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Line 350: l_pd_name gl_interface.period_name%TYPE;

346: l_group_id number;
347: v_InsertSQL VARCHAR2(10000);
348: l_out_table_name varchar2(30);
349: l_in_table_name varchar2(30);
350: l_pd_name gl_interface.period_name%TYPE;
351: v_BlockSQL varchar2(300);
352: v_SQL varchar2(1000);
353: l_target_ledger_id number;
354: l_request_id number;

Line 379: --+procedure, make sure you get source data from gl_interface table

375: l_source_ledger_id := source_ledger_id;
376: l_target_ledger_id := p_target_ledger_id;
377: --+for debug from SQL Navigator, run consolidation from the Oracle Applications without
378: --+Journal Import, use its group ID and consolidation concurrent request id to run this
379: --+procedure, make sure you get source data from gl_interface table
380: --+l_in_table_name := 'GL_INTERFACE';
381: --Get_Domain_Name(dblink);
382: --l_temp_db := dblink || '.' || domainName;
383: initialize_over_dblink(user_id, resp_id, app_id, dblink);

Line 380: --+l_in_table_name := 'GL_INTERFACE';

376: l_target_ledger_id := p_target_ledger_id;
377: --+for debug from SQL Navigator, run consolidation from the Oracle Applications without
378: --+Journal Import, use its group ID and consolidation concurrent request id to run this
379: --+procedure, make sure you get source data from gl_interface table
380: --+l_in_table_name := 'GL_INTERFACE';
381: --Get_Domain_Name(dblink);
382: --l_temp_db := dblink || '.' || domainName;
383: initialize_over_dblink(user_id, resp_id, app_id, dblink);
384: l_request_id := request_id;

Line 976: --+has been transfered into gl_interface table

972: return result;
973: END Remote_Data_Validation;
974: --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
975: --+get the group ID from the source dtaabase after the consolidation data
976: --+has been transfered into gl_interface table
977: --+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
978: function Get_Source_Group_ID(
979: cons_id IN number,
980: cons_run_id IN number

Line 1055: l_pd_name gl_interface.period_name%TYPE;

1051: dblink varchar2(30);
1052: l_inter_run_id number;
1053: l_reqJI_id number;
1054: l_reqPost_id number;
1055: l_pd_name gl_interface.period_name%TYPE;
1056: l_to_ledger_id number;
1057: l_user_id number;
1058: l_resp_id number;
1059: l_app_id number;

Line 1233: --+populates the gl_interface_control table and gl_cons_interface_to_group_id table

1229: log_message('==>' || FND_MESSAGE.get, TRUE);
1230: errbuf := errbuf || ' ' || FND_MESSAGE.get;
1231: end if;
1232: IF (p_j_import = 'N') THEN
1233: --+populates the gl_interface_control table and gl_cons_interface_to_group_id table
1234: --+add an average flag to indicate whether this is a adb balances transfer or not
1235: v_SQL := 'BEGIN '||' :l_id := ' || applSysSchema || '.GL_CI_REMOTE_INVOKE_PKG.Apps_Initialize@' || dblink ||
1236: '(:usr_id, :rsp_id, :ap_id, :sb_id, :gp_id, :pd_name, :flag, :avg);'||' END;';
1237: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_SQL USING OUT l_inter_run_id, IN l_user_id, IN l_resp_id, IN l_app_id, IN l_to_ledger_id,

Line 1252: debug_message('Populates the gl_interface_control table on Target database',TRUE);

1248: IF (p_j_import = 'Y') THEN
1249: --+get the target ledger id
1250: section_number := 2;
1251: if l_debug = 'Y' then
1252: debug_message('Populates the gl_interface_control table on Target database',TRUE);
1253: debug_message('Updates the gl_cons_interface_' || l_to_group_id || ' on target database',TRUE);
1254: end if;
1255: --+populates the gl_interface_control table and gl_cons_interface_to_group_id table
1256: v_SQL := 'BEGIN '||' :l_id := ' || applSysSchema || '.GL_CI_REMOTE_INVOKE_PKG.Apps_Initialize@' || dblink ||

Line 1255: --+populates the gl_interface_control table and gl_cons_interface_to_group_id table

1251: if l_debug = 'Y' then
1252: debug_message('Populates the gl_interface_control table on Target database',TRUE);
1253: debug_message('Updates the gl_cons_interface_' || l_to_group_id || ' on target database',TRUE);
1254: end if;
1255: --+populates the gl_interface_control table and gl_cons_interface_to_group_id table
1256: v_SQL := 'BEGIN '||' :l_id := ' || applSysSchema || '.GL_CI_REMOTE_INVOKE_PKG.Apps_Initialize@' || dblink ||
1257: '(:usr_id, :rsp_id, :ap_id, :sb_id, :gp_id, :pd_name, :flag, :avg);'||' END;';
1258: EXECUTE IMMEDIATE v_SQL USING OUT l_inter_run_id, IN l_user_id, IN l_resp_id, IN l_app_id, IN l_to_ledger_id,
1259: IN l_to_group_id, IN l_pd_name, IN p_actual_flag, IN l_avg_flag;