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APPS.FND_SEC_BULK dependencies on FND_USER

Line 8: ** Note: this procedure should live in fnd_user_pkg

5: /*
6: ** cloneuser_attr - setup a new user with the attributes, responsibilities,
7: ** and profile option settings of an existing user.
8: ** Note: this procedure should live in fnd_user_pkg
9: */
10: PROCEDURE cloneuser_attr(p_template_user in varchar2,
11: p_new_user in varchar2,
12: description in varchar2,

Line 26: from fnd_user

22: email_address,
23: fax,
24: customer_id,
25: supplier_id
26: from fnd_user
27: where user_name = upper(p_template_user);
29: begin
30: begin

Line 32: from fnd_user

29: begin
30: begin
31: select user_id into new_userid
32: from fnd_user
33: where user_name = upper(p_new_user);
34: exception
35: when no_data_found then
36: null;

Line 40: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(

36: null;
37: end;
39: for tu in template_user loop
40: fnd_user_pkg.UpdateUser(
41: x_user_name => upper(p_new_user),
42: x_owner => 'CUST',
43: x_end_date => tu.end_date,
44: x_description => nvl(description, tu.description),

Line 61: ** Note: this procedure should live in fnd_user_pkg

58: /*
59: ** cloneuser_resp - setup a new user with the attributes, responsibilities,
60: ** and profile option settings of an existing user.
61: ** Note: this procedure should live in fnd_user_pkg
62: */
63: PROCEDURE cloneuser_resp(p_template_user in varchar2,
64: p_new_user in varchar2)
65: is

Line 76: from fnd_user u,

72: decode(u.last_updated_by, 1, 'SEED', 'CUSTOM') owner,
73: to_char(ur.start_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') start_date,
74: to_char(ur.end_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') end_date,
75: ur.description
76: from fnd_user u,
77: fnd_user_resp_groups ur,
78: fnd_application_vl a,
79: fnd_responsibility_vl r,
80: fnd_security_groups_vl s

Line 77: fnd_user_resp_groups ur,

73: to_char(ur.start_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') start_date,
74: to_char(ur.end_date, 'YYYY/MM/DD') end_date,
75: ur.description
76: from fnd_user u,
77: fnd_user_resp_groups ur,
78: fnd_application_vl a,
79: fnd_responsibility_vl r,
80: fnd_security_groups_vl s
81: where u.user_name = upper(p_template_user)

Line 91: from fnd_user

88: begin
89: begin
90: select user_id into new_userid
91: from fnd_user
92: where user_name = upper(p_new_user);
93: exception
94: when no_data_found then
95: null;

Line 99: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.load_row(

95: null;
96: end;
98: for rgx in resp_groups loop
99: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.load_row(
100: x_user_name => upper(p_new_user),
101: x_resp_key => rgx.resp,
102: x_app_short_name => rgx.app,
103: x_security_group => rgx.sg,

Line 114: ** Note: this procedure should live in fnd_user_pkg

110: end;
111: /*
112: ** cloneuser_prof - setup a new user with the attributes, responsibilities,
113: ** and profile option settings of an existing user.
114: ** Note: this procedure should live in fnd_user_pkg
115: */
116: PROCEDURE cloneuser_prof(p_template_user in varchar2,
117: p_new_user in varchar2)
118: is

Line 127: fnd_user u

123: p.profile_option_name proname,
124: pov.profile_option_value val
125: from fnd_profile_option_values pov,
126: fnd_profile_options p,
127: fnd_user u
128: where pov.level_id = 10004
129: and pov.level_value = u.user_id
130: and pov.profile_option_id = p.profile_option_id
131: and pov.application_id = p.application_id

Line 136: from fnd_user

132: and u.user_name = upper(p_template_user);
133: begin
134: begin
135: select user_id into new_userid
136: from fnd_user
137: where user_name = upper(p_new_user);
138: exception
139: when no_data_found then
140: null;

Line 176: -- For example, "select user_id from fnd_user where..."

172: -- end;
173: --
174: -- Input Arguments
175: -- x_user_group_clause: A sql statement returns all user's user_id
176: -- For example, "select user_id from fnd_user where..."
177: -- x_resp_application: Responsibility application short name
178: -- x_responsibility: Responsibility key
179: -- x_security_group: Security Group. Default is null.
180: -- If x_user_group_clause is provided from calling

Line 265: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.UPLOAD_ASSIGNMENT(

264: -- process each row (user)
265: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.UPLOAD_ASSIGNMENT(
266: USER_ID => uid,
267: RESPONSIBILITY_ID => respid,
269: SECURITY_GROUP_ID => secid,

Line 298: -- For example, "select user_id from fnd_user where..."

294: -- end;
295: --
296: -- Input Arguments
297: -- x_user_group_clause: A sql statement returns all user's user_id
298: -- For example, "select user_id from fnd_user where..."
299: -- x_resp_application_id:Responsibility application id
300: -- x_responsibility_id: Responsibility id
301: -- x_security_group: Security Group. Default is null.
302: -- If x_user_group_clause is provided from calling

Line 385: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.UPLOAD_ASSIGNMENT(

384: -- process each row (user)
385: fnd_user_resp_groups_api.UPLOAD_ASSIGNMENT(
386: USER_ID => uid,
387: RESPONSIBILITY_ID => respid,
389: SECURITY_GROUP_ID => secid,

Line 454: 'from fnd_user_resp_groups r '||

450: and responsibility_key = x_responsibility;
452: user_group_clause :=
453: 'select r.user_id, r.security_group_id ' ||
454: 'from fnd_user_resp_groups r '||
455: 'where r.responsibility_id = '||respid||
456: ' and r.security_group_id = '||secid||
457: ' and r.responsibility_application_id = '||appid;

Line 517: -- all the assignments are still in fnd_user_resp_group table.

513: -- There was this upgrade script afpnls01.sql which deleted all the
514: -- 107 responsibility from fnd_responsibility table. So, we have to
515: -- skip this validation for that sake.
516: -- Although the 107 responsibility got deleted from the table but
517: -- all the assignments are still in fnd_user_resp_group table.
518: /*
519: select responsibility_id into respid
520: from fnd_responsibility
521: where application_id = appid

Line 530: 'from fnd_user_resp_groups r '||

528: user_group_clause :=
529: 'select r.user_id, r.security_group_id '||
530: 'from fnd_user_resp_groups r '||
531: 'where r.responsibility_id = '||respid||
532: ' and r.security_group_id = '||secid||
533: ' and r.responsibility_application_id = '||appid;

Line 555: -- For example, "select user_id from fnd_user where..."

551: -- qualified "select" sql statement.
552: --
553: -- Input Arguments
554: -- x_user_group_clause: A sql statement returns all user's user_id
555: -- For example, "select user_id from fnd_user where..."
556: -- x_start_date: Start date
557: -- x_end_date: End date
558: -- x_description: User Description
559: -- x_password_lifespan_access: To control password expiration

Line 591: update fnd_user

587: loop
588: fetch c into uid;
589: exit when c%NOTFOUND;
591: update fnd_user
592: set last_update_date = sysdate,
593: start_date = nvl(x_start_date, start_date),
594: end_date = nvl(x_end_date, end_date),
595: description = nvl(x_description, description),

Line 639: -- For example, "select user_id from fnd_user where..."

635: -- end;
636: --
637: -- Input Arguments
638: -- x_user_group_clause: A select sql statement returns all user's user_id
639: -- For example, "select user_id from fnd_user where..."
640: -- x_template_user: The user name that you are going to clone from
641: -- x_attribute_flag: Whether to clone user attributes
642: -- x_responsibility_flag:Whether to clone responsibility
643: -- x_profile_flag: Whether to clone profile

Line 676: from fnd_user where user_id = uid;

672: exit when c%NOTFOUND;
674: begin
675: select user_name into uname
676: from fnd_user where user_id = uid;
677: exception
678: when no_data_found then
679: -- just skip this user
680: null;

Line 719: sql_string := 'update fnd_user set end_date = sysdate where userid in ('||

715: sql_string varchar2(2000);
716: begin
717: -- set end_date to disable group of users.
719: sql_string := 'update fnd_user set end_date = sysdate where userid in ('||
720: x_user_group_clause||')';
721: execute immediate sql_string;
723: end DisableUserGroup;