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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 14

SELECT  payroll_id
FROM    per_all_assignments_f
WHERE   assignment_id = c_assignment_id;
Line: 26

SELECT  paa.assignment_action_id
FROM    pay_assignment_actions paa
       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
WHERE   paa.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     ppa.action_status = 'C'
AND     paa.action_status IN ('C','S')
AND     ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
AND     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
AND     ppa.payroll_id = nvl (c_payroll_id
AND     ppa.consolidation_set_id = nvl (c_con_set_id
AND     ppa.effective_date BETWEEN c_start_date
                           AND     c_end_date
AND     source_action_id IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY ppa.effective_date;
Line: 55

SELECT  max (paa.assignment_action_id)
FROM    pay_assignment_actions paa
       ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
WHERE   paa.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     ppa.action_status = 'C'
AND     ppa.action_type IN ('Q','R')
AND     paa.action_status IN ('C','S')
AND     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
AND     ppa.payroll_id = nvl (c_payroll_id
AND     ppa.consolidation_set_id = nvl (c_con_set_id
AND     source_action_id IS NOT NULL
AND     ppa.effective_date BETWEEN c_start_date
                           AND     c_end_date;
Line: 76

SELECT  db.defined_balance_id
FROM    pay_balance_types pbt
       ,pay_defined_balances db
       ,pay_balance_dimensions bd
WHERE   pbt.balance_name = c_balance_name
AND     pbt.balance_type_id = db.balance_type_id
AND     bd.balance_dimension_id = db.balance_dimension_id
AND     bd.dimension_name = c_dimension_name
AND     (
                pbt.business_group_id = c_bg_id
        OR      pbt.legislation_code = 'NL'
AND     (
                db.business_group_id = pbt.business_group_id
        OR      db.legislation_code = 'NL'
Line: 99

SELECT  db.defined_balance_id
FROM    pay_defined_balances db
       ,pay_balance_dimensions bd
WHERE   db.balance_type_id = c_balance_type_id
AND     bd.balance_dimension_id = db.balance_dimension_id
AND     bd.dimension_name = c_dimension_name
AND     (
                db.business_group_id = c_bg_id
        OR      db.legislation_code = 'NL'
Line: 114

SELECT  start_date
FROM    per_time_periods
WHERE   payroll_id = c_payroll_id
AND     end_date BETWEEN c_start_date
                 AND     c_end_date;
Line: 123

SELECT  start_date
FROM    per_time_periods
WHERE   payroll_id = c_payroll_id
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN start_date
                         AND     end_date;
Line: 137

SELECT  old_val1 old_date
       ,new_val1 new_date
FROM    ben_ext_chg_evt_log
WHERE   person_id = c_person_id
AND     chg_evt_cd = 'COPOS'
AND     fnd_date.canonical_to_date (prmtr_09) BETWEEN c_start_date
                                              AND     c_end_date
ORDER BY ext_chg_evt_log_id DESC;
Line: 151

SELECT  pet.element_type_id
        || ' Employee Pension Basis' bal_name
       ,pei.eei_information12 pension_type
       ,- 1 defined_bal_id
       ,pei.eei_information18 cy_retro_element_id
        SELECT  retro_element_type_id
        FROM    pay_element_span_usages pesu
               ,pay_retro_component_usages prcu
        WHERE   prcu.retro_component_usage_id = pesu.retro_component_usage_id
        AND     retro_component_id =
                SELECT  retro_component_id
                FROM    pay_retro_components
                WHERE   legislation_code = 'NL'
                AND     short_name = 'Adjustment'
                AND     component_name = 'Adjustment'
        AND     creator_type = 'ET'
        AND     creator_id = pet.element_type_id
        ) py_cy_adj_retro_element_id
FROM    pay_element_type_extra_info pei
       ,pay_element_types_f pet
WHERE   pei.information_type = 'PQP_NL_ABP_DEDUCTION'
AND     pei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_NL_ABP_DEDUCTION'
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
                         AND     pet.effective_end_date
AND     pet.element_type_id = pei.element_type_id
AND     pet.business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     pei.eei_information12 IN ('OPNP','AAOP');
Line: 192

SELECT pei.eei_information12 sub_cat
      ,pay_paywsmee_pkg.get_original_date_earned(peef.element_entry_id) date_earned
      ,decode (pei.eei_information12,'FPU_B','VPL','PPP','PPP-I','OPNP-I') pension_type
      ,decode (pei.eei_information12,'OPNP_65','A','OPNP_W25','B','OPNP_W50','C') pension_type_variant
      ,sum(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(peev.screen_entry_value)) contr_amt
 FROM pay_element_type_extra_info pei,
      pay_element_types_f pet,
      pay_element_entries_f peef,
      pay_element_links_f pelf,
      pay_element_entry_values_f peev,
      pay_input_values_f         pivf,
      pqp_pension_types_f        pty
WHERE pei.information_type         = 'PQP_NL_ABP_DEDUCTION'
  AND pei.eei_information_category = 'PQP_NL_ABP_DEDUCTION'
  AND c_effective_date BETWEEN to_date(pei.eei_information10,'DD/MM/RRRR') AND
  AND c_effective_date BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date AND
  AND c_effective_date BETWEEN peef.effective_start_date AND
  AND c_effective_date BETWEEN pelf.effective_start_date AND
  AND c_effective_date BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date AND
  AND c_effective_date BETWEEN pty.effective_start_date AND
  AND c_effective_date BETWEEN pivf.effective_start_date AND
  AND (to_number(pei.eei_information18) = pet.element_type_id
      OR to_number(pei.eei_information19) = pet.element_type_id
      OR to_number(pei.eei_information20) = pet.element_type_id
      OR to_number(pei.eei_information21) = pet.element_type_id
      OR  pet.element_type_id IN (SELECT retro_element_type_id
           FROM pay_element_span_usages    pesu,
                pay_retro_component_usages prcu
          WHERE prcu.retro_component_usage_id = pesu.retro_component_usage_id
            AND retro_component_id = ( SELECT retro_component_id
                                         FROM pay_retro_components
                                        WHERE legislation_code = 'NL'
                                          AND short_name     = 'Adjustment'
                                          AND component_name = 'Adjustment')
            AND creator_type = 'ET'
            AND (creator_id = pei.element_type_id OR
                 creator_id IN (SELECT element_type_id
                                FROM pay_element_types_f pet1
                                WHERE pet1.element_name = pei.eei_information9 || ' ABP Employer Pension Contribution'
                                AND pet1.business_group_id = pet.business_group_id)))  )
  AND pelf.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
  AND pivf.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
  AND pivf.name = 'Pay Value'
  AND peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
  AND peev.input_value_id = pivf.input_value_id
  AND peev.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
  AND pet.business_group_id = c_bg_id
  AND peef.assignment_id = c_asg_id
  AND pei.eei_information12 IN ('OPNP_65','OPNP_W25','OPNP_W50','PPP','FPU_B')
  AND pty.pension_type_id = to_number(pei.eei_information2)
  AND pay_paywsmee_pkg.get_original_date_earned(peef.element_entry_id) >= g_valid_start_date
GROUP BY pei.eei_information12,pay_paywsmee_pkg.get_original_date_earned(peef.element_entry_id)
--Normal entries
SELECT pension_sub_category sub_cat
      ,c_effective_date date_earned
      ,decode (pension_sub_category,'FPU_B','VPL','PPP','PPP-I','OPNP-I') pension_type
      ,decode (pension_sub_category,'OPNP_65','A','OPNP_W25','B','OPNP_W50','C') pension_type_variant
      ,-999999 contr_amt
FROM pqp_pension_types_f pty
WHERE pension_sub_category IN ('OPNP_65','OPNP_W25','OPNP_W50','PPP','FPU_B')
AND business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND c_effective_date BETWEEN pty.effective_start_date AND
GROUP BY pension_sub_category,c_effective_date
Line: 278

SELECT  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(pai.action_information7) contr_base
FROM    pay_action_information pai
WHERE   pai.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_PENSION_INFO'
AND     pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
AND     pai.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     pai.action_information1 = c_pension_type
AND     c_effective_date = fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai.action_information4)
ORDER BY pai.action_context_id DESC;
Line: 293

FROM    pay_action_information pai
WHERE   pai.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     pai.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_ASG_INFO'
AND     pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
AND     c_effective_date = fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai.action_information3);
Line: 372

SELECT  to_number (get_parameter (legislative_parameters
                                 ,'ORG_STRUCT_ID')) org_struct_id
       ,to_number (get_parameter (legislative_parameters
                                 ,'Employer')) org_id
       ,get_parameter (legislative_parameters
                              ,'Report_Type') report_type
       ,to_number (get_parameter (legislative_parameters
                                 ,'Sequence_Number')) seq_num
       ,business_group_id bg_id
FROM    pay_payroll_actions
WHERE   payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id;
Line: 441

SELECT  trunc (date_of_birth)
FROM    per_all_people_f per
       ,per_all_assignments_f paf
WHERE   per.person_id = paf.person_id
AND     paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
AND     p_effective_date BETWEEN per.effective_start_date
                         AND     per.effective_end_date
AND     p_effective_date BETWEEN paf.effective_start_date
                         AND     paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 475

FROM    pay_run_results
WHERE   assignment_action_id = p_ass_act_id
AND     element_type_id = p_element_type_id;
Line: 520

SELECT  min (effective_start_date) - 1 term_date
FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg
WHERE   assignment_id = p_assignment_id
AND     assignment_status_type_id IN
        SELECT  assignment_status_type_id
        FROM    per_assignment_status_types
        WHERE   per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN'
        AND     active_flag = 'Y'
-- Get the dates for any ended assignments. Note that this is for sec
-- assignments only.
SELECT  max (effective_end_date)
FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg
WHERE   assignment_id = p_assignment_id
AND     asg.primary_flag = 'N'
            SELECT  1
            FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg1
            WHERE   asg1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
            AND     asg1.effective_start_date = asg.effective_end_date + 1
            AND     asg.assignment_id = asg1.assignment_id
            SELECT  1
            FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg1
            WHERE   asg1.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
            AND     asg1.effective_start_date > asg.effective_start_date
            AND     asg.assignment_id = asg1.assignment_id
            AND     asg1.assignment_status_type_id IN
                    SELECT  assignment_status_type_id
                    FROM    per_assignment_status_types
                    WHERE   per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN'
                    AND     active_flag = 'Y'
Line: 621

SELECT  to_number (substr (max (lpad (paa.action_sequence, 15
                                    , '0')
                                || lpad (paa.assignment_action_id, 15
                                       , '0')), 16
                         , 15))
FROM    pay_assignment_actions paa
      , pay_payroll_actions ppa
WHERE   paa.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     ppa.action_status = 'C'
AND     paa.action_status IN ('C', 'S')
AND     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
--AND     ppa.effective_date
AND     ppa.date_earned     --Bug 16301893
        BETWEEN c_start_date
        AND     c_end_date
AND     (
                ppa.action_type IN ('Q', 'R', 'I')
        OR      (
                        ppa.action_type = 'B'
                AND     EXISTS
                        SELECT  1
                        FROM    pay_run_results prr
                              , pay_run_result_values prv
                              , pay_balance_feeds_f pbf
                              , pay_defined_balances db
                        WHERE   prr.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                        AND     prv.run_result_id = prr.run_result_id
                        AND     pbf.input_value_id = prv.input_value_id
                        AND     prv.result_value IS NOT NULL
                        AND     pbf.balance_type_id = db.balance_type_id
                        AND     db.defined_balance_id = c_balance_id
                        AND     ppa.effective_date
                                BETWEEN pbf.effective_start_date
                                AND     pbf.effective_end_date
Line: 723

SELECT  min (asg.effective_start_date)
FROM    per_assignments_f asg
       ,per_assignment_status_types past
WHERE   asg.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
AND     past.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
AND     asg.effective_start_date <= trunc (c_period_end_date)
AND     nvl (asg.effective_end_date
            ,trunc (c_period_end_date)) >= trunc (c_period_start_date)
AND     asg.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
GROUP BY asg.assignment_id;
Line: 737

SELECT  asg.effective_start_date start_date
       ,decode (asg.effective_end_date
               ,trunc (c_period_end_date)
               ,asg.effective_end_date) end_date
       ,fnd_number.canonical_to_number (nvl (target.segment29
                                            ,'100')) ptp
FROM    per_assignments_f asg
       ,per_assignment_status_types past
       ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex target
WHERE   asg.assignment_status_type_id = past.assignment_status_type_id
AND     past.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
AND     asg.effective_end_date >= c_effective_date
AND     asg.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     target.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
AND     target.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 921

SELECT  nvl (aei_information6
FROM    per_assignment_extra_info
WHERE   assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     information_type = 'NL_ABP_PAR_INFO'
AND     aei_information_category = 'NL_ABP_PAR_INFO'
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN trunc (fnd_date.canonical_to_date (aei_information1))
                         AND     trunc (nvl (fnd_date.canonical_to_date (aei_information2)
AND     aei_information6 IS NOT NULL;
Line: 998

SELECT  normal_hours
FROM    per_all_assignments_f paaf
WHERE   paaf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     c_end_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date
                   AND     paaf.effective_end_date;
Line: 1075

SELECT  nvl (sum (round (fnd_number.canonical_to_number (peev.screen_entry_value)
            ,0) prior_ptp
FROM    pay_element_entries_f peef
       ,pay_element_links_f pelf
       ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
WHERE   peef.effective_start_date > c_effective_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pelf.effective_start_date
                         AND     pelf.effective_end_date
AND     peev.effective_start_date > c_effective_date
AND     peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
AND     peev.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
AND     pelf.element_type_id = c_ele_type_id
AND     peev.input_value_id = c_input_val_id
AND     peef.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     peev.screen_entry_value IS NOT NULL
AND     pay_paywsmee_pkg.get_original_date_earned (peef.element_entry_id) BETWEEN c_orig_st_date
                                                                          AND     c_orig_ed_date;
Line: 1095

SELECT  min (effective_start_date) hire_date
FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg
WHERE   assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     assignment_status_type_id IN
        SELECT  assignment_status_type_id
        FROM    per_assignment_status_types
        WHERE   per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
        AND     active_flag = 'Y'
AND     assignment_type = 'E';
Line: 1108

SELECT  min (effective_start_date) - 1 term_date
FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg
WHERE   assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     assignment_status_type_id IN
        SELECT  assignment_status_type_id
        FROM    per_assignment_status_types
        WHERE   per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN'
        AND     active_flag = 'Y'
AND     assignment_type = 'E';
Line: 1125

FROM    pay_element_entries_f peef
       ,pay_element_links_f pelf
       ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
WHERE   c_effective_date BETWEEN peef.effective_start_date
                         AND     peef.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pelf.effective_start_date
                         AND     pelf.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date
                         AND     peev.effective_end_date
AND     peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
AND     peev.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
AND     pelf.element_type_id = c_ele_type_id
AND     peev.input_value_id = c_input_val_id
AND     peef.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     peev.screen_entry_value IS NOT NULL;
Line: 1145

SELECT  piv.input_value_id start_dt_id
       ,piv1.input_value_id end_dt_id
FROM    pay_input_values_f piv
       ,pay_input_values_f piv1
       ,pay_element_types_f pet
WHERE   piv.name = 'Start Date'
AND     piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
AND     piv1.name = 'End Date'
AND     piv1.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
AND     pet.element_name = 'ABP Record 05 Reporting'
AND     pet.legislation_code IS NULL
AND     pet.business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pet.effective_start_date
                         AND     pet.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN piv.effective_start_date
                         AND     piv.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN piv1.effective_start_date
                         AND     piv1.effective_end_date;
Line: 1170

SELECT  fnd_date.canonical_to_date (peev.screen_entry_value) start_date
       ,fnd_date.canonical_to_date (peev1.screen_entry_value) end_date
FROM    pay_element_entries_f peef
       ,pay_element_links_f pelf
       ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
       ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev1
WHERE   c_effective_date BETWEEN peef.effective_start_date
                         AND     peef.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pelf.effective_start_date
                         AND     pelf.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date
                         AND     peev.effective_end_date
AND     peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
AND     peev.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
AND     pelf.element_type_id = c_ele_type_id
AND     peev.input_value_id = c_start_dt_id
AND     peef.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN peev1.effective_start_date
                         AND     peev1.effective_end_date
AND     peev1.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
AND     peev1.input_value_id = c_end_dt_id;
Line: 1195

        asg.effective_start_date start_date
       ,asg.effective_end_date end_date
       ,least(fnd_number.canonical_to_number (nvl (target.segment29
                                            ,'100')),125) ptp
FROM    per_assignments_f asg
       ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex target
WHERE   asg.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     asg.effective_start_date BETWEEN c_start_date
                                 AND     nvl (c_end_date
AND     target.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
AND     target.enabled_flag = 'Y'
ORDER BY start_date;
Line: 1215

SELECT  min (pay_paywsmee_pkg.get_original_date_earned (peef.element_entry_id)) start_date
       ,max (pay_paywsmee_pkg.get_original_date_earned (peef.element_entry_id)) end_date
FROM    pay_element_entries_f peef
       ,pay_element_links_f pelf
       ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
WHERE   c_effective_date BETWEEN peef.effective_start_date
                         AND     peef.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pelf.effective_start_date
                         AND     pelf.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date
                         AND     peev.effective_end_date
AND     peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
AND     peev.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
AND     pelf.element_type_id = c_ele_type_id
AND     peev.input_value_id = c_input_val_id
AND     peef.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     peev.screen_entry_value IS NOT NULL;
Line: 1235

SELECT  piv.input_value_id
FROM    pay_input_values_f piv
       ,pay_element_types_f pet
WHERE   piv.name = c_input_value_name
AND     piv.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
AND     pet.element_name = c_element_name;
Line: 1245

SELECT  least (fnd_number.canonical_to_number (nvl (target.segment29
              ,125) ptp
FROM    per_assignments_f asg
       ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex target
WHERE   target.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
AND     asg.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     target.enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND     trunc (c_effective_date) BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                                 AND     asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 1258

SELECT  nvl (hourly_salaried_code
            ,'H') hourly_salaried_code
FROM    per_assignments_f asg
       ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex target
WHERE   target.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id
AND     asg.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     target.enabled_flag = 'Y'
AND     trunc (c_effective_date) BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
                                 AND     asg.effective_end_date;
Line: 1272

SELECT  pay_paywsmee_pkg.get_original_date_earned (peef.element_entry_id) start_date
       ,pay_paywsmee_pkg.get_original_date_earned (peef.element_entry_id) end_date
       ,fnd_number.canonical_to_number (peev.screen_entry_value) ptp
FROM    pay_element_entries_f peef
       ,pay_element_links_f pelf
       ,pay_element_entry_values_f peev
WHERE   c_effective_date BETWEEN peef.effective_start_date
                         AND     peef.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pelf.effective_start_date
                         AND     pelf.effective_end_date
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN peev.effective_start_date
                         AND     peev.effective_end_date
AND     peef.element_link_id = pelf.element_link_id
AND     peev.element_entry_id = peef.element_entry_id
AND     pelf.element_type_id = c_ele_type_id
AND     peev.input_value_id = c_input_val_id
AND     peef.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     peev.screen_entry_value IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY start_date;
Line: 1493

SELECT  element_entry_id
FROM    pay_run_results prr
WHERE   prr.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id
AND     prr.element_type_id = c_element_type_id
ORDER BY element_entry_id;
Line: 1503

SELECT  input_value_id
FROM    pay_input_values_f
WHERE   element_type_id = c_element_type_id
AND     name = 'ABP Employee Pension Basis';
Line: 1514

SELECT  fnd_number.canonical_to_number (nvl (screen_entry_value
                                            ,'0')) amt
       ,pay_paywsmee_pkg.get_original_date_earned(c_element_entry_id) date_earned
FROM    pay_element_entry_values_f
WHERE   element_entry_id = c_element_entry_id
AND     input_value_id = c_input_value_id;
Line: 1890

SELECT  fnd_number.canonical_to_number(pai.action_information8) contr_amt
FROM    pay_action_information pai
WHERE   pai.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_PENSION_INFO'
AND     pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
AND     pai.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     pai.action_information1 = c_pension_type
AND     pai.action_information2 = c_pension_type_variant
AND     c_effective_date = fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai.action_information4)
ORDER BY pai.action_context_id DESC;
Line: 2283

sqlstr := 'SELECT DISTINCT person_id
FROM  per_all_people_f pap
     ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
AND   ppa.business_group_id = pap.business_group_id
ORDER BY pap.person_id';
Line: 2298

  sqlstr := 'select 1 from dual where to_char(:payroll_action_id) = dummy';
Line: 2305

SELECT  put.user_table_id
FROM    pay_user_tables put
       ,pay_user_columns puc
WHERE   put.user_table_id = puc.user_table_id
AND     put.legislation_code = puc.legislation_code
AND     put.user_table_name = 'NL_DIACRITICAL_MARKS'
AND     put.legislation_code = 'NL';
Line: 2318

        upper (purf.row_low_range_or_name) source
       ,upper (pucif.value) target
FROM    pay_user_column_instances_f pucif
       ,pay_user_rows_f purf
WHERE   pucif.user_column_id = p_user_column_id
AND     purf.user_table_id = p_user_table_id
AND     pucif.user_row_id = purf.user_row_id
AND     pucif.business_group_id = purf.business_group_id
AND     pucif.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
AND     p_start_date BETWEEN pucif.effective_start_date
                     AND     pucif.effective_end_date
AND     p_start_date BETWEEN purf.effective_start_date
                     AND     purf.effective_end_date;
Line: 2334

SELECT  business_group_id bg_id
       ,start_date start_date
FROM    pay_payroll_actions
WHERE   payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 2371

        paa.assignment_id assignment_id
FROM    pay_payroll_actions ppa
       ,per_org_structure_versions posv
       ,per_all_assignments_f paa
       ,per_all_people_f pap
WHERE   posv.organization_structure_id = c_org_struct_id
AND     posv.date_from <= c_end_date
AND     nvl (posv.date_to
            ,hr_general.end_of_time) >= c_start_date
AND     (
                paa.organization_id IN
                SELECT  pose.organization_id_child
                FROM    per_org_structure_elements pose
                WHERE   pose.org_structure_version_id = posv.org_structure_version_id
                CONNECT BY  NOCYCLE PRIOR pose.organization_id_child = pose.organization_id_parent
                START WITH pose.organization_id_parent = c_org_id
                SELECT  c_org_id
                FROM    dual
        OR      nvl (paa.establishment_id
                    ,- 1) = c_org_id
AND     nvl(pap.current_applicant_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
AND     pap.person_id = paa.person_id
AND     paa.person_id BETWEEN c_start_person_id
                      AND     c_end_person_id
AND     paa.effective_start_date <= c_end_date
AND     paa.business_group_id = pap.business_group_id
AND     pap.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
AND     ppa.payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id;
Line: 2414

FROM    per_periods_of_service ppos1
WHERE   ppos1.person_id = c_per_id
AND     trunc (ppos1.actual_termination_date) = trunc (ppos1.date_start)
AND     trunc (ppos1.date_start) <= c_end_date
            SELECT  1
            FROM    per_periods_of_service ppos2
            WHERE   ppos2.person_id = c_per_id
            AND     ppos1.period_of_service_id <> ppos2.period_of_service_id
            AND     trunc (ppos2.date_start) > trunc (ppos1.date_start)
            AND     c_end_date >= trunc (ppos2.date_start)
            AND     ppos2.actual_termination_date IS NULL
            AND     ppos2.final_process_date IS NULL
            AND     ppos2.last_standard_process_date IS NULL
Line: 2436

FROM    per_periods_of_service pps
       ,per_all_assignments_f asg
WHERE   asg.assignment_id = c_asg_id
--AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
--                         AND     asg.effective_end_date
AND     asg.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
AND     pps.actual_termination_date IS NOT NULL
AND     pps.final_process_date IS NOT NULL
AND     pps.final_process_date < c_start_date
--secondary asgs
FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg
WHERE   assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     effective_start_date < c_start_date
AND     asg.primary_flag = 'N'
AND     assignment_status_type_id IN
        SELECT  assignment_status_type_id
        FROM    per_assignment_status_types
        WHERE   per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN'
        AND     active_flag = 'Y'
GROUP BY period_of_service_id;
Line: 2470

FROM pay_assignment_actions paa
    ,pay_payroll_actions    ppa
WHERE paa.assignment_id      = c_asg_id
AND ppa.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID    = c_bg_id
AND ppa.action_status        = 'C'
AND ppa.action_type          IN ('Q','R')
AND paa.action_status        = 'C'
AND ppa.payroll_id           = Nvl(c_payroll_id,ppa.payroll_id)
AND ppa.consolidation_set_id = Nvl(c_cons_id,ppa.consolidation_set_id)
AND paa.payroll_action_id    = ppa.payroll_action_id
AND ppa.effective_date BETWEEN c_start_date and c_end_date;
Line: 2487

FROM    pay_element_entries_f peef
WHERE   peef.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     (
                c_start_date BETWEEN peef.effective_start_date
                             AND     peef.effective_end_date
        OR      c_end_date BETWEEN peef.effective_start_date
                           AND     peef.effective_end_date
        SELECT  1
        FROM    pay_element_types_f petf
        WHERE   peef.element_type_id = petf.element_type_id
        AND     upper (element_name) LIKE '%RETRO%ABP%'
        AND     (
                        c_start_date BETWEEN petf.effective_start_date
                                     AND     petf.effective_end_date
                OR      c_end_date BETWEEN petf.effective_start_date
                                   AND     petf.effective_end_date
Line: 2513

SELECT  organization_id_parent
FROM    per_org_structure_elements
WHERE   organization_id_child = c_org_id
AND     org_structure_version_id = c_version_id
AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id;
Line: 2521

FROM    hr_organization_information
WHERE   org_information_context = 'PQP_ABP_PROVIDER'
AND     organization_id = c_org_id;
Line: 2533

SELECT  ppf.payroll_id
FROM    pay_payrolls_f ppf
       ,hr_organization_information hoi
WHERE   hoi.org_information_context = 'PQP_ABP_PROVIDER'
AND     hoi.organization_id   = c_abp_org_id
AND     ppf.prl_information1  = to_char (c_tax_unit_id)
AND     ppf.business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     ppf.period_type = decode (hoi.org_information5
                                 ,'Calendar Month'
                                 ,'Lunar Month')
AND     c_start_date BETWEEN ppf.effective_start_date
                     AND     ppf.effective_end_date;
Line: 2575

  SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_asg_act_id FROM dual;
Line: 2732

SELECT  ppa.payroll_action_id
FROM    pay_payroll_actions ppa
       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
WHERE   paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
AND     paa.assignment_action_id = c_assignment_action_id;
Line: 2742

SELECT  to_char(lpad(pas.assignment_sequence,2,0)) asg_seq
FROM    per_all_assignments_f pas
WHERE   pas.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pas.effective_start_date
                         AND     pas.effective_end_date;
Line: 2751

SELECT  min (pas.effective_start_date) asg_start_date
       ,decode (max (pas.effective_end_date)
               ,to_date (NULL)
               ,max (pas.effective_end_date)) asg_end_date
FROM    per_all_assignments_f pas
WHERE   pas.assignment_id = c_assignment_id;
Line: 2762

FROM    per_all_assignments_f paaf
       ,pay_assignment_actions paa
WHERE   paa.payroll_action_id = c_payroll_action_id
AND     paa.assignment_action_id = c_asg_action_id
AND     paaf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id;
Line: 2772

SELECT  person_id
FROM    per_all_assignments_f
WHERE   assignment_id = c_assignment_id;
Line: 2780

SELECT  nvl (org_information4
            ,0) override
       ,nvl (org_information5
            ,1) start_pos
FROM    hr_organization_units hou
       ,hr_organization_information hoi
WHERE   hou.organization_id = c_org_id
AND     hou.business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     hoi.organization_id = hou.organization_id
AND     org_information_context = 'PQP_NL_ABP_PTP_METHOD';
Line: 2794

SELECT  aei_information4 kop
       ,least (fnd_number.canonical_to_number (aei_information5)
              ,1) * 100 vop
FROM    per_assignment_extra_info
WHERE   information_type = 'NL_ABP_PAR_INFO'
AND     aei_information_category = 'NL_ABP_PAR_INFO'
AND     assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN fnd_date.canonical_to_date (aei_information1)
                         AND      nvl (fnd_date.canonical_to_date(aei_information2)
Line: 2808

SELECT  aei_information4 kop
      , least (fnd_number.canonical_to_number (aei_information5), 1) * 100 vop
      , fnd_date.canonical_to_date (aei_information1) kop_start_date
      , nvl (fnd_date.canonical_to_date (aei_information2), c_eff_end_date) kop_end_date
FROM    per_assignment_extra_info
WHERE   information_type = 'NL_ABP_PAR_INFO'
AND     aei_information_category = 'NL_ABP_PAR_INFO'
AND     assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     fnd_date.canonical_to_date (aei_information1) <= c_eff_end_date
AND      nvl (fnd_date.canonical_to_date (aei_information2), hr_general.end_of_time) >= c_eff_start_date
ORDER BY fnd_date.canonical_to_date (kop_start_date);
Line: 2823

FROM    (
        SELECT  pai.action_information1 start_date
              , least (fnd_number.canonical_to_number (paei.aei_information5), 1) * 100 vop
        FROM    pay_action_information pai
              , per_assignment_extra_info paei
        WHERE   paei.information_type = 'NL_ABP_PAR_INFO'
        AND     paei.aei_information_category = 'NL_ABP_PAR_INFO'
        AND     paei.assignment_id = pai.assignment_id
        AND     pai.action_context_id = c_ass_act_id
        AND     pai.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_PAY_PERIOD_INFO'
        AND     pai.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
        -- AND     pai.action_information1 = paei.aei_information1
        AND     pai.action_information3 <> 'WNE'
        SELECT  pai.action_information1 start_date
              , NULL vop
        FROM    pay_action_information pai
        WHERE   pai.action_context_id = c_ass_act_id
        AND     pai.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_PAY_PERIOD_INFO'
        AND     pai.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
        AND     action_information3 = 'WNE'
ORDER BY fnd_date.canonical_to_date (start_date);
Line: 2852

SELECT  --lpad(pap.employee_number, 35, 0) employee_number
        translate (pap.employee_number
                   || translate (pap.employee_number
                   || trim (rpad (' '
                                 ,nvl (length (translate (pap.employee_number
                                 ,'0'))) employee_number
       ,pap.national_identifier sofi_number
       ,substr(pap.last_name,1,200) last_name
       ,replace(replace(pap.per_information1,'.',''),' ','') init
       ,substr(pap.pre_name_adjunct, 1, 10) prefix
       ,pap.date_of_birth date_of_birth
       ,decode (pap.sex
               ,'0') gender
       ,pap.date_of_death date_of_death
FROM    per_all_people_f pap
WHERE   pap.person_id = c_person_id
AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
                         AND     pap.effective_end_date;
Line: 2890

  SELECT system_type_cd
  FROM   per_shared_types
  WHERE  lookup_type        = c_lookup --'NL_NATIONALITY'
  AND    information1       = c_code
  AND    (business_group_id = c_bg_id
          OR business_group_id is NULL)
Line: 2901

  SELECT  decode (country
  FROM    per_addresses_v
  WHERE   person_id = c_person_id
  AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN date_from
                           AND     nvl (date_to
  AND     style IN ('NL','NL_GLB')
  AND     primary_flag = 'Y';
Line: 2917

  SELECT DECODE(marital_status,'S',1,
                               NULL) ms_code
    FROM    per_all_people_f pap
    WHERE   pap.person_id = c_person_id
    AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id
    AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pap.effective_start_date
                             AND     pap.effective_end_date;
Line: 2938

SELECT  date_start
FROM    per_contact_relationships
WHERE   person_id = c_person_id
AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     contact_type = 'S'
AND     c_end_date BETWEEN nvl (date_start
                         AND     nvl (date_end
Line: 2953

SELECT  substr(last_name, 1, 200) last_name
       ,substr(pre_name_adjunct, 1, 10) prefix
       ,substr(replace(replace(per_information1,'.',''),' ',''), 1, 6) init
FROM    per_all_people_f
WHERE   person_id IN
        SELECT  contact_person_id
        FROM    per_contact_relationships
        WHERE   person_id = c_person_id
        AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id
        AND     contact_type IN ('S','D')
        AND     c_end_date BETWEEN nvl (date_start
                                 AND     nvl (date_end
AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     c_end_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                         AND     effective_end_date;
Line: 2976

SELECT  pad.style style
       ,pad.region_1  region                                                    --NL street, NL_GLB region
       ,substr(pad.address_line1, 1, 24) glb_street                             --NL_GLB street
       ,trim(substr(NVL(pad.add_information13, 0), 1, 5)) nl_hno                --NL House Number  --15859347
       ,trim(substr(NVL(pad.address_line2, 0), 1, 9)) glb_hno                   --NL_GLB House Number --15859347
       ,substr(pad.add_information14, 1, 4) nl_hnoa                             --NL House Number Addition
       ,trim(substr(pad.address_line1||' '||pad.region_3,1,35)) nl_location     --NL Location
       ,substr(pad.address_line3, 1, 35) glb_location                           --NL_GLB Location
       ,upper(pad.postal_code) postal                                           --Postal Code
       ,pad.town_or_city city                                                   --City
       ,pad.add_information16  iso                                              --NL_GLB ISO Country code
FROM    per_addresses_v pad
WHERE   pad.person_id = c_person_id
AND     pad.primary_flag = 'Y'
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN pad.date_from
                     AND     nvl (pad.date_to
Line: 2998

SELECT  decode (aei_information5
               ,NULL) obj_cd
FROM    per_assignment_extra_info
WHERE   assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     information_type = 'NL_USZO_INFO'
AND     trunc (c_effective_date) BETWEEN fnd_date.canonical_to_date (aei_information1)
                                 AND     nvl (fnd_date.canonical_to_date (aei_information2)
AND     rownum = 1;        -- Added in case of multiple valid rows
Line: 3013

SELECT  hscf.segment8
FROM    hr_soft_coding_keyflex hscf
       ,per_all_assignments_f paaf
WHERE   paaf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date
                         AND     paaf.effective_end_date
AND     paaf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hscf.soft_coding_keyflex_id;
Line: 3025

SELECT  min (effective_start_date) - 1 term_date
FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg
WHERE   assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     effective_start_date <= c_end_date
AND     assignment_status_type_id IN
        SELECT  assignment_status_type_id
        FROM    per_assignment_status_types
        WHERE   per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN'
        AND     active_flag = 'Y'
GROUP BY period_of_service_id
-- Get the dates for any ended assignments. Note that this is for sec
-- assignments only.
SELECT  max (effective_end_date)
FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg
WHERE   assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     asg.primary_flag = 'N'
AND     effective_end_date <= c_end_date
            SELECT  1
            FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg1
            WHERE   asg1.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
            AND     asg1.effective_start_date = asg.effective_end_date + 1
            AND     asg.assignment_id = asg1.assignment_id
            SELECT  1
            FROM    per_all_assignments_f asg1
            WHERE   asg1.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
            AND     asg1.effective_start_date > asg.effective_start_date
            AND     asg.assignment_id = asg1.assignment_id
            AND     asg1.assignment_status_type_id IN
                    SELECT  assignment_status_type_id
                    FROM    per_assignment_status_types
                    WHERE   per_system_status = 'TERM_ASSIGN'
                    AND     active_flag = 'Y'
GROUP BY period_of_service_id;
Line: 3077

SELECT max(paaf.effective_end_date)
FROM per_all_assignments_f paaf
paaf.assignment_id = p_asg_id
AND paaf.person_id = p_person_id
AND paaf.business_group_id = p_bg_id
AND paaf.assignment_status_type_id in
                           (SELECT ast.assignment_status_type_id
                              FROM per_assignment_status_types ast
                             WHERE  ast.per_system_status in ('ACTIVE_ASSIGN','SUSP_ASSIGN')
Line: 3093

SELECT  decode(nvl(leaving_reason ,'R')
                 ,'D' ,'O'
                 ,'B' ,'A'
                 ,'RESIGNATION' ,'W'
                 ,'EARLY_RETIREMENT' ,'V'
                 ,'R') term_reas
FROM    per_periods_of_service pps
       ,per_all_assignments_f paaf
WHERE   paaf.period_of_service_id = pps.period_of_service_id
AND     paaf.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
AND     c_effective_date BETWEEN paaf.effective_start_date
                         AND     paaf.effective_end_date;
Line: 3108

SELECT  pei.aei_information24 withdr_flag
FROM    per_assignment_extra_info pei
WHERE   pei.information_type = 'NL_ABP_PI'
AND     pei.aei_information_category = 'NL_ABP_PI'
AND     pei.assignment_id = c_asg_id;
Line: 3116

FROM    pay_action_information pai
WHERE   pai.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_COMP_WITHDRAWAL_INFO'
AND     pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
AND     pai.assignment_id = c_asg_id;
Line: 3126

SELECT  distinct fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai1.action_information7) start_date
       ,fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai1.action_information4) term_date
FROM    pay_action_information pai1
WHERE   pai1.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     pai1.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_ASG_INFO'
AND     pai1.action_context_type = 'AAP'
--AND     pai1.action_information4 IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai1.action_information7) DESC;
Line: 3140

SELECT  distinct fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai1.action_information7) start_date
       ,fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai1.action_information4) term_date
FROM    pay_action_information pai1
WHERE   pai1.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     pai1.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_ASG_INFO'
AND     pai1.action_context_type = 'AAP'
AND     pai1.action_information4 IS NOT NULL
ORDER BY fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai1.action_information7) DESC;
Line: 3152

SELECT  DISTINCT fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pai.action_information7) start_date
      , fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pai.action_information4) term_date
FROM    pay_action_information pai
WHERE   pai.assignment_id = c_asg_id
AND     pai.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_ASG_INFO'
AND     pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
AND     pai.action_information4 IS NOT NULL
            SELECT  1
            FROM    pay_action_information pai1
            WHERE   pai.assignment_id = pai1.assignment_id
            AND     fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pai1.action_information3) = fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pai.action_information3)
            AND     pai1.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_ASG_INFO'
            AND     pai1.action_context_type = 'AAP'
            AND     pai1.action_information4 IS NULL
ORDER BY fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pai.action_information7) DESC;
Line: 3179

        last_day (date_earned) date_earned
FROM    (
        -- default current period
        SELECT  c_end_date date_earned
        FROM    dual
        --to find the late hire scenarios paid in current period
        SELECT  ppa.date_earned
        FROM    pay_assignment_actions paa
              , pay_payroll_actions ppa
        WHERE   paa.assignment_id = c_assignment_id
        AND     ppa.action_status = 'C'
        AND     paa.action_status IN ('C', 'S')
        AND     ppa.action_type IN ('Q', 'R')
        AND     paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
        AND     ppa.payroll_id = nvl (c_payroll_id, ppa.payroll_id)
        AND     ppa.consolidation_set_id = ppa.consolidation_set_id
        AND     ppa.effective_date
                BETWEEN c_start_date
                AND     last_day (c_end_date)
        AND     source_action_id IS NOT NULL
        -- to find Kind of Participation changes for previous periods
        SELECT  distinct last_day (add_months (start_date, level-1)) date_earned
        FROM    (
                SELECT  fnd_date.canonical_to_date (evt.prmtr_01) start_date
                      , fnd_date.canonical_to_date (NVL(evt.prmtr_02,evt.prmtr_09)) end_date
                FROM    ben_ext_chg_evt_log evt
                WHERE   evt.prmtr_10 = to_char (c_assignment_id)
                AND     evt.person_id = c_person_id
                AND     evt.chg_evt_cd = 'COAPKOP'
                AND     fnd_date.canonical_to_date (evt.prmtr_09)
                        BETWEEN c_start_date
                        AND     last_day (c_end_date)
        CONNECT BY level <= months_between (trunc (end_date, 'MM'), trunc (start_date, 'MM'))+1
        -- to find change in ABP Annual Pension Salary
        SELECT  DISTINCT last_day (add_months (start_date, level - 1)) date_earned
        FROM    (
                SELECT  fnd_date.canonical_to_date (evt.prmtr_02) start_date
                      , last_day (c_end_date) end_date
                FROM    ben_ext_chg_evt_log evt
                WHERE   evt.ext_chg_evt_log_id =
                        SELECT  max (ext_chg_evt_log_id)
                        FROM    ben_ext_chg_evt_log evt
                        WHERE   evt.prmtr_01 = to_char (c_assignment_id)
                        AND     evt.person_id = c_person_id
                        AND     evt.chg_evt_cd = 'COAPS'
                        AND     fnd_date.canonical_to_date (evt.prmtr_02) <= last_day (c_end_date)
                        AND     trunc (evt.chg_actl_dt, 'MM') = trunc (c_end_date,'MM')
        CONNECT BY level <= months_between (trunc (end_date, 'MM'), trunc (start_date, 'MM')) + 1
ORDER BY last_day (date_earned);
Line: 3241

        trunc (add_months (start_date, level - 1), 'MM') date_earned
FROM    (
        SELECT  evt.old_val1 start_date
              , evt1.new_val1 end_date
        FROM    ben_ext_chg_evt_log evt
              , ben_ext_chg_evt_log evt1
                SELECT  min (ext_chg_evt_log_id) min_chg_evt_log_id
                      , max (ext_chg_evt_log_id) max_chg_evt_log_id
                FROM    ben_ext_chg_evt_log evt
                WHERE   evt.person_id = c_person_id
                AND     evt.chg_evt_cd = 'COPOS'
                AND     fnd_date.canonical_to_date (evt.prmtr_09)
                        BETWEEN c_start_date
                        AND     last_day (c_end_date)
                ) evt2
        WHERE   evt.ext_chg_evt_log_id = evt2.min_chg_evt_log_id
        AND     evt1.ext_chg_evt_log_id = evt2.max_chg_evt_log_id
WHERE   trunc (to_date (end_date), 'MM') <> trunc (to_date (start_date), 'MM')
CONNECT BY level <= months_between (trunc (to_date (end_date), 'MM'), trunc (to_date (start_date), 'MM'));
Line: 3720

Line: 3802

Line: 3803

Line: 3849

  SELECT pay_assignment_actions_s.NEXTVAL INTO l_child_aa_id FROM dual;
Line: 4424

Line: 4428

Line: 4429

Line: 4547

SELECT  org_information1 reg_num_sender
       ,decode(org_information2,'Y','T','N','P') prod_test
       ,substr(org_information3,1,45) name_sender
FROM    hr_organization_units hou
       ,hr_organization_information hoi
WHERE   hou.organization_id = nvl (c_org_id
AND     hou.business_group_id = c_bg_id
AND     hoi.organization_id = hou.organization_id
AND     org_information_context = 'NL_ABP_SENDER_DETAILS';
Line: 4559

SELECT  release_name
FROM    fnd_product_groups;
Line: 4565

SELECT  organization_id_parent
FROM    per_org_structure_elements
WHERE   organization_id_child = c_org_id
AND     org_structure_version_id = c_version_id
AND     business_group_id = c_bg_id;
Line: 4573

SELECT  lpad(org_information2,9,'0') er_num
       ,decode (org_information5
               ,'VWK') freq
       ,substr (org_information6
               ,10) ref_er
FROM    hr_organization_information
WHERE   org_information_context = 'PQP_ABP_PROVIDER'
AND     organization_id = c_org_id;
Line: 4587

SELECT  name
FROM    hr_organization_units
WHERE   organization_id = p_org_id;
Line: 4592

SELECT pai_p.action_information4            Message
      ,fnd_date.date_to_displaydate(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai_p.action_information5)) Dt
      ,pai_p.action_information6            Description
      ,substr(pai_p.action_information7,1,30) E_Name
      ,pai_p.action_context_type            cxt
FROM   pay_action_information               pai_p
WHERE  pai_p.action_context_id              = p_payroll_action_id
AND    pai_p.action_information_category    = 'NL_ABP_EXCEPTION_REPORT'
AND    pai_p.action_context_type            = 'PA';
Line: 4603

SELECT pai_p.action_information4            Message
      ,fnd_date.date_to_displaydate(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(pai_p.action_information5)) Dt
      ,pai_p.action_information6            Description
      ,substr(pai_p.action_information7,1,45) E_Name
      ,substr(pai_p.action_information8,1,30) E_Number
      ,pai_p.action_context_type            cxt
FROM   pay_assignment_actions               paa
      ,pay_action_information               pai_p
WHERE  paa.payroll_action_id                = p_payroll_action_id
AND    pai_p.action_context_id             = paa.assignment_action_id
AND    pai_p.action_information_category    = 'NL_ABP_EXCEPTION_REPORT'
AND    pai_p.action_context_type            = 'AAP'
ORDER  BY pai_p.action_information8 asc;
Line: 4619

SELECT  pai_p.action_information4 message
       ,fnd_date.date_to_displaydate (fnd_date.canonical_to_date (pai_p.action_information5)) dt
       ,pai_p.action_information6 description
       ,substr (pai_p.action_information7, 1, 30) e_name
       ,pai_p.action_context_type cxt
FROM    pay_action_information pai_p
WHERE   pai_p.action_context_id = p_payroll_action_id
AND     pai_p.action_information_category = 'NL_ABP_TECH_EXCEPTION_REPORT';