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2 /* $Header: GMLUPDB.pls 115.13 2002/10/18 20:55:00 gmangari ship $ */
5 /*#############################################################################
7   #
8   #     update_customer_balance
9   #
11   #
12   #
13   #     To update the  customer balances in op_cust_mst  and op_updt_bal_wk
14   #
15   #
17   #
18   #      02-APR-99      Srinivas Somayajula Created.
19   #      02-DEC-99      Rajender Nalla      Getting the user_id from
20   #                                         fnd_global.user_id.
21   #     29-FEB-00      Rajender Nalla     Changed the parameters to cust_no
22   #                                       instead of CUST_ID
23   #                                       V_from_cust_id,V_from_cust_no
24   #                                       V_to_cust_id,V_to_cust_no
25   #      13-Sep-2002  Piyush K. Mishra Bug#2521042
26   #                   Modified the UPDATE statement to update the Customer's Open
27   #                   Balance correctly.
28   #      17-Oct-2002  Piyush K. Mishra Bug#2611290
29   #                   Modified the Cursor Cur_get_cust_details, since it was not
30   #                   working if V_from_cust_no and V_to_cust_no is being passed as
31   #                   NULL. Modified Update statement setting open_balance to 0
32   #                   and added condition so this update will be done only once for
33   #                   each customer.
34   ##########################################################################*/
35 PROCEDURE update_cust_balance
36 (
37   V_session_id    NUMBER,
38   V_co_code 	  VARCHAR2,
39   V_from_cust_no  VARCHAR2,
40   V_to_cust_no    VARCHAR2
41 ) IS
42   X_max_cust_id 	NUMBER;
43   X_currency      	VARCHAR2(10);
44   X_base_currency    	VARCHAR2(10);
45   X_type        	VARCHAR2(4);
46   X_user_id             NUMBER;
47   X_exch_rate           NUMBER;
48   --Begin Bug#2611290 Piyush K. Mishra
49   X_prvs_cust_id NUMBER := 0;
50   --End Bug#2611290
52   CURSOR Cur_max_cust_id IS
53     SELECT MAX(cust_id)
54     FROM   op_cust_mst;
56   /*Begin Bug#2611290 Piyush K. Mishra
57   Changed the NVL used in below query, previously it was
58   NVL(V_from_cust_no, 'X') and NVL(V_from_cust_no, 'X').
59   Also commented the hdr.billcust_id = cus.cust_id as it was twice */
60   CURSOR Cur_get_cust_details IS
61     SELECT cus.cust_id,
62            cus.cust_no,
63            cus.cust_name,
64            cus.cust_currency,
65            hdr.order_id,
66            hdr.order_date,
67            hdr.billing_currency,
68            SUM(hdr.total_open_amount) total_open_amount
69     FROM   op_cust_mst cus, op_ordr_hdr hdr
70     WHERE  hdr.billcust_id 		= cus.cust_id and
71 	   hdr.completed_ind 		<> -1 	      and
72 	   hdr.delete_mark 		= 0 	      and
73 	   hdr.order_status 		< 20 	      and
74            -- hdr.billcust_id 		= cus.cust_id and
75            (cus.cust_id IN(SELECT cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_no >= NVL(V_from_cust_no, cust_no)) and
76            (cus.cust_id IN(SELECT cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_no <= NVL(V_to_cust_no, cust_no)))) and
77            cus.co_code 			= V_co_code
78            GROUP BY cus.cust_id,
79            cus.cust_no,
80            cus.cust_name,
81            cus.cust_currency,
82            hdr.order_id,
83            hdr.order_date,
84            hdr.billing_currency;
85   --End Bug#2611290
87     CURSOR Cur_get_base_curr IS
88       SELECT  base_currency_code
89       FROM    gl_plcy_mst
90       WHERE   set_of_books_name IS NOT NULL and
91 	      co_code 	  = V_co_code and
92               delete_mark = 0;
93   X_cust_details Cur_get_cust_details%ROWTYPE;
96   CURSOR Cur_get_exchange_rate(V_currency VARCHAR2) IS
97     SELECT   ex.exchange_rate, ex.mul_div_sign,
98              ex.exchange_rate_date
99     FROM     gl_xchg_rte ex,
100              gl_srce_mst src
101     WHERE  ex.to_currency_code    =  X_cust_details.billing_currency and
102            ex.from_currency_code  =  V_currency and
103            ex.exchange_rate_date  <= X_cust_details.order_date and
104            ex.rate_type_code      =  src.rate_type_code     and
105            src.trans_source_code  =  'OP'                   and
106            ex.delete_mark=0;
107   X_exchange_rate_rec Cur_get_exchange_rate%rowtype;
110   /* Bug Id 1080909 fixed. */
111   X_user_id := FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID;
112   /* End of bug 1080909. */
113   OPEN  Cur_max_cust_id;
114   FETCH Cur_max_cust_id INTO X_max_cust_id;
115   CLOSE Cur_max_cust_id;
116   OPEN  Cur_get_base_curr;
117   FETCH Cur_get_base_curr INTO X_base_currency;
118   CLOSE Cur_get_base_curr;
119   OPEN  Cur_get_cust_detailS;
120   LOOP
121     FETCH Cur_get_cust_details INTO X_cust_details;
122     IF(Cur_get_cust_details%NOTFOUND) THEN
123       EXIT;
124     END IF;
125     IF(X_cust_details.cust_currency IS NOT NULL ) THEN
126       X_currency := X_cust_details.cust_currency;
127     ELSE
128       X_currency := X_base_currency;
129     END IF;
130     IF(X_currency IS NULL) THEN
131       INSERT INTO op_updt_bal_wk (session_id, cust_no, cust_name, error_message,
132 					    created_by, creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
133 					    last_update_login) VALUES
134              (
135                V_session_id,
136                X_cust_details.cust_no,
137                X_cust_details.cust_name,
138         'Base currency not available',
139 	         X_user_id,
140                sysdate,
141                sysdate,
142                X_user_id,
143   	          -1
144 		      );
145     ELSE
146       IF (X_currency = X_cust_details.billing_currency) THEN
147         X_exch_rate := 1;
148       ELSE
149         OPEN  Cur_get_exchange_rate(X_currency);
150         FETCH Cur_get_exchange_rate INTO X_exchange_rate_rec;
151         CLOSE Cur_get_exchange_rate;
152         X_exch_rate := X_exchange_rate_rec.exchange_rate;
153       END IF;
154       IF(X_exch_rate IS NULL) THEN
155         INSERT INTO op_updt_bal_wk (session_id, cust_no, cust_name, error_message,
156 				    created_by, creation_date, last_update_date, last_updated_by,
157 				    last_update_login) VALUES
158                (
159                  V_session_id,
160                  X_cust_details.cust_no,
161                  X_cust_details.cust_name,
162                  'Exchange rate does not exist for this customer',
163                  X_user_id,
164                  sysdate,
165                  sysdate,
166                  X_user_id,
167   	          -1
168         );
169       ELSE
170         IF(X_exchange_rate_rec.mul_div_sign = '1') THEN
171           X_cust_details.total_open_amount :=
172           X_cust_details.total_open_amount/X_exch_rate;
173         ELSE
174           X_cust_details.total_open_amount :=  X_cust_details.total_open_amount*
175                                                X_exch_rate;
176         END IF;
177       END IF;
179       /*Begin Bug#2611290 Piyush K. Mishra
180       Added IF condition and modified the where condition, it was wrong.
181       This update statement updates the open balance of the customers (fetched
182       in the loop for whom the open balances exist) to zero. This is required
183       as the balances should be calculated and updated every time the program
184       is executed. This should be executed only once per customer before updating
185       the open balance with the open amounts from sales orders */
187       IF X_prvs_cust_id <> X_cust_details.cust_id THEN
188         UPDATE op_cust_mst
189         SET    open_balance = 0
190         WHERE  bill_ind = 1
191                AND co_code = V_co_code
192                AND cust_id = X_cust_details.cust_id;
193       /*Commented following conditions
194                AND cust_id NOT IN
195                   (SELECT cust_id
196                    FROM  op_cust_mst cus,op_ordr_hdr hdr
197                    WHERE hdr.billcust_id = cus.cust_id
198            	   AND   hdr.completed_ind <> -1
199                    AND   hdr.delete_mark = 0
200 	           AND   hdr.order_status < 20
201                    AND   hdr.billcust_id = cus.cust_id
202                    AND   (cus.cust_id IN(SELECT cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_no >= NVL(V_from_cust_no,'X'))
203                    AND   (cus.cust_id IN(SELECT cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_no <= NVL(V_to_cust_no,'X')))));*/
204         X_prvs_cust_id := X_cust_details.cust_id;
205       END IF;
206       /*End Bug#2611290*/
208       --Begin Bug#2521042 Piyush K. Mishra
209       --Open_balance should be updated with open_balance + X_cust_details.total_open_amount
210       UPDATE op_cust_mst
211       SET    open_balance = Open_balance + X_cust_details.total_open_amount
212       WHERE  cust_id = X_cust_details.cust_id
213       AND    co_code = V_co_code;
214       --End Bug#2521042
216     END IF;
217   END LOOP;
218   CLOSE Cur_get_cust_details;
219   /* Begin Bug#2611290 Piyush K. Mishra */
220   /* This update statement updates the open balances to zero, for the customers for whom no
221      open amounts exist and are within the range criteria. The customers fetched in the above
222      loop are excluded in this update. */
223   UPDATE op_cust_mst
224      SET    open_balance = 0
225    WHERE  bill_ind = 1
226      AND co_code = V_co_code
227      AND cust_id NOT IN
228      (SELECT cust_id
229         FROM  op_cust_mst cus,op_ordr_hdr hdr
230         WHERE hdr.billcust_id = cus.cust_id
231    	AND   hdr.completed_ind <> -1
232         AND   hdr.delete_mark = 0
233 	AND   hdr.order_status < 20
234         AND   (cus.cust_id IN(SELECT cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_no >= NVL(V_from_cust_no,cust_no))
235         AND   (cus.cust_id IN(SELECT cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_no <= NVL(V_to_cust_no,cust_no)))))
236      AND (cust_id IN(SELECT cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_no >= NVL(V_from_cust_no, cust_no))
237      AND (cust_id IN(SELECT cust_id from op_cust_mst where cust_no <= NVL(V_to_cust_no, cust_no))));
238   /* End Bug#2611290 */