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Line 19: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'Oracle');

15: l_temp boolean;
16: p_item_type hr_api_transactions.item_type%type;
17: p_item_key hr_api_transactions.item_key%type;
18: begin
19: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'Oracle');
20: hr_utility.set_location('p_transaction_id : ' || p_transaction_id , 0 );
21: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
22: if g_debug then
23: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);

Line 20: hr_utility.set_location('p_transaction_id : ' || p_transaction_id , 0 );

16: p_item_type hr_api_transactions.item_type%type;
17: p_item_key hr_api_transactions.item_key%type;
18: begin
19: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'Oracle');
20: hr_utility.set_location('p_transaction_id : ' || p_transaction_id , 0 );
21: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
22: if g_debug then
23: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
24: end if;

Line 21: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

17: p_item_key hr_api_transactions.item_key%type;
18: begin
19: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'Oracle');
20: hr_utility.set_location('p_transaction_id : ' || p_transaction_id , 0 );
21: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
22: if g_debug then
23: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
24: end if;

Line 23: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);

19: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'Oracle');
20: hr_utility.set_location('p_transaction_id : ' || p_transaction_id , 0 );
21: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
22: if g_debug then
23: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
24: end if;
26: begin
27: -- check if there are any SFL transaction associated

Line 29: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 2);

26: begin
27: -- check if there are any SFL transaction associated
28: if g_debug then
29: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 2);
30: end if;
32: select item_type, item_key
33: into p_item_type,p_item_key

Line 38: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 3);

34: from wf_items
35: where user_key=to_char(p_transaction_id)
36: and rownum<2;
37: if g_debug then
38: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 3);
39: end if;
40: exception
41: when others then
42: -- null;

Line 44: --hr_utility.trace_off();

40: exception
41: when others then
42: -- null;
43: result := 'FALSE';
44: --hr_utility.trace_off();
45: return result;
46: end;
48: if HR_SFLUTIL_SS.OpenNotificationsExist(wf_engine.getitemattrnumber(p_item_type,p_item_key,'HR_LAST_SFL_NTF_ID_ATTR',true))=false then

Line 50: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 4);

46: end;
48: if HR_SFLUTIL_SS.OpenNotificationsExist(wf_engine.getitemattrnumber(p_item_type,p_item_key,'HR_LAST_SFL_NTF_ID_ATTR',true))=false then
49: if g_debug then
50: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 4);
51: end if;
52: result := 'TRUE';
53: else
54: if g_debug then

Line 55: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 5);

51: end if;
52: result := 'TRUE';
53: else
54: if g_debug then
55: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 5);
56: end if;
57: result := 'FALSE';
58: end if;
59: if g_debug then

Line 60: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 6);

56: end if;
57: result := 'FALSE';
58: end if;
59: if g_debug then
60: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 6);
61: end if;
62: return result;
63: exception
64: when others then

Line 66: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 7);

62: return result;
63: exception
64: when others then
65: if g_debug then
66: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 7);
67: end if;
68: raise;
69: --hr_utility.trace_off();
70: end isCurrentTxnSFLClose;

Line 69: --hr_utility.trace_off();

65: if g_debug then
66: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 7);
67: end if;
68: raise;
69: --hr_utility.trace_off();
70: end isCurrentTxnSFLClose;
71: --5672792

Line 84: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

80: is
81: --local variables
82: c_proc constant varchar2(8) :='sflBlock';
83: begin
84: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
85: if g_debug then
86: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
87: end if;
88: -- Do nothing in cancel or timeout mode

Line 86: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);

82: c_proc constant varchar2(8) :='sflBlock';
83: begin
84: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
85: if g_debug then
86: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
87: end if;
88: -- Do nothing in cancel or timeout mode
89: if (funmode <> wf_engine.eng_run) then
90: result := wf_engine.eng_null;

Line 101: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 30);

97: wf_engine.setitemattrnumber(itemtype,itemkey,'HR_SFL_BLOCK_ID_ATTR',actid);
98: wf_standard.block(itemtype,itemkey,actid,funmode,result);
100: if g_debug then
101: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 30);
102: end if;
104: exception
105: when others then

Line 144: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

140: and ntf.notification_id = ias.notification_id
141: and ntf.status='OPEN' ;
143: begin
144: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
145: if g_debug then
146: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
147: end if;

Line 146: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);

143: begin
144: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
145: if g_debug then
146: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
147: end if;
149: if (funmode = wf_engine.eng_run) then
150: -- check if we need to send notification or end the SFL process

Line 172: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 30);

168: end if;
169: end;
171: if g_debug then
172: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 30);
173: end if;
174: end if;
175: exception
176: when others then

Line 331: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

327: lv_ntfSubMsg wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type;
328: lv_TransCtx_xpath varchar2(20000) default 'Transaction/TransCtx';
330: begin
331: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
332: if g_debug then
333: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
334: end if;

Line 333: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);

330: begin
331: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
332: if g_debug then
333: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
334: end if;
336: -- get the itemtype and item key for the notification id
337: if g_debug then

Line 338: hr_utility.set_location('Calling hr_workflow_ss.get_item_type_and_key for NtfId:'||document_id, 11);

334: end if;
336: -- get the itemtype and item key for the notification id
337: if g_debug then
338: hr_utility.set_location('Calling hr_workflow_ss.get_item_type_and_key for NtfId:'||document_id, 11);
339: end if;
340: -- get the transaction id corresponding to this SFL notification, HR_SFL_TRANSACTION_REF_ID_ATTR
341: --ln_transaction_id := wf_notification.GetAttrNumber(document_id,'HR_SFL_TRANSACTION_REF_ID_ATTR');
342: ln_transaction_id := wf_notification.GetAttrNumber(document_id,'HR_TRANSACTION_REF_ID_ATTR');

Line 356: if(hr_utility.debug_enabled) then

352: select * into lr_hr_api_transaction_rec from hr_api_transactions
353: where transaction_id=ln_transaction_id;
354: exception
355: when no_data_found then
356: if(hr_utility.debug_enabled) then
357: -- write debug statements
358: hr_utility.set_location('no record found for the transaction :'|| ln_transaction_id, 4);
359: end if;
360: return ;

Line 358: hr_utility.set_location('no record found for the transaction :'|| ln_transaction_id, 4);

354: exception
355: when no_data_found then
356: if(hr_utility.debug_enabled) then
357: -- write debug statements
358: hr_utility.set_location('no record found for the transaction :'|| ln_transaction_id, 4);
359: end if;
360: return ;
361: when others then
362: return ;

Line 376: if(hr_utility.debug_enabled) then

372: from fnd_form_functions_vl fffv
373: where fffv.function_id=lr_hr_api_transaction_rec.FUNCTION_ID;
374: exception
375: when no_data_found then
376: if(hr_utility.debug_enabled) then
377: -- write debug statements
378: hr_utility.set_location('no record found in fnd_form_functions_vl for the id :'|| ln_transaction_id, 4);
379: end if;
380: when others then

Line 378: hr_utility.set_location('no record found in fnd_form_functions_vl for the id :'|| ln_transaction_id, 4);

374: exception
375: when no_data_found then
376: if(hr_utility.debug_enabled) then
377: -- write debug statements
378: hr_utility.set_location('no record found in fnd_form_functions_vl for the id :'|| ln_transaction_id, 4);
379: end if;
380: when others then
381: -- fnd_message.set_name('PER', SQLERRM ||' '||to_char(SQLCODE));
382: --hr_utility.raise_error;

Line 382: --hr_utility.raise_error;

378: hr_utility.set_location('no record found in fnd_form_functions_vl for the id :'|| ln_transaction_id, 4);
379: end if;
380: when others then
381: -- fnd_message.set_name('PER', SQLERRM ||' '||to_char(SQLCODE));
382: --hr_utility.raise_error;
383: return;
384: end;
386: -- add the section display name

Line 427: hr_utility.set_location('Creator_person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,15);

423: l_current_person_id := lr_hr_api_transaction_rec.SELECTED_PERSON_ID;
426: if g_debug then
427: hr_utility.set_location('Creator_person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,15);
428: hr_utility.set_location('Current_person_id:'||l_current_person_id,16);
429: end if;
430: if g_debug then
431: hr_utility.set_location('Building subject for transaction:'||ln_transaction_id,17);

Line 428: hr_utility.set_location('Current_person_id:'||l_current_person_id,16);

426: if g_debug then
427: hr_utility.set_location('Creator_person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,15);
428: hr_utility.set_location('Current_person_id:'||l_current_person_id,16);
429: end if;
430: if g_debug then
431: hr_utility.set_location('Building subject for transaction:'||ln_transaction_id,17);
432: end if;

Line 431: hr_utility.set_location('Building subject for transaction:'||ln_transaction_id,17);

427: hr_utility.set_location('Creator_person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,15);
428: hr_utility.set_location('Current_person_id:'||l_current_person_id,16);
429: end if;
430: if g_debug then
431: hr_utility.set_location('Building subject for transaction:'||ln_transaction_id,17);
432: end if;
433: if(l_creator_person_id=l_current_person_id or lr_hr_api_transaction_rec.transaction_ref_table = 'PER_ALL_VACANCIES') then
434: if g_debug then
435: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,18);

Line 435: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,18);

431: hr_utility.set_location('Building subject for transaction:'||ln_transaction_id,17);
432: end if;
433: if(l_creator_person_id=l_current_person_id or lr_hr_api_transaction_rec.transaction_ref_table = 'PER_ALL_VACANCIES') then
434: if g_debug then
435: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,18);
436: end if;
438: -- get creator display name from role
439: wf_directory.GetUserName

Line 449: hr_utility.set_location('Getting message HR_SS_SFL_MSG_SUB_SELF',19);

446: -- Subject pattern
447: -- "Change Job is saved for later"
448: if g_debug then
449: hr_utility.set_location('Getting message HR_SS_SFL_MSG_SUB_SELF',19);
450: end if;
451: fnd_message.set_name('PER','HR_SS_SFL_MSG_SUB_SELF');
452: fnd_message.set_token('USER_FUNCTION_NAME',lv_ntfSubMsg,false);
453: document := fnd_message.get;

Line 458: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,20);

455: else
456: -- get creator display name from role
457: if g_debug then
458: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_creator_person_id,20);
459: end if;
460: wf_directory.GetUserName
461: (p_orig_system => 'PER'
462: ,p_orig_system_id => l_creator_person_id

Line 468: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_current_person_id,21);

464: ,p_display_name => l_creator_disp_name);
466: -- get current person display name from role
467: if g_debug then
468: hr_utility.set_location('calling wf_directory.GetUserName for person_id:'||l_current_person_id,21);
469: end if;
470: wf_directory.GetUserName
471: (p_orig_system => 'PER'
472: ,p_orig_system_id => l_current_person_id

Line 520: hr_utility.set_location('Getting message HR_SS_SFL_MSG_SUB_REPORTS',22);

517: -- Subject pattern
518: -- "Change Job for Doe, John (proposed by Bond, James) is saved for later"
519: if g_debug then
520: hr_utility.set_location('Getting message HR_SS_SFL_MSG_SUB_REPORTS',22);
521: end if;
523: fnd_message.set_name('PER','HR_SS_SFL_MSG_SUB_REPORTS');
524: fnd_message.set_token('USER_FUNCTION_NAME',lv_ntfSubMsg ,false);

Line 536: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 30);

535: if g_debug then
536: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 30);
537: end if;
539: exception
540: when others then

Line 542: hr_utility.set_location('HR_SFLUTIL_SS.getSFLMsgSubject errored : '||SQLERRM ||' '||to_char(SQLCODE), 40);

539: exception
540: when others then
541: document :=null;
542: hr_utility.set_location('HR_SFLUTIL_SS.getSFLMsgSubject errored : '||SQLERRM ||' '||to_char(SQLCODE), 40);
543: Wf_Core.Context('HR_SFLUTIL_SS', 'getSFLMsgSubject', document_id, display_type);
544: raise;
545: end getSFLMsgSubject;

Line 570: if(hr_utility.debug_enabled) then

566: and hat.function_id=fffv.function_id;
568: exception
569: when no_data_found then
570: if(hr_utility.debug_enabled) then
571: -- write debug statements
572: hr_utility.set_location('no record found for the transaction :'|| p_transaction_id, 4);
573: end if;
574: return lv_subject;

Line 572: hr_utility.set_location('no record found for the transaction :'|| p_transaction_id, 4);

568: exception
569: when no_data_found then
570: if(hr_utility.debug_enabled) then
571: -- write debug statements
572: hr_utility.set_location('no record found for the transaction :'|| p_transaction_id, 4);
573: end if;
574: return lv_subject;
575: when others then
576: return lv_subject;

Line 630: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

626: c_proc constant varchar2(30) := 'getSFLTransactionDetails';
627: lv_item_type wf_item_activity_statuses.item_type%type;
628: lv_item_key wf_item_activity_statuses.item_key%type;
629: begin
630: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
631: if g_debug then
632: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
633: end if;

Line 632: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);

628: lv_item_key wf_item_activity_statuses.item_key%type;
629: begin
630: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
631: if g_debug then
632: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
633: end if;
635: -- check the wf_items table
636: begin

Line 660: hr_utility.set_location('HR_SFLUTIL_SS.getSFLTransactionDetails errored : '||SQLERRM ||' '||to_char(SQLCODE), 30);

658: exception
659: when others then
660: hr_utility.set_location('HR_SFLUTIL_SS.getSFLTransactionDetails errored : '||SQLERRM ||' '||to_char(SQLCODE), 30);
661: Wf_Core.Context('HR_SFLUTIL_SS', 'getSFLTransactionDetails', p_transaction_id);
662: raise;
663: end getSFLTransactionDetails;

Line 933: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);

929: ln_loginPersonId fnd_user.employee_id%type;
931: begin
932: if g_debug then
933: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
934: end if;
936: -- code logic
937: begin

Line 1043: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);

1042: if (g_debug ) then
1043: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
1044: end if;
1046: exception
1047: when others then

Line 1064: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);

1060: ln_sfl_block_activity_id number;
1062: begin
1063: if g_debug then
1064: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
1065: end if;
1067: -- close the SFL related WF process
1068: begin

Line 1100: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);

1096: null;
1097: end;
1099: if (g_debug ) then
1100: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
1101: end if;
1102: exception
1103: when others then
1104: raise;

Line 1118: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;

1114: ln_sfl_block_activity_id number;
1115: ln_notification_id wf_notifications.notification_id%type;
1117: begin
1118: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
1119: if g_debug then
1120: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
1121: end if;

Line 1120: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);

1117: begin
1118: g_debug := hr_utility.debug_enabled;
1119: if g_debug then
1120: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
1121: end if;
1123: -- check if there are any SFL transaction associated
1124: hr_utility.set_location('check if there are any SFL transaction associated', 2);

Line 1124: hr_utility.set_location('check if there are any SFL transaction associated', 2);

1120: hr_utility.set_location('Entering:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 1);
1121: end if;
1123: -- check if there are any SFL transaction associated
1124: hr_utility.set_location('check if there are any SFL transaction associated', 2);
1126: begin
1127: select item_type, item_key
1128: into lv_sfl_item_type,lv_sfl_item_key

Line 1137: hr_utility.set_location('lv_sfl_item_key:'||lv_sfl_item_key, 3);

1133: when no_data_found then
1134: null;
1136: end;
1137: hr_utility.set_location('lv_sfl_item_key:'||lv_sfl_item_key, 3);
1139: if(lv_sfl_item_key is not null) then
1140: -- get the ntf id value to HR_LAST_SFL_NTF_ID_ATTR
1141: ln_notification_id:=

Line 1146: hr_utility.set_location('sfl ln_notification_id:'||ln_notification_id, 4);

1142: wf_engine.getitemattrnumber(lv_sfl_item_type,
1143: lv_sfl_item_key,
1145: true);
1146: hr_utility.set_location('sfl ln_notification_id:'||ln_notification_id, 4);
1147: if(ln_notification_id is not null and OpenNotificationsExist(ln_notification_id)) then
1148: -- close the FYI notification
1149: hr_utility.set_location(' calling wf_notification.close for:'||ln_notification_id, 4);
1150: wf_notification.close(ln_notification_id,null);

Line 1149: hr_utility.set_location(' calling wf_notification.close for:'||ln_notification_id, 4);

1145: true);
1146: hr_utility.set_location('sfl ln_notification_id:'||ln_notification_id, 4);
1147: if(ln_notification_id is not null and OpenNotificationsExist(ln_notification_id)) then
1148: -- close the FYI notification
1149: hr_utility.set_location(' calling wf_notification.close for:'||ln_notification_id, 4);
1150: wf_notification.close(ln_notification_id,null);
1151: end if;
1153: end if;

Line 1157: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);

1153: end if;
1156: if (g_debug ) then
1157: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving:'|| g_package||'.'||c_proc, 10);
1158: end if;
1159: exception
1160: when others then
1161: raise;