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Line 250: -- l_user_name wf_local_roles.name%type;

246: l_date_created varchar2(30);
247: l_update_date varchar2(30);
248: l_updated_by varchar2(20);
249: l_created_by varchar2(20);
250: -- l_user_name wf_local_roles.name%type;
251: -- l_user_name varchar2(60); -- 3297591
252: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type; -- 5340008
253: l_per_role varchar2(200);
254: l_expiration_date varchar2(30);

Line 255: --l_display_name wf_local_roles.display_name%TYPE;;

251: -- l_user_name varchar2(60); -- 3297591
252: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%type; -- 5340008
253: l_per_role varchar2(200);
254: l_expiration_date varchar2(30);
255: --l_display_name wf_local_roles.display_name%TYPE;;
256: l_display_name varchar2(310); -- 3297591,4149356
257: l_update varchar(1) default 'Y'; -- Bug 4597033
258: l_check_person_id per_all_people_f.person_id%type;
259: --

Line 264: from wf_local_roles

260: -- cursors
261: --
262: cursor role_exists(p_person_id in number) is
263: select name
264: from wf_local_roles
265: where orig_system = 'PER'
266: and orig_system_id = p_person_id
267: and rownum = 1; -- This extra WHERE condition is added as per the request of "tpapired"
268: -- fix for bug 7455694

Line 273: from wf_local_roles

270: -- below cursor is added for fix for bug#16743491
271: cursor per_role_role_exists(p_person_id in number) is
272: select name
273: from wf_local_roles
274: where orig_system = 'PER_ROLE'
275: and orig_system_id = p_person_id
276: and rownum = 1;

Line 278: l_description wf_local_roles.description%TYPE;

274: where orig_system = 'PER_ROLE'
275: and orig_system_id = p_person_id
276: and rownum = 1;
278: l_description wf_local_roles.description%TYPE;
279: cursor role_description(p_person_id in number) is
280: select description
281: from wf_local_roles
282: where orig_system = 'PER'

Line 281: from wf_local_roles

278: l_description wf_local_roles.description%TYPE;
279: cursor role_description(p_person_id in number) is
280: select description
281: from wf_local_roles
282: where orig_system = 'PER'
283: and orig_system_id = p_person_id
284: and rownum = 1;

Line 301: -- is removed, as wf_local_roles as to be updated for all persons.

297: -- contingent worker to be taken care.
298: --
299: -- Bug fix 3883910
300: -- If condition to check whether the person is an employee or cwk
301: -- is removed, as wf_local_roles as to be updated for all persons.
303: /* if (nvl(p_rec.current_employee_flag,'N') <>'Y'
304: and
305: nvl(p_rec.current_npw_flag,'N') <>'Y') then

Line 758: l_user_name wf_local_roles.name%type;

754: l_proc varchar2(80) := g_package||'per_pds_wf';
755: l_date date;
756: l_perrole_date date;
757: l_parameters wf_parameter_list_t;
758: l_user_name wf_local_roles.name%type;
759: --
760: l_perrole_user_name wf_local_roles.name%type;
761: l_start_date_canonical varchar2(30);
762: l_end_date_canonical varchar2(30);

Line 760: l_perrole_user_name wf_local_roles.name%type;

756: l_perrole_date date;
757: l_parameters wf_parameter_list_t;
758: l_user_name wf_local_roles.name%type;
759: --
760: l_perrole_user_name wf_local_roles.name%type;
761: l_start_date_canonical varchar2(30);
762: l_end_date_canonical varchar2(30);
763: l_person_id_canonical varchar2(20);
764: l_description VARCHAR2(1000);

Line 773: from wf_local_roles

769: -- cursors
770: --
771: cursor role_exists(p_person_id in number) is
772: select name
773: from wf_local_roles
774: where orig_system = 'PER'
775: and orig_system_id = p_person_id
776: and rownum = 1; -- This extra WHERE condition is added as per the request of "tpapired"
777: --

Line 780: from wf_local_roles

776: and rownum = 1; -- This extra WHERE condition is added as per the request of "tpapired"
777: --
778: cursor perrole_role_exists (p_person_id in number) is
779: select name
780: from wf_local_roles
781: where orig_system = 'PER_ROLE'
782: and orig_system_id = p_person_id
783: and rownum = 1;
784: --