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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 40

                         and also commented the update for tax_amount
                         (2)Also raised exception if P_TOKEN is not null

5.      23-Aug-2005     Bug4559756. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami version 120.3
                        (1) Added org_id in cursor c_ap_invoices_all
			(2) Fetched the same before calling ap_utilities_pkg
			    and passed the same the package call.
			 To get the period name and date.

6.    22-nov-2005  Bug 47541213. Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
                          Changed JAI_TDS_SECTION to TDS_SECTION

7.    03/11/2006   Sanjikum for Bug#5131075, File Version 120.5
                   1) Changes are done for forward porting of bugs - 4718907, 5193852, 4947469

                   Dependency Due to this Bug
                   Yes, as Package spec is changed and there are multiple files changed as part of current

 8.		03/05/2007   Bug 5722028. Added by CSahoo 120.6
 									 Forward porting to R12.
                	 passed parameter pd_creation_Date to generate_tdS_invoices
										changed the value to tax_amount instead of calc_tax_amount.
										jai_ap_tds_gen.pls - 120.5
										jai_ap_tds_gen.plb - 120.19
										jai_ap_tds_ppay.pls - 120.2
										jai_ap_tds_ppay.plb - 120.5
										jai_ap_tds_can.plb - 120.6

9. 14/05/2007	bduvarag for the Bug#5722028.
		Removed redundant column names that were causing error

 10.  08/June/2009 Bug 8475540
                   AP Package AP_CANCEL_SINGLE_INVOICE was called without setting MOAC Context
                   resulting in multiple records being fetched when a single row is expected
                   Added call to mo_global.set_policy_context

11. 17-Jul-2009  Bgowrava for Bug#8682951 , File Version 120.4.12000000.4
 	                  Changed the parameter ld_accounting_date to sysdate while  calling process_threshold_rollback in the loop c_jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes.

12. 25-Aug-2009 Bug 8830302
                Fetch Accounting Date from AP_INVOICE_LINES_ALL if distributions is not saved.
                This will prevent failure during cancellation.

13. 07-Jan-2010  Jia for FP Bug#7312295, File Version 120.4.12000000.5
               Issue: This is a forward port bug for the bug7252683.
                   Cancellation of the invoice breaching the surcharge threhsold does not cancel the surcharge invoice that
                   got created while the transition. this results in wrong surcharge calculation

               Fixed: Added the column 'tds_event' to the cusor c_jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs to pick the tds_even also for cancellation,
                   also ordered the result based on the threshold_trx_id. Checked the slabs after and before cancellation and
                   if it was different then cancelled the surcharge invoice else not cancelled it.

14. 13-Jun-2010   Xiao for Bug#7154864
			commented the call to  jai_ap_inv_tds_generation_pkg.process_threshold_rollback as the need to create
			an RTN invoice no more exists after the changes wrt to this bug have been made.

15. 21-Apr-2011 amandali for bug 11896260
                Cancellation of invoices should be avoided if the theshold is breached by another invoice and payment is made.

16. 20-Jan-2012  mmurtuza for bug 13561970
		Fix: uncommented the call to  jai_ap_inv_tds_generation_pkg.process_threshold_rollback

17. 20-Jan-2012  mmurtuza for bug 13561970
		Fix: uncommented the call to  jai_ap_inv_tds_generation_pkg.process_threshold_rollback
			Added variable lv_threshold_type_before and passed as input while calling get_tds_threshold_slab and process_threshold_rollback

18. 20-Jun-2012  amandali for bug 14185477
                 Description: India Cancel TDS invoice concurrent erroring out
                 Fix: Modified the variable to capture the p_gl_Date in call ap_utilities_pkg.get_open_gl_date.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------- */


  procedure process_invoice
    errbuf                               out    nocopy     varchar2,
    retcode                              out    nocopy     varchar2,
    p_invoice_id                         in                number

    cursor c_jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs (p_invoice_id number) is--rchandan for bug#4428980
      select threshold_trx_id,
             threshold_hdr_id,  --Added by Sanjikum for Bug#5131075(4718907)
             tds_event,          -- Added by Jia for FP Bug#7312295
             calc_tax_amount     -- Bug 5751783
      from   jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs
      where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and    (tds_event = 'INVOICE VALIDATE' or tds_event = 'SURCHARGE_CALCULATE')  --Bug 7312295 - Added condition 'or tds_event = 'SURCHARGE_CALCULATE'
      order by threshold_trx_id; -- Added by Jia for FP Bug#7312295
Line: 143

        select  vendor_id,
        from    JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL
        where   tax_id = p_tax_id;
Line: 154

        select invoice_id,
        from   ap_invoices_all
        where  invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 165

      select   set_of_books_id,
      from     ap_invoices_all
      where    invoice_id = p_invoice_id;
Line: 173

      select  threshold_grp_id,
              actual_tax_id tax_id,
              sum(amount) taxable_amount,
              sum(tax_amount) tax_amount
      from    jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jtdsi
      where   invoice_id = p_invoice_id
      and     section_type =  cp_section_type --cp_section_type--rchandan for bug#4428980
      and     threshold_grp_id is not null
      and     threshold_trx_id is null
      group by threshold_grp_id, actual_tax_id;
Line: 185

      select currency_code
      from   gl_sets_of_books
      where  set_of_books_id = cp_set_of_books_id;
Line: 190

select jattt.invoice_id,jattt.tds_event,jattt.invoice_to_tds_authority_id from jai_ap_tds_inv_taxes jatit,jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs jattt
where jatit.invoice_id =p_invoice_id and
 jatit.default_cum_threshold_stage= 'BEFORE THRESHOLD'
and jatit.threshold_grp_id =jattt.threshold_grp_id
and jattt.tds_event like 'THRESHOLD%'
and not exists (select '1' from jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs where invoice_id =jatit.invoice_id);/*to ensure that no TDS is deducted*/
Line: 206

    SELECT accounting_date
      FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
     WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
       AND distribution_line_number = 1;
Line: 217

    SELECT accounting_date
    FROM   ap_invoice_lines_all
    WHERE  invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
    AND    line_number = 1;
Line: 226

    SELECT  *
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_grps
    WHERE   threshold_grp_id = p_threshold_grp_id;
Line: 234

    SELECT  threshold_slab_id, threshold_type_id, from_amount, to_amount, tax_rate
    FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_slabs
    WHERE   threshold_hdr_id = p_threshold_hdr_id
    AND     threshold_type_id in
                ( SELECT  threshold_type_id
                  FROM    jai_ap_tds_thhold_types
                  WHERE   threshold_hdr_id = p_threshold_hdr_id
                  AND     threshold_type = p_threshold_type
                  AND     trunc(sysdate) between from_date and nvl(to_date, sysdate + 1)
    AND     from_amount <= p_amount
    AND     NVL(to_amount, p_amount) >= p_amount
    ORDER BY from_amount asc;
Line: 281

    ld_out_last_update_date             date;
Line: 483

      ld_out_last_update_date         :=      null;
Line: 543

         P_last_updated_by                =>    fnd_global.user_id                       ,
         P_last_update_login              =>    fnd_global.login_id                      ,
         --P_set_of_books_id              =>    r_ap_invoices_all.set_of_books_id        ,
         P_accounting_date                =>    ld_accounting_date                       ,
         --P_period_name                  =>    lv_open_period                           ,
         P_message_name                   =>    lv_out_message_name                      ,
         P_invoice_amount                 =>    ln_out_invoice_amount                    ,
         P_base_amount                    =>    ln_out_base_amount                       ,
         --P_tax_amount                   =>    ln_out_tax_amount                        ,
         P_temp_cancelled_amount          =>    ln_out_temp_cancelled_amount             ,
         P_cancelled_by                   =>    ln_out_cancelled_by                      ,
         P_cancelled_amount               =>    ln_out_cancelled_amount                  ,
         P_cancelled_date                 =>    ld_out_cancelled_date                    ,
         P_last_update_date               =>    ld_out_last_update_date                  ,
         P_original_prepayment_amount     =>    ln_out_original_prepay_amount            ,
         --P_check_id                     =>    null                                     ,
         P_pay_curr_invoice_amount        =>    ln_out_pay_curr_inv_amount               ,
         P_Token                          =>    lv_token,
         P_calling_sequence               =>    'India Localization - cancel TDS invoice'
Line: 577

         Commented the tax_amount update */

      update  ap_invoices_all
      set     invoice_amount                =           ln_out_invoice_amount           ,
              base_amount                   =           ln_out_base_amount              ,
              --tax_amount                    =           ln_out_tax_amount               ,
              temp_cancelled_amount         =           ln_out_temp_cancelled_amount    ,
              cancelled_by                  =           ln_out_cancelled_by             ,
              cancelled_amount              =           ln_out_cancelled_amount         ,
              cancelled_date                =           ld_out_cancelled_date           ,
              last_update_date              =           ld_out_last_update_date         ,
              original_prepayment_amount    =           ln_out_original_prepay_amount   ,
              pay_curr_invoice_amount       =           ln_out_pay_curr_inv_amount
      where   invoice_id  =   cur_rec.invoice_to_tds_authority_id;
Line: 651

        ld_out_last_update_date         :=      null;
Line: 714

           P_last_updated_by                =>    fnd_global.user_id                       ,
           P_last_update_login              =>    fnd_global.login_id                      ,
           --P_set_of_books_id              =>    r_ap_invoices_all.set_of_books_id        ,
           P_accounting_date                =>    ld_accounting_date                       ,
           --P_period_name                  =>    lv_open_period                           ,
           P_message_name                   =>    lv_out_message_name                      ,
           P_invoice_amount                 =>    ln_out_invoice_amount                    ,
           P_base_amount                    =>    ln_out_base_amount                       ,
           --P_tax_amount                   =>    ln_out_tax_amount                        ,
           P_temp_cancelled_amount          =>    ln_out_temp_cancelled_amount             ,
           P_cancelled_by                   =>    ln_out_cancelled_by                      ,
           P_cancelled_amount               =>    ln_out_cancelled_amount                  ,
           P_cancelled_date                 =>    ld_out_cancelled_date                    ,
           P_last_update_date               =>    ld_out_last_update_date                  ,
           P_original_prepayment_amount     =>    ln_out_original_prepay_amount            ,
           --P_check_id                     =>    null                                     ,
           P_pay_curr_invoice_amount        =>    ln_out_pay_curr_inv_amount               ,
           P_token                          =>    lv_token                                 ,
           P_calling_sequence               =>    'India Localization - cancel TDS invoice'
Line: 747

         Commented the tax_amount update */
        update  ap_invoices_all
        set     invoice_amount                =           ln_out_invoice_amount           ,
                base_amount                   =           ln_out_base_amount              ,
               -- tax_amount                    =           ln_out_tax_amount               ,
                temp_cancelled_amount         =           ln_out_temp_cancelled_amount    ,
                cancelled_by                  =           ln_out_cancelled_by             ,
                cancelled_amount              =           ln_out_cancelled_amount         ,
                cancelled_date                =           ld_out_cancelled_date           ,
                last_update_date              =           ld_out_last_update_date         ,
                original_prepayment_amount    =           ln_out_original_prepay_amount   ,
                pay_curr_invoice_amount       =           ln_out_pay_curr_inv_amount
        where   invoice_id  =   cur_rec.invoice_to_vendor_id;
Line: 807

        /* Update the total tax amount for which Cancel invoice was raised */

      end if; /* Credit memo to the supplier paid / not paid */
Line: 832

      /* Update threshold for the cancel invoice amount */

    	ln_threshold_grp_id := cur_rec.threshold_grp_id;/*added by rchandan for bug#5131075(4947469)*/
Line: 849

      /* insert into JAI_AP_TDS_INV_CANCELS */
      lv_codepath := jai_general_pkg.plot_codepath(19, lv_codepath); /* 19 */
Line: 852

      insert into jai_ap_tds_inv_cancels
        tds_inv_cancel_id                       ,
        invoice_id                              ,
        threshold_grp_id                        ,
        cancel_amount                           ,
        parent_threshold_trx_id                 ,
        tax_id                                  ,
        tds_invoice_flag                        ,
        tds_invoice_message                     ,
        tds_credit_memo_flag                    ,
        tds_credit_memo_message                 ,
        threshold_trx_id_cancel                 ,
        created_by                              ,
        creation_date                           ,
        last_updated_by                         ,
        last_update_date                        ,
        jai_ap_tds_inv_cancels_s.nextval        ,
        p_invoice_id                            ,
        cur_rec.threshold_grp_id                ,
        cur_rec.taxable_amount                  ,
        cur_rec.threshold_trx_id                ,
        cur_rec.tax_id                          ,
        lv_tds_invoice_flag                     ,
        lv_tds_invoice_message                  ,
        lv_tds_credit_memo_flag                 ,
        lv_tds_credit_memo_message              ,
        ln_threshold_trx_id                     ,
        fnd_global.user_id                      ,
        sysdate                                 ,
        fnd_global.user_id                      ,
        sysdate                                 ,
Line: 986

for tds_id in (select invoice_to_tds_authority_id from jai_ap_tds_thhold_trxs where invoice_id = r_threshold_breach.invoice_id)

open  c_ap_invoices_all(tds_id.invoice_to_tds_authority_id);
Line: 1054

      insert into jai_ap_tds_inv_cancels
        tds_inv_cancel_id                       ,
        invoice_id                              ,
        threshold_grp_id                        ,
        cancel_amount                           ,
        parent_threshold_trx_id                 ,
        tax_id                                  ,
        tds_invoice_flag                        ,
        tds_invoice_message                     ,
        tds_credit_memo_flag                    ,
        tds_credit_memo_message                 ,
        threshold_trx_id_cancel                 ,
        created_by                              ,
        creation_date                           ,
        last_updated_by                         ,
        last_update_date                        ,
        jai_ap_tds_inv_cancels_s.nextval        ,
        p_invoice_id                            ,
        cur_rec.threshold_grp_id                ,
        ln_taxable_amount                       ,
        null                                    ,
        cur_rec.tax_id                          ,
        null                                    ,
        null                                    ,
        null                                    ,
        null                                    ,
        null                                    ,
        fnd_global.user_id                      ,
        sysdate                                 ,
        fnd_global.user_id                      ,
        sysdate                                 ,