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Line 197: pay_latest_balances.

193: initialisations.
194: 16-DEC-2003 tbattoo 115.91 Fix to mantain latest balances
195: 11-DEC-2003 tbattoo 115.90 Fix to mantain latest balances
196: 09-DEC-2003 nbristow 115.89 Changes to maintain
197: pay_latest_balances.
198: 24-NOV-2003 alogue 115.88 3262314 Performance enhancement to
199: previous change.
200: 24-NOV-2003 alogue 115.87 3262314 Performance enhancement to
201: previous change.

Line 213: pay_latest_balances table

209: per_all_people_f and
210: pay_all_payrolls_f. Performance
211: fix to seqper cursors.
212: 03-NOV-2003 tbattoo 115.83 support for sparse matrix and
213: pay_latest_balances table
214: 17-OCT-2003 alogue 115.82 Tuned get_rr_values cursor
215: in set_action_context.
216: 14-OCT-2003 alogue 115.81 3166638 Performance fix to quickpay
217: assignment action creation.

Line 770: -- from pay_latest_balances

766: -- from pay_person_latest_balances
767: -- where assignment_action_id = p_assact_id)
768: -- or exists -- check for any latest balances
769: -- (select null
770: -- from pay_latest_balances
771: -- where assignment_action_id = p_assact_id)
772: or exists -- check for updates to REEs
773: (select null
774: from pay_element_entries_f

Line 799: -- from pay_latest_balances

795: -- from pay_person_latest_balances
796: -- where assignment_action_id = p_assact_id)
797: -- or exists -- check for any latest balances
798: -- (select null
799: -- from pay_latest_balances
800: -- where assignment_action_id = p_assact_id)
801: or exists -- check for updates to REEs
802: (select null
803: from pay_element_entries_f

Line 2399: pay_latest_balances lb

2395: cursor lbc is
2396: select
2397: lb.latest_balance_id
2398: from pay_defined_balances pdb,
2399: pay_latest_balances lb
2400: where pdb.balance_type_id = l_balance_type_id
2401: and lb.defined_balance_id = pdb.defined_balance_id
2402: and exists (
2403: select null


2446: and plb.defined_balance_id = pdb.defined_balance_id;
2447: --
2448: -- Select all latest balances to delete.
2449: cursor latbalc is
2451: USE_NL (PLB) */
2452: plb.latest_balance_id
2453: from pay_defined_balances pdb,
2454: pay_latest_balances plb

Line 2454: pay_latest_balances plb

2451: USE_NL (PLB) */
2452: plb.latest_balance_id
2453: from pay_defined_balances pdb,
2454: pay_latest_balances plb
2455: where pdb.balance_type_id = l_balance_type_id
2456: and plb.defined_balance_id = pdb.defined_balance_id;
2457: --
2458: -- Select if run result value exists for input value

Line 2493: from pay_latest_balances plb,

2489: and pbd.feed_checking_type = 'F'
2490: union
2491: select plb.latest_balance_id,
2492: 'B' balance_type
2493: from pay_latest_balances plb,
2494: pay_defined_balances pdb,
2495: pay_balance_dimensions pbd
2496: where pdb.balance_type_id = l_balance_type_id
2497: and pdb.defined_balance_id = plb.defined_balance_id

Line 2601: delete from pay_latest_balances LB

2597: --
2598: -- Delete all latest Balanaces.
2599: for lbcrec in latbalc loop
2600: --
2601: delete from pay_latest_balances LB
2602: where LB.latest_balance_id = lbcrec.latest_balance_id;
2603: end loop;
2604: --
2605: end if;

Line 2691: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB

2687: end if;
2688: close ivchk;
2689: end if;
2690: if l_rrv_found = 1 then
2691: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB
2692: where ALB.latest_balance_id = lbcrec.latest_balance_id;
2693: end if;
2694: end loop;
2695: end if;

Line 2743: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB

2739: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.trash_latest_balances',70);
2740: end if;
2741: --
2742: for lbcrec in lbc loop
2743: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB
2744: where ALB.latest_balance_id = lbcrec.latest_balance_id;
2745: end loop;
2746: --
2747: end if;

Line 2766: delete from pay_latest_balances PLB

2762: if (plrec.balance_type = 'P') then
2763: delete from pay_person_latest_balances PLB
2764: where PLB.latest_balance_id = plrec.latest_balance_id;
2765: else
2766: delete from pay_latest_balances PLB
2767: where PLB.latest_balance_id = plrec.latest_balance_id;
2768: end if;
2769: --
2770: end loop;


2838: where pdb.balance_type_id = l_balance_type_id
2839: and plb.defined_balance_id = pdb.defined_balance_id;
2840: -- Select all latest balances to delete.
2841: cursor lbc is
2843: USE_NL (LB) */
2844: lb.latest_balance_id
2845: from pay_defined_balances pdb,
2846: pay_latest_balances lb

Line 2846: pay_latest_balances lb

2843: USE_NL (LB) */
2844: lb.latest_balance_id
2845: from pay_defined_balances pdb,
2846: pay_latest_balances lb
2847: where pdb.balance_type_id = l_balance_type_id
2848: and lb.defined_balance_id = pdb.defined_balance_id;
2850: Type t_latbal is table of pay_assignment_latest_balances.latest_balance_id%type;

Line 2892: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB

2889: --
2890: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.trash_latest_balances',30);
2891: for lbcrec in lbc loop
2892: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB
2893: where ALB.latest_balance_id = lbcrec.latest_balance_id;
2894: end loop;
2895: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.trash_latest_balances',40);
2896: --

Line 2922: from pay_latest_balances lb

2918: where plb.person_id = p_person_id;
2919: --
2920: cursor lbc (p_person_id number) is
2921: select lb.latest_balance_id
2922: from pay_latest_balances lb
2923: where lb.person_id = p_person_id;
2924: --
2925: cursor albc (p_person_id number) is
2926: select /*+ ORDERED */ alb.latest_balance_id

Line 3004: pay_latest_balances plb,

3000: from
3001: pay_input_values_f piv,
3002: pay_balance_feeds_f pbf,
3003: pay_defined_balances pdb,
3004: pay_latest_balances plb,
3005: pay_assignment_actions paa,
3006: pay_payroll_actions ppa
3007: where plb.person_id = p_person_id
3008: and piv.element_type_id = p_eletyp_id

Line 3065: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB

3061: if g_debug then
3062: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.del_latest_balances',45);
3063: end if;
3064: for lbcrec in lbc(l_person_id) loop
3065: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB
3066: where ALB.latest_balance_id = lbcrec.latest_balance_id;
3067: end loop;
3068: else
3069: --

Line 3123: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB

3119: if g_debug then
3120: hr_utility.set_location('hrassact.del_latest_balances',85);
3121: end if;
3122: for lbcrec in lbc_selective(l_person_id, l_element_type_id) loop
3123: delete from pay_latest_balances ALB
3124: where ALB.latest_balance_id = lbcrec.latest_balance_id;
3125: end loop;
3126: end if;
3127: --

Line 7059: from pay_latest_balances plb,

7055: plb.prev_expiry_date,
7056: pdb.balance_dimension_id,
7057: pdb.balance_type_id,
7058: pbf.scale
7059: from pay_latest_balances plb,
7060: pay_defined_balances pdb,
7061: pay_balance_feeds_f pbf
7062: where pbf.input_value_id = p_inp_val_id
7063: and effdate between pbf.effective_start_date

Line 7354: from pay_latest_balances

7350: l_tax_group,
7351: l_payroll_id,
7352: l_local_unit_id,
7353: l_organization_id
7354: from pay_latest_balances
7355: where p_lat_bal_id = latest_balance_id;
7357: if g_debug then
7358: hr_utility.set_location (c_indent, 1);

Line 7800: delete from pay_latest_balances

7797: delete from pay_person_latest_balances
7798: where latest_balance_id = lat_bal_id;
7799: else
7800: delete from pay_latest_balances
7801: where latest_balance_id = lat_bal_id;
7803: end if;
7804: -- or recalculate latest balance

Line 8578: update pay_latest_balances

8574: fnd_number.canonical_to_number(rrv.result_value),
8575: lb.scale,lb.expiry_date, lb.expired_date,lb.prev_expiry_date);
8577: if l_change_flag = TRUE then
8578: update pay_latest_balances
8579: set assignment_action_id = lb.assignment_action_id,
8580: value = lb.value,
8581: expiry_date = lb.expiry_date,
8582: expired_assignment_action_id = lb.expired_assignment_action_id,