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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 609

      SELECT  q1.sql_text, q2.return_type, q2.attribute_type
      FROM    pv_entity_attrs q1,
              pv_attributes_vl q2
      WHERE   q1.sql_text IS NOT NULL AND
              q1.entity = UPPER(p_entity) AND
              q1.attribute_id = q2.attribute_id AND
              q1.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND
              q2.enabled_flag = 'Y' AND
              q1.attribute_id = p_attribute_id;
Line: 644

         SELECT return_type
         INTO   x_entity_attr_value(p_attribute_id).return_type
         FROM   pv_attributes_vl
         WHERE  attribute_id = p_attribute_id;
Line: 1128

      SELECT a.attribute_id,  a.selection_criteria_id, b.attribute_value
      FROM   pv_enty_select_criteria a, pv_selected_attr_values b
      WHERE  a.selection_criteria_id = b.selection_criteria_id AND
             a.process_rule_id       = p_process_rule_id AND
             --a.attribute_id IN (g_FUE_attr_id, g_PSS_attr_id) AND
             a.attribute_id IN (g_a_Product_Interest, g_a_FUE, g_a_PSS) AND
             a.selection_type_code   = 'INPUT_FILTER';
Line: 1164

Line: 1172

             lc_cursor.selection_criteria_id = l_previous_sc_id)
         l_attribute_value := l_attribute_value || p_delimiter ||
Line: 1184

      l_previous_sc_id      := lc_cursor.selection_criteria_id;
Line: 1283

      SELECT round((p_amount/rate.denominator_rate) * rate.numerator_rate,2),
      INTO   l_converted_attr_value, l_conversion_status_flag
      FROM   as_period_rates rate,
             as_period_days day
      WHERE  rate.from_currency  = p_currency_code AND
             rate.to_currency    = p_rule_currency_code AND
             day.period_name     = rate.period_name AND
             day.period_set_name = g_period_set_name AND
             day.period_type     = g_period_type AND
             day.period_day      = TRUNC(p_currency_conversion_date)
	     --- Condition added to fix the bug # 5509934
	     and exists (select 1 from gl_periods glp
			 where glp.period_set_name=g_period_set_name
                         and   glp.adjustment_period_flag='N'
			 and   glp.period_type = g_period_type
                         and   glp.period_name = day.period_name
Line: 1579

   SELECT round((l_entity_attr_value/rate.denominator_rate) * rate.numerator_rate,2),
   INTO   l_converted_attr_value, l_conversion_status_flag
   FROM   as_period_rates rate,
          as_period_days day
   WHERE  rate.from_currency  = l_entity_currency_code AND
          rate.to_currency    = p_rule_currency_code AND
          day.period_name     = rate.period_name AND
          day.period_set_name = g_period_set_name AND
          day.period_type     = g_period_type AND
          day.period_day      = TRUNC(l_currency_date) AND
	  --- Condition added to fix the bug # 5509934
	  exists (select 1 from gl_periods glp
		  where glp.period_set_name=g_period_set_name
                  and   glp.adjustment_period_flag='N'
		  and   glp.period_type = g_period_type
                  and   glp.period_name = day.period_name
Line: 2378

      SELECT a.parent_id attr_value
      FROM   eni_prod_denorm_hrchy_v a,
      WHERE  a.child_id          = TO_NUMBER(p_attr_value) AND
             a.parent_id         = b.category_id AND
             b.purchase_interest = 'Y' AND
            (b.disable_date IS NULL OR b.disable_date > SYSDATE);
Line: 2675

    l_sql_attr_curr := 'SELECT attr_text
                        FROM PV_SEARCH_ATTR_VALUES
                        WHERE party_id(+) =  :1  AND attribute_id(+) = :2 ';
Line: 2703

     l_sql_attr_cnt := 'SELECT attr_value
                        FROM PV_SEARCH_ATTR_VALUES
                        WHERE party_id(+) = :1 AND attribute_id(+) = :2 '  ;
Line: 2731

      l_sql_attr_rate := 'SELECT round(psav.attr_value*100,pav.decimal_points)
                          FROM   PV_SEARCH_ATTR_VALUES psav, pv_attributes_b pav
                          WHERE  party_id(+) =  :1
                          AND    pav.attribute_id=psav.attribute_id
                          AND    psav.attribute_id(+) = :2';
Line: 2759

	SELECT description
	FROM   pv_attribute_codes_vl
	WHERE  attribute_id = cv_attribute_id
	AND    attr_code_id = cv_attr_code_id ;
Line: 2791

		SELECT description
		FROM   pv_attribute_codes_vl
		WHERE  attribute_id = cv_attribute_id
		AND    attr_code = cv_attr_code;