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Line 51: tbattoo 11-MAY-1998 40.24(110.1) dual mantained changes in view so

47: lwthomps 27-May-1997 40.22 489769, WC2_EE previously not accessible.
48: Similiar to change for 40.16.
49: tbattoo 16-JAN-1998 40.23(110.0) changed date format to DD-MON-YYYY -
50: bug 612696.
51: tbattoo 11-MAY-1998 40.24(110.1) dual mantained changes in view so
52: GRE PYDATE routes work over a range
53: djoshi 08-APR-1999 Verfied and converted for Canonical
54: Complience of Date
55: skutteti 14-SEP-1999 115.4 Pre-tax enhancements. Added categories 403B

Line 416: from dual

412: --
413: begin
414: select ''
415: into l_dummy
416: from dual
417: where exists (
418: select ''
419: from pay_payroll_actions ppa,
420: pay_assignment_actions paa,

Line 1053: FROM dual

1049: end if; /* p_tax_balance_category is NONE */
1051: SELECT count(0)
1052: INTO l_valid
1053: FROM dual
1054: WHERE p_asg_type in ('ASG','PER','GRE');
1055: --
1056: IF l_valid = 0 THEN
1057: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid asg_type parameter');

Line 1063: FROM dual

1059: END IF;
1060: --
1061: SELECT count(0)
1062: INTO l_valid
1063: FROM dual
1064: WHERE p_time_type in ('RUN','PTD','MONTH','QTD','YTD', 'PAYMENTS', 'PYDATE');
1065: --
1066: IF l_valid = 0 THEN
1067: hr_utility.trace('Error: Invalid time_type parameter');

Line 1435: FROM sys.dual

1431: -- Check if the tax is federal or not.
1432: --
1433: SELECT count(0)
1434: INTO l_test
1435: FROM sys.dual
1436: WHERE l_tax_type in ('FIT','FUTA','MEDICARE','SS','EIC');
1439: IF ((p_jd_context IS NOT NULL) and