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2 /* $Header: pyetr01t.pkb 115.0 99/07/17 06:02:13 porting ship $ */
3 --
4  /*==========================================================================+
5  |               Copyright (c) 1993 Oracle Corporation                       |
6  |                  Redwood Shores, California, USA                          |
7  |                       All rights reserved.                                |
8  +===========================================================================+
9   Name
10     pay_element_type_rules_pkg
11   Purpose
12     Supports the ETR block in the form PAYWSDRP (Define Element and
13     Distributuion Set.
14   Notes
16   History
17     24-Mar-94  J.S.Hobbs   40.0         Date created.
18     22-Apr-94  J.S.Hobbs   40.1         Added rtrim to Lock_Row.
19     25-Jul-95  A.R.R.Mills 40.4         Changed tokenised message
20 					'HR_6056_ELE_SET_CLASS_EXISTS'
21 					to hard coded message
22 					'HR_7701_ELE_SET_CLASS_EXIST'.
25 ============================================================================*/
26 --
27  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
28  -- Name                                                                    --
29  --   include_element                                                       --
30  -- Purpose                                                                 --
31  --   Adds an element to a set NB. this may involve adding an include       --
32  --   element rule or removing an exclude element rule.                     --
33  -- Arguments                                                               --
34  --   See below.                                                            --
35  -- Notes                                                                   --
36  --   None.                                                                 --
37  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
38 --
39  procedure include_element
40  (
41   p_element_set_id    number,
42   p_element_type_id   number,
43   p_classification_id number,
44   p_element_set_type  varchar2
45  ) is
46 --
47    cursor csr_class_rule is
48      select ecr.classification_id
49      from   pay_ele_classification_rules ecr
50      where  ecr.element_set_id = p_element_set_id
51        and  ecr.classification_id = p_classification_id
52        and  not exists
53 	      (select null
54 	       from   pay_element_type_rules etr
55 	       where  etr.element_set_id = ecr.element_set_id
56 		 and  etr.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
57 		 and  etr.include_or_exclude = 'E');
58 --
59    v_dummy number;
60 --
61  begin
62 --
63    -- Lock element set to preserve the current definition.
64    pay_element_sets_pkg.lock_element_set
65      (p_element_set_id);
66 --
67    -- Check to see if the element rule to be inserted will clash with an
68    -- existing classification rule ie. an element type can only be included
69    -- once - either by a classification rule or an include element rule.
70    open csr_class_rule;
71    fetch csr_class_rule into v_dummy;
72    if csr_class_rule%found then
73      close csr_class_rule;
74      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7102_ELE_SET_CLASS_EXISTS');
75      hr_utility.raise_error;
76    else
77      close csr_class_rule;
78    end if;
79 --
80    -- If an element type rule is being added to a distribution set then make
81    -- sure that all the elements belong to the same debit or credit status.
82    if p_element_set_type = 'D' then
83 --
84      pay_element_sets_pkg.chk_debit_or_credit
85        (p_element_set_id,
86         p_classification_id);
87 --
88    end if;
89 --
90    -- Create an include element type rule for the element.
91    insert into pay_element_type_rules
92    (element_type_id,
93     element_set_id,
94     include_or_exclude,
95     last_update_date,
96     last_updated_by,
97     last_update_login,
98     created_by,
99     creation_date)
100    select
101     p_element_type_id,
102     p_element_set_id,
103     'I',
104     trunc(sysdate),
105     0,
106     0,
107     0,
108     trunc(sysdate)
109    from  sys.dual
110    where not exists
111           (select null
112            from   pay_element_type_rules etr
113            where  etr.element_set_id = p_element_set_id
114              and  etr.element_type_id = p_element_type_id);
115 --
116    -- Element rule could not be created as there already exists an element rule
117    -- for this element. Remove the element rule if it is excluded ie. this will
118    -- then make the element part of the set.
119    if sql%notfound then
120 --
121      delete from pay_element_type_rules etr
122      where  etr.element_set_id = p_element_set_id
123        and  etr.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
124        and  etr.include_or_exclude = 'E';
125 --
126      -- The insert of an include element rule and the removal of an exclude
127      -- element rule have both failed which means the element is already part
128      -- of the set.
129      if sql%notfound then
130        hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_7701_ELE_SET_CLASS_EXIST');
131        hr_utility.raise_error;
132      end if;
133 --
134    end if;
135 --
136  end include_element;
137 --
138  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139  -- Name                                                                    --
140  --   exclude_element                                                       --
141  -- Purpose                                                                 --
142  --   Removes an element from a set NB. this may involve adding an exclude  --
143  --   element rule or removing an include element rule.                     --
144  -- Arguments                                                               --
145  --   See below.                                                            --
146  -- Notes                                                                   --
147  --   None.                                                                 --
148  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
149 --
150  procedure exclude_element
151  (
152   p_element_set_id  number,
153   p_element_type_id number
154  ) is
155 --
156  begin
157 --
158    -- Lock element set to preserve the current definition.
159    pay_element_sets_pkg.lock_element_set
160      (p_element_set_id);
161 --
162    -- Create an exclude element type rule for the element.
163    insert into pay_element_type_rules
164    (element_type_id,
165     element_set_id,
166     include_or_exclude,
167     last_update_date,
168     last_updated_by,
169     last_update_login,
170     created_by,
171     creation_date)
172    select
173     p_element_type_id,
174     p_element_set_id,
175     'E',
176     trunc(sysdate),
177     0,
178     0,
179     0,
180     trunc(sysdate)
181    from  sys.dual
182    where not exists
183           (select null
184            from   pay_element_type_rules etr
185            where  etr.element_set_id = p_element_set_id
186              and  etr.element_type_id = p_element_type_id);
187 --
188    -- Element rule could not be created as there already exists an element rule
189    -- for this element. Remove the element rule if it is included ie. this will
190    -- then remove the element from the set.
191    if sql%notfound then
192 --
193      delete from pay_element_type_rules etr
194      where  etr.element_set_id = p_element_set_id
195        and  etr.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
196        and  etr.include_or_exclude = 'I';
197 --
198    end if;
199 --
200  end exclude_element;
201 --
202  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
203  -- Name                                                                    --
204  --   Insert_Row                                                            --
205  -- Purpose                                                                 --
206  --   Table handler procedure that supports the insert of an element rule   --
207  --   via the Define Element and Distributuion Set form.                    --
208  -- Arguments                                                               --
209  --   See below.                                                            --
210  -- Notes                                                                   --
211  --   None.                                                                 --
212  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
213 --
214  PROCEDURE Insert_Row(X_Rowid                        IN OUT VARCHAR2,
215                       X_Element_Type_Id                     NUMBER,
216                       X_Element_Set_Id                      NUMBER,
217                       X_Include_Or_Exclude                  VARCHAR2,
218                       X_Last_Update_Date                    DATE,
219                       X_Last_Updated_By                     NUMBER,
220                       X_Last_Update_Login                   NUMBER,
221                       X_Created_By                          NUMBER,
222                       X_Creation_Date                       DATE) IS
223 --
224    CURSOR C IS SELECT rowid FROM pay_element_type_rules
225                WHERE  element_set_id = X_Element_Set_Id
226                  AND  element_type_id = X_Element_Type_Id;
227 --
228  BEGIN
229 --
230    INSERT INTO pay_element_type_rules
231    (element_type_id,
232     element_set_id,
233     include_or_exclude,
234     last_update_date,
235     last_updated_by,
236     last_update_login,
237     created_by,
238     creation_date)
239    VALUES
240    (X_Element_Type_Id,
241     X_Element_Set_Id,
242     X_Include_Or_Exclude,
243     X_Last_Update_Date,
244     X_Last_Updated_By,
245     X_Last_Update_Login,
246     X_Created_By,
247     X_Creation_Date);
248 --
249    OPEN C;
250    FETCH C INTO X_Rowid;
251    if (C%NOTFOUND) then
252      CLOSE C;
253      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
254      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
255                                   'pay_element_type_rules_pkg.insert_row');
256      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
257      hr_utility.raise_error;
258    end if;
259    CLOSE C;
260 --
261  END Insert_Row;
262 --
263  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
264  -- Name                                                                    --
265  --   Lock_Row                                                              --
266  -- Purpose                                                                 --
267  --   Table handler procedure that supports the insert , update and delete  --
268  --   of an element rule by applying a lock on an element rule within the   --
269  --   Define Element and Distribution Set form.                             --
270  -- Arguments                                                               --
271  --   See below.                                                            --
272  --   None.                                                                 --
273  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
274 --
275  PROCEDURE Lock_Row(X_Rowid                                 VARCHAR2,
276                     X_Element_Type_Id                       NUMBER,
277                     X_Element_Set_Id                        NUMBER,
278                     X_Include_Or_Exclude                    VARCHAR2) IS
279 --
280    CURSOR C IS SELECT * FROM pay_element_type_rules
281                WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid FOR UPDATE of Element_Set_Id NOWAIT;
282 --
283    Recinfo C%ROWTYPE;
284 --
285  BEGIN
286 --
287    OPEN C;
288    FETCH C INTO Recinfo;
289    if (C%NOTFOUND) then
290      CLOSE C;
291      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
292      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
293                                   'pay_element_type_rules_pkg.lock_row');
294      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
295      hr_utility.raise_error;
296    end if;
297    CLOSE C;
298 --
299    -- Remove trailing spaces.
300    Recinfo.include_or_exclude := rtrim(Recinfo.include_or_exclude);
301 --
302    if (    (   (Recinfo.element_type_id = X_Element_Type_Id)
303             OR (    (Recinfo.element_type_id IS NULL)
304                 AND (X_Element_Type_Id IS NULL)))
305        AND (   (Recinfo.element_set_id = X_Element_Set_Id)
306             OR (    (Recinfo.element_set_id IS NULL)
307                 AND (X_Element_Set_Id IS NULL)))
308        AND (   (Recinfo.include_or_exclude = X_Include_Or_Exclude)
309             OR (    (Recinfo.include_or_exclude IS NULL)
310                 AND (X_Include_Or_Exclude IS NULL)))
311            ) then
312      return;
313    else
316    end if;
317 --
318  END Lock_Row;
319 --
320  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
321  -- Name                                                                    --
322  --   Update_Row                                                            --
323  -- Purpose                                                                 --
324  --   Table handler procedure that supports the update of an element rule   --
325  --   via the Define Element and Distributuion Set form.                    --
326  -- Arguments                                                               --
327  --   See below.                                                            --
328  -- Notes                                                                   --
329  --   None.                                                                 --
330  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
331 --
332  PROCEDURE Update_Row(X_Rowid                               VARCHAR2,
333                       X_Element_Type_Id                     NUMBER,
334                       X_Element_Set_Id                      NUMBER,
335                       X_Include_Or_Exclude                  VARCHAR2,
336                       X_Last_Update_Date                    DATE,
337                       X_Last_Updated_By                     NUMBER,
338                       X_Last_Update_Login                   NUMBER) IS
339  BEGIN
340 --
341    UPDATE pay_element_type_rules
342    SET element_type_id        =    X_Element_Type_Id,
343        element_set_id         =    X_Element_Set_Id,
344        include_or_exclude     =    X_Include_Or_Exclude,
345        last_update_date       =    X_Last_Update_Date,
346        last_updated_by        =    X_Last_Updated_By,
347        last_update_login      =    X_Last_Update_Login
348    WHERE rowid = X_rowid;
349 --
350    if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
351      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
352      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
353                                   'pay_element_type_rules_pkg.update_row');
354      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
355      hr_utility.raise_error;
356    end if;
357 --
358  END Update_Row;
359 --
360  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
361  -- Name                                                                    --
362  --   Delete_Row                                                            --
363  -- Purpose                                                                 --
364  --   Table handler procedure that supports the delete of an element rule   --
365  --   via the Define Element and Distributuion Set form.                    --
366  -- Arguments                                                               --
367  --   See below.                                                            --
368  -- Notes                                                                   --
369  --   None.                                                                 --
370  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
371 --
372  PROCEDURE Delete_Row(X_Rowid VARCHAR2) IS
373  BEGIN
374 --
375    DELETE FROM pay_element_type_rules
376    WHERE  rowid = X_Rowid;
377 --
378    if (SQL%NOTFOUND) then
379      hr_utility.set_message(801, 'HR_6153_ALL_PROCEDURE_FAIL');
380      hr_utility.set_message_token('PROCEDURE',
381                                   'pay_element_type_rules_pkg.delete_row');
382      hr_utility.set_message_token('STEP','1');
383      hr_utility.raise_error;
384    end if;
385 --
386  END Delete_Row;
387 --