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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 612

	SELECT fnd_global.local_chr(13) || fnd_global.local_chr(10) INTO EOL
           FROM dual;
Line: 1175

    SELECT fnd_global.local_chr(13) || fnd_global.local_chr(10) INTO EOL
       FROM dual;
Line: 1570

SELECT  faic1.context   Jurisdiction_code
  FROM	pay_assignment_actions	 paa,		-- YREND PAA
		pay_payroll_actions	 ppa,		-- YREND PPA
		ff_contexts			 fc1,   	-- FOR CITY CONTEXT
		ff_archive_items		 fai1,		-- CITY
		ff_archive_item_contexts	 faic1, 	-- CITY_CONTEXT
		ff_database_items		 fdi1  		--DATABASE_ITEMS FOR CITY_WITHHELD
 WHERE paa.assignment_action_id	= c_asgn_act_id
   AND ppa.payroll_action_id			= paa.payroll_action_id
   AND fc1.context_name				= 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
   AND faic1.context_id				= fc1.context_id
   AND fdi1.user_name				= 'A_CITY_WITHHELD_PER_JD_GRE_YTD'
   AND fdi1.user_entity_id			= fai1.user_entity_id
   AND fai1.context1				= paa.assignment_action_id
   AND fai1.archive_item_id			= faic1.archive_item_id
   AND ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context))		like c_state_code||'%'
   AND c_locality_code				IS NULL
   AND rtrim(ltrim(fai1.value))		<> '0'
   AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' from pay_us_city_tax_info_f puctif
			     WHERE puctif.jurisdiction_code	= ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context))
				AND puctif.effective_start_date	<    ppa.effective_date
				AND puctif.effective_end_date	>=   ppa.effective_date
SELECT  faic1.context   Jurisdiction_code
  FROM	pay_assignment_actions		paa,		-- YREND PAA
		pay_payroll_actions		ppa,		-- YREND PPA
		ff_contexts				fc1,   	-- FOR CITY CONTEXT
		ff_archive_items			fai1,		-- CITY
		ff_archive_item_contexts		faic1, 	-- CITY_CONTEXT
		ff_database_items			fdi1  		--DATABASE_ITEMS FOR CITY_WITHHELD
 WHERE paa.assignment_action_id	= c_asgn_act_id
   AND ppa.payroll_action_id			= paa.payroll_action_id
   AND fc1.context_name				= 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
   AND faic1.context_id				= fc1.context_id
   AND fdi1.user_name				= 'A_CITY_WITHHELD_PER_JD_GRE_YTD'
   AND fdi1.user_entity_id			= fai1.user_entity_id
   AND fai1.context1				= paa.assignment_action_id
   AND fai1.archive_item_id			= faic1.archive_item_id
   AND substr(ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context)),1,2)	= c_state_code
   AND substr(ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context)),8,4)	= substr(c_locality_code,8,4)
   AND c_locality_code				IS NOT NULL
   AND rtrim(ltrim(fai1.value))		<> '0'
   AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' from pay_us_city_tax_info_f puctif
			     WHERE puctif.jurisdiction_code	= ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context))
				AND puctif.effective_start_date	<    ppa.effective_date
				AND puctif.effective_end_date	>=   ppa.effective_date
	-- Bug # 6117216 SD Reporting Changes START
SELECT  faic1.context   Jurisdiction_code
  FROM  pay_assignment_actions   paa,           -- YREND PAA
                pay_payroll_actions      ppa,           -- YREND PPA
                ff_contexts                      fc1,           -- FOR CITY CONTEXT
                ff_archive_items                 fai1,          -- CITY
                ff_archive_item_contexts         faic1,         -- CITY_CONTEXT
                ff_database_items                fdi1           --DATABASE_ITEMS FOR CITY_WITHHELD
 WHERE paa.assignment_action_id = c_asgn_act_id
   AND ppa.payroll_action_id                    = paa.payroll_action_id
   AND fc1.context_name                         = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
   AND faic1.context_id                         = fc1.context_id
   AND fdi1.user_name                           = 'A_SCHOOL_WITHHELD_PER_JD_GRE_YTD'
   AND fdi1.user_entity_id                      = fai1.user_entity_id
   AND fai1.context1                            = paa.assignment_action_id
   AND fai1.archive_item_id                     = faic1.archive_item_id
   AND   ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context))	like c_state_code||'%'
                 AND   (c_locality_code IS NULL OR
		              ( c_locality_code IS NOT NULL
			        AND EXISTS ( SELECT 'x' from PAY_US_CITY_SCHOOL_DSTS puctif
                                                puctif.state_code = c_state_code
                                                and puctif.state_code ||'-'||
					                            puctif.county_code || '-'|| puctif.city_code = c_locality_code
					                            and c_state_code || '-'|| puctif.school_dst_code = ltrim(rtrim(faic1.context))

    AND rtrim(ltrim(fai1.value))         <> '0' ;
Line: 1696

	SELECT	c.city_name		city_name,
			n.county_name		county_name,
			'C'				tax_type,
			a.city_information1	city_code
 from	pay_us_city_tax_info_f	a,
		pay_us_city_names		c,
		pay_us_counties		n
 where sysdate between a.effective_start_date and a.effective_end_date
   and a.jurisdiction_code	= c_jurisdiction_code
   and c.primary_flag		= 'Y'
   and a.city_tax			= 'Y'
   and c.city_code			= substr(a.jurisdiction_code,8,4)
   and c.county_code		= substr(a.jurisdiction_code,4,3)
   and c.state_code			= substr(a.jurisdiction_code,1,2)
   and c.county_code		= n.county_code
   and c.state_code			= n.state_code;
Line: 1716

        SELECT  distinct c.school_dst_name,
                        'SD' tax_type,
                        substr(c_jurisdiction_code,4,5) city_code
 from   pay_us_city_school_dsts c
 where c.school_dst_code    = substr(c_jurisdiction_code,4,5)
   and c.state_code         = substr(c_jurisdiction_code,1,2);
Line: 1746

Line: 2265

    SELECT fnd_global.local_chr(13) || fnd_global.local_chr(10) INTO EOL
       FROM dual;
Line: 2852

Line: 2853
