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Line 31: type person_id_t is table of per_all_assignments_f.person_id%type index by binary_integer;

27: l_dummy boolean;
28: l_party_id per_all_people_f.party_id%TYPE := null;
29: --
30: --
31: type person_id_t is table of per_all_assignments_f.person_id%type index by binary_integer;
32: l_person_ids person_id_t;
33: --
34: type party_id_t is table of per_all_people_f.party_id%TYPE index by binary_integer;
35: l_party_ids party_id_t;

Line 60: from per_all_assignments_f paaf

56: FROM per_all_people_f ppf1
57: WHERE trunc(sysdate) between ppf1.effective_start_date and ppf1.effective_end_date
58: AND ppf1.rowid BETWEEN start_rowid and end_rowid
59: AND person_id = (select min(person_id)
60: from per_all_assignments_f paaf
61: where paaf.assignment_type = 'A'
62: and trunc(sysdate) between paaf.effective_start_date and paaf.effective_end_date
63: and person_id in (select ppf.person_id
64: from per_all_people_f ppf