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Line 906: from fnd_lookup_values_vl

902: and jitc.tax_rate = 0
903: and jitc.vendor_id = p_tds_vendor_id
904: and (p_tds_vendor_site_id is null or jitc.vendor_site_id = p_tds_vendor_site_id)
905: and upper(jitc.section_code) in (select lookup_code
906: from fnd_lookup_values_vl
907: where lookup_type in ('JAI_TDS_SECTION_ZERO_RATE_197', 'JAI_TDS_SECTION_ZERO_RATE_197A'))
908: group by jatit.invoice_id, nvl(jatit.actual_section_code, jatit.default_section_code), nvl(jatit.actual_tax_id, jatit.default_tax_id);
909: \* ER : 13514846 -end*\
910: \* Bug#10315928 - Start *\

Line 5338: from jai_cmn_taxes_all, fnd_lookup_values_vl

5334: B - In case of no deduction on account of declaration under section 197A */
5335: /* --Commented out by Chong for eTDS ER bug#16414088 20130330 Start
5336: CURSOR c_reason_non_deduction(p_tax_id IN NUMBER) IS
5337: select 'A'
5338: from jai_cmn_taxes_all, fnd_lookup_values_vl
5339: where tax_id = p_tax_id
5340: and upper(section_code) = lookup_code
5341: and (stform_type is not null or tax_rate = 0)
5342: and lookup_type = 'JAI_TDS_SECTION_ZERO_RATE_197'

Line 5345: from jai_cmn_taxes_all, fnd_lookup_values_vl

5341: and (stform_type is not null or tax_rate = 0)
5342: and lookup_type = 'JAI_TDS_SECTION_ZERO_RATE_197'
5343: UNION
5344: select 'B'
5345: from jai_cmn_taxes_all, fnd_lookup_values_vl
5346: where tax_id = p_tax_id
5347: and tax_rate = 0
5348: and upper(section_code) = lookup_code
5349: and lookup_type = 'JAI_TDS_SECTION_ZERO_RATE_197A';

Line 5355: from fnd_lookup_values_vl

5351: --Added out by Chong for eTDS ER bug#16414088 20130330 Start
5352: --------------------------------------------------------------------
5353: CURSOR c_reason_non_deduction(p_section_code IN VARCHAR2) IS
5354: select 'A'
5355: from fnd_lookup_values_vl
5356: where upper(p_section_code) = lookup_code
5357: and lookup_type = 'JAI_TDS_SECTION_ZERO_RATE_197'
5358: UNION
5359: select 'B'

Line 5360: from fnd_lookup_values_vl

5356: where upper(p_section_code) = lookup_code
5357: and lookup_type = 'JAI_TDS_SECTION_ZERO_RATE_197'
5358: UNION
5359: select 'B'
5360: from fnd_lookup_values_vl
5361: where upper(p_section_code) = lookup_code
5362: and lookup_type = 'JAI_TDS_SECTION_ZERO_RATE_197A';
5363: --------------------------------------------------------------------
5364: --Added out by Chong for eTDS ER bug#16414088 20130330 End