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2 /* $Header: FAXINDDS.pls 120.5 2009/04/15 14:49:31 bridgway ship $ */
4 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
5  |   Name
6  |        faxindd
7  |
8  |   Description
9  |        This function is called from forms to insert a row into fa_deprn_detail
10  |
11  |   Parameters
12  |        book_type_code - mandatory
13  |        asset_id       - mandatory
14  |
15  |        The following parameters are not mandatory. If they are specified, then the
16  |        function uses that value to pass into fadpdtl(insert into fa_deprn_detail)
17  |        function. If not specified, then values are retrieved from fa_deprn_summary
18  |        table or fa_books(only for cost).
19  |
20  |        cost
21  |        deprn_reserve  - accumulated depreciation
22  |        reval_reserve  - revaluation reserve
23  |        ytd_deprn      - year to date depreciation
24  |        ytd_reval_deprn_expense - year to date reval depreciation expense
25  |        period_counter
26  |
27  |   Returns
28  |        TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
29  |
30  |   Notes
31  |        even if period_counter is passed in a value, it is always
32  |        retrieved from fa_deprn_summary 'BOOKS' row.
33  |
34  |   History
35  |        24-Jan-1997       LSON                Created
36  |        25-Jul-2008       S. Venkataramanan   Bug 6666666
37  |
38  + -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
40 FUNCTION faxindd (X_book_type_code           VARCHAR2,
41                   X_asset_id                 NUMBER,
42                   X_period_counter           NUMBER := NULL,
43                   X_cost                     NUMBER := NULL,
44                   X_deprn_reserve            NUMBER := NULL,
45 /* Bug 525654 Modification */
46                   X_deprn_adjustment_amount            NUMBER := NULL,
47                   X_reval_reserve            NUMBER := NULL,
48                   X_ytd                      NUMBER := NULL,
49                   X_ytd_reval_dep_exp        NUMBER := NULL,
50                   X_bonus_ytd                NUMBER := NULL,
51                   X_bonus_deprn_reserve      NUMBER := NULL,
52 		  X_init_message_flag        VARCHAR2 DEFAULT 'NO',
53                   X_bonus_deprn_adj_amount   NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
54                   X_bonus_deprn_amount       NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
55                   X_deprn_amount             NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
56                   X_reval_amortization       NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
57                   X_reval_deprn_expense      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
58                   X_impairment_amount        NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
59                   X_ytd_impairment           NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
60                   X_impairment_reserve       NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
61                   X_capital_adjustment       NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, -- Bug 6666666
62                   X_general_fund             NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, -- Bug 6666666
63                   X_b_row                    BOOLEAN DEFAULT TRUE,
64                   X_mrc_sob_type_code        VARCHAR2,
65                   X_set_of_books_id          NUMBER
66 , p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
68          return BOOLEAN;
71 /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------
72  |   Name
73  |        fadpdtl
74  |
75  |   Description
76  |        This function accepts book type code, asset_id,period_counter,
77  |        cost, year to date depreciation amount,depreciation reserve,
78  |        revaluation reserve amount, and year to date revaluation
79  |        depreciation expense in a structure X_dpr_dtl as parameters
80  |        and insert a row to fa_deprn_detail for each distribution.
81  |        Amount distributed for fa_deprn_detail row is prorated based on
82  |        units_assigend to that distribution and rounded off based on the
83  |        currency of the book. If there is remaining pennies from the rounding
84  |        the largest distribution id will get the remaining.
85  |
86  |   Parameters
87  |        X_dpr_dtl   dpr_dtl_row_struct record structure defined in faxstds.pls
88  |
89  |        X_source_flag   TRUE or FALSE
90  |                        TRUE - creates 'B' row
91  |                        FALSE - creates 'D' row
92  |
93  |   Returns
94  |        TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise
95  |
96  |   History
97  |        24-Jan-1997		LSON		Created
98  |
99  + -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
101 FUNCTION fadpdtl (X_dpr_dtl     FA_STD_TYPES.DPR_DTL_ROW_STRUCT,
102                   X_source_flag BOOLEAN,
103                   X_mrc_sob_type_code       VARCHAR2,
104                   X_set_of_books_id         NUMBER,
105                   p_log_level_rec        IN     FA_API_TYPES.log_level_rec_type)
106          return BOOLEAN;