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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 130

			select		org_information2
			from		hr_organization_information
			where		organization_id = p_business_place_id
			and		org_information_context = 'KR_BP_PAYROLL_PARAMETERS';
Line: 136

			select		prl_information8
			from		pay_payrolls_f
			where		payroll_id = p_payroll_id
			and		prl_information_category = 'KR'
			and 		sysdate between effective_start_date and effective_end_date ;
Line: 143

			select		payment_type_id
			from		pay_payment_types
			where		payment_type_name = 'KR Direct Deposit' ;
Line: 148

			select 		payroll_name
			from 		pay_all_payrolls_f
			where 		payroll_id = p_payroll_id
			and		rownum = 1 ;
Line: 154

			select 		consolidation_set_name
			from 		pay_consolidation_sets
			where		consolidation_set_id = p_consolidation_set_id ;
Line: 159

			select 		assignment_set_name
			from 		hr_assignment_sets
			where 		assignment_set_id = p_asg_set_id ;
Line: 164

			select 		element_set_name
			from 		pay_element_sets
			where 		element_set_id = p_ele_set_id ;
Line: 169

			select		run_type_name
			from 		pay_run_types_f_tl
			where 		run_type_id = p_run_type_id
			and		language = userenv('LANG') ;
Line: 175

			select		run_type_name
			from 		pay_run_types_f
			where 		run_type_id = p_run_type_id;
Line: 180

			select 		org_payment_method_name
			from 		pay_org_payment_methods_f_tl
			where		org_payment_method_id = p_pay_method
			and		language = userenv('LANG') ;
Line: 186

			select 		org_information1 business_place_name
			from 		hr_organization_information
			where 		org_information_context = 'KR_BUSINESS_PLACE_REGISTRATION'
			and		organization_id = p_business_place_id ;
Line: 192

			select		'BONUS_PERIOD_START_DATE=' ||
						         trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_date_earned), 'YYYY')
				         ) a_bonus_start_date_hd
			from		dual;
Line: 201

			select		user_concurrent_program_name
			from		fnd_concurrent_programs_tl
			where		concurrent_program_id =
						select	concurrent_program_id
						from	fnd_concurrent_programs
						where	concurrent_program_name = short_name
						and	application_id in (800, 801)
			and		language = userenv('LANG') ;
Line: 213

			select 		event_group_name
			from 		pay_event_groups
			where		event_group_id = to_number(substr(p_event_group, 12)) ;
Line: 218

			select 		run_type_name||'-'||ptp.period_name||'-'||ppa.payroll_action_id	run_type_period_name
			from 		pay_payroll_actions 	ppa,
					pay_payroll_actions     rppa,
					pay_assignment_actions  paa,
					pay_assignment_actions  rpaa,
					pay_action_interlocks   pai,
					pay_run_types_f 	prt,
					per_time_periods 	ptp
			where 		ppa.payroll_action_id = p_run_type_period
			and		paa.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_id
			and		ppa.action_type in ('P','U')
			and		ppa.action_status = 'C'
			and		rppa.action_type in ('Q','R')
			and		rppa.action_status = 'C'
			and		rpaa.payroll_action_id = rppa.payroll_action_id
			and		rpaa.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
			and		pai.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
			and		pai.locked_action_id  = rpaa.assignment_action_id
			and		ppa.effective_date >= rppa.effective_date
			and 		rpaa.run_type_id       = prt.run_type_id
			and 		rppa.time_period_id    = ptp.time_period_id
			and             ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
			and             rpaa.assignment_action_id = (select max(paa_locked.assignment_action_id)
								    from   pay_assignment_actions paa_locked,
									   pay_action_interlocks  pai_locking
								    where  pai_locking.locking_action_id =
										(select max(paa1.assignment_action_id)
										   from pay_assignment_actions paa1
										  where paa1.payroll_action_id = ppa.payroll_action_Id)
								      and  paa_locked.assignment_action_id = pai_locking.locked_action_id)
			and		ppa.effective_date between prt.effective_start_date and prt.effective_end_date
			and		rppa.effective_date between ptp.start_date and ptp.end_date;
Line: 252

			select		meaning
			from		hr_lookups
			where		lookup_code = p_lookup_code
			and		lookup_type = 'KR_SOE_SORT_BY';
Line: 275

		select		to_char(sysdate, 'YYYYMMDD-HH24MISS')
		into		g_item_key
		from		dual ;