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2 -- $Header: cnppplns.pls 120.4 2005/11/02 05:37:09 sjustina ship $
4 TYPE PmtPlan_rec_type IS RECORD
5   (	 org_id             cn_pmt_plans.org_id%TYPE,
6   	 name        	   cn_pmt_plans.name%TYPE,
7      minimum_amount	   cn_pmt_plans.minimum_amount%TYPE,
8      maximum_amount	   cn_pmt_plans.maximum_amount%TYPE,
9      min_rec_flag	   cn_pmt_plans.min_rec_flag%TYPE,
10      max_rec_flag          cn_pmt_plans.max_rec_flag%TYPE,
11      max_recovery_amount   cn_pmt_plans.max_recovery_amount%TYPE,
12      credit_type_name	   cn_credit_types.name%TYPE,
13      pay_interval_type_name cn_interval_types.name%TYPE,
14      start_date		   cn_pmt_plans.start_date%TYPE,
15      end_date		   cn_pmt_plans.end_date%TYPE,
16      object_version_number NUMBER := null,
17      recoverable_interval_type  cn_interval_types_all_tl.name%TYPE,
18      pay_against_commission  cn_pmt_plans.pay_against_commission%TYPE,
19      attribute_category    cn_pmt_plans.attribute_category%TYPE := NULL,
20      attribute1            cn_pmt_plans.attribute1%TYPE         := NULL,
21      attribute2            cn_pmt_plans.attribute2%TYPE         := NULL,
22      attribute3            cn_pmt_plans.attribute3%TYPE         := NULL,
23      attribute4            cn_pmt_plans.attribute4%TYPE         := NULL,
24      attribute5            cn_pmt_plans.attribute5%TYPE         := NULL,
25      attribute6            cn_pmt_plans.attribute6%TYPE         := NULL,
26      attribute7            cn_pmt_plans.attribute7%TYPE         := NULL,
27      attribute8            cn_pmt_plans.attribute8%TYPE         := NULL,
28      attribute9            cn_pmt_plans.attribute9%TYPE         := NULL,
29      attribute10           cn_pmt_plans.attribute10%TYPE        := NULL,
30      attribute11           cn_pmt_plans.attribute11%TYPE        := NULL,
31      attribute12           cn_pmt_plans.attribute12%TYPE        := NULL,
32      attribute13           cn_pmt_plans.attribute13%TYPE        := NULL,
33      attribute14           cn_pmt_plans.attribute14%TYPE        := NULL,
34      attribute15           cn_pmt_plans.attribute15%TYPE        := NULL,
35      payment_group_code    cn_pmt_plans.payment_group_code%TYPE := NULL
36   );
39 /*
40 TYPE PmtPlan_rec_type IS RECORD
41   (  name        	   cn_pmt_plans.name%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_char,
42      minimum_amount	   cn_pmt_plans.minimum_amount%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_num,
43      maximum_amount	   cn_pmt_plans.maximum_amount%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_num,
44      min_rec_flag	   cn_pmt_plans.min_rec_flag%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_char,
45      max_rec_flag          cn_pmt_plans.max_rec_flag%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_char,
46      max_recovery_amount   cn_pmt_plans.max_recovery_amount%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_num,
47      credit_type_name	   cn_credit_types.name%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_num,
48      pay_interval_type_name cn_interval_types.name%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_char,
49      start_date		   cn_pmt_plans.start_date%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_date,
50      end_date		   cn_pmt_plans.end_date%TYPE := fnd_api.g_miss_date,
51      attribute_category    cn_pmt_plans.attribute_category%TYPE := NULL,
52      attribute1            cn_pmt_plans.attribute1%TYPE         := NULL,
53      attribute2            cn_pmt_plans.attribute2%TYPE         := NULL,
54      attribute3            cn_pmt_plans.attribute3%TYPE         := NULL,
55      attribute4            cn_pmt_plans.attribute4%TYPE         := NULL,
56      attribute5            cn_pmt_plans.attribute5%TYPE         := NULL,
57      attribute6            cn_pmt_plans.attribute6%TYPE         := NULL,
58      attribute7            cn_pmt_plans.attribute7%TYPE         := NULL,
59      attribute8            cn_pmt_plans.attribute8%TYPE         := NULL,
60      attribute9            cn_pmt_plans.attribute9%TYPE         := NULL,
61      attribute10           cn_pmt_plans.attribute10%TYPE        := NULL,
62      attribute11           cn_pmt_plans.attribute11%TYPE        := NULL,
63      attribute12           cn_pmt_plans.attribute12%TYPE        := NULL,
64      attribute13           cn_pmt_plans.attribute13%TYPE        := NULL,
65      attribute14           cn_pmt_plans.attribute14%TYPE        := NULL,
66      attribute15           cn_pmt_plans.attribute15%TYPE        := NULL
67   );
68   */
70   g_mode              VARCHAR2(30); --global to indicate if operation is insert/update
72 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
73 -- Start of comments
74 -- API name 	: Create_PmtPlan
75 -- Type		: Public.
76 -- Pre-reqs	: None.
77 -- Usage	: Used to create a new payment plan
78 --
79 -- Desc 	: This procedure will validate the input for a payment plan
80 --		  and create one if all validations are passed.
81 --
82 -- Parameters	:
83 -- IN		:  p_api_version       IN NUMBER      Required
84 -- 		   p_init_msg_list     IN VARCHAR2    Optional
85 --					  	      Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
86 -- 		   p_commit	       IN VARCHAR2    Optional
87 -- 		       	                              Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
88 -- 		   p_validation_level  IN NUMBER      Optional
89 -- 		       	                   Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
90 -- OUT		:  x_return_status     OUT	      VARCHAR2(1)
91 -- 		   x_msg_count	       OUT	      NUMBER
92 -- 		   x_msg_data	       OUT	      VARCHAR2(2000)
93 -- IN		:  p_pmt_plan_rec     IN	      PmtPlan_rec_type
94 -- OUT		:  x_loading_status    OUT            VARCHAR2(50)
95 --                 Detailed error code returned from procedure.
96 --
97 -- OUT		:  x_status           OUT	      VARCHAR2(50)
98 --		      Return Sql Statement Status ( VALID/INVALID)
99 --
100 -- Version	: Current version	1.0
101 --		  Initial version 	1.0
102 --
103 -- Notes	: Validations in the API are the following :
104 --                Start date less than end date
105 --                Name not missing or null
109 --                Max_rec_flag should be 'Y', 'N' or null
106 --                Credit type not missing or null
107 --                Start date not null
108 --                Min_rec_flag should be 'Y', 'N' or null
110 --                Payment plan should be unique
111 --                Credit Type should be valid
112 --                Pay intervval should be valid 'PERIOD', 'QUARTER', 'YEAR' or null
113 --
114 -- End of comments
115 --------------------------------------------------------------------------+
116 PROCEDURE Create_PmtPlan
117 ( 	p_api_version           	IN	NUMBER,
118   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2,
119 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2,
120 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER,
121 	x_return_status		        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
122 	x_msg_count		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
123 	x_msg_data		 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
124 	p_PmtPlan_rec       		IN  OUT NOCOPY    PmtPlan_rec_type,
125         x_loading_status	 OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
126 	x_status                        OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
127 );
128 /*
129 PROCEDURE Create_PmtPlan
130 ( 	p_api_version           	IN	NUMBER,
131   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
132 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
133 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER	:=
135 	x_return_status		        OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
136 	x_msg_count		 OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
137 	x_msg_data		 OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
138 	p_PmtPlan_rec       		IN      PmtPlan_rec_type,
139         x_loading_status	 OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2,
140 	x_status                        OUT NOCOPY     VARCHAR2
141 );
142 */
143 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
144 --Start of comments
145 -- API name 	: Update_PmtPlan
146 -- Type		: Public.
147 -- Pre-reqs	: Payment plan must exist
148 -- Usage	: Used to update payment plans
149 -- Desc 	: Procedure to update payment plans
150 -- Parameters	:
151 -- IN		:  p_api_version       IN NUMBER      Require
152 -- 		   p_init_msg_list     IN VARCHAR2    Optional
153 -- 		   	Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
154 -- 		   p_commit	       IN VARCHAR2    Optional
155 -- 		       	Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
156 -- 		   p_validation_level  IN NUMBER      Optional
157 -- 		       	Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
158 -- OUT		:  x_return_status     OUT	      VARCHAR2(1)
159 -- 		   x_msg_count	       OUT	      NUMBER
160 -- 		   x_msg_data	       OUT	      VARCHAR2(2000)
161 -- IN		:  p_old_pmt_plan_rec IN	      PmtPlan_rec_type
162 -- IN		:  p_pmt_plan_rec     IN	      PmtPlan_rec_type
163 --
164 -- OUT		:  x_loading_status    OUT
165 --                 Detailed Error Message
166 -- OUT		:  x_status 	       OUT
167 --                   RETURN SQL Status
168 -- Version	: Current version	1.0
169 --		  Initial version 	1.0
170 -- Notes        : Validations in the api are the following:
171 --                Start date cannot be updated to null
172 --                If end date is specified, it cannot be less than start date
173 --                The payment plan to be updated should already exist
174 --                If pmt plan has been assgnd, then recoverable flags can't be updated
175 --                Start and end dates can't be updated to affect existing assignemnets
176 --                Name and start date are mandatory parameters
177 --                If credit type is provided, it should be valid
178 --                If pay interval is provided, it should be valid
179 --
180 -- End of comments
181 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  +
183    PROCEDURE  Update_PmtPlan
184    (    p_api_version			IN 	NUMBER,
185   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2,
186 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2,
187 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER,
188         x_return_status       	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
189     	x_msg_count	           OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
190     	x_msg_data		   OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
191     	p_old_PmtPlan_rec               IN      PmtPlan_rec_type,
192     	p_PmtPlan_rec                   IN  OUT NOCOPY    PmtPlan_rec_type,
193     	x_status            	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
194     	x_loading_status    	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2
195     ) ;
197 /*
198    PROCEDURE  Update_PmtPlan
199    (    p_api_version			IN 	NUMBER,
200   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
201 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
202 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER	:=
204         x_return_status       	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
205     	x_msg_count	           OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
206     	x_msg_data		   OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
207     	p_old_PmtPlan_rec              IN      PmtPlan_rec_type,
208     	p_PmtPlan_rec                  IN      PmtPlan_rec_type,
209     	x_status            	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
210     	x_loading_status    	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2
211     ) ;
212 */
214 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
215 -- Start of Comments
216 --
217 -- API name 	: Delete_PmtPlan
218 -- Type		: Public.
219 -- Pre-reqs	: None.
220 -- Usage	: Delete
221 -- Desc 	: Procedure to Delete Payment Plans
222 -- Parameters	:
223 -- IN		:  p_api_version       IN NUMBER      Require
224 -- 		   p_init_msg_list     IN VARCHAR2    Optional
225 -- 		   	Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
226 -- 		   p_commit	       IN VARCHAR2    Optional
227 -- 		       	Default = FND_API.G_FALSE
228 -- 		   p_validation_level  IN NUMBER      Optional
229 -- 		       	Default = FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
230 -- OUT		:  x_return_status     OUT	      VARCHAR2(1)
231 -- 		   x_msg_count	       OUT	      NUMBER
232 -- 		   x_msg_data	       OUT	      VARCHAR2(2000)
233 -- IN		:  x_PmtPlan_rec 	IN            PmtPlan_rec_type
234 -- OUT		:  x_loading_status    OUT
235 --                 Detailed Error Message
236 -- Version	: Current version	1.0
237 --		  Initial version 	1.0
238 -- Notes        : The following validations are performed by this API
239 --                Pmt plan should exist
240 --                Pmt plan cannot  be deleted if assigned to salesreps
241 --
242 -- End of comments
243 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------    +
244    PROCEDURE  Delete_PmtPlan
245    (    p_api_version			IN 	NUMBER,
246   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2,
247 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2,
248 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER,
249         x_return_status       	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
250     	x_msg_count	           OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
251     	x_msg_data		   OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
252     	p_PmtPlan_rec                   IN      PmtPlan_rec_type ,
253     	x_status            	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
254     	x_loading_status    	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2
255     ) ;
256 /*
257    PROCEDURE  Delete_PmtPlan
258    (    p_api_version			IN 	NUMBER,
259   	p_init_msg_list		        IN	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
260 	p_commit	    		IN  	VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
261 	p_validation_level		IN  	NUMBER	:=
263         x_return_status       	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
264     	x_msg_count	           OUT NOCOPY 	NUMBER,
265     	x_msg_data		   OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2,
266     	p_pmt_plan_id                   IN      NUMBER,
267     	x_loading_status    	 OUT NOCOPY 	VARCHAR2
268     ) ;
269 */
272 END CN_PmtPlan_PUB ;