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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 56

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_batch_header_mig
      WHERE  NVL(migrated_batch_ind, ' ') <> 'M'
             AND organization_id IS NOT NULL
      ORDER BY batch_id;
Line: 63

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_material_details_mig
      WHERE  batch_id = v_batch_id
      ORDER BY line_type, line_no;
Line: 69

      SELECT item_no
      FROM   ic_item_mst
      WHERE  item_id = v_item_id;
Line: 75

      SELECT *
      FROM   mtl_system_items_vl
      WHERE  organization_id = v_org_id
             AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id;
Line: 81

      SELECT whse_code
      FROM   ic_tran_pnd
      WHERE  trans_id = v_trans_id;
Line: 86

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_batch_steps_mig
      WHERE  batch_id = v_batch_id
      ORDER BY batchstep_no;
Line: 93

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_batch_step_activ_mig
      WHERE  batchstep_id = v_batchstep_id
        AND  batch_id = v_old_batch_id;
Line: 101

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_batch_step_resources_mig
      WHERE  batchstep_activity_id = v_batchstep_activity_id
        AND  batch_id = v_old_batch_id;
Line: 108

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_process_parameters_mig
      WHERE  batchstep_resource_id = v_batchstep_resource_id
        AND  batch_id = v_old_batch_id;
Line: 115

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_resource_txns_mig
      WHERE  line_id = v_batchstep_rsrc_id
        AND  doc_id = v_old_batch_id;
Line: 122

      SELECT inventory_item_id
      FROM   gmd_recipe_validity_rules
      WHERE  recipe_validity_rule_id = v_recipe_validity_rule_id
        AND  organization_id = v_organization_id
        AND  ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 130

      SELECT inventory_item_id
      FROM   gmd_recipe_validity_rules
      WHERE  recipe_validity_rule_id = v_recipe_validity_rule_id
        AND  organization_id IS NULL
        AND  ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 176

      	UPDATE gme_batch_header
      	SET batch_no = SUBSTR(batch_no,1,30)||'-M'
      	WHERE batch_id = get_batches.batch_id;
Line: 180

      	UPDATE wip_entities
      	SET wip_entity_name = wip_entity_name||'-M'
      	WHERE entity_type = DECODE(get_batches.batch_type, 10, gme_common_pvt.g_wip_entity_type_fpo, gme_common_pvt.g_wip_entity_type_batch)
      	      AND organization_id = get_batches.organization_id
      	      AND wip_entity_name = l_prefix||get_batches.batch_no;
Line: 194

        SELECT wip_entities_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_wip_entity_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 226

        INSERT INTO wip_entities
                   (wip_entity_id, organization_id
                   ,last_update_date, last_updated_by
                   ,creation_date, created_by
        VALUES     (l_wip_entity_id, l_batch_header.organization_id
                   ,gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp, gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
                   ,gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp, gme_common_pvt.g_user_ident
                   ,DECODE (l_batch_header.batch_type
                   ,0, gme_common_pvt.g_wip_entity_type_batch
Line: 250

          INSERT INTO gme_batch_header VALUES l_batch_tbl(a);
Line: 302

          SELECT gem5_line_id_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_mtl_dtl_tbl(i).material_detail_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 315

          INSERT INTO gme_material_details VALUES l_mtl_dtl_tbl(a);
Line: 321

Line: 322

Line: 323

Line: 324

Line: 325

Line: 339

          SELECT gme_batch_step_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_steps_tbl(i).batchstep_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 361

            SELECT gme_batch_step_activity_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_activities_tbl(j).batchstep_activity_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 381

              SELECT gem5_batchstepline_id_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_resources_tbl(k).batchstep_resource_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 401

              	SELECT gme_process_parameters_id_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_proc_param_tbl(m).process_param_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 420

              	SELECT gem5_poc_trans_id_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_rsrc_txns_tbl(n).poc_trans_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 430

          gme_debug.put_line('After steps processing now inserting all step data');
Line: 434

          INSERT INTO gme_batch_steps VALUES l_steps_tbl(a);
Line: 436

          gme_debug.put_line('After insert steps');
Line: 439

          INSERT INTO gme_batch_step_activities VALUES l_activities_tbl(a);
Line: 441

          gme_debug.put_line('After insert activities');
Line: 444

          INSERT INTO gme_batch_step_resources VALUES l_resources_tbl(a);
Line: 446

          gme_debug.put_line('After insert resources');
Line: 449

          INSERT INTO gme_process_parameters VALUES l_proc_param_tbl(a);
Line: 451

          gme_debug.put_line('After insert process params');
Line: 454

          INSERT INTO gme_resource_txns VALUES l_rsrc_txns_tbl(a);
Line: 456

          gme_debug.put_line('After insert rsrc txns');
Line: 498

        IF l_batch_header.batch_type = 0 AND NVL (l_batch_header.update_inventory_ind, 'Y') = 'Y' THEN
              (p_organization_id           => l_batch_header.organization_id
              ,p_move_order_type           => gme_common_pvt.g_invis_move_order_type
              ,x_move_order_header_id      => l_batch_header.move_order_header_id
              ,x_return_status             => l_return_status);
Line: 524

        UPDATE gme_batch_header
        SET move_order_header_id = l_batch_header.move_order_header_id
        WHERE batch_id = l_batch_header.batch_id;
Line: 529

          UPDATE gme_material_details
          SET move_order_line_id = l_mtl_dtl_tbl(a).move_order_line_id,
              material_requirement_date = l_mtl_dtl_tbl(a).material_requirement_date
          WHERE material_detail_id = l_mtl_dtl_tbl(a).material_detail_id;
Line: 535

          gme_debug.put_line('After update material');
Line: 541

        UPDATE gme_batch_header_mig
        SET migrated_batch_ind = 'M'
        WHERE batch_id = get_batches.batch_id;
Line: 627

      gme_debug.put_line('Insert lab lots');
Line: 630

Line: 636

    /* Bug 5703541 Added update stmt and loop for mtl_lot_conv_audit */
    IF (g_debug <= gme_debug.g_log_statement) THEN
      gme_debug.put_line('Update mtl_lot_conv_audit');
Line: 640

    FOR get_rec IN (SELECT old_batch_id, new_batch_id FROM gme_batch_mapping_mig
                    WHERE old_batch_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT(batch_id) FROM mtl_lot_conv_audit)) LOOP
      UPDATE mtl_lot_conv_audit
      SET batch_id = get_rec.new_batch_id
      WHERE batch_id = get_rec.old_batch_id;
Line: 700

    x_batch_header.update_inventory_ind       := p_batch_header_mig.update_inventory_ind;
Line: 701

    x_batch_header.last_update_date           := p_batch_header_mig.last_update_date;
Line: 702

    x_batch_header.last_updated_by            := p_batch_header_mig.last_updated_by;
Line: 705

    x_batch_header.last_update_login          := p_batch_header_mig.last_update_login;
Line: 706

    x_batch_header.delete_mark                := p_batch_header_mig.delete_mark;
Line: 792

      x_mtl_dtl(i).last_update_date          := p_mtl_dtl_mig(i).last_update_date;
Line: 793

      x_mtl_dtl(i).last_updated_by           := p_mtl_dtl_mig(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 825

      x_mtl_dtl(i).last_update_login         := p_mtl_dtl_mig(i).last_update_login;
Line: 870

      x_steps(i).delete_mark           := p_steps_mig(i).delete_mark;
Line: 883

      x_steps(i).last_update_date      := p_steps_mig(i).last_update_date;
Line: 886

      x_steps(i).last_updated_by       := p_steps_mig(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 887

      x_steps(i).last_update_login     := p_steps_mig(i).last_update_login;
Line: 948

      x_activities(l_cnt).delete_mark            := p_activities_mig(i).delete_mark;
Line: 982

      x_activities(l_cnt).last_update_date       := p_activities_mig(i).last_update_date;
Line: 983

      x_activities(l_cnt).last_updated_by        := p_activities_mig(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 984

      x_activities(l_cnt).last_update_login      := p_activities_mig(i).last_update_login;
Line: 1062

      x_resources(l_cnt).last_update_login        := p_resources_mig(i).last_update_login;
Line: 1063

      x_resources(l_cnt).last_update_date         := p_resources_mig(i).last_update_date;
Line: 1064

      x_resources(l_cnt).last_updated_by          := p_resources_mig(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 1134

      x_parameters(l_cnt).last_updated_by       := p_parameters_mig(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 1135

      x_parameters(l_cnt).last_update_login     := p_parameters_mig(i).last_update_login;
Line: 1136

      x_parameters(l_cnt).last_update_date      := p_parameters_mig(i).last_update_date;
Line: 1175

      x_rsrc_txns(l_cnt).last_update_date        := p_rsrc_txns_mig(i).last_update_date;
Line: 1177

      x_rsrc_txns(l_cnt).last_updated_by         := p_rsrc_txns_mig(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 1178

      x_rsrc_txns(l_cnt).last_update_login       := p_rsrc_txns_mig(i).last_update_login;
Line: 1179

      x_rsrc_txns(l_cnt).delete_mark             := p_rsrc_txns_mig(i).delete_mark;
Line: 1215

      x_rsrc_txns(l_cnt).program_update_date     := p_rsrc_txns_mig(i).program_update_date;
Line: 1228

      SELECT s.batchstep_id
      FROM   gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s
      WHERE  m.batchstep_id = p_old_step_id
             AND s.batch_id = p_new_batch_id
             AND s.batchstep_no = m.batchstep_no;
Line: 1245

      SELECT d.material_detail_id
      FROM   gme_material_details_mig m, gme_material_details d
      WHERE  m.material_detail_id = p_old_mat_id
             AND d.batch_id = p_new_batch_id
             AND d.line_type = m.line_type
             AND d.line_no = m.line_no;
Line: 1263

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_batch_step_dep_mig
      WHERE  batch_id = v_batch_id;
Line: 1290

      l_step_dep_tbl(i).last_update_login  := l_step_dep_mig_tbl(i).last_update_login;
Line: 1291

      l_step_dep_tbl(i).last_updated_by    := l_step_dep_mig_tbl(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 1294

      l_step_dep_tbl(i).last_update_date   := l_step_dep_mig_tbl(i).last_update_date;
Line: 1330

      INSERT INTO gme_batch_step_dependencies VALUES l_step_dep_tbl(a);
Line: 1339

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_batch_step_items_mig
      WHERE  batch_id = p_old_batch_id;
Line: 1359

      l_item_step_tbl(i).last_update_login    := l_item_step_mig_tbl(i).last_update_login;
Line: 1360

      l_item_step_tbl(i).last_update_date     := l_item_step_mig_tbl(i).last_update_date;
Line: 1361

      l_item_step_tbl(i).last_updated_by      := l_item_step_mig_tbl(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 1369

      INSERT INTO gme_batch_step_items VALUES l_item_step_tbl(a);
Line: 1378

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_batch_step_charges_mig
      WHERE  batch_id = p_old_batch_id;
Line: 1404

      l_step_chrg_tbl(i).last_updated_by          := l_step_chrg_mig_tbl(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 1405

      l_step_chrg_tbl(i).last_update_login        := l_step_chrg_mig_tbl(i).last_update_login;
Line: 1406

      l_step_chrg_tbl(i).last_update_date         := l_step_chrg_mig_tbl(i).last_update_date;
Line: 1409

      INSERT INTO gme_batch_step_charges VALUES l_step_chrg_tbl(a);
Line: 1418

      SELECT *
      FROM   gme_batch_step_transfers_mig
      WHERE  batch_id = p_old_batch_id;
Line: 1434

      SELECT gem5_wip_trans_id_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_step_txfrs_tbl(i).wip_trans_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 1442

      l_step_txfrs_tbl(i).last_updated_by    := l_step_txfrs_mig_tbl(i).last_updated_by;
Line: 1443

      l_step_txfrs_tbl(i).last_update_date   := l_step_txfrs_mig_tbl(i).last_update_date;
Line: 1444

      l_step_txfrs_tbl(i).last_update_login  := l_step_txfrs_mig_tbl(i).last_update_login;
Line: 1447

      l_step_txfrs_tbl(i).delete_mark        := l_step_txfrs_mig_tbl(i).delete_mark;
Line: 1483

      INSERT INTO gme_batch_step_transfers VALUES l_step_txfrs_tbl(a);
Line: 1492

    INSERT INTO gme_batch_mapping_mig(plant_code,
    VALUES                           (p_batch_header_mig.plant_code,
Line: 1516

      SELECT d.material_detail_id new_ing_line_id, d.phantom_id old_phantom_id, d.inventory_item_id,
             m.plant_code, m.new_batch_no
      FROM   gme_material_details d, gme_batch_mapping_mig m
      WHERE  d.batch_id = m.new_batch_id
             AND d.line_type = -1
             AND d.phantom_id > 0
             AND d.phantom_id NOT IN (SELECT new_batch_id FROM gme_batch_mapping_mig);
Line: 1525

      SELECT new_batch_id
      FROM   gme_batch_mapping_mig
      WHERE  old_batch_id = v_batch_id;
Line: 1530

      SELECT material_detail_id
      FROM   gme_material_details
      WHERE  batch_id = v_batch_id
             AND line_type = gme_common_pvt.g_line_type_prod
             AND inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id
      ORDER BY line_no;
Line: 1564

        /* Update Phantom ing */
        UPDATE gme_material_details
        SET phantom_id = l_new_phantom_id,
            phantom_line_id = l_new_prod_line_id
        WHERE material_detail_id = get_phantoms.new_ing_line_id;
Line: 1569

        /* Update phantom batch hdr */
        UPDATE gme_batch_header
        SET parentline_id = get_phantoms.new_ing_line_id
        WHERE batch_id = l_new_phantom_id;
Line: 1573

        /* Update phantom product */
        UPDATE gme_material_details
        SET phantom_line_id = get_phantoms.new_ing_line_id
        WHERE material_detail_id = l_new_prod_line_id;
Line: 1626

      SELECT m.*, o.actual_start_date
      FROM   gme_batch_header_mig o, gme_batch_mapping_mig m
      WHERE  o.batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip
             AND m.old_batch_id = o.batch_id
             AND o.parentline_id IS NULL
             AND m.new_batch_id NOT IN (SELECT batch_id
                                        FROM   gme_batch_header
                                        WHERE  batch_id = m.new_batch_id
                                               AND batch_status = gme_common_pvt.g_batch_wip)
      ORDER BY m.organization_id, m.new_batch_no;
Line: 1638

      SELECT s.*, m.step_status old_step_status, m.actual_start_date old_actual_start_date,
             m.actual_cmplt_date old_actual_cmplt_date
      FROM   gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s
      WHERE  m.batch_id = v_old_batch_id
             AND s.batch_id = v_new_batch_id
             AND m.step_status > gme_common_pvt.g_step_pending
             AND s.batchstep_no = m.batchstep_no
             AND NOT(s.step_status = m.step_status)
      ORDER BY s.batchstep_no;
Line: 1651

      SELECT d.material_detail_id, dm.wip_plan_qty
      FROM   gme_material_details d, gme_material_details_mig dm, gme_batch_mapping_mig hmap
      WHERE  d.line_type = dm.line_type
         AND d.line_no = dm.line_no
         AND d.item_id = dm.item_id
         AND d.batch_id = hmap.new_batch_id
         AND dm.batch_id = hmap.old_batch_id
         AND d.wip_plan_qty <> dm.wip_plan_qty
         AND d.batch_id = v_new_batch_id
         AND hmap.old_batch_id = v_old_batch_id;
Line: 1663

      SELECT 1
      WHERE EXISTS (SELECT batch_id
                    FROM   gme_material_details
                    WHERE  batch_id = v_batch_id
                           AND phantom_type > 0
                           AND phantom_id NOT IN (SELECT new_batch_id FROM gme_batch_mapping_mig));
Line: 1754

            UPDATE gme_material_details
               SET wip_plan_qty = get_wip_plan.wip_plan_qty
             WHERE material_detail_id = get_wip_plan.material_detail_id;
Line: 1802

               UPDATE gme_resource_txns
               SET    trans_date = l_date
               WHERE  trans_date < l_date
               AND POC_TRANS_ID IN (select t.POC_TRANS_ID
                                    FROM gme_resource_txns t, gme_batch_step_resources r,
                                         gme_batch_step_activities a, gme_batch_steps s
                                    WHERE s.batch_id = l_batch_header.batch_id
                                    AND t.doc_id = l_batch_header.batch_id
                                    AND s.batchstep_id = l_step_rec.batchstep_id
                                    AND s.batch_id = a.batch_id
                                    AND s.batchstep_id = a.batchstep_id
                                    AND r.batch_id = a.batch_id
                                    AND r.batchstep_id = a.batchstep_id
                                    AND r.batchstep_activity_id = a.batchstep_activity_id
                                    AND r.batch_id = t.doc_id
                                    AND t.line_id = r.batchstep_resource_id);
Line: 1993

      SELECT subinventory_ind_flag
      FROM   ic_whse_mst
      WHERE  whse_code = v_whse_code;
Line: 1997

      SELECT secondary_inventory_name, organization_id
      FROM   mtl_secondary_inventories
      WHERE  secondary_inventory_name = v_whse_code;
Line: 2001

      SELECT s.secondary_inventory_name, s.organization_id
      FROM   mtl_secondary_inventories s, ic_whse_mst w
      WHERE  secondary_inventory_name = v_whse_code
             AND w.whse_code = s.secondary_inventory_name
             AND s.organization_id = w.mtl_organization_id;
Line: 2045

      SELECT i.locator_id, m.organization_id, m.subinventory_code
      FROM   ic_loct_mst i, mtl_item_locations m
      WHERE  i.location = p_location
             AND i.whse_code = p_whse_code
             AND m.inventory_location_id = i.locator_id;
Line: 2051

      SELECT m.inventory_location_id locator_id, m.organization_id, m.subinventory_code
      FROM   mtl_item_locations m
      WHERE  m.segment1 = p_location
             AND m.subinventory_code = x_subinventory;
Line: 2085

      SELECT revision
      FROM   mtl_item_revisions
      WHERE  organization_id = p_organization_id
             AND inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
             AND effectivity_date <= gme_common_pvt.g_timestamp
      ORDER BY effectivity_date DESC;
Line: 2101

      SELECT reason_id
      FROM   sy_reas_cds_b
      WHERE  reason_code = p_reason_code;
Line: 2118

      SELECT *
      FROM   ic_loct_mst
      WHERE  location = p_location;
Line: 2171

      SELECT locator_type
      FROM   mtl_secondary_inventories
      WHERE  organization_id = v_org_id
             AND secondary_inventory_name = v_subinventory;
Line: 2193

      SELECT NVL(NVL(s.expense_account, s.material_account),NVL(m.expense_account, m.material_account))
      FROM   mtl_secondary_inventories s, mtl_parameters m
      WHERE  s.secondary_inventory_name = p_subinventory
             AND m.organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 2234

      SELECT d.*, i.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag, i.reservable_type, i.segment1, i.lot_control_code,
             i.revision_qty_control_code, i.primary_uom_code, i.secondary_uom_code, i.restrict_subinventories_code,
             NVL(i.location_control_code,1) location_control_code, i.restrict_locators_code, i.segment1 item_no
      FROM   gme_material_details d, mtl_system_items_b i
      WHERE  d.material_detail_id = v_material_detail_id
             AND i.organization_id = d.organization_id
             AND i.inventory_item_id = d.inventory_item_id;
Line: 2242

      SELECT lot_no,sublot_no
      FROM   ic_lots_mst
      WHERE  lot_id = v_lot_id;
Line: 2290

Line: 2346

              SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL INTO gme_common_pvt.g_transaction_header_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 2709

                    l_mtl_dtl_rec.last_update_date          := l_mtl_rec.last_update_date;
Line: 2710

                    l_mtl_dtl_rec.last_updated_by           := l_mtl_rec.last_updated_by;
Line: 2711

                    l_mtl_dtl_rec.last_update_login         := l_mtl_rec.last_update_login;
Line: 2794

                       SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL INTO gme_common_pvt.g_transaction_header_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 3086

	-- Bug 13706812 - Changed update statement to take advantage of existing index which includes batch_id.
        UPDATE gme_batch_txns_mig
        SET migrated_ind = 1
        WHERE trans_id = l_txns_tbl(i).trans_id
          AND batch_id = l_txns_tbl(i).doc_id; -- This is the 11i batch id.
Line: 3284

      SELECT expiration_date
        FROM mtl_lot_numbers
       WHERE inventory_item_id = v_item_id
         AND organization_id   = v_org_id
         AND lot_number        = v_lot_number;
Line: 3291

      SELECT i.mtl_transactions_enabled_flag, i.reservable_type, i.segment1, i.lot_control_code,
             i.revision_qty_control_code, i.primary_uom_code, i.secondary_uom_code, i.restrict_subinventories_code,
             NVL(i.location_control_code,1) location_control_code, i.restrict_locators_code, i.segment1 item_no
      FROM   mtl_system_items_b i
      WHERE  i.organization_id = v_organization_id
             AND i.inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id;
Line: 3298

      SELECT m.inventory_location_id locator_id
      FROM   mtl_item_locations m
      WHERE  m.segment1 = v_location
             AND m.organization_id = v_organization_id
             AND m.subinventory_code = v_subinventory;
Line: 3304

      SELECT negative_inv_receipt_code, stock_locator_control_code, organization_code
      FROM   mtl_parameters
      WHERE organization_id = v_org_id;
Line: 3495

    SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL INTO
    l_issue_rec.transaction_interface_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 3519

    l_issue_rec.last_update_date               := p_txn_rec.last_update_date;
Line: 3520

    l_issue_rec.last_updated_by                := p_txn_rec.last_updated_by;
Line: 3526

       l_issue_lot_rec.last_update_date               := p_txn_rec.last_update_date;
Line: 3527

       l_issue_lot_rec.last_updated_by                := p_txn_rec.last_updated_by;
Line: 3540

    insert_interface_recs(p_mti_rec       => l_issue_rec,
                          p_mtli_rec      => l_issue_lot_rec,
                          x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 3594

    SELECT mtl_material_transactions_s.NEXTVAL INTO
    l_receipt_rec.transaction_interface_id FROM DUAL;
Line: 3601

      SELECT whse_code
      INTO   l_receipt_rec.subinventory_code
      FROM   ic_whse_mst
      WHERE  mtl_organization_id = p_batch_org_id;
Line: 3656

       l_receipt_lot_rec.last_update_date               := p_txn_rec.last_update_date;
Line: 3657

       l_receipt_lot_rec.last_updated_by                := p_txn_rec.last_updated_by;
Line: 3704

    insert_interface_recs(p_mti_rec       => l_receipt_rec,
                          p_mtli_rec      => l_receipt_lot_rec,
                          x_return_status => l_return_status);
Line: 3827

  PROCEDURE insert_interface_recs(p_mti_rec  IN mtl_transactions_interface%ROWTYPE,
                                  p_mtli_rec IN mtl_transaction_lots_interface%ROWTYPE,
                                  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) IS
    l_mti_tbl   gme_common_pvt.mtl_tran_int_tbl;
Line: 3832

    l_api_name  VARCHAR2(30) := 'insert_interface_recs';
Line: 3843

      INSERT INTO mtl_transactions_interface VALUES l_mti_tbl(a);
Line: 3845

      INSERT INTO mtl_transaction_lots_interface VALUES l_mtli_tbl(b);
Line: 3863

  END insert_interface_recs;
Line: 3867

      SELECT s.batchstep_id, m.step_close_date, bm.new_batch_no, s.batchstep_no, bm.plant_code, bm.old_batch_id
      FROM   gme_batch_steps_mig m, gme_batch_steps s, gme_batch_mapping_mig bm
      WHERE  m.step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_closed
             AND bm.old_batch_id = m.batch_id
             AND s.batch_id = bm.new_batch_id
             AND s.batchstep_no = m.batchstep_no
             AND NOT(s.step_status = m.step_status)
             AND s.step_status = gme_common_pvt.g_step_completed
      ORDER BY s.batch_id, s.batchstep_no;
Line: 3877

      SELECT 1
      FROM gme_batch_step_items bsi, gme_material_details gmdn,
           gme_material_details gmdo, gme_batch_txns_mig txn, ic_tran_pnd itp
      WHERE bsi.batchstep_id = v_batchstep_id
      AND gmdn.material_detail_id = bsi.material_detail_id
      AND gmdo.batch_id = v_old_batch_id
      AND gmdo.line_type = gmdn.line_type
      AND gmdo.line_no = gmdn.line_no
      AND txn.batch_id = v_old_batch_id
      AND NVL(txn.migrated_ind, 0) = 0
      AND itp.trans_id = txn.trans_id
      AND itp.line_id = gmdo.material_detail_id;
Line: 3916

                                  p_delete_pending   => fnd_api.g_false,
                                  p_org_code         => NULL,
                                  p_batch_no         => NULL,
                                  x_batch_step_rec   => l_out_step_rec);
Line: 3965

  PROCEDURE insert_lab_lots IS
    l_api_name  VARCHAR2(30) := 'insert_lab_lots';
Line: 3968

      SELECT l.*, m.organization_id, m.new_batch_no,  m.new_batch_id, m.plant_code, l.rowid
      FROM   gme_batch_mapping_mig m, gme_lab_batch_lots l
      WHERE  m.old_batch_id = l.batch_id
             AND NVL(attribute27, 'A') <> 'M';
Line: 3973

      SELECT i.segment1, i.lot_control_code
      FROM   mtl_system_items_b i
      WHERE  i.organization_id = v_organization_id
             AND i.inventory_item_id = v_inventory_item_id;
Line: 3978

      SELECT d.*
      FROM   gme_material_details d
      WHERE  d.material_detail_id = v_material_detail_id;
Line: 4059

            UPDATE gme_lab_batch_lots
            SET    attribute27 = 'M'
            WHERE  rowid = get_lots.rowid;
Line: 4128

  END insert_lab_lots;