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Line 9: FROM hr_organization_information

5: PROCEDURE set_currency_mask(p_business_group_id IN NUMBER) IS
6: /* Cursor to retrieve Currency */
7: CURSOR csr_currency IS
8: SELECT org_information10
9: FROM hr_organization_information
10: WHERE organization_id = p_business_group_id
11: AND org_information_context = 'Business Group Information';
12: l_currency VARCHAR2(40);

Line 195: from hr_organization_information

191: l_audit_log_dir varchar2(500);
192: /*Cursor for fetching gosi office code*/
193: cursor csr_gosi_code(p_GOSI_office_id number) is
194: select org_information1
195: from hr_organization_information
196: where organization_id = p_GOSI_office_id
197: and org_information_context = 'SA_GOSI_OFFICE_DETAILS';
198: -- Cursor to populate Part G5-A-01,G5-A-05
199: cursor get_employer_GOSI (p_org_id number) is

Line 201: from hr_organization_information

197: and org_information_context = 'SA_GOSI_OFFICE_DETAILS';
198: -- Cursor to populate Part G5-A-01,G5-A-05
199: cursor get_employer_GOSI (p_org_id number) is
200: select org_information1,org_information2
201: from hr_organization_information
202: where organization_id = p_org_id
203: and org_information_context = 'SA_EMPLOYER_GOSI_DETAILS';
204: --Cursor to get the name of the organization.
205: cursor get_org_name (p_org_id number) is

Line 1280: from hr_organization_information

1276: /*Cursor for fetching gosi office details*/
1277: cursor csr_gosi_office_details is
1278: select org_information1
1279: ,org_information2
1280: from hr_organization_information
1281: where organization_id = l_tax_unit_id
1282: and org_information_context = 'SA_EMPLOYER_GOSI_DETAILS';
1283: rec_gosi_office_details csr_gosi_office_details%rowtype;
1284: /*Cursor for fetching gosi office code*/

Line 1287: from hr_organization_information

1283: rec_gosi_office_details csr_gosi_office_details%rowtype;
1284: /*Cursor for fetching gosi office code*/
1285: cursor csr_gosi_code is
1286: select org_information1
1287: from hr_organization_information
1288: where organization_id = l_gosi_office_id
1289: and org_information_context = 'SA_GOSI_OFFICE_DETAILS';
1290: rec_gosi_code csr_gosi_code%rowtype;
1291: l_file_name varchar2(50);

Line 2636: from hr_organization_information

2632: l_zip_code varchar2(80);
2633: /*Cursor to pick up GOSI Code for the GOSI Office */
2634: cursor csr_gosi_code (p_Gosi_Office_Id Number) is
2635: select org_information1
2636: from hr_organization_information
2637: where organization_id = p_Gosi_Office_Id
2638: and org_information_context = 'SA_GOSI_OFFICE_DETAILS';
2639: -- Cursor to populate Part G5-A-01,G5-A-05
2640: /*Cursor to pick up Gosi Number and Gosi office for the employer (GRE)*/

Line 2643: from hr_organization_information

2639: -- Cursor to populate Part G5-A-01,G5-A-05
2640: /*Cursor to pick up Gosi Number and Gosi office for the employer (GRE)*/
2641: cursor get_employer_GOSI (p_gre_id number) is
2642: select org_information1,org_information2
2643: from hr_organization_information
2644: where organization_id = p_gre_id
2645: and org_information_context = 'SA_EMPLOYER_GOSI_DETAILS';
2646: /*Cursor to select personal information for employee*/
2647: cursor get_info_per (l_assignment_id number, l_effective_date date) is

Line 2888: FROM hr_organization_information hoi

2884: /* Cursor to fetch Phone types for employee*/
2885: CURSOR get_phone_type (l_bus_grp_id NUMBER) IS
2886: SELECT hoi.org_information3 mob_type
2887: ,hoi.org_information4 tel_type
2888: FROM hr_organization_information hoi
2889: WHERE hoi.organization_id = l_bus_grp_id
2890: AND hoi.org_information_context = 'SA_HR_BG_INFO';
2891: /* Cursor to fetch phone numbers of employee */
2892: CURSOR get_phone_number (l_phone_type VARCHAR2, l_person_id NUMBER, l_effective_date DATE) IS