NAME          = SetUserRoleAttr.role_name
2815     and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_uorigSys
2816     and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uorigSysID
2817     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_rorigSys
2818     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID
2819     and    PARTITION_ID = l_partitionID
2820     returning rowid into l_affectedRow;
2822   elsif (l_updateWho) then -- Update WHO columns
2823     update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
2824           set    EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.end_date, EXPIRATION_DATE),
2825                  START_DATE = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.start_date, START_DATE),
2826                  PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.parent_orig_system,
2827                                           l_porigSys),
2828                  PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(
2829                                           SetUserRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
2830                                            l_porigSysID),
2831                  LAST_UPDATED_BY     = l_lastupdby,
2832                  LAST_UPDATE_DATE    = l_lastupddt,
2833                  LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   = l_lastupdlog,
2834                  -- <7298384> never update CREATION_DATE, CREATED_BY on update dml
2835 --                 CREATED_BY          = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.created_by,
2836 --                                           created_by),
2837 --                 CREATION_DATE       = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.creation_date,
2838 --                                           creation_date), -- </7298384>
2839                  ASSIGNMENT_REASON   = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.assignment_reason,
2840                                            ASSIGNMENT_REASON)
2841           where  USER_NAME        = SetUserRoleAttr.user_name
2842           and    ROLE_NAME        = SetUserRoleAttr.role_name
2843           and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_uorigSys
2844           and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uorigSysID
2845           and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_rorigSys
2846           and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID
2847     and    PARTITION_ID = l_partitionID
2848           returning rowid into l_affectedRow;
2851   else  --Donot Update Who columns
2852     update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
2853           set    EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.end_date, EXPIRATION_DATE),
2854                  START_DATE = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.start_date, START_DATE),
2855                  PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.parent_orig_system,
2856                                           l_porigSys),
2857                  PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(
2858                                           SetUserRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
2859                                            l_porigSysID),
2860                  ASSIGNMENT_REASON   = nvl(SetUserRoleAttr.assignment_reason,
2861                                            ASSIGNMENT_REASON)
2862           where  USER_NAME        = SetUserRoleAttr.user_name
2863           and    ROLE_NAME        = SetUserRoleAttr.role_name
2864           and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_uorigSys
2865           and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_uorigSysID
2866           and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM    = l_rorigSys
2867           and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = l_rorigSysID
2868           and    PARTITION_ID = l_partitionID
2869           returning rowid into l_affectedRow;
2871   end if;
2873   if (sql%ROWCOUNT = 0) then
2874     WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVAL_USER_ROLE');
2876   end if;
2877     --We were able to update an existing record, so we will raise the
2878     --updated event
2880     --Build parameter list.
2881     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROWID', ROWIDTOCHAR(l_affectedRow), l_params);
2882     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_NAME', SetUserRoleAttr.user_name,
2883                                 l_params);
2884     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_NAME', SetUserRoleAttr.role_name,
2885                                 l_params);
2886     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_uorigSys, l_params);
2887     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(l_uorigSysID,
2888                                WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2889     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_rorigSys, l_params);
2890     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(l_rorigSysID,
2891                               WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2892     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM', l_porigSys, l_params);
2893     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID', to_char(l_porigSysID,
2894                               WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2895     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('START_DATE',
2896                                 to_char(trunc(SetUserRoleAttr.start_date),
2897                                         WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask),
2898                                 l_params);
2899     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('END_DATE',
2900                                 to_char(trunc(SetUserRoleAttr.end_date),
2901                                         WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask),
2902                                 l_params);
2904     if ((((l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL) and
2905          (SetUserRoleAttr.start_date is NOT NULL)) and
2906          (trunc(l_oldStartDate) <> trunc(SetUserRoleAttr.start_date))) or
2907         ((l_oldStartDate is NULL and SetUserRoleAttr.start_date is NOT NULL) or
2908          (SetUserRoleAttr.start_date is NULL and l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL))) then
2910       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE',
2911                                   to_char(trunc(l_oldStartDate),
2912                                           WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
2913                                           l_params);
2914     else
2915       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*',
2916                                           l_params);
2917     end if;
2919     if ((((l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL) and
2920          (SetUserRoleAttr.end_date is NOT NULL)) and
2921          (trunc(l_oldEndDate) <> trunc(SetUserRoleAttr.end_date))) or
2922         ((l_oldEndDate is NULL and SetUserRoleAttr.end_date is NOT NULL)
2923         or (SetUserRoleAttr.end_date is NULL
2924           and l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL))) then
2926       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE',
2927                                   to_char(trunc(l_oldEndDate),
2928                                           WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
2929                                   l_params);
2930     else
2931       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*',
2932                                           l_params);
2933     end if;
2936     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATED_BY',
2937                                 to_char(SetUserRoleAttr.last_updated_by,
2938                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2940     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_DATE',
2941                                 to_char(SetUserRoleAttr.last_update_date,
2942                                         WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params);
2943     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN',
2944                                 to_char(SetUserRoleAttr.last_update_login,
2945                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2947     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('CREATED_BY',
2948                                 to_char(SetUserRoleAttr.created_by,
2949                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
2951     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('CREATION_DATE',
2952                                to_char(SetUserRoleAttr.creation_date,
2953                                         WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params);
2955     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ASSIGNMENT_TYPE',
2956                                 SetUserRoleAttr.assignment_type, l_params);
2958     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ASSIGNMENT_REASON',
2959                                 SetUserRoleAttr.assignment_reason, l_params);
2961     if (OverWrite) then
2962      WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('WFSYNCH_OVERWRITE', 'TRUE',l_params );
2963     end if;
2965     if (l_updateWho) then
2966      WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('UPDATE_WHO','TRUE',l_params);
2967     end if;
2969    if (eventParams is not null and eventParams.count>0) then
2970      for i in eventParams.first..eventParams.last loop
2971        WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList(upper(eventParams(i).getName()),
2972           eventParams(i).getValue(),l_params);
2973      end loop;
2974   end if;
2976   --determine if BES is enabled
2977   if (wf_directory.System_Status()='DISABLED') then
2978   --Create the event that is to be raised
2980     wf_event_t.initialize(event);
2981     event.Send_Date      := sysdate;
2982     event.Event_Name     := 'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.userRole.updated';
2983     event.Event_Key      :=  l_uOrigSys||':'||
2984                                 to_char(l_uOrigSysId)||'|'||
2985                              l_rOrigSys||':'||
2986                                 to_char(l_rOrigSysId)||'|'||
2987                                 to_char(SYSDATE, 'J:SSSSS');
2989     event.Parameter_List := l_params;
2990     sub_id :=hextoraw('1');
2991     result:= WF_ROLE_HIERARCHY.Cascade_RF(sub_id,event);
2992     if (result='SUCCESS') then
2993      result:= WF_ROLE_HIERARCHY.Aggregate_User_Roles_RF(sub_id,event);
2994     end if;
2995   else
2996     WF_EVENT.Raise(p_event_name=>'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.userRole.updated',
2997                    p_event_key=> l_uOrigSys||':'||
2998                                 to_char(l_uOrigSysId)||'|'||
2999                              l_rOrigSys||':'||
3000                                 to_char(l_rOrigSysId)||'|'||
3001                                 to_char(SYSDATE, 'J:SSSSS'),
3002                    p_parameters=>l_params);
3003   end if;
3006 end;
3009 --
3010 -- RemoveUserRole (PRIVATE)
3011 --   Remove a user from a role.
3012 -- IN
3013 --   user_name -
3014 --   role_name -
3015 --   user_orig_system -
3016 --   user_orig_system_id -
3017 --   role_orig_system -
3018 --   role_orig_system_id -
3019 --
3020 procedure RemoveUserRole(user_name           in varchar2,
3021                          role_name           in varchar2,
3022                          user_orig_system    in varchar2,
3023                          user_orig_system_id in number,
3024                          role_orig_system    in varchar2,
3025                          role_orig_system_id in number)
3026 is
3028   l_lastupddt date;
3029   l_lastupdlog number;
3030   l_lastupdby  number;
3031   l_expdate    date;
3032   l_partitionID number;
3033   l_partitionName varchar2(30);
3035 begin
3036   -- set the expiration date
3037   l_expdate := SYSDATE;
3039   --set the who columns
3041   l_lastupddt := SYSDATE;
3042   l_lastupdby := WFA_SEC.USER_ID;
3043   l_lastupdlog := WFA_SEC.LOGIN_ID;
3045   AssignPartition( RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system,l_partitionId,l_partitionName);
3047   if (user_orig_system is null or user_orig_system_id is null) then
3048     -- Expire user
3049     update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
3050     set    EXPIRATION_DATE     =  l_expdate,
3051            EFFECTIVE_END_DATE = l_expdate,
3052            LAST_UPDATED_BY     =  l_lastupdby,
3053            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   =  l_lastupdlog,
3054            LAST_UPDATE_DATE    =  l_lastupddt
3055     where  USER_NAME           =  RemoveUserRole.user_name
3056     and    ROLE_NAME           =  RemoveUserRole.role_name
3057     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM    =  RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system
3058     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID =  RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system_id
3059     and    PARTITION_ID        =  l_partitionID;
3062     set    END_DATE     =  l_expdate,
3063            EFFECTIVE_END_DATE = l_expdate,
3064            LAST_UPDATED_BY     = l_lastupdby,
3065            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   =  l_lastupdlog,
3066            LAST_UPDATE_DATE    =  l_lastupddt
3067     where  USER_NAME           =  RemoveUserRole.user_name
3068     and    ROLE_NAME           =  RemoveUserRole.role_name
3069     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM    =  RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system
3070     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID =  RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system_id;
3072   else
3074     -- Expire user with orig system and orig system id
3075     update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
3076     set    EXPIRATION_DATE     =  l_expdate,
3077            EFFECTIVE_END_DATE  = l_expdate,
3078            LAST_UPDATED_BY     = l_lastupdby,
3079            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   =  l_lastupdlog,
3080            LAST_UPDATE_DATE    =  l_lastupddt
3081     where  USER_NAME           =  RemoveUserRole.user_name
3082     and    ROLE_NAME           =  RemoveUserRole.role_name
3083     and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM    =  RemoveUserRole.user_orig_system
3084     and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID =  RemoveUserRole.user_orig_system_id
3085     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM    =  RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system
3086     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID =  RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system_id
3087     and    PARTITION_ID        = l_partitionID;
3090     set    END_DATE            =  l_expdate,
3091            EFFECTIVE_END_DATE  = l_expdate,
3092            LAST_UPDATED_BY     =  l_lastupdby,
3093            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN   =  l_lastupdlog,
3094            LAST_UPDATE_DATE    =  l_lastupddt
3095     where  USER_NAME           =  RemoveUserRole.user_name
3096     and    ROLE_NAME           =  RemoveUserRole.role_name
3097     and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM    =  RemoveUserRole.user_orig_system
3098     and    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID =  RemoveUserRole.user_orig_system_id
3099     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM    =  RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system
3100     and    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID =  RemoveUserRole.role_orig_system_id;
3102   end if;
3104   -- DL: did not trap the WF_INVALID_USER error here.
3105   -- It should be fine if someone want to remove a user again from the
3106   -- same role.  Plus it should be a user/role not exist, not an invalid
3107   -- user.
3109 exception
3110   when others then
3111     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'RemoveUserRole',
3112         user_name, role_name, user_orig_system, to_char(user_orig_system_id),
3113         role_orig_system, to_char(role_orig_system_id));
3115     raise;
3116 end RemoveUserRole;
3118 --
3119 -- AddUsersToAdHocRole (Deprecated)
3120 --   Use AddUsersToAdHocRole2
3121 -- IN
3122 --   role_name     - AdHoc role name
3123 --   role_users    - Space or comma delimited list of apps-based users
3124 --                      or adhoc users
3125 -- OUT
3126 --
3127 procedure AddUsersToAdHocRole(role_name         in varchar2,
3128                               role_users        in  varchar2)
3129 is
3130   l_users WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable;
3132 begin
3134   if (role_users is NOT NULL) then
3135     String_To_UserTable (p_UserList=>AddUsersToAdHocRole.role_users,
3136                          p_UserTable=>l_users);
3138     AddUsersToAdHocRole2(role_name=>AddUsersToAdHocRole.role_name,
3139                          role_users=>l_users);
3140   end if;
3142 exception
3143   when others then
3144     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'AddUsersToAdHocRole',
3145         role_name, '"'||role_users||'"');
3146     raise;
3147 end AddUsersToAdHocRole;
3149 --
3150 -- AddUsersToAdHocRole2
3151 --   Add users to an existing ad hoc role
3152 -- IN
3153 --   role_name     - AdHoc role name
3154 --   role_users    - Space or comma delimited list of apps-based users
3155 --                      or adhoc users
3156 -- OUT
3157 --
3158 procedure AddUsersToAdHocRole2(role_name         in varchar2,
3159                                role_users        in WF_DIRECTORY.UserTable) is
3161   d1               pls_integer;
3162   colon            pls_integer;
3163   userIND          number;
3164   l_orig_system    varchar2(30) := NULL;
3165   l_orig_system_id number       := NULL;
3167 begin
3168   -- Validate Role
3169   if (wfa_sec.DS_Count_Local_Role(AddUsersToAdHocRole2.role_name) <= 0) then
3170     wf_core.token('ROLENAME', AddUsersToAdHocRole2.role_name);
3171     wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE');
3172   end if;
3174   if (role_users.COUNT > 0) then
3175     for userIND in role_users.FIRST..role_users.LAST loop
3176       if (role_users(userIND) is NOT NULL) then
3177         -- Validation
3178         -- 1379875: (Performance) added support for orig_system, orig_system_id
3179         -- composite name.
3180         -- Changed Validation and duplicate checking to limit selects against
3181         -- wf_users.
3182         -- Used a sub-block to use exception handling instead of single count
3183         -- into.
3186          begin
3187            colon := instr(role_users(userIND), ':');
3188            if (colon = 0) then
3189              --Bug 2465881
3190               --To eliminate error: Exact fetch returning more than
3191               --requested number of rows.
3193             INTO    l_orig_system, l_orig_system_id
3194             FROM    WF_USERS
3195             WHERE   NAME = role_users(userIND)
3196             AND     partition_id <> 9
3197             AND     rownum < 2;
3198           else
3199             -- Bug 2465881
3201             INTO   l_orig_system, l_orig_system_id
3202             FROM   WF_USERS
3203             WHERE  ORIG_SYSTEM = substr(role_users(userIND), 1, colon-1)
3204             AND    ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = substr(role_users(userIND), colon+1)
3205             AND    rownum < 2;
3206           end if;
3207         exception
3208           when NO_DATA_FOUND then
3209             wf_core.token('USERNAME', role_users(userIND));
3210             wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_USER');
3212           when others then
3213             wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'AddUsersToAdHocRole2', role_name);
3214             raise;
3215         end;
3217         -- Check Duplicate
3218         -- for local table, check user name and role name are sufficient
3219         -- there will not be index on orig system and orig system id
3220         -- orig systems and orig system ids are identical among the users
3221         -- from WF_LOCAL_ROLES.
3222         --
3224         -- <rwunderl:5218259>
3225         -- Commenting out this check and catching a dup user/role exception
3226         -- select count(1) into d1
3227         -- from WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
3228         -- where USER_NAME = role_users(userIND)
3229         -- and ROLE_NAME = AddUsersToAdHocRole2.role_name
3230         -- and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES'
3231         -- and ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = 0;
3233         -- if (d1 > 0) then
3234         --   wf_core.token('USERNAME', role_users(userIND));
3235         --   wf_core.token('DISPNAME', '');
3236         --   wf_core.raise('WF_DUP_USER');
3237         -- end if;
3239         CreateUserRole(user_name=>role_users(userIND),
3240                        role_name=>AddUsersToAdHocRole2.role_name,
3241                        user_orig_system=>l_orig_system,
3242                        user_orig_system_id=>l_orig_system_id,
3243                        role_orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_ROLES',
3244                        role_orig_system_id=>0,
3245                        start_date=>sysdate,
3246                        end_date=>to_date(NULL),
3247                        validateUserRole=>FALSE,
3248                        created_by=>WFA_SEC.user_id,
3249                        creation_date=>sysdate,
3250                        last_updated_by=>WFA_SEC.user_id,
3251                        last_update_date=>sysdate,
3252                        last_update_login=>WFA_SEC.login_id);
3254       end if;
3255     end loop;
3256   end if;
3258 exception
3259   when others then
3260     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'AddUsersToAdHocRole2',
3261         role_name);
3262     raise;
3263 end AddUsersToAdHocRole2;
3266 --
3267 -- SetUserAttr (PRIVATE)
3268 --   Update additional attributes for users
3269 -- IN
3270 --   user_name        - user name
3271 --   orig_system      -
3272 --   orig_system_id   -
3273 --   display_name  -
3274 --   notification_preference -
3275 --   language      -
3276 --   territory     -
3277 --   email_address -
3278 --   fax           -
3279 --   expiration_date  - New expiration date
3280 --   status           - status could be 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE'
3281 --   start_date -
3282 --   OverWrite -
3283 --   parent_orig_system -
3284 --   parent_orig_system_id -
3285 --   owner_tag -
3286 --   last_updated_by -
3287 --   last_update_date -
3288 --   last_update_login -
3289 -- OUT
3290 --
3291 procedure SetUserAttr(user_name               in  varchar2,
3292                       orig_system             in  varchar2,
3293                       orig_system_id          in  number,
3294                       display_name            in  varchar2,
3295                       description             in  varchar2,
3296                       notification_preference in  varchar2,
3297                       language                in  varchar2,
3298                       territory               in  varchar2,
3299                       email_address           in  varchar2,
3300                       fax                     in  varchar2,
3301                       expiration_date         in  date,
3302                       status                  in  varchar2,
3303                       start_date              in  date,
3304                       OverWrite               in  boolean,
3305                       Parent_Orig_System      in  varchar2,
3306                       Parent_orig_system_id   in  number,
3307                       owner_tag               in  varchar2,
3308                       last_updated_by         in  number,
3309                       last_update_date        in  date,
3310                       last_update_login       in  number,
3311                       created_by              in  number,
3312                       creation_date           in  date,
3313                       eventParams             in  wf_parameter_list_t)
3314 is
3316   l_expiration DATE;
3317   l_params WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T;
3318   l_oldStartDate DATE;
3319   l_oldEndDate   DATE;
3320   l_lastupddt DATE;
3321   l_creatdt   DATE;
3322   l_creatby   NUMBER;
3323   l_lastupdby NUMBER;
3324   l_lastupdlog NUMBER;
3325   l_partitionID NUMBER;
3326   l_partitionName VARCHAR2(30);
3328 begin
3329   --We first need to capture the current start/end date in case they are
3330   --changed.
3331    AssignPartition(SetUserAttr.orig_system, l_partitionID, l_partitionName);
3333   begin
3335     INTO   l_oldStartDate, l_oldEndDate
3337     WHERE  NAME = SetUserAttr.user_name
3338     AND    ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system
3339     AND    ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id
3340     AND    PARTITION_ID = l_partitionID;
3341   exception
3342     when NO_DATA_FOUND then
3343       wf_core.token('USERNAME', user_name);
3344       wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_USER');
3345   end;
3347     --
3348   -- Evaluate the WHO columns, and set default values if they are not passed
3350   l_creatdt := nvl(SetUserAttr.creation_date, SYSDATE);
3351   l_creatby := nvl(SetUserAttr.created_by, WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
3352   l_lastupddt := nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_date, SYSDATE);
3353   l_lastupdby := nvl(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
3354   l_lastupdlog := nvl(SetUserAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.LOGIN_ID);
3356     -- Update WF_LOCAL_ROLES where user_flag = 'Y'
3357     --
3358   if (OverWrite) then
3360    if ((userenv('LANG') = 'US') OR
3361        (isMLSEnabled(SetUserAttr.orig_system) = FALSE)) then
3362     update WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3363        set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetUserAttr.notification_preference,
3364                                          NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE),
3365            LANGUAGE                = nvl(SetUserAttr.language, LANGUAGE),
3366            TERRITORY               = nvl(SetUserAttr.territory, TERRITORY),
3367            EMAIL_ADDRESS           = SetUserAttr.email_address,
3368            FAX                     = SetUserAttr.fax,
3369            DISPLAY_NAME            = nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name,
3370                                          DISPLAY_NAME),
3371            DESCRIPTION             = SetUserAttr.description,
3372            EXPIRATION_DATE         = SetUserAttr.expiration_date,
3373            STATUS                  = nvl(SetUserAttr.status, STATUS),
3374            START_DATE              = SetUserAttr.start_date,
3375            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM      = SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system,
3376            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID   = SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
3377            OWNER_TAG               = SetUserAttr.owner_tag,
3378            -- <7298384> always keep CREATED_BY and CREATION_DATE in update
3379 --           CREATED_BY              = nvl(SetUserAttr.created_by, created_by),
3380 --           CREATION_DATE           = nvl(SetUserAttr.creation_date,
3381 --                                         creation_date),  -- </7298384>
3382            LAST_UPDATED_BY         = l_lastupdby,
3383            LAST_UPDATE_DATE        = l_lastupddt,
3384            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN       = l_lastupdlog
3385      where NAME           = user_name
3386        and ORIG_SYSTEM    = SetUserAttr.orig_system
3387        and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id
3388        and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID
3389        and USER_FLAG      = 'Y';
3391    else
3393     update WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3394        set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetUserAttr.notification_preference,
3395                                          NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE),
3396            LANGUAGE                = nvl(SetUserAttr.language, LANGUAGE),
3397            TERRITORY               = nvl(SetUserAttr.territory, TERRITORY),
3398            EMAIL_ADDRESS           = SetUserAttr.email_address,
3399            FAX                     = SetUserAttr.fax,
3400            EXPIRATION_DATE         = SetUserAttr.expiration_date,
3401            STATUS                  = nvl(SetUserAttr.status, STATUS),
3402            START_DATE              = SetUserAttr.start_date,
3403            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM      = SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system,
3404            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID   = SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
3405            -- <7298384> always keep CREATED_BY and CREATION_DATE in update
3406 --           CREATED_BY              = nvl(SetUserAttr.created_by, created_by),
3407 --           CREATION_DATE           = nvl(SetUserAttr.creation_date,
3408 --                                         creation_date), -- </7298384>
3409            LAST_UPDATED_BY         = l_lastupdby,
3410            LAST_UPDATE_DATE        = l_lastupddt,
3411            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN       = l_lastupdlog
3412      where NAME           = user_name
3413        and ORIG_SYSTEM    = SetUserAttr.orig_system
3414        and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id
3415        and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID
3416        and USER_FLAG      = 'Y';
3419    --Update the _TL table
3420    update WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL
3421       set DISPLAY_NAME       = nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME),
3422           DESCRIPTION        = SetUserAttr.description,
3423           -- <7298384> always keep CREATED_BY and CREATION_DATE in update
3424 --          CREATED_BY         = nvl(SetUserAttr.created_by, created_by),
3425 --          CREATION_DATE      = nvl(SetUserAttr.creation_date, creation_date), -- </7298384>
3426           LAST_UPDATED_BY    = l_lastupdby,
3427           LAST_UPDATE_DATE   = l_lastupddt,
3428           LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN  = l_lastupdlog
3429    where NAME           = SetUserAttr.user_name
3430       and ORIG_SYSTEM    = SetUserAttr.orig_system
3431       and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id
3432       and LANGUAGE       = userenv('LANG')
3433       and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID;
3435    if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
3436      --No record exist for this lang in _TL table
3437      --so insert a record
3438      insert into  WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL (NAME,
3439                                      DISPLAY_NAME,
3440                                      DESCRIPTION,
3441                                      ORIG_SYSTEM,
3442                                      ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
3443                                      PARTITION_ID,
3444                                      LANGUAGE,
3445                                      OWNER_TAG,
3446                                      CREATED_BY,
3447                                      CREATION_DATE,
3448                                      LAST_UPDATED_BY,
3449                                      LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
3450                                      LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN )
3451      (select wu.name,
3452              nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name, wu.DISPLAY_NAME) ,
3453              SetUserAttr.description,
3454              wu.ORIG_SYSTEM,
3455              wu.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID ,
3456              wu.PARTITION_ID,
3457              userenv('LANG'),
3458              nvl(SetUserAttr.owner_tag, wu.OWNER_TAG),
3459              l_creatby,
3460              l_creatdt,
3461              l_lastupdby,
3462              l_lastupddt,
3463              l_lastupdlog
3464       from WF_LOCAL_ROLES  wu
3465       where wu.NAME           = SetUserAttr.user_name
3466       and wu.ORIG_SYSTEM      = SetUserAttr.orig_system
3467       and wu.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID   = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id
3468       and wu.PARTITION_ID     = l_partitionID
3469       and wu.USER_FLAG        = 'Y');
3471       --Now update the table for relevant data
3473    end if;
3474    end if;
3475   else
3476    if ((userenv('LANG') = 'US') OR
3477        (isMLSEnabled(SetUserAttr.orig_system) = FALSE)) then
3478     update WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3479        set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetUserAttr.notification_preference,
3480                                          NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE),
3481            LANGUAGE        = nvl(SetUserAttr.language, LANGUAGE),
3482            TERRITORY       = nvl(SetUserAttr.territory, TERRITORY),
3483            EMAIL_ADDRESS   = nvl(SetUserAttr.email_address, EMAIL_ADDRESS),
3484            FAX             = nvl(SetUserAttr.fax, FAX),
3485            DISPLAY_NAME    = nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME),
3486            DESCRIPTION     = nvl(SetUserAttr.description, DESCRIPTION),
3487            EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.expiration_date, EXPIRATION_DATE),
3488            STATUS          = nvl(SetUserAttr.status, STATUS),
3489            START_DATE      = nvl(SetUserAttr.start_date, START_DATE),
3490            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system,
3491                                     PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM),
3492            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
3493                                        PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID),
3494            OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetUserAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG)
3495                     -- <7298384> no overwrite mode, so keeping previous standard WHO column values
3496 --           CREATED_BY = nvl(SetUserAttr.created_by, CREATED_BY),
3497 --           CREATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.creation_date, CREATION_DATE),
3498 --           LAST_UPDATED_BY = l_lastupdby,
3499 --           LAST_UPDATE_DATE = l_lastupddt,
3500 --           LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = l_lastupdlog
3501                     -- </7298384>
3502      where NAME = user_name
3503        and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system
3504        and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id
3505        and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID
3506        and USER_FLAG = 'Y';
3507    else
3508     update WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3509        set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetUserAttr.notification_preference,
3510                                          NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE),
3511            LANGUAGE        = nvl(SetUserAttr.language, LANGUAGE),
3512            TERRITORY       = nvl(SetUserAttr.territory, TERRITORY),
3513            EMAIL_ADDRESS   = nvl(SetUserAttr.email_address, EMAIL_ADDRESS),
3514            FAX             = nvl(SetUserAttr.fax, FAX),
3515            EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.expiration_date, EXPIRATION_DATE),
3516            STATUS          = nvl(SetUserAttr.status, STATUS),
3517            START_DATE      = nvl(SetUserAttr.start_date, START_DATE),
3518            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system,
3519                                     PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM),
3520            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
3521                                        PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID),
3522            OWNER_TAG = nvl(SetUserAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG)
3523               -- <7298384> no overwrite mode, so keeping previous values
3524 --           CREATED_BY = nvl(SetUserAttr.created_by, CREATED_BY),
3525 --           CREATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.creation_date, CREATION_DATE),
3526 --           LAST_UPDATED_BY = l_lastupdby,
3527 --           LAST_UPDATE_DATE = l_lastupddt,
3528 --           LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = l_lastupdlog  -- </7298384>
3529      where NAME = user_name
3530        and ORIG_SYSTEM = SetUserAttr.orig_system
3531        and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id
3532        and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID
3533        and USER_FLAG = 'Y';
3535    --then lets update the _TL table
3536    update WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL
3537       set DISPLAY_NAME   = nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME),
3538           DESCRIPTION    = SetUserAttr.description
3539               -- <7298384> no overwrite mode, so keeping previous values
3540 --          CREATED_BY = nvl(SetUserAttr.created_by, CREATED_BY),
3541 --          CREATION_DATE = nvl(SetUserAttr.creation_date, CREATION_DATE),
3542 --          LAST_UPDATED_BY         = l_lastupdby,
3543 --          LAST_UPDATE_DATE        = l_lastupddt,
3544 --          LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN       = l_lastupdlog  -- </7298384>
3545     where NAME           = SetUserAttr.user_name
3546       and ORIG_SYSTEM    = SetUserAttr.orig_system
3547       and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id
3548       and LANGUAGE       = userenv('LANG')
3549       and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID;
3551      if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
3552        --No record exist for this lang in _TL table
3553        --so insert a record
3554        --The issue is that if the passed values or param
3555        --are null we would be inserting 'US' language
3556        --display name and description
3558        insert into  WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL (NAME,
3559                                        DISPLAY_NAME,
3560                                        DESCRIPTION,
3561                                        ORIG_SYSTEM,
3562                                        ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
3563                                        PARTITION_ID,
3564                                        LANGUAGE,
3565                                        OWNER_TAG,
3566                                        CREATED_BY,
3567                                        CREATION_DATE,
3568                                        LAST_UPDATED_BY,
3569                                        LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
3570                                        LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN )
3571        (select name ,
3572                nvl(SetUserAttr.display_name,DISPLAY_NAME) ,
3573                SetUserAttr.description,
3574                ORIG_SYSTEM,
3575                ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
3576                PARTITION_ID,
3577                userenv('LANG'),
3578                nvl(SetUserAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG),
3579                l_creatby,
3580                l_creatdt,
3581                l_lastupdby,
3582                l_lastupddt,
3583                l_lastupdlog
3584         from WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3585         where NAME           = SetUserAttr.user_name
3586         and ORIG_SYSTEM      = SetUserAttr.orig_system
3587         and ORIG_SYSTEM_ID   = SetUserAttr.orig_system_id
3588         and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID
3589         and USER_FLAG        = 'Y');
3591         --Now update the table for relevant data
3593      end if;
3595    end if;
3596   end if;
3597   if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
3598       wf_core.token('USERNAME', user_name);
3599       wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_USER');
3600   end if;
3602     --We were able to update the record, so we will raise the updated event
3603     --Build parameter list.
3604     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('USER_NAME', SetUserAttr.user_name, l_params);
3605     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ORIG_SYSTEM', SetUserAttr.orig_system,
3606                                 l_params);
3607     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
3608                                 to_char(SetUserAttr.orig_system_id), l_params);
3609     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('DISPLAY_NAME', SetUserAttr.display_name,
3610                                 l_params);
3611     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('DESCRIPTION', SetUserAttr.description,
3612                                 l_params);
3614                                 SetUserAttr.notification_preference, l_params);
3615     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LANGUAGE', SetUserAttr.language,  l_params);
3616     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('TERRITORY', SetUserAttr.territory, l_params);
3617     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('EMAIL_ADDRESS', SetUserAttr.email_address,
3618                                 l_params);
3619     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('FAX', SetUserAttr.fax, l_params);
3620     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('EXPIRATION_DATE',
3621                                 to_char(trunc(SetUserAttr.expiration_date),
3622                                         WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
3623                                 l_params);
3624     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('STATUS', SetUserAttr.status, l_params);
3625     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('START_DATE',
3626                                 to_char(trunc(SetUserAttr.start_date),
3627                                         WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
3628                                         l_params);
3629     if ((((l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL) and
3630          (SetUserAttr.start_date is NOT NULL)) and
3631          (trunc(l_oldStartDate) <> trunc(SetUserAttr.start_date))) or
3632         ((l_oldStartDate is NULL and SetUserAttr.start_date is NOT NULL) or
3633          (SetUserAttr.start_date is NULL and l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL))) then
3635       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE',
3636                                   to_char(trunc(l_oldStartDate),
3637                                           WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
3638                                           l_params);
3639     else
3640       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*',
3641                                           l_params);
3642     end if;
3644     if ((((l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL) and
3645          (SetUserAttr.expiration_date is NOT NULL)) and
3646          (trunc(l_oldEndDate) <> trunc(SetUserAttr.expiration_date))) or
3647         ((l_oldEndDate is NULL and SetUserAttr.expiration_date is NOT NULL)
3648         or (SetUserAttr.expiration_date is NULL
3649           and l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL))) then
3651       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE',
3652                                   to_char(trunc(l_oldEndDate),
3653                                           WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
3654                                   l_params);
3655     else
3656       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*',
3657                                           l_params);
3658     end if;
3660     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM',
3661                                 SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system, l_params);
3662     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
3663                                 to_char(SetUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id ,
3664                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
3665     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OWNER_TAG', SetUserAttr.owner_tag, l_params);
3666     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATED_BY',
3667                                 to_char(SetUserAttr.last_updated_by,
3668                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
3669     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_DATE',
3670                                 to_char(SetUserAttr.last_update_date,
3671                                         WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params);
3672     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN',
3673                                 to_char(SetUserAttr.last_update_login ,
3674                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
3675     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('CREATED_BY', to_char(SetUserAttr.created_by ,
3676                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
3677     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('CREATION_DATE',
3678                                 to_char(SetUserAttr.creation_date,
3679                                         WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params);
3680    if (eventParams is not null and eventParams.count>0) then
3681      for i in eventParams.first..eventParams.last loop
3682        WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList(upper(eventParams(i).getName()),
3683           eventParams(i).getValue(),l_params);
3684      end loop;
3685   end if;
3687     WF_EVENT.Raise(p_event_name=>'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.user.updated',
3688                    p_event_key=>user_name, p_parameters=>l_params);
3690 exception
3691   when others then
3692     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetUserAttr', user_name, display_name);
3693     raise;
3694 end SetUserAttr;
3696 --
3697 -- SetRoleAttr (PRIVATE)
3698 --   Update additional attributes for roles
3699 -- IN
3700 --   role_name        - role name
3701 --   orig_system      -
3702 --   orig_system_id   -
3703 --   display_name  -
3704 --   notification_preference -
3705 --   language      -
3706 --   territory     -
3707 --   email_address -
3708 --   fax           -
3709 --   expiration_date  - New expiration date
3710 --   status           - status could be 'ACTIVE' or 'INACTIVE'
3711 -- OUT
3712 --
3713 procedure SetRoleAttr(role_name               in  varchar2,
3714                       orig_system             in  varchar2,
3715                       orig_system_id          in  number,
3716                       display_name            in  varchar2,
3717                       description             in  varchar2,
3718                       notification_preference in  varchar2,
3719                       language                in  varchar2,
3720                       territory               in  varchar2,
3721                       email_address           in  varchar2,
3722                       fax                     in  varchar2,
3723                       expiration_date         in  date,
3724                       status                  in  varchar2,
3725                       start_date              in  date,
3726                       OverWrite               in  boolean,
3727                       Parent_Orig_System      in  varchar2,
3728                       Parent_Orig_System_ID   in  number,
3729                       owner_tag               in  varchar2,
3730                       last_updated_by         in  number,
3731                       last_update_date        in  date,
3732                       last_update_login       in  number,
3733                       created_by              in  number,
3734                       creation_date           in  date,
3735                       eventParams             in wf_parameter_list_t)
3736 is
3738   l_expiration DATE;
3739   l_params WF_PARAMETER_LIST_T;
3740   l_oldStartDate DATE;
3741   l_oldEndDate   DATE;
3743   l_creatdt date;
3744   l_lastupddt date;
3745   l_creatby number;
3746   l_lastupdby number;
3747   l_lastupdlog number;
3748   l_partitionID number;
3749   l_partitionName varchar2(30);
3751 begin
3752   --We first need to capture the current start/end date in case they are
3753   --changed.
3754    AssignPartition(SetRoleAttr.orig_system, l_partitionID, l_partitionName);
3756   begin
3758     INTO   l_oldStartDate, l_oldEndDate
3760     WHERE  NAME = SetRoleAttr.role_name
3761     AND    ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system
3762     AND    ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id
3763     AND    PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID;
3764   exception
3765     when NO_DATA_FOUND then
3766       WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name);
3767       WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE');
3768   end;
3769   --
3772     -- Evaluating the WHO columns in case they are not passed
3773     l_creatdt   := nvl(SetRoleAttr.creation_date, SYSDATE);
3774     l_creatby   := nvl(SetRoleAttr.created_by, WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
3775     l_lastupdby := nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by, WFA_SEC.USER_ID);
3776     l_lastupddt := nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_date, SYSDATE);
3777     l_lastupdlog:= nvl(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login, WFA_SEC.LOGIN_ID);
3780   -- Update WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3781   --
3782   if (OverWrite) then
3783     --Update the description field and display name field
3784     --in the base table only if the session language is 'US'
3785     --Else update theses values for the _TL table and keep the
3786     --base table values same
3787     if ((userenv('LANG') = 'US') OR
3788         (isMLSEnabled(SetRoleAttr.orig_system) = FALSE)) then
3789       update WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3790       set    NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.notification_preference,
3791                                            NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE),
3792              LANGUAGE                = nvl(SetRoleAttr.language, LANGUAGE),
3793              TERRITORY               = nvl(SetRoleAttr.territory, TERRITORY),
3794              EMAIL_ADDRESS           = SetRoleAttr.email_address,
3795              FAX                     = SetRoleAttr.fax,
3796              DISPLAY_NAME            = nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name,
3797                                          DISPLAY_NAME),
3798              DESCRIPTION             = SetRoleAttr.description,
3799              EXPIRATION_DATE         = SetRoleAttr.expiration_date,
3800              STATUS                  = nvl(SetRoleAttr.status, STATUS),
3801              START_DATE              = SetRoleAttr.start_date,
3802              PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM      = SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system,
3803              PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID   = SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
3804              OWNER_TAG               = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag,
3805                                            OWNER_TAG),
3806              LAST_UPDATED_BY         = l_lastupdby,
3807              LAST_UPDATE_DATE        = l_lastupddt,
3808              LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN       = l_lastupdlog
3809              -- <7298384> always keep CREATED_BY and CREATION_DATE in update
3810 --             CREATED_BY              = nvl(SetRoleAttr.created_by,
3811 --                                           created_by),
3812 --             CREATION_DATE           = nvl(SetRoleAttr.creation_date,
3813 --                                           creation_date)  -- </7298384>
3814       where  NAME           = role_name
3815         and  ORIG_SYSTEM    = SetRoleAttr.orig_system
3816         and  ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id
3817         and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID;
3819       --Bug 3490260
3820       --lets keep the code here rather than end for better understanding
3821       --If the role information was not updated, we need to raise an
3822       --invalid role error so the caller can call the CreateRole api.
3823       if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
3824         WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name);
3825         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE');
3826       end if;
3828     else
3829       update WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3830       set    NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.notification_preference,
3831                                              NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE),
3832              LANGUAGE                = nvl(SetRoleAttr.language, LANGUAGE),
3833              TERRITORY               = nvl(SetRoleAttr.territory, TERRITORY),
3834              EMAIL_ADDRESS           = SetRoleAttr.email_address,
3835              FAX                     = SetRoleAttr.fax,
3836              EXPIRATION_DATE         = SetRoleAttr.expiration_date,
3837              STATUS                  = nvl(SetRoleAttr.status, STATUS),
3838              START_DATE              = SetRoleAttr.start_date,
3839              PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM      = SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system,
3840              PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID   = SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
3841              OWNER_TAG               = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag,
3842                                            OWNER_TAG),
3843              LAST_UPDATED_BY         = l_lastupdby,
3844              LAST_UPDATE_DATE        = l_lastupddt,
3845              LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN       = l_lastupdlog
3846              -- <7298384> always keep CREATED_BY and CREATION_DATE in update
3847 --             CREATED_BY              = nvl(SetRoleAttr.created_by,
3848 --                                           created_by),
3849 --             CREATION_DATE           = nvl(SetRoleAttr.creation_date,
3850 --                                           creation_date)  -- </7298384>
3852       where  NAME           = role_name
3853         and  ORIG_SYSTEM    = SetRoleAttr.orig_system
3854         and  ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id
3855         and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID;
3857       --If the base role information was not updated, we need to raise an
3858       --invalid role error so the caller can call the CreateRole api.
3859       if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
3860         WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name);
3861         WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE');
3862       end if;
3864       --Update the _TL table for the display_name and
3865       --description
3866       update WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL
3867       set    DISPLAY_NAME            = nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name,
3868                                            DISPLAY_NAME),
3869              DESCRIPTION             = SetRoleAttr.description,
3870              OWNER_TAG               = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag,
3871                                            OWNER_TAG),
3872              LAST_UPDATED_BY         = l_lastupdby,
3873              LAST_UPDATE_DATE        = l_lastupddt,
3874              LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN       = l_lastupdlog
3875              -- <7298384> always keep CREATED_BY and CREATION_DATE in update
3876 --             CREATED_BY              = nvl(SetRoleAttr.created_by,
3877 --                                           created_by),
3878 --             CREATION_DATE           = nvl(SetRoleAttr.creation_date,
3879 --                                           creation_date)  -- </7298384>
3881       where  NAME           = role_name
3882       and  ORIG_SYSTEM    = SetRoleAttr.orig_system
3883       and  ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id
3884       and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID;
3886       if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
3887         --No record exist for this lang in _TL table
3888         --so insert a record
3889         --The issue is that if the passed values or param
3890         --are null we would be inserting 'US' language
3891         --display name as its non-nullable was max we can do is to
3892         --add a 'NON_TRANSLATED' string or something to recognize.
3894         insert into  WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL (NAME,
3895                                        DISPLAY_NAME,
3896                                        DESCRIPTION,
3897                                        ORIG_SYSTEM,
3898                                        ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
3899                                        PARTITION_ID,
3900                                        LANGUAGE,
3901                                        OWNER_TAG,
3902                                        CREATED_BY,
3903                                        CREATION_DATE,
3904                                        LAST_UPDATED_BY,
3905                                        LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
3906                                        LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN )
3907         (select name,
3908              nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME) ,
3909              SetRoleAttr.description,
3910              ORIG_SYSTEM,
3911              ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
3912              PARTITION_ID,
3913              userenv('LANG'),
3914              nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG),
3915              l_creatby,
3916              l_creatdt,
3917              l_lastupdby,
3918              l_lastupddt,
3919              l_lastupdlog
3920          from WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3921          where  NAME           = role_name
3922          and  ORIG_SYSTEM      = SetRoleAttr.orig_system
3923          and  ORIG_SYSTEM_ID   = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id
3924          and PARTITION_ID      = l_partitionID);
3927         --Now update the table for relevant data
3929      end if;
3931     end if;
3932   else  --(NOT overWrite)
3933     if ((userenv('LANG') = 'US') OR
3934         (wf_directory.isMLSEnabled(SetRoleAttr.orig_system)  = FALSE)) then
3935     update WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3936       set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.notification_preference,
3937                                         NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE),
3938            LANGUAGE        = nvl(SetRoleAttr.language, LANGUAGE),
3939            TERRITORY       = nvl(SetRoleAttr.territory, TERRITORY),
3940            EMAIL_ADDRESS   = nvl(SetRoleAttr.email_address, EMAIL_ADDRESS),
3941            FAX             = nvl(SetRoleAttr.fax, FAX),
3942            DISPLAY_NAME    = nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME),
3943            DESCRIPTION     = nvl(SetRoleAttr.description, DESCRIPTION),
3944            EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.expiration_date, EXPIRATION_DATE),
3945            STATUS          = nvl(SetRoleAttr.status, STATUS),
3946            START_DATE      = nvl(SetRoleAttr.start_date, START_DATE),
3947            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM = nvl(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system,
3948                                     PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM),
3949            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
3950                                        PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID),
3951              OWNER_TAG               = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag,
3952                                            OWNER_TAG)
3953                     -- <7298384> no overwrite mode, so keeping previous values
3954 --             LAST_UPDATED_BY         = l_lastupdby,
3955 --             LAST_UPDATE_DATE        = l_lastupddt,
3956 --             LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN       = l_lastupdlog,
3957 --             CREATED_BY              = nvl(SetRoleAttr.created_by,
3958 --                                           created_by),
3959 --             CREATION_DATE           = nvl(SetRoleAttr.creation_date,
3960 --                                           creation_date)  -- </7298384>
3962      where NAME = role_name
3963      and   ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system
3964      and   ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id
3965      and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID;
3967      --Bug 3490260
3968      --lets keep the code here rather than end for better understanding
3969      --If the role information was not updated, we need to raise an
3970      --invalid role error so the caller can call the CreateRole api.
3971      if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
3972        WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name);
3973        WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE');
3974      end if;
3976     else
3977       update WF_LOCAL_ROLES
3978       set NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.notification_preference,
3979                                         NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE),
3980            LANGUAGE        = nvl(SetRoleAttr.language, LANGUAGE),
3981            TERRITORY       = nvl(SetRoleAttr.territory, TERRITORY),
3982            EMAIL_ADDRESS   = nvl(SetRoleAttr.email_address, EMAIL_ADDRESS),
3983            FAX             = nvl(SetRoleAttr.fax, FAX),
3984            EXPIRATION_DATE = nvl(SetRoleAttr.expiration_date, EXPIRATION_DATE),
3985            STATUS          = nvl(SetRoleAttr.status, STATUS),
3986            START_DATE      = nvl(SetRoleAttr.start_date, START_DATE),
3987            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM    = nvl(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system,
3988                                        PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM),
3989            PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = nvl(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
3990                                        PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID),
3991            OWNER_TAG             = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag,
3992                                        OWNER_TAG)
3993                       -- <7298384> no overwrite mode, so keeping previous values
3994 --           LAST_UPDATED_BY       = l_lastupdby,
3995 --           LAST_UPDATE_DATE      = l_lastupddt,
3996 --           LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN     = l_lastupdlog,
3997 --           CREATED_BY              = nvl(SetRoleAttr.created_by,
3998 --                                         created_by),
3999 --           CREATION_DATE           = nvl(SetRoleAttr.creation_date,
4000 --                                         creation_date)  -- </7298384>
4002      where NAME = role_name
4003      and   ORIG_SYSTEM = SetRoleAttr.orig_system
4004      and   ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id
4005      and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID;
4007      --If the base role information was not updated, we need to raise an
4008      --invalid role error so the caller can call the CreateRole api.
4009      if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
4010        WF_CORE.Token('ROLENAME', role_name);
4011        WF_CORE.Raise('WF_INVALID_ROLE');
4012      end if;
4014      --Update the _TL table for the display_name and
4015      --description
4016      update  WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL
4017       set    DISPLAY_NAME            = nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name,
4018                                          DISPLAY_NAME),
4019              DESCRIPTION             = nvl(SetRoleAttr.description,DESCRIPTION),
4020              OWNER_TAG               = nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag,
4021                                            OWNER_TAG)
4022                         -- <7298384> no overwrite mode, so keeping previous values
4023 --             LAST_UPDATED_BY         = l_lastupdby,
4024 --             LAST_UPDATE_DATE        = l_lastupddt,
4025 --             LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN       = l_lastupdlog,
4026 --             CREATED_BY              = nvl(SetRoleAttr.created_by,
4027 --                                           created_by),
4028 --             CREATION_DATE           = nvl(SetRoleAttr.creation_date,
4029 --                                           creation_date) -- </7298384>
4031       where  NAME           = role_name
4032       and    ORIG_SYSTEM    = SetRoleAttr.orig_system
4033       and    ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id
4034       and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID;
4036       if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
4037         --No record exist for this lang in _TL table
4038         --so insert a record
4039         --The issue is that if the passed values or param
4040         --are null we would be inserting 'US' language
4041         --display name as its non-nullable
4043         insert into  WF_LOCAL_ROLES_TL (NAME,
4044                                        DISPLAY_NAME,
4045                                        DESCRIPTION,
4046                                        ORIG_SYSTEM,
4047                                        ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
4048                                        PARTITION_ID,
4049                                        LANGUAGE,
4050                                        OWNER_TAG,
4051                                        CREATED_BY,
4052                                        CREATION_DATE,
4053                                        LAST_UPDATED_BY,
4054                                        LAST_UPDATE_DATE,
4055                                        LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN )
4056         (select name,
4057              nvl(SetRoleAttr.display_name, DISPLAY_NAME),
4058              SetRoleAttr.description,
4059              ORIG_SYSTEM,
4060              ORIG_SYSTEM_ID ,
4061              PARTITION_ID,
4062              userenv('LANG'),
4063              nvl(SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, OWNER_TAG),
4064              l_creatby,
4065              l_creatdt,
4066              l_lastupdby,
4067              l_lastupddt,
4068              l_lastupdlog
4069          from WF_LOCAL_ROLES
4070          where  NAME           = SetRoleAttr.role_name
4071          and  ORIG_SYSTEM      = SetRoleAttr.orig_system
4072          and  ORIG_SYSTEM_ID   = SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id
4073          and PARTITION_ID   = l_partitionID);
4075      end if;
4078     end if;
4079   end if;
4081     --We were able to update the record, so we will raise the updated event
4082     --Build parameter list.
4083     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ROLE_NAME', SetRoleAttr.role_name, l_params);
4084     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ORIG_SYSTEM', SetRoleAttr.orig_system,
4085                                 l_params);
4086     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
4087                                 to_char(SetRoleAttr.orig_system_id), l_params);
4088     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('DISPLAY_NAME', SetRoleAttr.display_name,
4089                                 l_params);
4090     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('DESCRIPTION', SetRoleAttr.description,
4091                                 l_params);
4093                                 SetRoleAttr.notification_preference, l_params);
4094     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LANGUAGE', SetRoleAttr.language,  l_params);
4095     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('TERRITORY', SetRoleAttr.territory, l_params);
4096     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('EMAIL_ADDRESS', SetRoleAttr.email_address,
4097                                 l_params);
4098     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('FAX', SetRoleAttr.fax, l_params);
4099     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('EXPIRATION_DATE',
4100                                 to_char(trunc(SetRoleAttr.expiration_date),
4101                                         WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
4102                                 l_params);
4103     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('STATUS', SetRoleAttr.status, l_params);
4104     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('START_DATE',
4105                                 to_char(trunc(SetRoleAttr.start_date),
4106                                         WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
4107                                         l_params);
4108     if ((((l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL) and
4109          (SetRoleAttr.start_date is NOT NULL)) and
4110          (trunc(l_oldStartDate) <> trunc(SetRoleAttr.start_date))) or
4111         ((l_oldStartDate is NULL and SetRoleAttr.start_date is NOT NULL) or
4112          (SetRoleAttr.start_date is NULL and l_oldStartDate is NOT NULL))) then
4114       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE',
4115                                   to_char(trunc(l_oldStartDate),
4116                                           WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
4117                                           l_params);
4118     else
4119       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_START_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*',
4120                                           l_params);
4121     end if;
4123     if ((((l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL) and
4124          (SetRoleAttr.expiration_date is NOT NULL)) and
4125          (trunc(l_oldEndDate) <> trunc(SetRoleAttr.expiration_date))) or
4126         ((l_oldEndDate is NULL and SetRoleAttr.expiration_date is NOT NULL)
4127         or (SetRoleAttr.expiration_date is NULL
4128           and l_oldEndDate is NOT NULL))) then
4130       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE',
4131                                   to_char(trunc(l_oldEndDate),
4132                                           WF_CORE.Canonical_Date_Mask),
4133                                   l_params);
4134     else
4135       WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OLD_END_DATE', '*UNDEFINED*',
4136                                   l_params);
4137     end if;
4139     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM',
4140                                 SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system, l_params);
4141     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('PARENT_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID',
4142                                 to_char(SetRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id ,
4143                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask),l_params);
4145     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('OWNER_TAG', SetRoleAttr.owner_tag, l_params);
4146     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATED_BY',
4147                                 to_char(SetRoleAttr.last_updated_by ,
4148                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
4149     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_DATE',
4150                                 to_char(SetRoleAttr.last_update_date,
4151                                         WF_CORE.canonical_date_mask), l_params);
4152     WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList('LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN',
4153                                 to_char(SetRoleAttr.last_update_login ,
4154                                 WF_CORE.canonical_number_mask), l_params);
4155    if (eventParams is not null and eventParams.count>0) then
4156      for i in eventParams.first..eventParams.last loop
4157        WF_EVENT.AddParameterToList(upper(eventParams(i).getName()),
4158           eventParams(i).getValue(),l_params);
4159      end loop;
4160    end if;
4161     WF_EVENT.Raise(p_event_name=>'oracle.apps.fnd.wf.ds.role.updated',
4162                    p_event_key=>role_name, p_parameters=>l_params);
4164 exception
4165   when others then
4166     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetRoleAttr', SetRoleAttr.role_name,
4167                     SetRoleAttr.display_name);
4168     raise;
4169 end SetRoleAttr;
4171 --
4172 -- SetAdHocUserExpiration
4173 --   Update expiration date for ad hoc users
4174 -- IN
4175 --   user_name        - Ad hoc user name
4176 --   expiration_date  - New expiration date
4177 -- OUT
4178 --
4179 procedure SetAdHocUserExpiration(user_name      in varchar2,
4180                       expiration_date           in date)
4181 is
4182 begin
4183   --
4184   -- Update Expiration Date
4185   --
4186   SetUserAttr(user_name=>SetAdHocUserExpiration.user_name,
4187               orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_USERS',
4188               orig_system_id=>0,
4189               display_name=>NULL,
4190               notification_preference=>NULL,
4191               language=>NULL,
4192               territory=>NULL,
4193               email_address=>NULL,
4194               fax=>NULL,
4195               expiration_date=>SetAdHocUserExpiration.expiration_date,
4196               status=>NULL);
4198 exception
4199   when others then
4200     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocUserExpiration', user_name, expiration_date);
4201     raise;
4202 end SetAdHocUserExpiration;
4204 --
4205 -- SetAdHocRoleExpiration
4206 --   Update expiration date for ad hoc roles, user roles
4207 -- IN
4208 --   role_name        - Ad hoc role name
4209 --   expiration_date  - New expiration date
4210 -- OUT
4211 --
4212 procedure SetAdHocRoleExpiration(role_name      in varchar2,
4213                       expiration_date           in date)
4214 is
4215 begin
4216   --
4217   -- Update Expiration Date
4218   --
4219   SetRoleAttr(role_name=>SetAdHocRoleExpiration.role_name,
4220               orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_ROLES',
4221               orig_system_id=>0,
4222               display_name=>NULL,
4223               notification_preference=>NULL,
4224               language=>NULL,
4225               territory=>NULL,
4226               email_address=>NULL,
4227               fax=>NULL,
4228               expiration_date=>SetAdHocRoleExpiration.expiration_date,
4229               status=>NULL);
4231 exception
4232   when others then
4233     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocRoleExpiration', role_name,
4234                     expiration_date);
4235     raise;
4236 end SetAdHocRoleExpiration;
4238 --
4239 -- SetAdHocUserAttr
4240 --   Update additional attributes for ad hoc users
4241 -- IN
4242 --   user_name        - Ad hoc user name
4243 --   display_name  -
4244 --   notification_preference -
4245 --   language      -
4246 --   territory     -
4247 --   email_address -
4248 --   fax           -
4249 -- OUT
4250 --
4251 procedure SetAdHocUserAttr(user_name          in  varchar2,
4252                       display_name            in  varchar2,
4253                       notification_preference in  varchar2,
4254                       language                in  varchar2,
4255                       territory               in  varchar2,
4256                       email_address           in  varchar2,
4257                       fax                     in  varchar2,
4258                       parent_orig_system      in  varchar2,
4259                       parent_orig_system_id   in  number,
4260                       owner_tag               in  varchar2)
4261 is
4262 begin
4263   --
4264   -- Update the user.
4265   --
4266   SetUserAttr(user_name=>SetAdHocUserAttr.user_name,
4267               orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_USERS',
4268               orig_system_id=>0,
4269               display_name=>SetAdHocUserAttr.display_name,
4270               notification_preference=>SetAdHocUserAttr.notification_preference,
4271               language=>SetAdHocUserAttr.language,
4272               territory=>SetAdHocUserAttr.territory,
4273               email_address=>SetAdHocUserAttr.email_address,
4274               fax=>SetAdHocUserAttr.fax,
4275               expiration_date=>NULL,
4276               status=>NULL,
4277               parent_orig_system=>SetAdHocUserAttr.parent_orig_system,
4278               parent_orig_system_id=>SetAdHocUserAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
4279               owner_tag=>SetAdhocUserAttr.owner_tag);
4281 exception
4282   when others then
4283     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocUserAttr', user_name,
4284                     display_name);
4285     raise;
4286 end SetAdHocUserAttr;
4288 --
4289 -- SetAdHocRoleAttr
4290 --   Update additional attributes for ad hoc roles, user roles
4291 -- IN
4292 --   role_name        - Ad hoc role name
4293 --   display_name  -
4294 --   notification_preference -
4295 --   language      -
4296 --   territory     -
4297 --   email_address -
4298 --   fax           -
4299 -- OUT
4300 --
4301 procedure SetAdHocRoleAttr(role_name          in  varchar2,
4302                       display_name            in  varchar2,
4303                       notification_preference in  varchar2,
4304                       language                in  varchar2,
4305                       territory               in  varchar2,
4306                       email_address           in  varchar2,
4307                       fax                     in  varchar2,
4308                       parent_orig_system      in  varchar2,
4309                       parent_orig_system_id   in  number,
4310                       owner_tag               in  varchar2)
4311 is
4312 begin
4313   --
4314   -- Update the role
4315   --
4316   SetRoleAttr(role_name=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.role_name,
4317               orig_system=>'WF_LOCAL_ROLES',
4318               orig_system_id=>0,
4319               display_name=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.display_name,
4320               notification_preference=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.notification_preference,
4321               language=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.language,
4322               territory=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.territory,
4323               email_address=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.email_address,
4324               fax=>fax,
4325               expiration_date=>NULL,
4326               status=>NULL,
4327               parent_orig_system=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.parent_orig_system,
4328               parent_orig_system_id=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.parent_orig_system_id,
4329               owner_tag=>SetAdHocRoleAttr.owner_tag);
4331 exception
4332   when others then
4333     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'SetAdHocRoleAttr', role_name,
4334                     display_name);
4335     raise;
4336 end SetAdHocRoleAttr;
4338 --
4339 -- RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole
4340 --   Remove users from an existing ad hoc role
4341 -- IN
4342 --   role_name     -
4343 --   role_users    -
4344 -- OUT
4345 --
4346 procedure RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole(role_name in varchar2,
4347                       role_users             in varchar2)
4348 is
4349   user varchar2(320);
4350   rest varchar2(2000);
4351   c1   pls_integer;
4352 begin
4353   if (role_users is null) then
4354     -- Delete all users
4355     begin
4356       delete from WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES UR
4357        where UR.ROLE_NAME = RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole.role_name
4358          and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES'
4359          and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = 0
4360          and UR.PARTITION_ID = 0;
4362    --delete from WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS as well
4363       delete from WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS URA
4364        where URA.ROLE_NAME = RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole.role_name
4366          and URA.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = 0
4367          and URA.PARTITION_ID = 0;
4368     end;
4369   else
4370     --
4371     -- Delete Users
4372     --
4373     rest := ltrim(role_users);
4374     loop
4375       c1 := instr(rest, ',');
4376       if (c1 = 0) then
4377          c1 := instr(rest, ' ');
4378         if (c1 = 0) then
4379           user := rest;
4380         else
4381           user := substr(rest, 1, c1-1);
4382         end if;
4383       else
4384         user := substr(rest, 1, c1-1);
4385       end if;
4387       -- Delete
4388       delete from WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES UR
4389        where UR.USER_NAME = user
4390          and UR.ROLE_NAME = RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole.role_name
4391          and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES'
4392          and UR.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = 0
4393          and UR.PARTITION_ID = 0;
4394       if (sql%rowcount = 0) then
4395         wf_core.token('USERNAME', user);
4396         wf_core.raise('WF_INVALID_USER');
4397       end if;
4399       -- Delete from wf_user_role_Assignments as well
4400       delete from WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS URA
4401        where URA.USER_NAME = user
4402          and URA.ROLE_NAME = RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole.role_name
4404          and URA.ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = 0
4405          and URA.PARTITION_ID = 0;
4406       exit when (c1 = 0);
4408       rest := ltrim(substr(rest, c1+1));
4409     end loop;
4410   end if;
4412 exception
4413   when others then
4414     wf_core.context('Wf_Directory', 'RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole',
4415         role_name, '"'||role_users||'"');
4416     raise;
4417 end RemoveUsersFromAdHocRole;
4420 --
4421 -- ChangeLocalUserName
4422 --  Change a User's Name in the WF_LOCAL_ROLES table.
4423 -- IN
4424 --  OldName
4425 --  NewName
4426 --  Propagate - call WF_MAINTENANCE.PropagateChangedName
4427 -- OUT
4428 --
4430 function ChangeLocalUserName (OldName in varchar2,
4431                               NewName in varchar2,
4432                               Propagate in boolean)
4433 return boolean
4435 is
4436 NumRows pls_integer;
4437 l_oldname varchar2(320);
4438 l_newname varchar2(320);
4440 begin
4441   l_newname := substrb(NewName,1,320);
4442   l_oldname := substrb(OldName,1,320);
4444   NumRows := wfa_sec.DS_Count_Local_Role(l_oldname);
4446   if (NumRows = 1) then
4447     wfa_sec.DS_Update_Local_Role(l_oldname,l_newname);
4448     commit;
4450     if (Propagate) then
4451 	WF_MAINTENANCE.PropagateChangedName(l_oldname, l_newname);
4452     end if;
4454     return TRUE;
4456   else
4458     return FALSE;
4460   end if;
4462 exception
4463  when others then
4464  WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'ChangeLocalUserName', OldName, NewName);
4465  raise;
4467 end ChangeLocalUserName;
4469 --
4470 -- ReassignUserRoles
4471 --   Reassigns user/roles when the user information changes.
4472 -- IN
4473 --   p_user_name
4474 --   p_old_user_origSystem
4475 --   p_old_user_origSystemID
4476 --   p_new_user_origSystem
4477 --   p_new_user_origSystemID
4478 --   p_last_update_date
4479 --   p_last_updated_by
4480 --   p_last_update_login
4481 --
4482 -- OUT
4483 --
4484 procedure ReassignUserRoles (p_user_name             in VARCHAR2,
4485                              p_old_user_origSystem   in VARCHAR2,
4486                              p_old_user_origSystemID in VARCHAR2,
4487                              p_new_user_origSystem   in VARCHAR2,
4488                              p_new_user_origSystemID in VARCHAR2,
4489                              p_last_update_date      in DATE,
4490                              p_last_updated_by       in NUMBER,
4491                              p_last_update_login     in NUMBER
4492                              -- <6817561>
4493                            , p_overWriteUserRoles in boolean
4494                            -- </6817561>
4495                              ) is
4497   l_overWriteUserRoles  varchar2(2) := 'N';
4498   l_api varchar2(250) := g_plsqlName ||'ReassignUserRoles';
4500 BEGIN
4501   if(wf_log_pkg.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
4503   end if;
4505   -- <6817561>
4506   if (p_overWriteUserRoles) then
4507     l_overWriteUserRoles := 'Y';
4508   end if; -- </6817561>
4509   --First Update the user self-reference.
4510   begin
4512     Set    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_new_user_origSystem,
4513            USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_new_user_origSystemID,
4514            ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_new_user_origSystem,
4515            ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_new_user_origSystemID,
4516            -- <6817561>
4517            LAST_UPDATE_DATE = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_update_date, LAST_UPDATE_DATE), LAST_UPDATE_DATE),
4518            LAST_UPDATED_BY = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_updated_by, LAST_UPDATED_BY), LAST_UPDATED_BY),
4519            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_update_login, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN)
4520          -- </6817561>
4521     Where  USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4522     And    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4523     And    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4524     And    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4525     And    USER_NAME = p_user_name;
4526   exception
4527     when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then
4528       --This is an old reference that can be deleted
4529       Delete from WF_USER_ROLE_ASSIGNMENTS
4530       Where  USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4531       And    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4532       And    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4533       And    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4534       And    USER_NAME = p_user_name;
4535   end;
4536   begin
4537     Update WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
4538     Set    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_new_user_origSystem,
4539            USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_new_user_origSystemID,
4540            ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_new_user_origSystem,
4541            ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_new_user_origSystemID,
4542            -- <6817561>
4543            LAST_UPDATE_DATE = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_update_date, LAST_UPDATE_DATE), LAST_UPDATE_DATE),
4544            LAST_UPDATED_BY = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_updated_by, LAST_UPDATED_BY), LAST_UPDATED_BY),
4545            LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_update_login, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN)
4546          -- </6817561>
4547     Where  USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4548     And    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4549     And    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4550     And    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4551     And    USER_NAME = p_user_name;
4552   exception
4553     when DUP_VAL_ON_INDEX then
4554       --This is an old reference that can be deleted
4555       Delete from WF_LOCAL_USER_ROLES
4556       Where  USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4557       And    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4558       And    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4559       And    ROLE_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4560       And    USER_NAME = p_user_name;
4561   end;
4563   --Now update all other role references (self-reference is already updated so
4564   --it will not be effected by these updates)
4566   Set    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_new_user_origSystem,
4567          USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_new_user_origSystemID,
4568          -- <6817561>
4569          LAST_UPDATE_DATE = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_update_date, LAST_UPDATE_DATE), LAST_UPDATE_DATE),
4570          LAST_UPDATED_BY = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_updated_by, LAST_UPDATED_BY), LAST_UPDATED_BY),
4571          LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_update_login, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN)
4572          -- </6817561>
4573   Where  USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4574   And    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4575   And    USER_NAME = p_user_name;
4578   Set    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_new_user_origSystem,
4579          USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_new_user_origSystemID,
4580          -- <6817561>
4581          LAST_UPDATE_DATE = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_update_date, LAST_UPDATE_DATE), LAST_UPDATE_DATE),
4582          LAST_UPDATED_BY = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_updated_by, LAST_UPDATED_BY), LAST_UPDATED_BY),
4583          LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN = decode(l_overWriteUserRoles,'Y', nvl(p_last_update_login, LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN), LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN)
4584          -- </6817561>
4585   Where  USER_ORIG_SYSTEM = p_old_user_origSystem
4586   And    USER_ORIG_SYSTEM_ID = p_old_user_origSystemID
4587   And    USER_NAME = p_user_name;
4589   if(wf_log_pkg.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
4590     WF_LOG_PKG.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'END');
4591   end if;
4592 END ReassignUserRoles;
4595 --
4596 -- AssignPartition (PRIVATE)
4597 --
4598 -- IN
4599 --  p_orig_system (VARCHAR2)
4600 --
4601 -- RETURNS
4602 --  Partition ID (NUMBER)
4603 --
4604 -- COMMENTS
4605 --  This api will check to see the partition for the p_orig_system exists.
4606 --  if it does not exist, it will be added to p_table_name.  In either case
4607 --  the Partition_ID will be returned for the calling api to properly populate
4608 --  that column on insert/update.
4609 --
4610 procedure AssignPartition (p_orig_system   in  varchar2,
4611                            p_partitionID   out NOCOPY number,
4612                            p_partitionName out NOCOPY varchar2) is
4614 begin
4615   begin
4616     --Check for existing partition.
4617       if ((g_origSystem <> UPPER(p_orig_system))) or (g_origSystem is NULL) then
4619       --Orig_systems such as FND_RESP have the application id concatenated
4620       --which makes the responsibilities for various applications fall under
4621       --different orig_systems.  However all responsibilities need to go into
4622       --the same partition, so we handle that here.  Any other systems that
4623       --we need to bulksynch who add to the orig system will need to be here
4624       --as well.
4625         if ((substr(UPPER(p_orig_system), 1, 8) = 'FND_RESP') and
4626             ((length(p_orig_system) = 8) or --In case we just get 'FND_RESP'
4627             (substr(p_orig_system, 9, 9) between '0' and '9'))) then
4628           g_origSystem := 'FND_RESP';
4630         else
4631           g_origSystem := UPPER(p_orig_system);
4633         end if;
4634         /* We will place PER in FND_USR */
4636         SELECT Partition_ID, orig_system
4637         INTO   g_partitionID, g_partitionName
4639         WHERE  ORIG_SYSTEM = DECODE(g_origSystem, 'PER', 'FND_USR',
4640                                     g_origSystem)
4643     end if;
4645   exception
4646     when NO_DATA_FOUND then
4647         --If the partition does not exist, we will put this into the
4648         --WF_LOCAL partition
4649         if (g_localPartitionID is NULL) then
4650           begin
4651             SELECT Partition_ID, orig_system
4652             INTO   g_localPartitionID, g_localPartitionName
4654             WHERE  ORIG_SYSTEM = 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES';
4656          exception
4657            when NO_DATA_FOUND then
4658              g_localPartitionID := 0;
4659              g_localPartitionName := 'WF_LOCAL_ROLES';
4661          end;
4662        end if;
4664        g_partitionID := g_localPartitionID;
4665        g_partitionName := g_localPartitionName;
4667   end;
4668   p_partitionID := g_partitionID;
4669   p_partitionName := g_partitionName;
4671 exception
4672   when OTHERS then
4673     WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'AssignPartition', p_orig_system);
4674     raise;
4675 end;
4677 -- Bug 3090738
4678 -- GetInfoFromMail
4679 --
4680 -- IN
4681 --   email address
4682 -- OUT
4683 --   User attributes as in WF_ROLES view
4684 --
4685 -- This API queries wf_roles view for information of the user when
4686 -- the e-mail address is given.
4687 procedure GetInfoFromMail(mailid            in         varchar2,
4688                           role              out NOCOPY varchar2,
4689                           display_name      out NOCOPY varchar2,
4690                           description       out NOCOPY varchar2,
4691                           notification_preference out NOCOPY varchar2,
4692                           language          out NOCOPY varchar2,
4693                           territory         out NOCOPY varchar2,
4694                           fax               out NOCOPY varchar2,
4695                           expiration_date   out NOCOPY date,
4696                           status            out NOCOPY varchar2,
4697                           orig_system       out NOCOPY varchar2,
4698                           orig_system_id    out NOCOPY number)
4699 is
4700   l_email    varchar2(2000);
4701   l_start    pls_integer;
4702   l_end      pls_integer;
4703 begin
4704   -- strip off the unwanted info from email. Emails from the mailer
4705   -- could be of the form "Vijay Shanmugam"[email protected]>
4706   l_start := instr(mailid, '<', 1, 1);
4707   if (l_start > 0) then
4708      l_end := instr(mailid, '>', l_start);
4709      l_email := substr(mailid, l_start+1, l_end-l_start-1);
4710   else
4711      l_email := mailid;
4712   end if;
4714   -- lets find any active user with this e-mail id if not we will
4715   -- check for inactive user
4716   begin
4717      select WR.NAME,
4718             WR.DISPLAY,
4719             WR.DESCRIPTION,
4721             WR.LANGUAGE,
4722             WR.TERRITORY,
4723             WR.FAX,
4724             WR.STATUS,
4725             WR.EXPIRATION_DATE,
4726             WR.ORIG_SYSTEM,
4727             WR.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID
4728      into   ROLE,
4729             DISPLAY_NAME,
4730             DESCRIPTION,
4732             LANGUAGE,
4733             TERRITORY,
4734             FAX,
4735             STATUS,
4736             EXPIRATION_DATE,
4737             ORIG_SYSTEM,
4738             ORIG_SYSTEM_ID
4739        from (select R.NAME,
4740                     substrb(R.DISPLAY_NAME,1,360) DISPLAY,
4741                     substrb(R.DESCRIPTION,1,1000) DESCRIPTION,
4742                     R.NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE,
4743                     R.LANGUAGE,
4744                     R.TERRITORY,
4745                     R.FAX,
4746                     R.STATUS,
4747                     R.EXPIRATION_DATE,
4748                     R.ORIG_SYSTEM,
4749                     R.ORIG_SYSTEM_ID,
4750                     decode (R.STATUS, 'ACTIVE', 1, 2) ACTIVE_ORDER,
4751                     decode (R.ORIG_SYSTEM, 'PER', 1, 'FND_USR', 2, 3) ORIG_SYS_ORDER
4752               from  WF_ROLES R
4753              where  UPPER(R.EMAIL_ADDRESS) = UPPER(l_email)
4754               order by ACTIVE_ORDER asc, ORIG_SYS_ORDER asc, START_DATE asc) WR
4755      where  ROWNUM < 2;
4756   exception
4757    when others then
4758       ROLE := '';
4759       DISPLAY_NAME := '';
4760       DESCRIPTION := '';
4762       LANGUAGE := '';
4763       TERRITORY := '';
4764       FAX := '';
4765       STATUS := '';
4766       EXPIRATION_DATE := to_date(null);
4767       ORIG_SYSTEM := '';
4768       ORIG_SYSTEM_ID := to_number(null);
4769   end;
4770 end GetInfoFromMail;
4772   /* (PRIVATE) - to be used by WF only
4773    *
4774    * Fetches role information when the e-mail address is given.
4775    * Added other parameters for full NLS support -phase 1-, bug 7578908
4776    *
4777    * In phase 1, we only use constant default values for NLS parameters
4778    * not currently stored in wf_local_roles table.
4779    */
4780   procedure GetInfoFromMail2( p_emailid in varchar2
4781                             , p_role out NOCOPY varchar2,
4782                               p_display_name out NOCOPY varchar2,
4783                               p_description out NOCOPY varchar2,
4784                               p_notification_preference out NOCOPY varchar2,
4785                               p_orig_system out NOCOPY varchar2,
4786                               p_orig_system_id out NOCOPY number,
4787                               p_fax out NOCOPY number,
4788                               p_expiration_date out nocopy date,
4789                               p_status out NOCOPY varchar2
4790                             , p_nlsLanguage out NOCOPY varchar2,
4791                               p_nlsTerritory out NOCOPY varchar2
4792                             , p_nlsDateFormat out NOCOPY varchar2
4793                             , p_nlsDateLanguage out NOCOPY varchar2
4794                             , p_nlsCalendar out NOCOPY varchar2
4795                             , p_nlsNumericCharacters out NOCOPY varchar2
4796                             , p_nlsSort out NOCOPY varchar2
4797                             , p_nlsCurrency out NOCOPY varchar2)
4798   is
4799     l_isComposite boolean;
4800     l_name varchar2(320);
4801     l_email_address varchar2(320);
4802     l_origSystem varchar2(30);
4803     l_origSystemID number;
4804     l_api varchar2(250) := g_plsqlName ||'GetInfoFromMail2';
4806   begin
4807     if(wf_log_pkg.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
4808       WF_LOG_PKG.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'BEGIN');
4809     end if;
4811     GetInfoFromMail(mailid =>  p_emailid,
4812                     role  => l_name,
4813                     display_name => p_display_name,
4814                     description => p_description,
4815                     notification_preference => p_notification_preference,
4816                     language => p_nlsLanguage,
4817                     territory => p_nlsTerritory,
4818                     fax => p_fax,
4819                     expiration_date => p_expiration_date,
4820                     status  => p_status,
4821                     orig_system  => p_orig_system,
4822                     orig_system_id => p_orig_system_id);
4824     if (l_name is not null) then
4825     -- got a unique entry, get NLS params from EBS profiles
4827       l_isComposite := CompositeName(p_role, l_origSystem, l_origSystemID);
4829       p_role:= l_name;
4830       wfa_sec.get_role_info3(l_isComposite,
4831                             l_name,
4832                             p_role,
4833                             p_display_name,
4834                             p_description,
4835                             l_email_address,
4836                             p_notification_preference,
4837                             p_orig_system,
4838                             p_orig_system_id,
4839                             p_fax,
4840                             p_STATUS,
4841                             p_EXPIRATION_DATE,
4842                             p_nlsLanguage,
4843                             p_nlsTerritory
4844                           , p_nlsDateFormat
4845                           , p_nlsDateLanguage
4846                           , p_nlsCalendar
4847                           , p_nlsNumericCharacters
4848                           , p_nlsSort
4849                           , p_nlsCurrency);
4851     else
4852       p_nlsDateFormat := '';
4853       p_nlsDateLanguage := '';
4854       p_nlsCalendar := '';
4855       p_nlsNumericCharacters := '';
4856       p_nlsSort := '';
4857       p_nlsCurrency := '';
4858     end if;
4860     if(wf_log_pkg.LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
4861       WF_LOG_PKG.String(WF_LOG_PKG.LEVEL_PROCEDURE, l_api,'END');
4862     end if;
4863   end GetInfoFromMail2;
4865 function IsMLSEnabled(p_orig_system  in   varchar2)
4866 return boolean
4867 is
4868 mls_enabled   number;
4869 l_origSys varchar2(30);
4870 begin
4871   l_origSys := UPPER(p_orig_system);
4872   if ((substr(l_origSys, 1, 8) = 'FND_RESP') and
4873       ((length(l_origSys) = 8) or --In case we just get 'FND_RESP'
4874        (substr(l_origSys, 9, 9) between '0' and '9'))) then
4875     l_origSys := 'FND_RESP';
4877   end if;
4879   --We can use the global variable set in wf_local.syncroles
4880   --but for standalone so as not to introduce dependency on WF_LOCAL
4881   --package we query from wf_directory_partitions directly.
4882   select  count(1)
4883   into    mls_enabled
4884   from    wf_directory_partitions
4885   where   orig_system = l_origSys
4886   and     ROLE_TL_VIEW is not NULL ;
4887   if (mls_enabled = 1) then
4888      return TRUE;
4889   end if;
4890   --else case return false
4891   return FALSE;
4892 end IsMLSEnabled;
4894 -- Change_Name_References_RF (PRIVATE)
4895 --
4896 -- IN
4897 --  p_sub_guid (RAW)
4898 --  p_event    (WF_EVENT_T)
4899 --
4900 -- RETURNS
4901 --  varchar2
4902 --
4903 -- COMMENTS
4904 --  This api is a rule function to be called by BES.  It is primarily used for
4905 --  a user name change to update all the fk references.  The subscription is
4906 --  set as deferred to offline the updates to return control back to the user
4907 --  more quickly.
4908 --
4909 function Change_Name_References_RF( p_sub_guid  in            RAW,
4910                                     p_event     in out NOCOPY WF_EVENT_T )
4911                           return VARCHAR2 is
4912     l_newName        VARCHAR2(360);
4913     l_oldName        VARCHAR2(360);
4915   begin
4916     l_newName := p_event.getValueForParameter('USER_NAME');
4917     l_oldName := p_event.getValueForParameter('OLD_USER_NAME');
4919    /* --Update the user/roles
4921     SET     USER_NAME = l_newName
4922     WHERE   USER_NAME = l_oldName;
4924     --Update the user/role assignments
4926     SET     USER_NAME = l_newName
4927     WHERE   USER_NAME = l_oldName;*/ --these updates are now made inline
4929     --Call WF_MAINTENANCE to update all the other fk references.
4930     WF_MAINTENANCE.PropagateChangedName(OLDNAME=>l_oldName, NEWNAME=>l_newName);
4931     return 'SUCCESS';
4932 exception
4933   when OTHERS then
4934     return 'ERROR';
4936 end Change_Name_References_RF;
4938 --
4939 -- DeleteRole
4940 -- IN
4941 -- p_name (VARCHAR2)
4942 -- p_OrigSystem (VARCHAR2)
4943 -- p_OrigSystemID (NUMBER)
4944 --
4945 --
4946 -- COMMENTS
4947 -- This API is to be used to remove a specified end-dated role or user with
4948 -- its references from the WFDS Tables.
4949 --
4950 procedure DeleteRole ( p_name in varchar2,
4951                        p_origSystem in varchar2,
4952                        p_origSystemID in number)
4953 is
4955  TYPE numTab is table of number index by binary_integer;
4957  l_count pls_integer;
4958  l_flag  char(1);
4959  l_partitionID number;
4960  l_partitionName varchar2(30);
4961  l_relIDTAB numTab;
4962 begin
4963   AssignPartition (p_origSystem,l_partitionID,l_partitionName);
4964   begin
4965   --check whether the role name is truly end dated
4967   select 1 into l_count
4968   from SYS.DUAL
4969   where exists (select null from wf_roles
4970                 where name=p_name
4971                 );
4973   --if we have reached here, it implies that the user or role
4974   -- is not truly end dated.
4975   -- raise error
4977    if(wf_log_pkg.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
4979     'WF_DIRECTORY.deleteRole',
4980     'Role is still active. Make sure it is end dated ');
4981    end if;
4982    WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'deleteRole', p_name);
4983    WF_CORE.Token('ROLE',p_name);
4984    WF_CORE.Raise('WFDS_ROLE_ACTIVE');
4985   exception
4986    when no_data_found then
4988     delete from wf_local_roles
4989     where name=p_name
4990     and orig_system=p_origSystem
4991     and orig_system_id=p_origSystemId
4992     and partition_id =l_partitionID
4993     returning  user_flag into l_flag;
4995 --   once the role has been successfully removed, remove the assignments as well
4996    if l_flag ='Y' then
4997     --a user has been removed so call deleteUserRoles to remove all user/role
4998     -- associations for the user.
4999     DeleteUserRole(p_username=>p_name,
5000                    p_userorigSystem=>p_origSystem,
5001                    p_userorigSystemID=>p_origSystemID);
5002    else
5003    -- a role has been removed so call deleteUserRoles to remove all user/role
5004    -- associations for the role.
5005    -- also call wf_role_hierarchy.removeRelaionship to delete all hierarchical
5006    -- relationships in which the role participates.
5007    begin
5008     select relationship_id bulk collect into l_relIDTab
5009      from wf_role_hierarchies where sub_name=p_name
5010     or super_name = p_name;
5011     if (l_relIDTAB.count>0) then
5012      for i in l_relIDTAB.first..l_RelIDTAB.last loop
5013      WF_ROLE_HIERARCHY.RemoveRelationship(l_relIDTab(i),TRUE);
5014      end loop;
5015     end if;
5016    exception
5017      when no_data_found then
5018       null;
5019    end;
5021     DeleteUserRole(p_rolename=>p_name,
5022                    p_roleorigSystem=>p_origSystem,
5023                    p_roleorigSystemID=>p_origSystemID);
5024    end if;
5025   end;
5028 exception
5029     when others then
5030     WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'deleteRole', p_name);
5031     raise;
5032 end;
5035 --
5036 -- DeleteUserRole
5037 --
5038 -- IN
5039 -- p_username (VARCHAR2)
5040 -- p_rolename (VARCHAR2)
5041 -- p_userOrigSystem (VARCHAR2)
5042 -- p_userOrigSystemID (NUMBER)
5043 -- p_roleOrigSystem (VARCHAR2)
5044 -- p_roleOrigSystemID (NUMBER)
5045 --
5046 -- COMMENTS
5047 -- This API is to be used to remove a specified end-dated user/role
5048 -- assignment along with its references from the WFDS Tables.
5049 --
5050 procedure DeleteUserRole ( p_username in varchar2,
5051                            p_rolename in varchar2,
5052                            p_userOrigSystem in varchar2,
5053                            p_userOrigSystemID in number,
5054 			   p_roleOrigSystem in varchar2,
5055 		           p_roleOrigSystemID in number)
5056 is
5058  l_count pls_integer;
5059  l_partitionID number;
5060  l_partitionName varchar2(30);
5061 begin
5063   --check whether both the inbound parameters are null
5064   -- or the orig sys information is not provided
5066   if (((p_username is null) and (p_rolename is null))
5067   or(p_username is not null and (p_userOrigSystem is null
5068     or p_userOrigSystemID is null))
5069   or(p_rolename is not null and (p_roleOrigSystem is null
5070     or p_roleOrigSystemID is null))) then
5072    --raise error
5073     WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'DeleteUserRole', p_username,p_rolename);
5074     WF_CORE.Raise('WFSQL_ARGS');
5076   elsif p_username is null then -- role has been passed
5077   begin
5079        AssignPartition(p_roleorigSystem,l_partitionID, l_partitionName);
5081       -- check whether the role is end-dated
5083         select 1 into l_count
5084         from SYS.DUAL
5085         where exists (select null from wf_local_roles
5086                 where name=p_rolename)
5087           and ( exists (select null from wf_user_roles
5088                 where role_name=p_rolename
5089               )
5090           or exists (select null from wf_user_role_assignments_v
5091                 where role_name=p_rolename
5092              )
5093           or exists (select null from wf_role_hierarchies
5094                 where (super_name=p_rolename
5095                 or sub_name=p_rolename)
5096                 and enabled_flag='Y'
5097           ));
5099          --if we have reached here, it implies that the role
5100          -- is not truly end dated.
5101          -- raise error
5103         if(wf_log_pkg.level_exception >=
5104          fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
5106         'WF_DIRECTORY.DeleteUserRole',
5107          'User/Role assignment is still active. Make sure it is end dated ' ||
5108         'and removed from any hierarchies');
5109         end if;
5110         WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'DeleteUserRole', p_rolename);
5111         WF_CORE.Token('ROLE',p_rolename);
5112         WF_CORE.Raise('WFDS_USER_ROLE_ACTIVE');
5113   exception
5114    when no_data_found then
5115    -- assignment is truly end dated
5117         delete from wf_user_role_assignments
5118         where role_name=p_rolename;
5120         delete from wf_local_user_roles
5121         where role_name=p_rolename
5122         and role_orig_system=p_roleorigSystem
5123         and role_orig_system_id=p_roleorigSystemID
5124         and partition_id = l_partitionID;
5127   end;
5128   elsif p_rolename is null then --user has been passed
5129   begin
5130         --check whether user is truly end dated
5131         select 1 into l_count
5132         from SYS.DUAL
5133         where exists (select null from wf_local_roles
5134                 where name=p_username)
5135           and ( exists (select null from wf_user_roles
5136                 where user_name=p_username
5137               )
5138           or exists (select null from wf_user_role_assignments_v
5139                 where user_name=p_username
5140         ));
5142          --if we have reached here, it implies that the user
5143          -- is not truly end dated.
5144          -- raise error
5146         if(wf_log_pkg.level_exception >=
5147          fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
5149         'WF_DIRECTORY.DeleteUserRole',
5150          'User/Role assignment is still active. Make sure it is end dated ' ||
5151         'and removed from any hierarchies');
5152         end if;
5153         WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'DeleteUserRole', p_username);
5154         WF_CORE.Token('ROLE',p_username);
5155         WF_CORE.Raise('WFDS_USER_ROLE_ACTIVE');
5156   exception
5157    when no_data_found then
5158    -- assignment is truly end dated
5160         delete from wf_user_role_assignments
5161         where user_name=p_username;
5163         delete from wf_local_user_roles
5164         where user_name=p_username
5165         and user_orig_system=p_userorigSystem
5166         and user_orig_system_id=p_userorigSystemID;
5168   end;
5169   else --both role and user have been passed
5170   begin
5171        AssignPartition(p_roleorigSystem,l_partitionID, l_partitionName);
5173         --check whether user/role is truly end dated
5175         select 1 into l_count
5176         from SYS.DUAL
5177         where exists (select null from wf_local_roles
5178                 where name=p_rolename or name=p_username)
5179           and ( exists (select null from wf_user_roles
5180                 where role_name=p_rolename
5181                 and user_name=p_username
5182               )
5183           or exists (select null from wf_user_role_assignments_v
5184                 where role_name=p_rolename
5185                 and user_name=p_username
5186              )
5187           or exists (select null from wf_role_hierarchies
5188                 where (super_name=p_rolename
5189                 or sub_name=p_rolename)
5190                 and enabled_flag='Y'
5191           ));
5193         --if we have reached here, it implies that the user/role
5194         -- is not truly end dated.
5195         -- raise error
5197         if(wf_log_pkg.level_exception >=
5198          fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) then
5200         'WF_DIRECTORY.DeleteUserRole',
5201          'User/Role assignment is still active. Make sure it is end dated ' ||
5202         'and removed from any hierarchies');
5203         end if;
5204         WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'DeleteUserRole', p_username,p_rolename);
5205         WF_CORE.Token('ROLE',p_rolename);
5206         WF_CORE.Token('USER',p_username);
5208   exception
5209    when no_data_found then
5210    -- assignment is truly end dated
5212         delete from wf_user_role_assignments
5213         where role_name=p_rolename
5214         and user_name=p_username;
5216         delete from wf_local_user_roles
5217         where role_name=p_rolename
5218         and user_name=p_username
5219         and role_orig_system=p_roleorigSystem
5220         and role_orig_system_id=p_roleorigSystemID
5221         and user_orig_system=p_userOrigSystem
5222         and user_orig_system_id=p_userOrigSystemID
5223         and partition_id  = l_partitionID;
5224   end;
5225   end if;
5226 exception
5227     when others then
5228     WF_CORE.Context('WF_DIRECTORY', 'DeleteUserRole', p_username,p_rolename);
5229     raise;
5230 end;
5233 end Wf_Directory;