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2 /* $Header: POXPOL6B.pls 120.12.12020000.3 2013/02/10 11:47:30 vegajula ship $ */
4  /*===========================================================================
6   PROCEDURE NAME:	update_line()
8   Preetam B.(OPM-GML)	21-feb-2000 Bug# 1056597 added 5 columns to update line.
9   Preetam B.(OPM-GML)   21-nov-2003 Bug# 3274039 derive sec qty for shipment.
11  ===========================================================================*/
14   PROCEDURE update_line(X_Rowid                          VARCHAR2,
15                        X_Po_Line_Id                     NUMBER,
16                        X_Last_Update_Date               DATE,
17                        X_Last_Updated_By                NUMBER,
18                        X_Po_Header_Id                   NUMBER,
19                        X_Line_Type_Id                   NUMBER,
20                        X_Line_Num                       NUMBER,
21                        X_Last_Update_Login              NUMBER,
22                        X_Item_Id                        NUMBER,
23                        X_Item_Revision                  VARCHAR2,
24                        X_Category_Id                    NUMBER,
25                        X_Item_Description               VARCHAR2,
26                        X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code          VARCHAR2,
27                        X_Quantity_Committed             NUMBER,
28                        X_Committed_Amount               NUMBER,
29                        X_Allow_Price_Override_Flag      VARCHAR2,
30                        X_Not_To_Exceed_Price            NUMBER,
31                        X_List_Price_Per_Unit            NUMBER,
32                        X_Unit_Price                     NUMBER,
33                        X_Quantity                       NUMBER,
34                        X_Un_Number_Id                   NUMBER,
35                        X_Hazard_Class_Id                NUMBER,
36                        X_Note_To_Vendor                 VARCHAR2,
37                        X_From_Header_Id                 NUMBER,
38                        X_From_Line_Id                   NUMBER,
39                        X_From_Line_Location_Id          NUMBER,   -- <SERVICES FPJ>
40                        X_Min_Order_Quantity             NUMBER,
41                        X_Max_Order_Quantity             NUMBER,
42                        X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance              NUMBER,
43                        X_Over_Tolerance_Error_Flag      VARCHAR2,
44                        X_Market_Price                   NUMBER,
45                        X_Unordered_Flag                 VARCHAR2,
46                        X_Closed_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
47                        X_User_Hold_Flag                 VARCHAR2,
48                        X_Cancel_Flag                    VARCHAR2,
49                        X_Cancelled_By                   NUMBER,
50                        X_Cancel_Date                    DATE,
51                        X_Cancel_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
52                        X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code        VARCHAR2,
53                        X_Firm_Date                      DATE,
54                        X_Vendor_Product_Num             VARCHAR2,
55                        X_Contract_Num                   VARCHAR2,
56                        X_Taxable_Flag                   VARCHAR2,
57                        X_Tax_Code_Id                    NUMBER,
58                        X_Type_1099                      VARCHAR2,
59                        X_Capital_Expense_Flag           VARCHAR2,
60                        X_Negotiated_By_Preparer_Flag    VARCHAR2,
61                        X_Attribute_Category             VARCHAR2,
62                        X_Attribute1                     VARCHAR2,
63                        X_Attribute2                     VARCHAR2,
64                        X_Attribute3                     VARCHAR2,
65                        X_Attribute4                     VARCHAR2,
66                        X_Attribute5                     VARCHAR2,
67                        X_Attribute6                     VARCHAR2,
68                        X_Attribute7                     VARCHAR2,
69                        X_Attribute8                     VARCHAR2,
70                        X_Attribute9                     VARCHAR2,
71                        X_Attribute10                    VARCHAR2,
72                        X_Reference_Num                  VARCHAR2,
73                        X_Attribute11                    VARCHAR2,
74                        X_Attribute12                    VARCHAR2,
75                        X_Attribute13                    VARCHAR2,
76                        X_Attribute14                    VARCHAR2,
77                        X_Attribute15                    VARCHAR2,
78                        X_Min_Release_Amount             NUMBER,
79                        X_Price_Type_Lookup_Code         VARCHAR2,
80                        X_Closed_Code                    VARCHAR2,
81                        X_Price_Break_Lookup_Code        VARCHAR2,
82                        X_Ussgl_Transaction_Code         VARCHAR2,
83                        X_Government_Context             VARCHAR2,
84                        X_Closed_Date                    DATE,
85                        X_Closed_Reason                  VARCHAR2,
86                        X_Closed_By                      NUMBER,
87                        X_Transaction_Reason_Code        VARCHAR2,
88                        X_unapprove_doc           IN OUT NOCOPY BOOLEAN,
89                        X_authorization_status    IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
90                        X_approved_flag           IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
91                        --< NBD TZ/Timestamp FPJ Start >
92                        --X_combined_param          IN     VARCHAR2,
93                        -- The following 5 parameters were being combined
94                        -- into one due to the historic reasons. That is not
95                        -- required now.
96                        p_ship_window_open IN VARCHAR2,
97                        p_type_lookup_code IN VARCHAR2,
98                        p_change_date      IN VARCHAR2,
99                        p_promised_date    IN DATE,
100                        p_need_by_date     IN DATE,
101                        --< NBD TZ/Timestamp FPJ End >
102                        p_shipment_block_status   IN VARCHAR2, -- bug 4042434
103                        X_orig_unit_price         IN     NUMBER,
104                        X_orig_quantity           IN     NUMBER,
105                        X_Global_Attribute_Category          VARCHAR2,
106                        X_Global_Attribute1                  VARCHAR2,
107                        X_Global_Attribute2                  VARCHAR2,
108                        X_Global_Attribute3                  VARCHAR2,
109                        X_Global_Attribute4                  VARCHAR2,
110                        X_Global_Attribute5                  VARCHAR2,
111                        X_Global_Attribute6                  VARCHAR2,
112                        X_Global_Attribute7                  VARCHAR2,
113                        X_Global_Attribute8                  VARCHAR2,
114                        X_Global_Attribute9                  VARCHAR2,
115                        X_Global_Attribute10                 VARCHAR2,
116                        X_Global_Attribute11                 VARCHAR2,
117                        X_Global_Attribute12                 VARCHAR2,
118                        X_Global_Attribute13                 VARCHAR2,
119                        X_Global_Attribute14                 VARCHAR2,
120                        X_Global_Attribute15                 VARCHAR2,
121                        X_Global_Attribute16                 VARCHAR2,
122                        X_Global_Attribute17                 VARCHAR2,
123                        X_Global_Attribute18                 VARCHAR2,
124                        X_Global_Attribute19                 VARCHAR2,
125                        X_Global_Attribute20                 VARCHAR2,
126                        X_Expiration_Date                    DATE,
127 --Preetam Bamb (GML)     10-feb-2000  Added 5 columns to the insert_row procedure
128 --Bug# 1056597
129                        X_Base_Uom                           VARCHAR2,
130                        X_Base_Qty                           NUMBER,
131                        X_Secondary_Uom                      VARCHAR2,
132                        X_Secondary_Qty                      NUMBER,
133                        X_Qc_Grade                           VARCHAR2,
134 		       --togeorge 10/03/2000
135 		       --added oke columns
136 		       X_oke_contract_header_id   	    NUMBER default null,
137 		       X_oke_contract_version_id   	    NUMBER default null,
138 -- 1548597.. added 3 fields for process item..
139                        X_Secondary_Unit_of_measure       VARCHAR2 default null,
140                        X_Secondary_Quantity              NUMBER default null,
141                        X_preferred_Grade                 VARCHAR2 default null,
142                        p_contract_id                   IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,  -- <GC FPJ>
143                        X_job_id                         NUMBER   default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
144                        X_contractor_first_name          VARCHAR2 default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
145                        X_contractor_last_name           VARCHAR2 default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
146                        X_assignment_start_date          DATE     default null, -- <SERVICES FPJ>
147                        X_amount_db                      NUMBER   default null,  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
148                        -- <FPJ Advanced Price START>
149                        X_Base_Unit_Price                NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
150                        -- <FPJ Advanced Price END>
151                        p_manual_price_change_flag       VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL, --<Manual Price Override FPJ>
152                        p_planned_item_flag		VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL --bug 5533267
153 ) IS
155      X_progress VARCHAR2(3) := NULL;
157      X_num_of_shipments        number;
158      X_num_of_distributions    number;
160      --< NBD TZ/Timestamp FPJ Start >
161      --X_type_lookup_code        varchar2(25);
162      --X_ship_window_open        varchar2(1);
163      --X_change_date             varchar2(1);
164      --X_promised_date           date;
165      --X_need_by_date            date;
166      --X_promised_date_char      varchar2(30);
167      --X_need_by_date_char       varchar2(30);
168      --< NBD TZ/Timestamp FPJ End >
170      X_days_late_receipt_allowed   number;
173      -- PB Bug# 3274039
174      l_opm_item_id                  number := NULL;
175      l_item_um2                     varchar2(4) := NULL;
176      l_dualum_ind                   number := NULL;
177      l_opm_order_um                 varchar2(4) := NULL;
178      X_ship_org_id                  NUMBER := NULL;
179      X_secondary_quantity_ship      NUMBER := NULL;
180      X_secondary_quantity_ship_new  NUMBER := NULL;
182      l_orig_amount                  po_lines_all.amount%TYPE;   -- Bug 3262883
183      l_line_type                    po_lines_all.order_type_lookup_code%TYPE; -- Bug 3262883
184      l_purchase_basis               po_lines_all.purchase_basis%TYPE; -- Bug 3262883
185      l_ip_category_id               PO_LINES_ALL.ip_category_id%TYPE; -- Bug 7577670
188      --OPM bug3455686
189      CURSOR opm_fetch_quantity IS
190      SELECT line_location_id,
191             quantity,
192             ship_to_organization_id
193        FROM po_line_locations
194       WHERE po_line_id  = X_po_line_id
195         AND nvl(cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
196         AND unit_meas_lookup_code <> X_unit_meas_lookup_code
197         AND shipment_type in ('STANDARD','PLANNED')
198         AND secondary_unit_of_measure is NOT NULL;
200      l_shipment_quantity      number;
201      l_shipment_sec_quantity  number;
202      l_line_location_id       number;
203      -- End bug3455686
205      l_orig_category_id      number;      --Bug 13067295
208    BEGIN
210         X_progress := '010';
212  --Bug 13067295, added one more variable to retrieve the category_id from the db.
213  --Bug 13536036, retrieving the ip_category_id from the po_lines_all tbale for that line_id.
214  --In case if the po_category_id gets updated then we will over ride l_ip_Category_id value later.
218   select order_type_lookup_code,purchase_basis,amount,category_id, ip_category_id
219    into l_line_type,l_purchase_basis ,l_orig_amount,l_orig_category_id,l_ip_category_id
220    from po_lines_all
221    where po_line_id = X_po_line_id;
224    if ( (p_type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD') OR
225         (p_type_lookup_code = 'PLANNED' ) OR
226         (p_type_lookup_code = 'BLANKET' ))  then
228         /* Check if the document has to be unapproved */
230         if (X_Approved_Flag = 'Y') THEN
232             /* ER- 1260356 - Added expiration_date so that any change to expiration_date
233    at the Line Level of the blanket can also be archived  */
235             -- <GC FPJ>
236             -- Pass in contract_id and remove contract_num
238             X_unapprove_doc := po_lines_sv.val_approval_status(
239                                 X_po_line_id			,
240 	                        p_type_lookup_code		,
241 	                        X_unit_price			,
242 	                        X_line_num			,
243 	                        X_item_id			,
244 	                        X_item_description		,
245 	                        X_quantity			,
246 	                        X_unit_meas_lookup_code	        ,
247 	                        X_from_header_id		,
248 	                        X_from_line_id			,
249 	                        X_hazard_class_id		,
250 	                        X_vendor_product_num		,
251 	                        X_un_number_id			,
252 	                        X_note_to_vendor		,
253 	                        X_item_revision		        ,
254 	                        X_category_id			,
255 	                        X_price_type_lookup_code	,
256 	                        X_not_to_exceed_price		,
257 	                        X_quantity_committed		,
258 	                        X_committed_amount	,
259                                 X_Expiration_Date ,
260                                 p_contract_id,                -- <GC FPJ>
261                                 X_contractor_first_name,  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
262                                 X_contractor_last_name,   -- <SERVICES FPJ>
263                                 X_assignment_start_date,  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
264                                 X_amount_db               -- <SERVICES FPJ>
265                               );
267           /* If the document has to be unapproved, set the approved_flag to be 'R' */
268            if X_unapprove_doc then
269               -- No changes and no need to change the header's approval status
271               X_Approved_Flag := 'X';
272            else
273               -- Found changes and need to change the header's approval status
275  	      X_Approved_Flag := 'Z';
276            end if;
278        else
279           X_Approved_Flag := 'U';
281        end if; /* end of testing x_approved_flag */
284        if ( (p_type_lookup_code = 'STANDARD') OR
285             (p_type_lookup_code = 'PLANNED' ) ) then
287        /* If the Unit Price on the line has changed, update every shipment of SHIPMENT/PLANNED
288        ** shipment type and that is not cancelled,  with this price.
289        ** DEBUG : Move this to POXPOSHB.pls
290        */
292        if X_orig_unit_price <> X_unit_price then
294           X_progress := '030';
295 	/* Bug 1916593, Commenting the Cancel Flag condition, so that the
296 	  canceled shipments can also be updated. Pl. refer the bug for further
297  	  info */
299           UPDATE po_line_locations
300           SET    price_override   = X_unit_price,
301 		 calculate_tax_flag = 'Y',
302                  approved_flag    = decode(approved_flag, NULL, 'N', 'N','N','R'),
303                  last_update_date = sysdate,
304     	         last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
305                  last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
306           WHERE  po_line_id           = X_po_line_id
307           AND    shipment_type in ('STANDARD','PLANNED') ;
310           -- set document status to be requires reapproval
311           if X_approved_flag IN ( 'Y', 'X') then
312              X_approved_flag := 'Z';
313           end if;
315        end if;
317       --OPM bug3455686
318       -- For OPM, If the primary unit of measure has changed on the line/shipment, recompute the
319       -- secondary quantity for the shipments.
320       OPEN  opm_fetch_quantity;
321       LOOP
322        Begin
323         FETCH opm_fetch_quantity into l_line_location_id, l_shipment_quantity, x_ship_org_id;
324         EXIT WHEN opm_fetch_quantity%NOTFOUND;
325           --Get opm attributes to derive secondary quantity
326           --We derive the OPM attributes only once since they will
327           --be the same for the item across orgs.
328           IF (l_opm_item_id is NULL) THEN
329            BEGIN
330             SELECT  oi.item_id , oi.item_um2, oi.dualum_ind
331               INTO  l_opm_item_id, l_item_um2, l_dualum_ind
332               FROM  ic_item_mst oi,
333                     mtl_system_items ai
334              WHERE  ai.organization_id      = x_ship_org_id
335                AND  ai.inventory_item_id    = x_item_id
336                AND  ai.segment1             = oi.item_no;
339               l_dualum_ind := 0;
340               l_shipment_sec_quantity := NULL;
341             END;
342           END IF;
344        IF nvl(l_dualum_ind,0) <> 0 THEN
345           --Get corresponding opm uom code
346           l_opm_order_um := PO_GML_DB_COMMON.get_opm_uom_code(X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code);
348           PO_GML_DB_COMMON.validate_quantity( l_opm_item_id,
349                                               l_dualum_ind,
350                                               l_shipment_quantity,
351                                               l_opm_order_um,
352                                               l_item_um2,
353                                               l_shipment_sec_quantity);
355           /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
356            also needs to be updated.*/
358           UPDATE po_line_locations
359           SET    secondary_quantity = l_shipment_sec_quantity,
360                  last_update_date   = X_last_update_date,
361                  last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
362                  last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
363           WHERE  po_line_id         = X_po_line_id
364             AND  line_location_id   = l_line_location_id;
366         END IF;
368         IF (opm_fetch_quantity%FOUND) THEN
369           CLOSE opm_fetch_quantity;
370         END IF;
371        END;
372       END LOOP;
373       CLOSE opm_fetch_quantity;
374       -- End bug3455686
378        -- Bug 731564
379        -- Update all shipments if Unit has changed too.
381       /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
382            also needs to be updated.*/
384        UPDATE po_line_locations
385        SET    unit_meas_lookup_code = X_unit_meas_lookup_code,
386               last_update_date = sysdate,
387 	      last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
388               last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
389        WHERE  po_line_id           = X_po_line_id
390        AND    nvl(cancel_flag,'N') = 'N'
391        AND    unit_meas_lookup_code <> X_unit_meas_lookup_code
392        AND    shipment_type in ('STANDARD','PLANNED') ;
395         /* If there is only one shipment for this location, and the quantity is changed,
396         ** update the shipment. SImilarly, if there is only one distribution, we need to
397         ** update that too.
398         ** DEBUG Move this to the appropriate packages ( POXPOSHB for shipments ..)
399         */
400        -- Bug 3262883
401         ---Bug 13067295, Moved the below query to the begining of this procedure.
403       /* select order_type_lookup_code,purchase_basis,amount
404        into l_line_type,l_purchase_basis ,l_orig_amount
405        from po_lines_all
406        where po_line_id = X_po_line_id;*/
408        if ((X_orig_quantity <> X_quantity ) or (l_orig_amount <> X_amount_db))
409        then
411 -- bug 5856760 For a single shipment and distribution, if the status of shipment is
412 -- finally closed we shld not update the shipment and distribution. For this the
413 -- status is checked in the below sql, so that updation not occur for finally closed shipment.
414           X_progress := '040';
415           SELECT count(pll.po_line_id)
416           INTO   X_num_of_shipments
417           FROM   po_line_locations pll
418           WHERE  pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
419           AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'there are encumbered or cancelled or drop shipments'
420                           FROM   po_line_locations pll2
421                           WHERE  pll2.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
422                           AND    pll2.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED')
423                           AND    ( nvl(pll2.encumbered_flag, 'N') <> 'N'
424                                    OR  nvl(pll2.cancel_flag,'N')  <> 'N'
425 				   OR  nvl(pll2.closed_code,'OPEN') = 'FINALLY CLOSED' --bug 5856760
426                                    OR  nvl(pll2.drop_ship_flag,'N')  <> 'N') --bug 3359011
427                           );
429           if X_num_of_shipments = 1 then
431              X_progress := '050';
433              -- PB Bug# 3274039
434              --In case where the financial option purchasing org is discrete
435              --then the line secondary quantity will be null. But if the shipment has a
436              --process org the sec qty will be present. Updating the shipment with the
437              --sec qty(which is null) from the line will nullify it. Hence recomupte it before updating.
438              IF X_item_id is NOT NULL AND X_Secondary_Quantity IS NULL THEN
440                 SELECT secondary_quantity,
441                        ship_to_organization_id
442                 INTO   X_secondary_quantity_ship,
443                        X_ship_org_id
444                 FROM   po_line_locations pll
445                 WHERE  pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
446                 AND    pll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED')
447                 AND    nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N')  <> 'Y';
449                 IF X_secondary_quantity_ship IS NOT NULL THEN
451                    BEGIN
452                       --Get opm attributes to derive secondary quantity.
453                       SELECT  oi.item_id , oi.item_um2, oi.dualum_ind
454                       INTO    l_opm_item_id, l_item_um2, l_dualum_ind
455                       FROM    ic_item_mst oi,
456                               mtl_system_items ai
457                       WHERE   ai.organization_id      = X_ship_org_id
458                       AND     ai.inventory_item_id    = X_item_id
459                       AND     ai.segment1             = oi.item_no;
461                       EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN
462                          l_dualum_ind := 0;
463                          X_secondary_quantity_ship_new := NULL;
464                    END;
466                    IF nvl(l_dualum_ind,0) <> 0 THEN
467                       --Get corresponding opm uom code
468                       l_opm_order_um := PO_GML_DB_COMMON.get_opm_uom_code(X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code);
471                       PO_GML_DB_COMMON.validate_quantity(     l_opm_item_id,
472                                                               l_dualum_ind,
473                                                               X_Quantity,
474                                                               l_opm_order_um,
475                                                               l_item_um2,
476                                                               X_secondary_quantity_ship_new);
477                    END IF;
478                 END IF;
479              ELSIF X_item_id is NOT NULL AND X_Secondary_Quantity IS NOT NULL THEN
480                 X_secondary_quantity_ship_new := X_Secondary_Quantity;
481              END IF; -- IF X_item_id is NOT null
482              -- End PB Bug# 3274039
484             /* Bug - 1101939 - Need to update the calculate_tax_flag to 'Y' so
485             that the tax is recalculated when the shipment quantity is changed
486             automatically    */
488             IF l_line_type in ('RATE','FIXED PRICE') THEN  -- Bug 3262883
490             -- bug 4042434: Add check for p_shipment_block_status.  In
491             -- prior versions, this update would erroneously occur if
492             -- the line amount was changed before the contents of
493             -- the shipment block were analyzed when saving a PO line.
495              IF ((p_ship_window_open = 'N') and (p_shipment_block_status <> 'C')) or
496                 ((p_ship_window_open = 'Y') and (l_purchase_basis = 'TEMP LABOR')) THEN
498            /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
499            also needs to be updated.*/
501                  UPDATE po_line_locations
502                  SET    amount = X_amount_db,
503                         calculate_tax_flag = 'Y',
504                         last_update_date = sysdate,
505 			last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
506                         last_update_login  = X_last_update_login,
507                         approved_flag    = decode(approved_flag, NULL, 'N', 'N','N', 'R'),
508                         -- Bug 5227695. Recalculate tax if tax attributes on
509                         -- shipment are being updated
510                         tax_attribute_update_code = nvl(tax_attribute_update_code, 'UPDATE')
511                  WHERE  po_line_id            = X_po_line_id
512                  AND    nvl(cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
513                  AND    shipment_type = 'STANDARD';
515              END IF;
517             ELSE
519              -- bug 4042434: Add check for p_shipment_block_status.  In
520              -- prior versions, this update would erroneously occur if
521              -- the line quantity was changed before the contents of
522              -- the shipment block were analyzed when saving a PO line.
524              IF ((p_ship_window_open = 'N') and (p_shipment_block_status <> 'C')) THEN
526            /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
527            also needs to be updated.*/
529               UPDATE po_line_locations
530               SET    quantity         = X_quantity,
531                -- start of 1548597 --PB Bug# 3274039 changed the variable to X_secondary_quantity_ship_new
532                     secondary_quantity = decode(secondary_quantity,null,null,X_secondary_quantity_ship_new),
533               -- end of 1548597
534                     calculate_tax_flag = 'Y',
535                     last_update_date = sysdate,
536        	            last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
537                     last_update_login  = X_last_update_login,
538                     approved_flag    = decode(approved_flag, NULL, 'N', 'N','N', 'R'),
539                     -- Bug 5227695. Recalculate tax if tax attributes on
540                     -- shipment are being updated
541                     tax_attribute_update_code = nvl(tax_attribute_update_code, 'UPDATE')
542              WHERE  po_line_id            = X_po_line_id
543              AND    nvl(cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
544              AND    shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED');
546            END IF;
548            END IF;
550              -- set document status to be requires reapproval
551              if X_approved_flag IN ('Y','X') then
552                 X_approved_flag := 'Z';
553              end if;
555              X_progress := '060';
557              SELECT count(po_distribution_id)
558              INTO   X_num_of_distributions
559              FROM   po_distributions pd
560              WHERE  pd.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
561              AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'there are encumbered distributions'
562                              FROM   po_distributions pd2
563                              WHERE  pd2.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
564                              AND    nvl(pd2.encumbered_flag, 'N') <> 'N');
567              if X_num_of_distributions = 1 AND  (p_ship_window_open = 'N') then
568                                          -- Bug 6321268. Added the condition p_ship_window_open = 'N'.
569                 X_progress := '070';
570                 IF l_line_type in ('RATE','FIXED PRICE') THEN  -- Bug 3262883
572           /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
573            also needs to be updated.*/
575                   UPDATE po_distributions
576                   SET    amount_ordered = X_amount_db,
577                          last_update_date = sysdate,
578        	                 last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
579                          last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
580                   WHERE  po_line_id = X_po_line_id;
582                 ELSE
584          /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
585            also needs to be updated.*/
587                   UPDATE po_distributions
588                   SET    quantity_ordered = X_quantity,
589                          last_update_date = sysdate,
590    		         last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
591                          last_update_login  = X_last_update_login
592                   WHERE  po_line_id = X_po_line_id;
594                 END IF;
595              end if;
597           end if;
599         end if; /* Quantity/amount Changed */
601         if (p_change_date = 'Y') and (p_ship_window_open = 'N') then
603           X_progress := '080';
605           SELECT count(pll.po_line_id), max(days_late_receipt_allowed)
606           INTO   X_num_of_shipments,
607                  X_days_late_receipt_allowed
608           FROM   po_line_locations pll
609           WHERE  pll.po_line_id = X_po_line_id
610           AND    nvl(pll.cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
611           AND    pll.shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED');
614           if X_num_of_shipments = 1 then
616              X_progress := '090';
617 --START Bug 5533266
618        /*This is to enforce the user to enter either a promise by date or need by date before updating the record.
619        The previous related bugs had the fix at the W-V-R for the PO_LINES block and the same are reverted as a part of this fix */
621 		  IF p_type_lookup_code IN ('STANDARD',
622 					    'PLANNED') THEN
623 		    IF p_planned_item_flag = 'Y'
624 		       AND p_promised_date IS NULL
625 		       AND p_need_by_date IS NULL  THEN
626 		      po_message_s.app_error('PO_PO_PLANNED_ITEM_DATE_REQ');
627 		    END IF;
628 		  END IF;
629 --END Bug 5533266
631         /*Bug4906693 who columns like last_updated_by and last_update_login
632            also needs to be updated.*/
634              UPDATE po_line_locations
635              SET    promised_date    = p_promised_date,
636                     need_by_date     = p_need_by_date,
637                     last_accept_date = decode(p_promised_date,NULL,NULL,
638                                               p_promised_date+nvl(X_days_late_receipt_allowed,0)),
639                     last_update_date = sysdate,
640 	            last_updated_by    = X_last_updated_by,
641                     last_update_login  = X_last_update_login,
642                     approved_flag    = decode(approved_flag, NULL, 'N', 'N','N', 'R'),
643                     -- Bug 5227695. Recalculate tax if tax attributes on
644                     -- shipment are being updated
645                     tax_attribute_update_code = nvl(tax_attribute_update_code, 'UPDATE')
646              WHERE  po_line_id            = X_po_line_id
647              AND    nvl(cancel_flag,'N') <> 'Y'
648              AND    shipment_type IN ('STANDARD','PLANNED');
650              -- set document status to be requires reapproval
651              if X_approved_flag IN ('Y','X') then
652                 X_approved_flag := 'Z';
653              end if;
655            end if;
657          end if;     /* Change Promised and need by dates at shipment level */
660        end if; /* End of If Standard/Planned     */
661  end if; /* End of If Standard/Planned/Blanket */
663     ---13067295, Added the if condition to check whether the category_id has changed or not.
664 ---We will retrive the ip_category_id only when the po_category_id is changed.
666          if l_orig_category_id <> x_category_id then
667       -- Bug 7577670: Derive ip_category_id from po_category_id
668       PO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_PVT.get_ip_category_id(p_po_category_id => x_category_id,
669                                                  x_ip_category_id => l_ip_category_id);
670          end if;
673       /* Update the PO LINE itself */
675        po_lines_pkg_sud.update_row(
676                        X_Rowid                          ,
677                        X_Po_Line_Id                     ,
678                        X_Last_Update_Date               ,
679                        X_Last_Updated_By                ,
680                        X_Po_Header_Id                   ,
681                        X_Line_Type_Id                   ,
682                        X_Line_Num                       ,
683                        X_Last_Update_Login              ,
684                        X_Item_Id                        ,
685                        X_Item_Revision                  ,
686                        X_Category_Id                    ,
687                        X_Item_Description               ,
688                        X_Unit_Meas_Lookup_Code          ,
689                        X_Quantity_Committed             ,
690                        X_Committed_Amount               ,
691                        X_Allow_Price_Override_Flag      ,
692                        X_Not_To_Exceed_Price            ,
693                        X_List_Price_Per_Unit            ,
694                        -- <FPJ Advanced Price START>
695                        -- Bug 3417479
696                        X_Base_Unit_Price,
697                        -- <FPJ Advanced Price END>
698                        X_Unit_Price                     ,
699                        X_Quantity                       ,
700                        X_Un_Number_Id                   ,
701                        X_Hazard_Class_Id                ,
702                        X_Note_To_Vendor                 ,
703                        X_From_Header_Id                 ,
704                        X_From_Line_Id                   ,
705                        X_From_Line_Location_Id          ,     -- <SERVICES FPJ>
706                        X_Min_Order_Quantity             ,
707                        X_Max_Order_Quantity             ,
708                        X_Qty_Rcv_Tolerance              ,
709                        X_Over_Tolerance_Error_Flag      ,
710                        X_Market_Price                   ,
711                        X_Unordered_Flag                 ,
712                        X_Closed_Flag                    ,
713                        X_User_Hold_Flag                 ,
714                        X_Cancel_Flag                    ,
715                        X_Cancelled_By                   ,
716                        X_Cancel_Date                    ,
717                        X_Cancel_Reason                  ,
718                        X_Firm_Status_Lookup_Code        ,
719                        X_Firm_Date                      ,
720                        X_Vendor_Product_Num             ,
721                        X_Contract_Num                   ,
722                        X_Taxable_Flag                   ,
723                        X_Tax_Code_Id                    ,
724                        X_Type_1099                      ,
725                        X_Capital_Expense_Flag           ,
726                        X_Negotiated_By_Preparer_Flag    ,
727                        X_Attribute_Category             ,
728                        X_Attribute1                     ,
729                        X_Attribute2                     ,
730                        X_Attribute3                     ,
731                        X_Attribute4                     ,
732                        X_Attribute5                     ,
733                        X_Attribute6                     ,
734                        X_Attribute7                     ,
735                        X_Attribute8                     ,
736                        X_Attribute9                     ,
737                        X_Attribute10                    ,
738                        X_Reference_Num                  ,
739                        X_Attribute11                    ,
740                        X_Attribute12                    ,
741                        X_Attribute13                    ,
742                        X_Attribute14                    ,
743                        X_Attribute15                    ,
744                        X_Min_Release_Amount             ,
745                        X_Price_Type_Lookup_Code         ,
746                        X_Closed_Code                    ,
747                        X_Price_Break_Lookup_Code        ,
748                        NULL                             , --<R12 SLA>
749                        X_Government_Context             ,
750                        X_Closed_Date                    ,
751                        X_Closed_Reason                  ,
752                        X_Closed_By                      ,
753                        X_Transaction_Reason_Code        ,
754 	               X_Global_Attribute_Category	,
755         	       X_Global_Attribute1		,
756         	       X_Global_Attribute2		,
757 	               X_Global_Attribute3		,
758 	               X_Global_Attribute4		,
759 	               X_Global_Attribute5		,
760 	               X_Global_Attribute6		,
761 	               X_Global_Attribute7		,
762 	               X_Global_Attribute8		,
763 	               X_Global_Attribute9		,
764 	               X_Global_Attribute10		,
765 	               X_Global_Attribute11		,
766 	               X_Global_Attribute12		,
767 	               X_Global_Attribute13		,
768 	               X_Global_Attribute14		,
769 	               X_Global_Attribute15		,
770 	               X_Global_Attribute16		,
771 	               X_Global_Attribute17		,
772 	               X_Global_Attribute18		,
773 	               X_Global_Attribute19		,
774 	               X_Global_Attribute20             ,
775                        X_Expiration_Date,
776 --Preetam Bamb (GML)     10-feb-2000  Added 5 columns to the insert_row procedure
777 --Bug# 1056597
778 		       X_Base_Uom		,
779 		       X_Base_Qty		,
780 		       X_Secondary_Uom		,
781 		       X_Secondary_Qty		,
782 		       X_Qc_Grade		,
783 		       --togeorge 10/03/2000
784 		       --added oke columns
785 		       X_oke_contract_header_id ,
786 		       X_oke_contract_version_id,
787 -- start of 1548597.add 3 process fields..
788                        X_secondary_unit_of_measure,
789                        X_secondary_quantity,
790                        X_preferred_grade,
791 -- end of 1548597
792                        p_contract_id,               -- <GC FPJ>
793                        X_job_id,                    -- <SERVICES FPJ>
794                        X_contractor_first_name,     -- <SERVICES FPJ>
795                        X_contractor_last_name,      -- <SERVICES FPJ>
796                        X_assignment_start_date,     -- <SERVICES FPJ>
797                        X_amount_db,                  -- <SERVICES FPJ>
798                        p_manual_price_change_flag,   -- <Manual Price Override FPJ>
799                        l_ip_category_id             -- Bug 7577670
800 		       );
801      --Bug 10039388.Added IF. l_ip_category_id = -2 meaning it can not find corresponding record in iP. So no attr to update
802      IF l_ip_category_id IS NOT NULL AND l_ip_category_id <> -2 THEN
803        -- <Bug 7655719>
804        -- update po_attribute_values and po_attribute_values_tlp tables also.
805        PO_ATTRIBUTE_VALUES_PVT.update_attributes(
806          p_doc_type              => p_type_lookup_code,
807          p_po_line_id            => x_po_line_id,
808          p_req_template_name     => NULL,
809          p_req_template_line_num => NULL,
810          p_org_id                => PO_MOAC_UTILS_PVT.get_current_org_id,
811          p_ip_category_id        => l_ip_category_id,
812          p_item_description      => x_item_description,
813          p_language              => userenv('LANG')
814        );
815       END IF;
819        when others then
820             po_message_s.sql_error('update_line', x_progress, sqlcode);
821             raise;
822   END  update_line;