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Line 759: -- in backup table with backup table type code as BEN_PRTT_ENRT_CTFN_PRVDD_F_UPD

755: -- 6057157: During carry-forward of suspended elections, if any certifications were provided
756: --in future for the past pil, then those certifications are provided again in this new pil.
757: --
758: --1. We store certifications provided on a future date for the prev.pil
759: -- in backup table with backup table type code as BEN_PRTT_ENRT_CTFN_PRVDD_F_UPD
760: --2. In this procedure we pick up all such records and update
761: -- the ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f table with the Certification Provided Date.
762: --
763: procedure reinstate_prvdd_ctfn_items (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in number

Line 761: -- the ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f table with the Certification Provided Date.

757: --
758: --1. We store certifications provided on a future date for the prev.pil
759: -- in backup table with backup table type code as BEN_PRTT_ENRT_CTFN_PRVDD_F_UPD
760: --2. In this procedure we pick up all such records and update
761: -- the ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f table with the Certification Provided Date.
762: --
763: procedure reinstate_prvdd_ctfn_items (p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in number
764: ,p_per_in_ler_id in number
765: ,p_business_group_id in number

Line 783: ,ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f pcs

779: pcs.prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id,
780: pcs.object_version_number,
781: pcs.prtt_enrt_actn_id
782: from ben_le_clsn_n_rstr lcr
783: ,ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f pcs
784: where lcr.per_in_ler_ended_id = p_per_in_ler_id
785: and lcr.bkup_tbl_typ_cd = 'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_CTFN_PRVDD_F_UPD'
786: and pcs.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
787: and pcs.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot

Line 785: and lcr.bkup_tbl_typ_cd = 'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_CTFN_PRVDD_F_UPD'

781: pcs.prtt_enrt_actn_id
782: from ben_le_clsn_n_rstr lcr
783: ,ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f pcs
784: where lcr.per_in_ler_ended_id = p_per_in_ler_id
785: and lcr.bkup_tbl_typ_cd = 'BEN_PRTT_ENRT_CTFN_PRVDD_F_UPD'
786: and pcs.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
787: and pcs.effective_end_date = hr_api.g_eot
788: and pcs.enrt_ctfn_recd_dt is null
789: and pcs.enrt_ctfn_typ_cd = lcr.comp_lvl_cd

Line 1802: from ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f

1798: l_actn_item c_actn_item_for_past_pil%rowtype;
1799: --
1800: cursor c_enrt_ctfn_for_past_pil (p_prtt_enrt_actn_id number) is
1801: select prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_id, effective_start_date, object_version_number
1802: from ben_prtt_enrt_ctfn_prvdd_f
1803: where prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
1804: and prtt_enrt_actn_id = p_prtt_enrt_actn_id
1805: and effective_end_date < hr_api.g_eot
1806: and business_group_id = p_business_group_id