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Line 2075: --of hr_locations_all along with inactive date check

2072: l_progress:= '190';
2073: --bug 4229954
2074: --we will validate a location based on Bill-To-Location and Ship-To-Location flags
2075: --of hr_locations_all along with inactive date check
2076: BEGIN
2077: select 'Y' into x_is_valid
2078: from hr_locations_all
2079: where location_id = x_valid_ship_to

Line 2078: from hr_locations_all

2074: --we will validate a location based on Bill-To-Location and Ship-To-Location flags
2075: --of hr_locations_all along with inactive date check
2076: BEGIN
2077: select 'Y' into x_is_valid
2078: from hr_locations_all
2079: where location_id = x_valid_ship_to
2080: and NVL(ship_to_site_flag, 'N') = 'Y' --bug 4229954
2081: and NVL(trunc(inactive_date),trunc(SYSDATE)+1) > trunc(SYSDATE);

Line 2105: from hr_locations_all

2102: l_progress:= '200';
2103: BEGIN
2104: select 'Y' into x_is_valid
2105: from hr_locations_all
2106: where location_id = x_valid_bill_to
2107: and NVL(bill_to_site_flag, 'N') = 'Y' --bug 4229954
2108: and NVL(trunc(inactive_date),trunc(SYSDATE)+1) > trunc(SYSDATE);

Line 9326: l_ship_to_org_id HR_LOCATIONS_ALL.inventory_organization_id%TYPE;

9322: -- in case of non req back lines from sourcing , ship_to_organization_id is NULL.
9323: -- so get it from distribution interface table.
9325: --
9326: l_ship_to_org_id HR_LOCATIONS_ALL.inventory_organization_id%TYPE;
9327: --
9329: BEGIN
9330: IF g_debug_stmt THEN --< Bug 3210331: use proper debugging >

Line 10272: FROM hr_locations_all hrl

10268: -- SQL WHY: the ship_to_organization is optional from sourcing
10269: BEGIN
10270: SELECT hrl.inventory_organization_id
10271: INTO l_ship_to_org_id
10272: FROM hr_locations_all hrl
10273: WHERE hrl.location_id = i.ship_to_location_id
10274: AND hrl.ship_to_site_flag = 'Y';
10276: WHEN no_data_found THEN

Line 11760: from HR_LOCATIONS HRL

11756: )
11757: )
11758: AND ( nvl(l_shipto_prf,'Y') = 'N' -- Bug 3201308
11759: OR exists (select 'x'
11760: from HR_LOCATIONS HRL
11761: where PRL.deliver_to_location_id = HRL.location_id
11762: and nvl(HRL.ship_to_location_id, HRL.location_id) = x_ship_to_location_id
11763: UNION ALL
11764: select 'x'

Line 13072: HZ_LOCATIONS and HR_LOCATIONS and also the corresponding where

13068: ** interface table matches the shipment you are trying to create.
13069: */
13070: /* Bug # 2224446, Added outer join on mtl_system_items */
13071: /* Bug: 2348161.Changed the below SQL and removed the reference to the tables
13072: HZ_LOCATIONS and HR_LOCATIONS and also the corresponding where
13073: clause. Instead added a subquery to check for the location_id
13074: to improve the performance
13075: */
13076: /* Bug 2466578. Changed the UNION to UNION ALL in the sub query to improve the

Line 13126: from HR_LOCATIONS HRL

13122: --added nvl
13123: AND rtrim(nvl(PLI.note_to_receiver,'99')) = rtrim(nvl(x_note_to_receiver,'99'))
13124: --bug 1942696 hr_location changes to reflect the new view
13125: AND exists (select 'x'
13126: from HR_LOCATIONS HRL
13127: where PRL.deliver_to_location_id = HRL.location_id
13128: and nvl(HRL.ship_to_location_id, HRL.location_id) = x_ship_to_location_id
13129: UNION ALL
13130: select 'x'

Line 13200: HZ_LOCATIONS and HR_LOCATIONS and also the corresponding where

13196: ** See if a record that has just been inserted into the
13197: ** interface table matches the shipment you are trying to create.
13198: */
13199: /* Bug: 2348161.Changed the below SQL and removed the reference to the tables
13200: HZ_LOCATIONS and HR_LOCATIONS and also the corresponding where
13201: clause. Instead added a subquery to check for the location_id
13202: to improve the performance
13203: */
13204: SELECT PLI.shipment_num

Line 13246: from HR_LOCATIONS HRL

13242: --added nvl
13243: AND rtrim(nvl(PLI.note_to_receiver,'99')) = rtrim(nvl(x_note_to_receiver,'99'))
13244: --bug 1942696 hr_location changes to reflect the new view
13245: AND exists (select 'x'
13246: from HR_LOCATIONS HRL
13247: where PRL.deliver_to_location_id = HRL.location_id
13248: and nvl(HRL.ship_to_location_id, HRL.location_id) = x_ship_to_location_id
13249: UNION ALL
13250: select 'x'

Line 13319: HZ_LOCATIONS and HR_LOCATIONS and also the corresponding where

13315: end;
13316: IF x_check_doc_sub_type='BID' then
13318: /* Bug: 2348161.Changed the below SQL and removed the reference to the tables
13319: HZ_LOCATIONS and HR_LOCATIONS and also the corresponding where
13320: clause. Instead added a subquery to check for the location_id
13321: to improve the performance
13322: */

Line 13373: from HR_LOCATIONS HRL

13369: (PLI.need_by_date is NULL AND x_need_by_date is NULL)
13370: )
13371: --bug 1942696 hr_location changes to reflect the new view
13372: AND exists (select 'x'
13373: from HR_LOCATIONS HRL
13374: where PRL.deliver_to_location_id = HRL.location_id
13375: and nvl(HRL.ship_to_location_id, HRL.location_id) = x_ship_to_location_id
13376: UNION ALL
13377: select 'x'

Line 14403: FROM hr_locations_all hrl--bug 8763609

14399: views , we need to use _all tables to get the ship to location id. */
14401: SELECT NVL(hrl.ship_to_location_id, hrl.location_id)
14402: INTO l_ship_to_location_id
14403: FROM hr_locations_all hrl--bug 8763609
14404: WHERE hrl.location_id = p_deliver_to_loc_id;
14406: l_found := TRUE;

Line 14411: PO_LOG.stmt(d_module, d_progress, 'No data found in hr_locations.');

14410: IF (PO_LOG.d_stmt) THEN
14411: PO_LOG.stmt(d_module, d_progress, 'No data found in hr_locations.');
14412: END IF;
14413: END;
14415: d_progress := 20;