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1 PACKAGE BODY cn_webservice_pub AS
2 -- $Header: cnwebsrb.pls 120.3 2009/07/07 16:12:52 ipananil noship $ --+
3   g_pkg_name   CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30)   := 'CN_WEBSERVICE_PUB';
4   g_format_mask         VARCHAR2(1000) := '999999999999999999.';
5   g_currency_code       VARCHAR2(100);
6   g_currency_symb       VARCHAR2(100);
7   g_precision           NUMBER;
8   g_ext_precision       NUMBER;
9   g_min_acct_unit       NUMBER;
11   /*
12    * get_currency_info
13    */
14   PROCEDURE get_currency_info IS
15     CURSOR c_get_curr_code IS
16       SELECT s.currency_code
17         FROM cn_periods p
18            , cn_repositories r
19            , gl_sets_of_books s
20        WHERE r.current_period_id = p.period_id(+)
21          AND r.application_id = 283
22          AND r.set_of_books_id = s.set_of_books_id;
24     CURSOR c_curr_symbol IS
25       SELECT NVL(symbol, '') AS symbol
26         FROM fnd_currencies
27        WHERE currency_code = g_currency_code;
28   BEGIN
29     FOR l_cur_tran IN c_get_curr_code LOOP
30       g_currency_code := l_cur_tran.currency_code;
31     END LOOP;
33     FND_CURRENCY.get_info(g_currency_code, g_precision, g_ext_precision, g_min_acct_unit);
35     FOR l_cur_sym IN c_curr_symbol LOOP
36       g_currency_symb := l_cur_sym.symbol;
37     END LOOP;
39     IF INSTR(g_format_mask, '.99') = 0 THEN
40       FOR i IN 1 .. NVL(g_precision, 2) LOOP
41         g_format_mask := g_format_mask || '9';
42       END LOOP;
43     END IF;
44   END get_currency_info;
46   /*
47    * recent_trans_for_salesrep
48    */
49   PROCEDURE recent_trans_for_salesrep(
50     usr_name                   IN              VARCHAR,
51     x_recent_transaction_tbl   OUT NOCOPY      recent_transaction_tbl_type
52   ) IS
53     CURSOR get_salesrep_dtls(p_org_id NUMBER) IS
54       SELECT fu.user_id
55            , fu.user_name
56            , jrs.resource_id
57            , jrs.NAME
58            , jrs.salesrep_id
59            , jrs.org_id
60         FROM fnd_user fu
61            , jtf_rs_defresources_v jrd
62            , jtf_rs_salesreps jrs
63        WHERE fu.user_name = usr_name
64          AND jrd.user_id = fu.user_id
65          AND jrs.resource_id = jrd.resource_id
66          AND jrs.org_id = p_org_id;
68     CURSOR open_period IS
69       SELECT MIN(start_date) AS min_date
70            , MAX(end_date) AS max_date
71         FROM cn_periods
72        WHERE closing_status = 'O';
74     CURSOR recent_transation(p_from_date DATE, p_to_date DATE, p_salesrep_id NUMBER) IS
75       SELECT   TO_CHAR(cl.processed_date, 'MM/DD') AS processed_date
76              , ch.customer_id AS customer_id
77              , NVL(hp.party_name, 'CUSTOMER NOT PRESENT') AS customer_name
78              , NVL(ch.attribute1, inventory_item_id) AS product_name
79              , NVL(ch.transaction_amount, 0) AS transaction_amount
80              , NVL(cl.perf_achieved, 0) AS credit
81              , NVL(cl.commission_amount, 0) AS earnings
82           FROM cn_commission_headers ch
83              , cn_commission_lines cl
84              , cn_salesreps rep
85              , hz_parties hp
86              , hz_cust_accounts hca
87          WHERE cl.org_id = ch.org_id
88            AND rep.org_id = ch.org_id
89            AND cl.status = 'CALC'
90            AND cl.commission_header_id = ch.commission_header_id
91            AND ch.direct_salesrep_id = rep.salesrep_id
92            AND cl.credited_salesrep_id = ch.direct_salesrep_id
93            AND rep.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
94            AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
95            AND hca.cust_account_id(+) = ch.customer_id
96            AND hp.party_id = hca.party_id
97            AND ch.customer_id IS NOT NULL
98       ORDER BY cl.processed_date DESC;
100     c_rec_tran                  recent_transation%ROWTYPE;
101     l_recent_transaction_type   recent_transaction_type;
102     l_row_cnt                   NUMBER                      := 0;
103     l_salesrp_id                NUMBER;
104     l_org_id                    NUMBER;
105     l_from_date                 DATE;
106     l_end_date                  DATE;
107     l_profile_val               NUMBER;
108   BEGIN
109     l_profile_val := fnd_profile.VALUE('ORG_ID');
111     FOR l_salesrep_dtls IN get_salesrep_dtls(l_profile_val) LOOP
112       l_salesrp_id := l_salesrep_dtls.salesrep_id;
113       l_org_id := l_salesrep_dtls.org_id;
114     END LOOP;
116     mo_global.set_policy_context('S', l_org_id);
117     x_recent_transaction_tbl := g_miss_rt_rec_tb;
119     FOR l_rec_trans IN open_period LOOP
120       l_from_date := l_rec_trans.min_date;
121       l_end_date := l_rec_trans.max_date;
122     END LOOP;
124     get_currency_info;
126     FOR l_rec_trans IN recent_transation(l_from_date, l_end_date, l_salesrp_id) LOOP
127       l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
129       x_recent_transaction_tbl(l_row_cnt).processed_date := l_rec_trans.processed_date;
130       x_recent_transaction_tbl(l_row_cnt).customer_name := l_rec_trans.customer_name;
131       x_recent_transaction_tbl(l_row_cnt).product_name := l_rec_trans.product_name;
132       x_recent_transaction_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_amount :=
133           LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.transaction_amount, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
134       x_recent_transaction_tbl(l_row_cnt).credit :=
135                       LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.credit, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
136       x_recent_transaction_tbl(l_row_cnt).earnings :=
137                     LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.earnings, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
138       x_recent_transaction_tbl(l_row_cnt).currency_symb := g_currency_symb;
140       IF l_row_cnt = 100 THEN
141         EXIT;
142       END IF;
143     END LOOP;
144   END recent_trans_for_salesrep;
146   PROCEDURE top_customer_for_salesrep(
147     usr_name             IN              VARCHAR,
148     x_top_customer_tbl   OUT NOCOPY      top_customer_tbl_type
149   ) IS
150     CURSOR get_salesrep_dtls(p_org_id NUMBER) IS
151       SELECT fu.user_id
152            , fu.user_name
153            , jrs.resource_id
154            , jrs.NAME
155            , jrs.salesrep_id
156            , jrs.org_id
157         FROM fnd_user fu
158            , jtf_rs_defresources_v jrd
159            , jtf_rs_salesreps jrs
160        WHERE fu.user_name = usr_name
161          AND jrd.user_id = fu.user_id
162          AND jrs.resource_id = jrd.resource_id
163          AND jrs.org_id = p_org_id;
165     CURSOR open_period IS
166       SELECT MIN(start_date) AS min_date
167            , MAX(end_date) AS max_date
168         FROM cn_periods
169        WHERE closing_status = 'O';
171     CURSOR top_customer(p_from_date DATE, p_to_date DATE, p_salesrep_id NUMBER) IS
172       SELECT   customer_name
173              , earnings
174              , (comm_rate * 100) comm_rate
175              , credit
176              , transaction_amount
177           FROM (SELECT   NVL (hp.party_name, 'CUSTOMER NOT PRESENT') AS customer_name
178                        , hca.cust_account_id customer_id
179                        , MAX (NVL (cl.commission_amount, 0)) AS earnings
180                        , MAX (NVL (cl.commission_rate, 0)) AS comm_rate
181                        , MAX (NVL (cl.perf_achieved, 0)) AS credit
182                        , MAX (NVL (ch.transaction_amount, 0)) AS transaction_amount
183                        , RANK () OVER (PARTITION BY hca.cust_account_id ORDER BY NVL
184                                                 (cl.commission_amount,
185                                                  0
186                                                 ) DESC NULLS LAST) AS comp_rank
187                     FROM cn_commission_headers ch
188                        , cn_commission_lines cl
189                        , cn_salesreps rep
190                        , hz_parties hp
191                        , hz_cust_accounts hca
192                    WHERE cl.org_id = ch.org_id
193                      AND rep.org_id = ch.org_id
194                      AND cl.status = 'CALC'
195                      AND cl.commission_header_id = ch.commission_header_id
196                      AND cl.credited_salesrep_id = ch.direct_salesrep_id
197                      AND ch.direct_salesrep_id = rep.salesrep_id
198                      AND rep.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
199                      AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
200                      AND ch.customer_id IS NOT NULL
201                      AND hca.cust_account_id(+) = ch.customer_id
202                      AND hp.party_id = hca.party_id
203                 GROUP BY hca.cust_account_id
204                        , party_name
205                        , NVL (cl.commission_amount, 0))
206          WHERE comp_rank = 1
207       ORDER BY earnings DESC;
209     c_tc_tran               top_customer%ROWTYPE;
210     l_tc_transaction_type   top_customer_type;
211     l_salesrp_id            NUMBER;
212     l_org_id                NUMBER;
213     l_row_cnt               NUMBER                 := 0;
214     l_from_date             DATE;
215     l_end_date              DATE;
216     l_profile_val           NUMBER;
217   BEGIN
218     l_profile_val := fnd_profile.VALUE('ORG_ID');
220     FOR l_salesrep_dtls IN get_salesrep_dtls(l_profile_val) LOOP
221       l_salesrp_id := l_salesrep_dtls.salesrep_id;
222       l_org_id := l_salesrep_dtls.org_id;
223     END LOOP;
225     mo_global.set_policy_context('S', l_profile_val);
226     x_top_customer_tbl := g_miss_ct_rec_tb;
228     FOR l_rec_trans IN open_period LOOP
229       l_from_date := l_rec_trans.min_date;
230       l_end_date := l_rec_trans.max_date;
231     END LOOP;
233     get_currency_info;
235     FOR l_rec_trans IN top_customer(l_from_date, l_end_date, l_salesrp_id) LOOP
236       l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
238       x_top_customer_tbl(l_row_cnt).customer_name := l_rec_trans.customer_name;
239       x_top_customer_tbl(l_row_cnt).earnings :=
240                     LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.earnings, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
241       x_top_customer_tbl(l_row_cnt).rate :=
242                    LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.comm_rate, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
243       x_top_customer_tbl(l_row_cnt).credit :=
244                       LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.credit, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
245       x_top_customer_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_amount :=
246           LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.transaction_amount, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
247       x_top_customer_tbl(l_row_cnt).currency_symb := g_currency_symb;
249       IF l_row_cnt = 100 THEN
250         EXIT;
251       END IF;
252     END LOOP;
253   END top_customer_for_salesrep;
255   PROCEDURE top_product_for_salesrep(
256     usr_name              IN              VARCHAR,
257     x_top_cust_prod_tbl   OUT NOCOPY      top_cus_prod_tbl_type
258   ) IS
259     CURSOR get_salesrep_dtls(p_org_id NUMBER) IS
260       SELECT fu.user_id
261            , fu.user_name
262            , jrs.resource_id
263            , jrs.NAME
264            , jrs.salesrep_id
265            , jrs.org_id
266         FROM fnd_user fu
267            , jtf_rs_defresources_v jrd
268            , jtf_rs_salesreps jrs
269        WHERE fu.user_name = usr_name
270          AND jrd.user_id = fu.user_id
271          AND jrs.resource_id = jrd.resource_id
272          AND jrs.org_id = p_org_id;
274     CURSOR open_period IS
275       SELECT MIN(start_date) AS min_date
276            , MAX(end_date) AS max_date
277         FROM cn_periods
278        WHERE closing_status = 'O';
280     CURSOR top_product(p_from_date DATE, p_to_date DATE, p_salesrep_id NUMBER) IS
281       SELECT   product_name
282              , earnings
283              , (comm_rate * 100) comm_rate
284              , credit
285              , transaction_amount
286           FROM (SELECT   NVL(ch.attribute1, inventory_item_id) AS product_name,
287                          MAX(NVL(cl.commission_amount, 0)) AS earnings,
288                          MAX(NVL(cl.commission_rate, 0)) AS comm_rate,
289                          MAX(NVL(cl.perf_achieved, 0)) AS credit,
290                          MAX(NVL(ch.transaction_amount, 0)) AS transaction_amount
291                     FROM cn_commission_headers ch,
292                          cn_commission_lines cl,
293                          cn_salesreps rep
294                    WHERE cl.org_id = ch.org_id
295                      AND rep.org_id = ch.org_id
296                      AND cl.status = 'CALC'
297                      AND cl.commission_header_id = ch.commission_header_id
298                      AND cl.credited_salesrep_id = ch.direct_salesrep_id
299                      AND ch.direct_salesrep_id = rep.salesrep_id
300                      AND rep.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
301                      AND cl.processed_date BETWEEN p_from_date AND p_to_date
302                      AND ch.customer_id IS NOT NULL
303                 GROUP BY NVL(ch.attribute1, inventory_item_id))
304       ORDER BY earnings DESC;
306     c_tc_tran               top_product%ROWTYPE;
307     l_tc_transaction_type   top_cust_prod_type;
308     l_row_cnt               NUMBER                := 0;
309     l_salesrp_id            NUMBER;
310     l_org_id                NUMBER;
311     l_from_date             DATE;
312     l_end_date              DATE;
313     l_profile_val           NUMBER;
314   BEGIN
315     l_profile_val := fnd_profile.VALUE('ORG_ID');
317     FOR l_salesrep_dtls IN get_salesrep_dtls(l_profile_val) LOOP
318       l_salesrp_id := l_salesrep_dtls.salesrep_id;
319       l_org_id := l_salesrep_dtls.org_id;
320     END LOOP;
322     mo_global.set_policy_context('S', l_profile_val);
323     x_top_cust_prod_tbl := g_miss_ct_prod_rec_tb;
325     FOR l_rec_trans IN open_period LOOP
326       l_from_date := l_rec_trans.min_date;
327       l_end_date := l_rec_trans.max_date;
328     END LOOP;
330     get_currency_info;
332     FOR l_rec_trans IN top_product(l_from_date, l_end_date, l_salesrp_id) LOOP
333       l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
335       x_top_cust_prod_tbl(l_row_cnt).product_name := l_rec_trans.product_name;
336       x_top_cust_prod_tbl(l_row_cnt).earnings :=
337                     LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.earnings, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
338       x_top_cust_prod_tbl(l_row_cnt).rate :=
339                    LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.comm_rate, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
340       x_top_cust_prod_tbl(l_row_cnt).credit :=
341                       LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.credit, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
342       x_top_cust_prod_tbl(l_row_cnt).transaction_amount :=
343           LTRIM(TO_CHAR(ROUND(NVL(l_rec_trans.transaction_amount, 0), g_precision), g_format_mask));
344       x_top_cust_prod_tbl(l_row_cnt).currency_symb := g_currency_symb;
346       IF l_row_cnt = 100 THEN
347         EXIT;
348       END IF;
349     END LOOP;
350   END top_product_for_salesrep;
352   PROCEDURE top_escalted_task_salesrep(
353     usr_name             IN              VARCHAR,
354     x_top_esc_task_tbl   OUT NOCOPY      top_esc_task_tbl_type
355   ) IS
356     CURSOR c_esc_tasks IS
357       SELECT   task_number
358              , task_id
359              , assignment_status
360              , task_name
361              , customer_name
362              , priority_name
363              , resource_name
364              , resource_id
365              , resource_type_code
366              , planned_start_date
367              , scheduled_start_date
368              , sla_esc
369              , calc_date
370           FROM (SELECT b.task_number, b.task_id, s.NAME assignment_status, b.task_name,
371                        pi.party_name customer_name, jtp.NAME priority_name,
372                        csf_resource_pub.get_resource_name(resource_id,
373                                                           resource_type_code
374                                                          ) resource_name,
375                        resource_id, resource_type_code, b.planned_start_date,
376                        b.scheduled_start_date, 'ESC' sla_esc, NULL calc_date
377                   FROM jtf_tasks_b esc_t,
378                        jtf_task_statuses_vl s,
379                        jtf_tasks_vl b,
380                        jtf_task_references_b r,
381                        hz_party_sites ps,
382                        hz_locations hl,
383                        hz_parties pi,
384                        jtf_task_assignments jtb,
385                        jtf_task_priorities_vl jtp
386                  WHERE esc_t.task_id = r.task_id
387                    AND esc_t.task_type_id = 22
388                    AND s.task_status_id = jtb.assignment_status_id
389                    AND r.reference_code = 'ESC'
390                    AND r.object_type_code = 'TASK'
391                    AND r.object_id = b.task_id
392                    AND ps.party_site_id(+) = b.address_id
393                    AND hl.location_id(+) = ps.location_id
394                    AND pi.party_id(+) = b.customer_id
395                    AND NVL(esc_t.deleted_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
396                    AND NVL(s.cancelled_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
397                    AND jtb.task_id = b.task_id
398                    AND jtp.task_priority_id = b.task_priority_id
399                 UNION
400                 SELECT b.task_number, b.task_id, s.NAME assignment_status, b.task_name,
401                        pi.party_name customer_name, jtp.NAME priority_name,
402                        csf_resource_pub.get_resource_name(resource_id,
403                                                           resource_type_code
404                                                          ) resource_name,
405                        resource_id, resource_type_code, b.planned_start_date,
406                        b.scheduled_start_date, 'SLA' sla_esc,
407                        planned_start_date - scheduled_start_date calc_date
408                   FROM jtf_task_statuses_vl s,
409                        jtf_tasks_vl b,
410                        hz_party_sites ps,
411                        hz_locations hl,
412                        hz_parties pi,
413                        jtf_task_assignments jtb,
414                        jtf_task_priorities_vl jtp
415                  WHERE jtb.task_id = b.task_id
416                    AND s.task_status_id = jtb.assignment_status_id
417                    AND ps.party_site_id(+) = b.address_id
418                    AND hl.location_id(+) = ps.location_id
419                    AND pi.party_id(+) = b.customer_id
420                    AND NVL(s.closed_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
421                    AND jtp.task_priority_id = b.task_priority_id
422                    AND NVL(s.cancelled_flag, 'N') <> 'Y'
423                    AND planned_start_date - scheduled_start_date > 0)
424       ORDER BY calc_date ASC;
426     l_row_cnt   NUMBER := 0;
427   BEGIN
428     x_top_esc_task_tbl := g_miss_ec_task_rec_tb;
430     FOR l_esc_rec IN c_esc_tasks LOOP
431       l_row_cnt := l_row_cnt + 1;
433       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).task_number := l_esc_rec.task_number;
434       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).task_id := l_esc_rec.task_id;
435       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).assignment_status := l_esc_rec.assignment_status;
436       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).task_name := l_esc_rec.task_name;
437       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).customer_name := l_esc_rec.customer_name;
438       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).priority_name := l_esc_rec.priority_name;
439       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).resource_name := l_esc_rec.resource_name;
440       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).resource_id := l_esc_rec.resource_id;
441       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).resource_type_code := l_esc_rec.resource_type_code;
442       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).planned_start_date := l_esc_rec.planned_start_date;
443       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).scheduled_start_date := l_esc_rec.scheduled_start_date;
444       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).sla_esc := l_esc_rec.sla_esc;
445       x_top_esc_task_tbl(l_row_cnt).calc_date := l_esc_rec.calc_date;
447       IF l_row_cnt = 100 THEN
448         EXIT;
449       END IF;
450     END LOOP;
451   END top_escalted_task_salesrep;
453   PROCEDURE test_webservice(user_id IN VARCHAR2, x_commission_rec OUT NOCOPY test_webser_tbl_type) IS
454   BEGIN
455     x_commission_rec := g_miss_webser_rec_tb;
457     x_commission_rec(1).commission := 100;
458     x_commission_rec(1).userid := user_id;
459     x_commission_rec(2).commission := 200;
460     x_commission_rec(2).userid := user_id;
461   END test_webservice;
462 END cn_webservice_pub;