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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

    select ojds$node_number$.nextval into inode from dual;
Line: 7

    insert into ojds$inode$ (node, type, refcount, creation_ts,
                                   last_modified, owner, is_context)
      values (inode, 1, 0, sysdate, sysdate, c, 1);
Line: 14

    insert into ojds$bindings$ (parent, child, id, binding_type)
      values (inode, p, '..', 1);
Line: 17

    insert into ojds$bindings$ (parent, child, id, binding_type)
      values (inode, inode, '.', 1);
Line: 26

    select ojds$node_number$.nextval into inode from dual;
Line: 27

    insert into ojds$inode$ (node, type, refcount, creation_ts,
                                   last_modified, owner, is_context)
      values (inode, 2, 0, sysdate, sysdate, r, 0);
Line: 38

    update ojds$inode$ set refcount = refcount + 1 where node = c;
Line: 39

    insert into ojds$bindings$ (parent, child, id, binding_type)
      values (p, c, i, bt);
Line: 49

    select b.child, b.binding_type into c, bt
        from ojds$bindings$ b, ojds$inode$ n
        where b.parent = p and b.id = i and
              n.node = b.child for update;
Line: 55

      delete from ojds$bindings$ where parent = c and (id = '.' or id = '..');
Line: 58

    delete from ojds$bindings$
      where parent = p and id = i;
Line: 61

    update ojds$inode$ set refcount = refcount - 1 where node = c;
Line: 63

    delete from ojds$inode$ where refcount = 0 and node = c;
Line: 65

    if sql%rowcount > 0 then -- true if the node was deleted in $inode
      delete from ojds$permissions$ where node = c;
Line: 67

      delete from ojds$attributes$ where node = c;
Line: 68

      delete from ojds$refaddr$ where node = c;
Line: 79

    cursor unrefNodes_cur is select node from ojds$inode$ where refcount = 0;
Line: 87

      delete from ojds$inode$ where node = unrefNodes_rec.node;
Line: 88

      delete from ojds$permissions$ where node = unrefNodes_rec.node;
Line: 89

      delete from ojds$attributes$ where node = unrefNodes_rec.node;
Line: 90

      delete from ojds$refaddr$ where node = unrefNodes_rec.node;
Line: 92

      update ojds$inode$ set refcount = refcount - 1 where
        node in (select i.node from ojds$inode$ i, ojds$bindings$ b
          where i.node = b.child and b.parent = unrefNodes_rec.node and b.id <> '..' and b.id <> '.');
Line: 95

      delete from ojds$bindings$ where parent = unrefNodes_rec.node;
Line: 104

    select count(*) into cnt from ojds$bindings$ where parent = c and id <> '.' and id <> '..';
Line: 110

    delete from ojds$bindings$ where parent = c;
Line: 112

    delete from ojds$bindings$ where child = c;
Line: 114

    delete from ojds$inode$ where node = c;
Line: 115

    delete from ojds$permissions$ where node = c;
Line: 116

    delete from ojds$attributes$ where node = c;
Line: 117

    delete from ojds$refaddr$ where node = c;
Line: 126

    select b.child into c from ojds$bindings$ b, ojds$inode$ n
      where b.parent = p and b.id = i and
            n.node = b.child for update;
Line: 130

    update ojds$inode$ set refcount = refcount - 1 where node = c;
Line: 132

    update ojds$bindings$ set child = nc, binding_type = nt where parent = p and id = i;
Line: 134

    update ojds$inode$ set refcount = refcount + 1 where node = nc;
Line: 136

    delete from ojds$inode$ where refcount = 0 and node = c;
Line: 138

    if sql%rowcount > 0 then -- true if the node was deleted in $inode
      delete from ojds$permissions$ where node = c;
Line: 140

      delete from ojds$attributes$ where node = c;
Line: 141

      delete from ojds$refaddr$ where node = c;
Line: 159

    insert into ojds$permissions$ (node, type, schema) values (i, t, s);
Line: 176

    delete from ojds$permissions$ where schema=the_dropped;
Line: 182

    delete from ojds$permissions$ where schema=the_dropped;
Line: 192

    delete from ojds$inode$ where node = inode_number;
Line: 193

    delete from ojds$permissions$ where node = inode_number;
Line: 194

    delete from ojds$attributes$ where node = inode_number;
Line: 195

    delete from ojds$refaddr$ where node = inode_number;
Line: 197

    delete from ojds$bindings$ where child = inode_number;
Line: 203

    select is_context into tmp1 from ojds$inode$ where node = inode_number;
Line: 213

    cursor drop_inode_cur is select node from ojds$inode$ where owner=the_dropped;
Line: 229

      delete from ojds$bindings$ where parent=inode_number and ((id = '.') or (id = '..'));
Line: 239

    cursor all_children_cur is select child from ojds$bindings$ where parent = inode_number and id <> '.' and id <> '..';
Line: 244

      update ojds$inode$ set refcount = refcount - 1 where node = children_rec.child;
Line: 246

    delete from ojds$bindings$ where parent=inode_number and id <> '.' and id <> '..';