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Line 8: -- calls WIP_UPDATE API to update CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF with the

4: -- Package name : CSD_WIP_JOB_PVT
5: -- Purpose : This package submits and creates WIP jobs using WIP Mass Load.
6: -- Submit_Jobs is the API which uses various helper procedures to
7: -- Submit WIP Mass Load, waits for it to complete successfully, then
8: -- calls WIP_UPDATE API to update CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF with the
9: -- newly created wip_entitity_id values.
10: -- Besides these procedure, this package has a helper function
11: -- is_dmf_patchset_level_j which is used by the client application
12: -- to check if the discrete manufacturing patchset level is at 'j' or

Line 1102: from csd_repair_job_xref crj,

1098: -- the RO item as a material. Must compare we.wip_entity_id since
1099: -- crj.wip_entity_id may be null (until wip_update is done).
1100: select count(*)
1101: into l_num_other_jobs
1102: from csd_repair_job_xref crj,
1103: wip_entities we
1104: where crj.job_name = we.wip_entity_name
1105: and crj.organization_id = we.organization_id
1106: and crj.repair_line_id = p_repair_line_id

Line 1292: from csd_repair_job_xref crj,

1288: -- the RO item as a material. Must compare we.wip_entity_id since
1289: -- crj.wip_entity_id may be null (until wip_update is done).
1290: select count(*)
1291: into l_num_other_jobs
1292: from csd_repair_job_xref crj,
1293: wip_entities we
1294: where crj.job_name = we.wip_entity_name
1295: and crj.organization_id = we.organization_id
1296: and crj.repair_line_id = p_repair_line_id

Line 1300: -- csd_repair_job_xref. Need to count these jobs as well.

1296: and crj.repair_line_id = p_repair_line_id
1297: and we.wip_entity_id <> l_wip_entity_id;
1298: -- More than one bill/route could have been submitted at a time.
1299: -- These jobs are processed all at once before rows are inserted into
1300: -- csd_repair_job_xref. Need to count these jobs as well.
1301: l_num_other_jobs := l_num_other_jobs + rt_ctr - p_x_job_bill_routing_tbl.FIRST;
1302: -- end swai: bug 7477845/7483291
1304: l_dummy := null;

Line 1487: -- created in csd_repair_job_xref table with corresponding newly

1483: -- 'Depot Repair WIP Job Submission'. This program is submitted from
1484: -- submit_jobs API.
1485: -- This procedure submits WIP Mass Load, waits for it to complete successfully,
1486: -- then calls the WIP_Update API to associate new records
1487: -- created in csd_repair_job_xref table with corresponding newly
1488: -- created wip_entity_ids.
1489: -- This concurrent program is passed in group_id and repair_line_id as
1490: -- parameters. If repair_line_id is null, then the WIP Update program is
1491: -- run for all the eligible repair orders, otherwise the WIP Update porgram

Line 1559: csd_repair_job_xref crj,

1555: cr.quantity,
1556: cr.serial_number
1557: FROM csd_repairs cr,
1558: (SELECT * FROM TABLE(CAST(l_repair_line_ids AS JTF_NUMBER_TABLE))) ro_lines,
1559: csd_repair_job_xref crj,
1560: wip_discrete_jobs wdj,
1561: mtl_system_items_b msi,
1562: wip_entities we
1563: WHERE crj.repair_line_id = ro_lines.column_value

Line 1686: -- CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF for each combination of repair_line_id and repair Job.

1683: -- Call the WIP Update program
1685: -- When Repair Jobs are submitted to WIP Mass Load, a record is inserted into
1686: -- CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF for each combination of repair_line_id and repair Job.
1687: -- Once WIP Mass Load successfully completes, WIP_UPDATE API is called here to update
1688: -- the newly inserted records in CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF with the wip_entity_id of the
1689: -- corresponding jobs from WIP.

Line 1688: -- the newly inserted records in CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF with the wip_entity_id of the

1685: -- When Repair Jobs are submitted to WIP Mass Load, a record is inserted into
1686: -- CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF for each combination of repair_line_id and repair Job.
1687: -- Once WIP Mass Load successfully completes, WIP_UPDATE API is called here to update
1688: -- the newly inserted records in CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF with the wip_entity_id of the
1689: -- corresponding jobs from WIP.
1691: -- Here p_upd_job_completion is specified as 'N'
1692: -- so that only the WIP Creation Update program is run, the WIP Completion Update program

Line 2213: -- call procedures to insert a row in csd_repair_job_xref

2209: RAISE Fnd_Api.G_EXC_ERROR;
2210: END IF;
2213: -- call procedures to insert a row in csd_repair_job_xref
2214: -- and csd_repair_history tables for the job created.
2216: L_user_id := fnd_global.user_id;

Line 2814: fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, lc_module_name,'Bulk insert into csd_repair_job_xref. Total number of records to be inserted is '||l_job_header_tbl.COUNT);

2810: -- instead of table handler, I am doing direct table update, since the table handlers
2811: -- process one row at a time. For an online batch processing, this is not ideal.
2813: IF (fnd_log.level_statement >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
2814: fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_statement, lc_module_name,'Bulk insert into csd_repair_job_xref. Total number of records to be inserted is '||l_job_header_tbl.COUNT);
2816: END IF;
2818: FORALL k IN 1 ..l_job_header_tbl.COUNT

Line 2819: INSERT INTO csd_repair_job_xref(

2816: END IF;
2818: FORALL k IN 1 ..l_job_header_tbl.COUNT
2819: INSERT INTO csd_repair_job_xref(

Line 2840: (CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF_S1.nextval,

2836: JOB_NAME,
2838: )
2839: VALUES
2840: (CSD_REPAIR_JOB_XREF_S1.nextval,
2841: fnd_global.user_id,
2842: sysdate,
2843: fnd_global.user_id,
2844: sysdate,