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APPS.ARRX_ADJ dependencies on AR_LOOKUPS

Line 583: ar_lookups ladjtype,

579: fa_rx_util_pkg.debug('Assign FROM Clause using ALL tables');
580: -- Bug 1719611 Tim Dexter - added ar_distributions
581: fa_rx_util_pkg.from_clause := 'hz_cust_accounts_all cust,
582: hz_parties party,
583: ar_lookups ladjtype,
584: ar_payment_schedules_all pay,
585: ra_customer_trx_all trx,
586: ar_adjustments_all adj,
587: ar_lookups look,

Line 587: ar_lookups look,

583: ar_lookups ladjtype,
584: ar_payment_schedules_all pay,
585: ra_customer_trx_all trx,
586: ar_adjustments_all adj,
587: ar_lookups look,
588: hz_organization_profiles org, /*bug5968198*/
589: hz_person_profiles per' /*bug5968198*/

Line 802: select meaning into l_Yes from AR_LOOKUPS

798: IF var.p_doc_seq_high IS NOT NULL THEN
799: dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'p_doc_seq_high',var.p_doc_seq_high);
800: END IF;
802: select meaning into l_Yes from AR_LOOKUPS
803: where lookup_type = 'YES/NO' and lookup_code = 'Y';
805: select meaning into l_No from AR_LOOKUPS
806: where lookup_type = 'YES/NO' and lookup_code = 'N';

Line 805: select meaning into l_No from AR_LOOKUPS

802: select meaning into l_Yes from AR_LOOKUPS
803: where lookup_type = 'YES/NO' and lookup_code = 'Y';
805: select meaning into l_No from AR_LOOKUPS
806: where lookup_type = 'YES/NO' and lookup_code = 'N';
808: dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'c_Yes', l_Yes);
809: dbms_sql.bind_variable(c, 'c_No', l_No);