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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_sa_soe AS
2 /* $Header: pysasoer.pkb 120.3.12020000.2 2012/07/05 02:36:19 amnaraya ship $ */
3 /*Function to pick up Reference Salary*/
4  FUNCTIOn get_reference_salary (p_effective_date	DATE
5 			       ,p_assignment_action_id NUMBER) RETURN NUMBER IS
6   l_defbal_id NUMBER;
7   l_balvalue  NUMBER;
8   l_lower_base VARCHAR2(10);
9   l_upper_base VARCHAR2(10);
10 /* Cursor to fetch lower limit of gosi base*/
11 	CURSOR get_lower_base(l_effective_date DATE) IS
12 	SELECT global_value
13 	FROM   ff_globals_f
14 	WHERE  global_name = 'SA_GOSI_BASE_LOWER_LIMIT'
15 	AND    legislation_code = 'SA'
16 	AND    business_group_id IS NULL
17 	AND    l_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
18 		                    AND effective_end_date;
19 /* Cursor to fetch upper limit of gosi base*/
20 	CURSOR get_upper_base(l_effective_date DATE) IS
21 	SELECT global_value
22 	FROM   ff_globals_f
23 	WHERE  global_name = 'SA_GOSI_BASE_UPPER_LIMIT'
24 	AND    legislation_code = 'SA'
25 	AND    business_group_id IS NULL
26 	AND    l_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
27 		                    AND effective_end_date;
29   --
30   l_defbal_id :=
32   l_balvalue  := pay_balance_pkg.get_value(l_defbal_id, p_assignment_action_id);
33 	OPEN get_lower_base(p_effective_date);
34 	  FETCH get_lower_base INTO l_lower_base;
35 	CLOSE get_lower_base;
36 	OPEN get_upper_base(p_effective_date);
37 	  FETCH get_upper_base INTO l_upper_base;
38 	CLOSE get_upper_base;
39 	IF(l_balvalue  > to_number(l_upper_base)) THEN
40 		l_balvalue  := to_number(l_upper_base);
41 	ELSIF(l_balvalue  < to_number(l_lower_base)) THEN
42 		l_balvalue  := to_number(l_lower_base);
43 	END IF;
44 	return l_balvalue;
45 END;
46 /*Function to pick up GOSI information */
47  FUNCTION gosi_info(p_assignment_action_id NUMBER) RETURN LONG IS
48   l_sql       LONG;
50   --
51   -- Mapping....
52   --
53   -- COL02 : GOSI No
54   -- COL03 : Pay annuities
55   -- COL04 : Annuities branch joining date
56   -- COL05 : Pay hazards
57   -- COL06 : Hazards branch joining date
58   -- COL07 : GOSI Reference Earnings
59   --
61   /* bug # 10241638 - setting the parameter calendar_aware=>2 for international calendar support */
63   l_sql :=
64   'SELECT scl.segment2 COL02
65          ,hr_general.decode_lookup(''YES_NO'', scl.segment3) COL03
66          ,fnd_date.date_to_displaydate(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(scl.segment4), 2)
67 COL04
68          ,hr_general.decode_lookup(''YES_NO'', scl.segment5) COL05
69          ,fnd_date.date_to_displaydate(fnd_date.canonical_to_date(scl.segment6), 2)
70 COL06 '
71   ||   ' ,TO_CHAR(TO_CHAR(pay_sa_soe.get_reference_salary(:effective_date,
72 :assignment_action_id)),fnd_currency.get_format_mask(:G_CURRENCY_CODE,40)) COL07
73 ' ||
74   'FROM   per_all_assignments_f  asg
75          ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
76    WHERE  asg.assignment_id = :assignment_id
77      AND  :effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
78                               AND asg.effective_end_date
79      AND  scl.soft_coding_keyflex_id = asg.soft_coding_keyflex_id';
80   --
81   RETURN l_sql;
82   --
83  END gosi_info;
84 /*Function to pick up employee details*/
85  FUNCTION employees(p_assignment_action_id NUMBER) RETURN LONG IS
86   l_sql       LONG;
88   --
89 l_sql :=
90 'Select org.name COL01
91         ,job.name COL02
92         ,loc.location_code COL03
93         ,grd.name COL04
94         ,pay.payroll_name COL05
95         ,pos.name COL06
96         ,hr_general.decode_organization(:tax_unit_id) COL07
97         ,pg.group_name COL08
98         ,peo.national_identifier COL09
99     ,hl.meaning          COL10
100 		,asg.assignment_number COL11
101 		,hl1.meaning ||'' ''|| peo.full_name    COL12
102   from   per_all_people_f             peo
103         ,per_all_assignments_f        asg
104         ,hr_all_organization_units_vl org
105         ,per_jobs_vl                  job
106         ,per_all_positions            pos
107         ,hr_locations                 loc
108         ,per_grades_vl                grd
109         ,pay_payrolls_f               pay
110         ,pay_people_groups            pg
111     ,hr_lookups					  hl
112     ,hr_lookups					  hl1
113   where  asg.assignment_id   = :assignment_id
114     and  :effective_date
115   between asg.effective_start_date and asg.effective_end_date
116     and  asg.person_id       = peo.person_id
117     and  :effective_date
118   between peo.effective_start_date and peo.effective_end_date
119     and  asg.position_id     = pos.position_id(+)
120     and  asg.job_id          = job.job_id(+)
121     and  asg.location_id     = loc.location_id(+)
122     and  asg.grade_id        = grd.grade_id(+)
123     and  asg.people_group_id = pg.people_group_id(+)
124     and  asg.payroll_id      = pay.payroll_id(+)
125     and  :effective_date
126   between pay.effective_start_date(+) and pay.effective_end_date(+)
127     and  asg.organization_id = org.organization_id
128     and :effective_date
129   between org.date_from and nvl(org.date_to, :effective_date)
130   and hl.application_id (+) = 800
131   and hl.lookup_type (+) =''NATIONALITY''
132   and hl.lookup_code (+) =peo.nationality
133   and hl1.application_id (+) = 800
134   and hl1.lookup_type (+)=''TITLE''
135   and hl1.lookup_code (+)=peo.title';
136 return l_sql;
137 end employees;
138 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
139 function getBalances(p_assignment_action_id number
140                     ,p_balance_attribute varchar2) return long is
141 --
142 TYPE balance_type_lst_rec is RECORD (balance_name varchar2(80)
143                                     ,reporting_name varchar2(80)
144                                     ,dimension_name varchar2(80)
145                                     ,defined_balance_name varchar2(80)
146                                     ,defined_balance_id number
147                                     , meaning_uom varchar2(100));
148 TYPE balance_type_lst_tab is TABLE of balance_type_lst_rec
149                              INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
150 l_balance_type_lst balance_type_lst_tab;
151 --
152 l_effective_date date;
153 l_earliest_ctx_date date;
154 l_temp_date date;
155 l_action_sequence number;
156 l_payroll_id number;
157 l_assignment_id number;
158 l_business_group_id number;
159 l_legislation_code varchar2(30);
160 l_save_asg_run_bal varchar2(30);
161 l_inp_val_name  pay_input_values_f.name%type;
162 l_si_needed_chr varchar2(10);
163 l_st_needed_chr varchar2(10);
164 l_sn_needed_chr varchar2(10);
165 l_st2_needed_chr varchar2(10);
166 l_found boolean;
167 l_balance_uom varchar2(40);
168 l_meaning_uom varchar2(100);
169 l_currency_code varchar2(100);
170 balCount number;
171 --
172 l_defined_balance_lst pay_balance_pkg.t_balance_value_tab;
173 l_context_lst         pay_balance_pkg.t_context_tab;
174 l_output_table        pay_balance_pkg.t_detailed_bal_out_tab;
175 --
176 i number;
177 l_rr_processed	varchar2(1);
178 l_GOSI_ele_id	number;
179 --
180 --
181 cursor getAction is
182 select pa.payroll_id
183 ,      aa.action_sequence
184 ,      pa.effective_date
185 ,      aa.assignment_id
186 ,      pa.business_group_id
187 ,      bg.legislation_code
188 ,      lrl.rule_mode
189 from   pay_payroll_actions pa
190 ,      pay_assignment_actions aa
191 ,      per_business_groups bg
192 ,      pay_legislation_rules lrl
193 where  aa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
194 and    aa.payroll_action_id = pa.payroll_action_id
195 and    pa.business_group_id = bg.business_group_id
196 and    lrl.legislation_code(+) = bg.legislation_code
197 and    lrl.rule_type(+) = 'SAVE_ASG_RUN_BAL';
198 --
199 --
200 cursor getParameters(c_assignment_action_id in number) is
201 select ''''  || bg.currency_code || '''' currency_code
202 from   pay_payroll_actions pa
203 ,      pay_assignment_actions aa
204 ,      per_business_groups bg
205 where  aa.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
206 and    aa.payroll_action_id = pa.payroll_action_id
207 and    pa.business_group_id = bg.business_group_id
208 and rownum = 1;
209 --
210 cursor getDBal is
211 select ba.defined_balance_id
212 ,      bd.dimension_name
213 ,      bd.period_type
214 ,      bt.balance_name
215 ,      bt.reporting_name
216 ,      nvl(oi.org_information7,nvl(bt.reporting_name,bt.balance_name))
217 defined_balance_name
218 ,      pbt.balance_uom
219 ,      hl.meaning
220 from   pay_balance_attributes ba
221 ,      pay_bal_attribute_definitions bad
222 ,      pay_defined_balances db
223 ,      pay_balance_dimensions bd
224 ,      pay_balance_types_tl bt
225 ,      hr_organization_information oi
226 ,      pay_balance_types pbt
227 ,      hr_lookups hl
228 where  bad.attribute_name = p_balance_attribute
230    OR bad.BUSINESS_GROUP_ID = l_business_group_id)
232    OR bad.LEGISLATION_CODE = l_legislation_code)
233 and   bad.attribute_id = ba.attribute_id
234 and   ba.defined_balance_id = db.defined_balance_id
235 and   db.balance_dimension_id = bd.balance_dimension_id
236 and   db.balance_type_id = bt.balance_type_id
237 and   db.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
238 and   pbt.balance_type_id = bt.balance_type_id
239 and   bt.language = userenv('LANG')
240 and   oi.org_information1 = 'BALANCE'
241 and   oi.org_information4 = to_char(bt.balance_type_id)
242 and   oi.org_information5 = to_char(db.balance_dimension_id)
243 and   oi.org_information_context = 'Business Group:SOE Detail'
244 and   oi.organization_id = l_business_group_id
245 and   hl.lookup_type='UNITS'
246 and   hl.lookup_code = pbt.balance_uom;
247 --
248 cursor getRBContexts is
249 select rb.TAX_UNIT_ID
251 ,      rb.SOURCE_ID
252 ,      rb.SOURCE_TEXT
253 ,      rb.SOURCE_NUMBER
254 ,      rb.SOURCE_TEXT2
255 from pay_run_balances rb
256 ,    pay_assignment_actions aa
257 ,    pay_payroll_actions pa
258 where rb.ASSIGNMENT_ID = l_assignment_id
259 and   l_action_sequence >= aa.action_sequence
260 and   rb.assignment_action_id = aa.assignment_action_id
261 and   aa.payroll_action_id = pa.payroll_action_id
262 and   pa.effective_date >= l_earliest_ctx_date;
263 --
264 cursor getRRContexts is
265 select distinct
266        aa.tax_unit_id                                       tax_unit_id
267 ,      rr.jurisdiction_code                                 jurisdiction_code
268 ,      decode(l_si_needed_chr,
269               'Y', pay_balance_pkg.find_context('SOURCE_ID'
270                                                ,rr.run_result_id)
271                                                ,null)       source_id
272 ,      decode(l_st_needed_chr,
273               'Y', pay_balance_pkg.find_context('SOURCE_TEXT'
274                                                ,rr.run_result_id)
275                                                ,null)       source_text
276 ,      decode(l_sn_needed_chr,
277               'Y', pay_balance_pkg.find_context('SOURCE_NUMBER'
278                                                ,rr.run_result_id)
279                                                ,null)      source_number
280 ,      decode(l_st2_needed_chr,
281               'Y', pay_balance_pkg.find_context('SOURCE_TEXT2'
282                                                ,rr.run_result_id)
283                                                ,null)      source_text2
284   from pay_assignment_actions aa,
285        pay_payroll_actions    pa,
286        pay_run_results        rr
287  where   aa.ASSIGNMENT_ID = l_assignment_id
288    and   aa.assignment_action_id = rr.assignment_action_id
289    and   l_action_sequence >= aa.action_sequence
290    and   aa.payroll_action_id = pa.payroll_action_id
291    and   pa.effective_date >= l_earliest_ctx_date;
292 --
293 cursor getGOSIele IS
294 SELECT element_type_id
295 FROM  pay_element_types_f
296 WHERE element_name = 'GOSI'
297 and   legislation_code = 'SA';
298 --
299 cursor getRRstatus(l_ele_id number) IS
300 SELECT status
301 FROM pay_run_results rr
302 WHERE  rr.assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
303 AND    rr.element_type_id = l_ele_id;
304 begin
305 	 l_rr_processed := null;
306    open getAction;
307    fetch getAction into l_payroll_id,
308                         l_action_sequence,
309                         l_effective_date,
310                         l_assignment_id,
311                         l_business_group_id,
312                         l_legislation_code,
313                         l_save_asg_run_bal;
314    close getAction;
315    --
316    l_earliest_ctx_date := l_effective_date;
317    --
318    open getParameters(p_assignment_action_id);
319    fetch getParameters into l_currency_code;
320    close getParameters;
321    --
322    i := 0;
323    for db in getDBal loop
324        i := i + 1;
325        --
326        l_defined_balance_lst(i).defined_balance_id := db.defined_balance_id;
327        --
328        l_balance_type_lst(db.defined_balance_id).balance_name :=
329                               db.balance_name;
330        l_balance_type_lst(db.defined_balance_id).reporting_name :=
331                               db.reporting_name;
332        l_balance_type_lst(db.defined_balance_id).defined_balance_name:=
333                               db.defined_balance_name;
334        l_balance_type_lst(db.defined_balance_id).dimension_name :=
335                               db.dimension_name;
336        l_balance_type_lst(db.defined_balance_id).defined_balance_id :=
337                               db.defined_balance_id;
338        l_balance_type_lst(db.defined_balance_id).meaning_uom:=
339                               db.meaning;
340        --
341        pay_balance_pkg.get_period_type_start
342                (p_period_type => db.period_type
343                ,p_effective_date => l_effective_date
344                ,p_payroll_id => l_payroll_id
345                ,p_start_date => l_temp_date);
346        --
347        if l_temp_date < l_earliest_ctx_date then
348           l_earliest_ctx_date := l_temp_date;
349        end if;
350    end loop;
351    --
352    i := 0;
353    if l_save_asg_run_bal = 'Y' then
354    	OPEN getGOSIele;
355    	FETCH getGOSIele into l_GOSI_ele_id;
356    	CLOSE getGOSIele;
357    	OPEN getRRstatus(l_GOSI_ele_id);
358    	FETCH getRRstatus into l_rr_processed;
359    	CLOSE getRRstatus;
360 	/* Following OR condition added for GOSI element check to display the
361  * balances correctly */
362    	If nvl(l_rr_processed,'*') <> 'P' then
363 	        l_si_needed_chr := 'N';
364 	        l_st_needed_chr := 'N';
365 	        l_sn_needed_chr := 'N';
366 	        l_st2_needed_chr := 'N';
367            for ctx in getRRContexts loop
368 	 	  i := i + 1;
369 	          l_context_lst(i).TAX_UNIT_ID := ctx.TAX_UNIT_ID;
370 	          l_context_lst(i).JURISDICTION_CODE := ctx.JURISDICTION_CODE;
371 	          l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_ID := ctx.SOURCE_ID;
372 	          l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_TEXT := ctx.SOURCE_TEXT;
373 	          l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_NUMBER := ctx.SOURCE_NUMBER;
374 	          l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_TEXT2 := ctx.SOURCE_TEXT2;
375 	   end loop;
376    	Else
377       	   for ctx in getRBContexts loop
378    	       i := i + 1;
379    	       l_context_lst(i).TAX_UNIT_ID := ctx.TAX_UNIT_ID;
380    	       l_context_lst(i).JURISDICTION_CODE := ctx.JURISDICTION_CODE;
381    	       l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_ID := ctx.SOURCE_ID;
382    	       l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_TEXT := ctx.SOURCE_TEXT;
383    	       l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_NUMBER := ctx.SOURCE_NUMBER;
384    	       l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_TEXT2 := ctx.SOURCE_TEXT2;
385    	   end loop;
386    	End If;
387    else
388      -- Check whether the SOURCE_ID, SOURCE_TEXT contexts are used.
389      l_si_needed_chr := 'N';
390      l_st_needed_chr := 'N';
391      l_sn_needed_chr := 'N';
392      l_st2_needed_chr := 'N';
393      --
394      pay_core_utils.get_leg_context_iv_name('SOURCE_ID',
395                                             l_legislation_code,
396                                             l_inp_val_name,
397                                             l_found);
398      if (l_found = TRUE) then
399       l_si_needed_chr := 'Y';
400      end if;
401      --
402      pay_core_utils.get_leg_context_iv_name('SOURCE_TEXT',
403                                             l_legislation_code,
404                                             l_inp_val_name,
405                                             l_found);
406      if (l_found = TRUE) then
407       l_st_needed_chr := 'Y';
408      end if;
409      --
410      pay_core_utils.get_leg_context_iv_name('SOURCE_NUMBER',
411                                             l_legislation_code,
412                                             l_inp_val_name,
413                                             l_found);
414      if (l_found = TRUE) then
415       l_sn_needed_chr := 'Y';
416      end if;
417      --
418      pay_core_utils.get_leg_context_iv_name('SOURCE_TEXT2',
419                                             l_legislation_code,
420                                             l_inp_val_name,
421                                             l_found);
422      if (l_found = TRUE) then
423       l_st2_needed_chr := 'Y';
424      end if;
425     --
426     --
427       for ctx in getRRContexts loop
428           i := i + 1;
429           l_context_lst(i).TAX_UNIT_ID := ctx.TAX_UNIT_ID;
430           l_context_lst(i).JURISDICTION_CODE := ctx.JURISDICTION_CODE;
431           l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_ID := ctx.SOURCE_ID;
432           l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_TEXT := ctx.SOURCE_TEXT;
433           l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_NUMBER := ctx.SOURCE_NUMBER;
434           l_context_lst(i).SOURCE_TEXT2 := ctx.SOURCE_TEXT2;
435       end loop;
436    end if;
437    --
438    pay_balance_pkg.get_value (p_assignment_action_id => p_assignment_action_id
439                              ,p_defined_balance_lst  => l_defined_balance_lst
440                              ,p_context_lst          => l_context_lst
441                              ,p_output_table         => l_output_table);
442    --
443     pay_soe_util.clear;
444  --
445  balCount := 0;
446 if l_output_table.count > 0 then
447  for i in l_output_table.first..l_output_table.last loop
448    if l_output_table(i).balance_value <> 0 then
449      balCount := balCount + 1;
450      --
451      pay_soe_util.setValue('01'
452  ,l_balance_type_lst(l_output_table(i).defined_balance_id).balance_name
453            ,TRUE,FALSE);
454      pay_soe_util.setValue('02'
455  ,l_balance_type_lst(l_output_table(i).defined_balance_id).reporting_name
456            ,FALSE,FALSE);
457      pay_soe_util.setValue('03'
458  ,l_balance_type_lst(l_output_table(i).defined_balance_id).dimension_name
459            ,FALSE,FALSE);
460      pay_soe_util.setValue('04'
461  ,l_balance_type_lst(l_output_table(i).defined_balance_id).defined_balance_name
462            ,FALSE,FALSE);
463  pay_soe_util.setValue('05',
464       hr_general.decode_organization(to_char(l_output_table(i).tax_unit_id))
465                       ,FALSE,FALSE);
466  pay_soe_util.setValue('06',to_char(l_output_table(i).tax_unit_id),FALSE,FALSE);
467  pay_soe_util.setValue('07',l_output_table(i).jurisdiction_code,FALSE,FALSE);
468  pay_soe_util.setValue('08',l_output_table(i).source_id,FALSE,FALSE);
469  pay_soe_util.setValue('09',l_output_table(i).source_text,FALSE,FALSE);
470  pay_soe_util.setValue('10',l_output_table(i).source_number,FALSE,FALSE);
471  pay_soe_util.setValue('11',l_output_table(i).source_text2,FALSE,FALSE);
472  pay_soe_util.setValue('15',l_balance_type_lst(l_output_table(i).defined_balance_id).meaning_uom,FALSE,FALSE);
473  pay_soe_util.setValue(16,to_char(l_output_table(i).balance_value,
474                          fnd_currency.get_format_mask(substr(l_currency_code,2,3),40)),FALSE,FALSE);
475  pay_soe_util.setValue(17,to_char(l_output_table(i).defined_balance_id),FALSE,TRUE);
476    end if;
477  end loop;
478 end if;
479  --
480  if balCount > 0 then
481    return pay_soe_util.genCursor;
482  else
483    return ('select null COL01 from dual where 1=0');
484    --return null;
485  end if;
486 end getBalances;
487 --
488 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
489 function Balances(p_assignment_action_id number) return long is
490 begin
491   return getBalances(p_assignment_action_id
492                     ,pay_soe_util.getConfig('BALANCES1'));
493 end Balances;
494 ---------------------------------------------------------------------
495 END pay_sa_soe;