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Line 96: okc_k_lines_b addon_cleb,

92: Cursor l_deleted_addon_csr (p_rbk_chr_id in NUMBER,
93: p_orig_chr_id in NUMBER) is
94: select clet.name
95: from okc_line_styles_b addon_lseb,
96: okc_k_lines_b addon_cleb,
97: okc_line_styles_b model_lseb,
98: okc_k_lines_b model_cleb,
99: okc_k_lines_tl clet,
100: okc_line_styles_b lseb,

Line 98: okc_k_lines_b model_cleb,

94: select clet.name
95: from okc_line_styles_b addon_lseb,
96: okc_k_lines_b addon_cleb,
97: okc_line_styles_b model_lseb,
98: okc_k_lines_b model_cleb,
99: okc_k_lines_tl clet,
100: okc_line_styles_b lseb,
101: okc_k_lines_b cleb
102: where

Line 101: okc_k_lines_b cleb

97: okc_line_styles_b model_lseb,
98: okc_k_lines_b model_cleb,
99: okc_k_lines_tl clet,
100: okc_line_styles_b lseb,
101: okc_k_lines_b cleb
102: where
103: addon_cleb.cle_id = model_cleb.id
104: and addon_cleb.dnz_chr_id = model_cleb.dnz_chr_id
105: and addon_lseb.id = addon_cleb.lse_id

Line 120: from okc_k_lines_b addon_cleb2,

116: and cleb.dnz_chr_id = p_orig_chr_id --orig contract
117: and lseb.id = cleb.lse_id
118: and lseb.lty_code = 'FREE_FORM1'
119: and not exists (select '1'
120: from okc_k_lines_b addon_cleb2,
121: okc_k_lines_b model_cleb2,
122: okc_k_lines_b cleb2
123: where nvl(addon_cleb2.orig_system_id1,-999) = addon_cleb.id
124: and nvl(model_cleb2.orig_system_id1,-999) = model_cleb.id

Line 121: okc_k_lines_b model_cleb2,

117: and lseb.id = cleb.lse_id
118: and lseb.lty_code = 'FREE_FORM1'
119: and not exists (select '1'
120: from okc_k_lines_b addon_cleb2,
121: okc_k_lines_b model_cleb2,
122: okc_k_lines_b cleb2
123: where nvl(addon_cleb2.orig_system_id1,-999) = addon_cleb.id
124: and nvl(model_cleb2.orig_system_id1,-999) = model_cleb.id
125: --and nvl(cleb2.orig_system_id1,-999) = cleb2.id

Line 122: okc_k_lines_b cleb2

118: and lseb.lty_code = 'FREE_FORM1'
119: and not exists (select '1'
120: from okc_k_lines_b addon_cleb2,
121: okc_k_lines_b model_cleb2,
122: okc_k_lines_b cleb2
123: where nvl(addon_cleb2.orig_system_id1,-999) = addon_cleb.id
124: and nvl(model_cleb2.orig_system_id1,-999) = model_cleb.id
125: --and nvl(cleb2.orig_system_id1,-999) = cleb2.id
126: and nvl(cleb2.orig_system_id1,-999) = cleb.id

Line 205: from okc_k_lines_b cleb

202: --cursor to fetch contract line level BTO and CAN
203: cursor l_cleb_csr (chrId In Number) is
204: Select cleb.bill_to_site_use_id
205: from okc_k_lines_b cleb
206: where cleb.dnz_chr_id = ChrId
207: and cleb.sts_code <> 'ABANDONED'
208: and cleb.bill_to_site_use_id is not null;

Line 411: from okc_k_lines_b rbk_cle,

407: p_orig_chr_id NUMBER,
408: p_item_lty_code VARCHAR2) IS
409: select rbk_cle.price_unit rbk_price_unit,
410: orig_cle.price_unit orig_price_unit
411: from okc_k_lines_b rbk_cle,
412: okc_line_styles_b rbk_lse,
413: okc_k_lines_b orig_cle
414: where rbk_cle.dnz_chr_id = p_rbk_chr_id
415: and rbk_lse.lty_code = p_item_lty_code

Line 413: okc_k_lines_b orig_cle

409: select rbk_cle.price_unit rbk_price_unit,
410: orig_cle.price_unit orig_price_unit
411: from okc_k_lines_b rbk_cle,
412: okc_line_styles_b rbk_lse,
413: okc_k_lines_b orig_cle
414: where rbk_cle.dnz_chr_id = p_rbk_chr_id
415: and rbk_lse.lty_code = p_item_lty_code
416: and rbk_cle.lse_id = rbk_lse.id
417: and orig_cle.id = rbk_cle.orig_system_id1

Line 571: OKC_K_LINES_B cle

567: WHERE chr.ID = p_chr_id
568: AND exists (SELECT '1'
569: FROM
571: OKC_K_LINES_B cle
572: WHERE cle.sts_code = 'APPROVED'
573: AND lse.id = cle.lse_id
574: AND lse.lty_code = 'USAGE'
575: AND cle.dnz_chr_id = chr.id);

Line 602: ,okc_k_lines_b cleb

598: AND nvl(rule_information1,'N') = 'Y');*/
599: -- Bug# 15992711 Start of Modifications
600: AND not exists ( SELECT '1'
601: FROM okl_k_lines kle
602: ,okc_k_lines_b cleb
603: WHERE cleb.dnz_chr_id = chr.id
604: AND cleb.chr_id = chr.id
605: AND cleb.id = kle.id
606: AND cleb.lse_id = 33

Line 621: ,okc_k_lines_b cleb

617: WHERE nvl(chr.orig_system_source_code,'XXXX') <> 'OKL_RELEASE'
618: and chr.ID = p_chr_id
619: AND exists ( SELECT '1'
620: FROM okl_k_lines kle
621: ,okc_k_lines_b cleb
622: WHERE cleb.dnz_chr_id = chr.id
623: AND cleb.chr_id = chr.id
624: AND cleb.id = kle.id
625: AND cleb.lse_id = 33

Line 630: ,okc_k_lines_b cleb

626: AND cleb.sts_code <> 'ABANDONED'
627: AND nvl(kle.re_lease_yn,'N') = 'Y')
628: AND exists ( SELECT '1'
629: FROM okl_k_lines kle
630: ,okc_k_lines_b cleb
631: WHERE cleb.dnz_chr_id = chr.id
632: AND cleb.chr_id = chr.id
633: AND cleb.id = kle.id
634: AND cleb.lse_id = 33

Line 662: OKC_K_LINES_B cle_orig,

658: cim.object1_id1 asset_id,
659: cle_orig.cle_id orig_finasst_id,
660: asr.id asset_return_id
662: OKC_K_LINES_B cle_orig,
663: OKC_LINE_STYLES_B lse_orig,
664: OKC_K_ITEMS cim_orig,
665: OKC_K_ITEMS cim,
666: OKC_K_LINES_B cle,

Line 666: OKC_K_LINES_B cle,

662: OKC_K_LINES_B cle_orig,
663: OKC_LINE_STYLES_B lse_orig,
664: OKC_K_ITEMS cim_orig,
665: OKC_K_ITEMS cim,
666: OKC_K_LINES_B cle,
668: OKC_STATUSES_B sts,
670: WHERE asr.kle_id = cle_orig.cle_id

Line 737: okc_k_lines_b cleb_sub,

733: ,subb.effective_from_date effective_from_date -- added : Bug 6050165 : prasjain
734: from okl_subsidies_b subb,
735: okl_k_lines kle_sub,
736: okc_k_lines_tl clet_sub,
737: okc_k_lines_b cleb_sub,
738: okc_line_styles_b lseb_sub,
739: okc_k_lines_tl clet_asst,
740: okc_k_lines_b cleb_asst,
741: okc_line_styles_b lseb_asst

Line 740: okc_k_lines_b cleb_asst,

736: okc_k_lines_tl clet_sub,
737: okc_k_lines_b cleb_sub,
738: okc_line_styles_b lseb_sub,
739: okc_k_lines_tl clet_asst,
740: okc_k_lines_b cleb_asst,
741: okc_line_styles_b lseb_asst
742: where subb.id = kle_sub.subsidy_id
743: --and nvl(subb.effective_to_date,sysdate)+nvl(subb.expire_after_days,0) < sysdate
744: and kle_sub.id = cleb_sub.id

Line 769: okc_k_lines_b cleb

765: cursor l_cle_csr (p_subsidy_id in number,
766: p_asset_cle_id in number) is
767: Select 'Y'
768: from okl_subsidies_b sub,
769: okc_k_lines_b cleb
770: where sub.id = p_subsidy_id
771: and cleb.id = p_asset_cle_id
772: and TRUNC(cleb.start_date) between TRUNC(sub.effective_from_date)
773: and TRUNC(nvl(sub.effective_to_date,cleb.start_date));

Line 843: FROM okc_k_lines_b cleb,

839: -- cursor : to check whether Contract is having mixed asset or not
840: CURSOR l_chk_con_csr (chrid NUMBER) IS
843: FROM okc_k_lines_b cleb,
844: okl_k_lines kle
845: WHERE kle.id = cleb.id
846: AND cleb.chr_id = chrid
847: --ndani - 27-Mar-2013 - Bug# 16552978 - Start

Line 858: FROM okc_k_lines_b cleb,

855: -- cursor : to check whether Contract is having re-lease assets
856: CURSOR l_con_rel_csr (chrid NUMBER) IS
857: SELECT DISTINCT NVL(kle.re_lease_yn,'N')
858: FROM okc_k_lines_b cleb,
859: okl_k_lines kle
860: WHERE kle.id = cleb.id
861: AND cleb.chr_id = chrid
862: --ndani - 27-Mar-2013 - Bug# 16552978 - Start