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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 35

  is select parameters
       from wf_event_subscriptions
      where guid = p_subscription_guid;
Line: 268

     select  queue_name ,
     into    i_queue_name,
     from    ecx_ext_processes eep,
             ecx_standards es,
             ecx_tp_details etd
     where   eep.ext_type       = l_transaction_type
     and     eep.ext_subtype    = l_transaction_subtype
     and     eep.direction      = 'IN'
     and     eep.standard_id    = es.standard_id
     and     es.standard_code   = l_standard_code
     and     es.standard_type   = l_standard_type
     and     etd.ext_process_id = eep.ext_process_id
     and     etd.source_tp_location_code  = l_party_site_id;
Line: 299

		select 	parameters
		into 	r_myparams
		from 	wf_event_subscriptions
		where 	guid = p_subscription_guid;
Line: 307

                     'Error in selecting parameters.');
Line: 309

Line: 669

    select parameters
      into myparams
      from wf_event_subscriptions
     where guid = p_subscription_guid;
Line: 677

          'Error in selecting parameters.');
Line: 761

  select out_agent_guid, to_agent_guid, wf_process_type, wf_process_name,
         priority, parameters, map_code, standard_type, standard_code
  into   l_out_guid, l_to_guid, l_wftype, l_wfname, l_pri, l_subparams,
         l_map_code, l_std_type, l_std_code
  from   wf_event_subscriptions
  where  guid = p_subscription_guid;
Line: 805

      select to_char(WF_ERROR_PROCESSES_S.nextval) into l_ikey from dual;
Line: 895

    select party_type
    into l_party_type
    from ecx_tp_headers
    where tp_header_id=ecx_utils.g_snd_tp_id;
Line: 1060

  select  queue_name ,
  into    x_queue_name,
  from    ecx_ext_processes eep,
          ecx_standards es,
          ecx_tp_details etd
  where   eep.ext_type       = p_transaction_type
  and     eep.ext_subtype    = p_transaction_subtype
  and     eep.direction      = 'IN'
  and     eep.standard_id    = es.standard_id
  and     es.standard_code   = p_standard_code
  and     es.standard_type   = p_standard_type
  and     etd.ext_process_id = eep.ext_process_id
  and     etd.source_tp_location_code  = p_party_site_id;
Line: 1163

  select parameters
  from wf_event_subscriptions
  where guid = p_subscription_guid;
Line: 1277

  select ecx_trigger_id_s.NEXTVAL
  from dual;
Line: 1540

  select ecx_trigger_id_s.NEXTVAL
  from dual;
Line: 1577

      select trigger_id into l_trigger_id
      from ecx_inbound_logs
      where msgid = l_msgid;
Line: 1598

        select max(trigger_id) into l_trigger_id
        from ecx_inbound_logs
        where msgid = l_msgid;
Line: 1702

      select ecx_inlstn_s.nextval into l_internal_control_number from dual;