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Line 5689: Psp_report_templates_h pth,

5685: cursor check_er_template_h is
5686: Select distinct pth.template_id,
5687: pth.request_id
5688: From psp_payroll_controls ppc,
5689: Psp_report_templates_h pth,
5690: Per_time_periods ptp
5691: Where ppc.run_id = p_run_id
5692: And ppc.time_period_id = ptp.time_period_id
5693: And fnd_date.canonical_to_date(fnd_date.date_to_canonical(pth.parameter_value_3)) >= ptp.start_date

Line 5699: from psp_report_templates

5696: cursor supercede_tolerance(p_template_id in integer) is
5697: select nvl(sprcd_tolerance_amt,-999),
5698: nvl(sprcd_tolerance_percent,-999)
5699: from psp_report_templates
5700: where template_id = p_template_id;

Line 6111: from psp_report_templates_h

6108: -- uva isue, supercede for matching asg option
6109: cursor check_emp_match_option is
6110: select count(*)
6111: from psp_report_templates_h
6112: where request_id in ( select -person_id from psp_supercede_persons_gt )
6113: and selection_match_level = 'EMP';
6115: l_count_emp_match integer;

Line 6160: from psp_report_templates

6156: l_time_period_name varchar2(100);
6158: cursor get_template_name is
6159: select template_name
6160: from psp_report_templates
6161: where template_id = p_template_id;
6163: cursor get_superceding_source is
6164: select description

Line 6178: psp_report_templates_h h,

6174: cursor get_frp_wf_names is
6175: select distinct wf.name,
6176: wf.orig_system_id
6177: from wf_roles wf,
6178: psp_report_templates_h h,
6179: psp_report_template_details_h dtl
6180: where wf.orig_system = 'PER'
6181: and to_char(wf.orig_system_id) = dtl.criteria_value1
6182: and dtl.criteria_lookup_type = 'PSP_SELECTION_CRITERIA'

Line 6194: psp_report_templates_h h

6190: cursor get_init_wf_names is
6191: select distinct wf.name,
6192: wf.orig_system_id
6193: from wf_roles wf,
6194: psp_report_templates_h h
6195: where wf.orig_system = 'PER'
6196: and wf.orig_system_id = h.initiator_person_id
6197: and h.request_id in ( select -person_id
6198: from psp_supercede_persons_gt

Line 6209: psp_report_templates_h h

6205: select distinct wf.name,
6206: er.person_id
6207: from wf_roles wf,
6208: psp_eff_reports er,
6209: psp_report_templates_h h
6210: where wf.orig_system = 'PER'
6211: and wf.orig_system_id = er.person_id
6212: and h.request_id = er.request_id
6213: and h.initiator_accept_flag = 'Y'

Line 6224: psp_report_templates_h h

6220: select distinct era.wf_role_name
6221: from psp_eff_report_approvals era,
6222: psp_eff_report_details erd,
6223: psp_eff_reports er,
6224: psp_report_templates_h h
6225: where erd.effort_report_detail_id = era.effort_report_detail_id
6226: and erd.effort_report_id = er.effort_report_id
6227: and er.request_id in ( select -person_id from psp_supercede_persons_gt where person_id < 0 )
6228: and er.superceding_request_id = p_SandT_reqid