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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 83

    select s.table_owner, s.table_name
    into   l_owner, l_view_name
    from   dba_synonyms s
    where  owner        = ad_zd.apps_schema
    and    synonym_name = x_synonym_name;
Line: 138

    select 1 into l_dummy
    from   dba_source
    where  owner = ad_zd.apps_schema
    and    name  = ad_zd_seed.eds_function(x_table_name)
    and    type  = 'FUNCTION'
    and    instr(text, ad_zd.get_edition('PATCH')) <> 0;
Line: 254

    select owner, trigger_name
    from   dba_triggers
    where  table_owner = x_tab_owner
      and  table_name in (x_tab_name, ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_tab_name))
      and  trigger_name <> ad_zd_seed.eds_trigger(x_tab_name)
      and  crossedition = 'NO';
Line: 284

    l_stmt := 'update '||x_owner||'."'||x_table_name||'"'||
              '  set ZD_EDITION_NAME = '''||x_edition_name||''''||
              '  where ZD_EDITION_NAME != '''||x_edition_name||'''';
Line: 309

    select i.owner, i.index_name
    from   dba_indexes i
    where  i.table_owner = x_tab_owner
    and    i.table_name  = x_tab_name
    and    i.uniqueness  = 'UNIQUE'
    and    i.index_type  <> 'LOB'
    and    not exists  ( select null
                         from   dba_ind_columns c
                         where  c.index_owner = i.owner
                         and    c.index_name  = i.index_name
                         and    c.column_name = 'ZD_EDITION_NAME' );
Line: 322

    select constraint_name, constraint_type
    from dba_constraints o
    where owner           = x_tab_owner
    and   table_name      = x_tab_name
    and   constraint_type in ('U','P')
    and   not exists  ( select null
                        from   dba_cons_columns i
                        where  i.owner = o.owner
                        and    i.constraint_name  = o.constraint_name
                        and    i.column_name = 'ZD_EDITION_NAME' );
Line: 409

    select trigger_body
    from   dba_triggers
    where  table_owner  = x_tab_owner
      and  table_name   = x_tab_name
      and  trigger_name = x_trig_name;
Line: 431

        '   select property_value into l_default'||
        '   from   database_properties where  property_name = ''DEFAULT_EDITION'';'||
Line: 436

        '   if INSERTING then '||
        '     :new.zd_edition_name := '''||x_edition_name||''';'||
Line: 451

                 ' before insert or update or delete on "'||x_table_owner||'"."'||l_ev_name||'"'||
                 ' for each row '|| l_trig_body;
Line: 479

    select policy_name
    from   dba_policies
    where  object_owner = x_tab_owner
    and    object_name  = ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_tab_name)
    and    policy_name  = ad_zd_seed.eds_policy;
Line: 508

      statement_types  => 'select, update, delete, index');
Line: 517

**   The trigger will sync updates from the RUN edition to the PATCH edition
** X_COPY_DATA: true to copy the Run Edition seed data to the Patch Edition
**              false to skip the copy (when it was already done)
procedure CREATE_SYNC(
  X_TABLE_OWNER in varchar2,
  X_TABLE_NAME in varchar2,
  X_COPY_DATA in boolean)
  C_MODULE         varchar2(80) := c_package||'create_sync';
Line: 542

    select column_name
    from   dba_tab_columns
    where  owner       =  x_tab_owner
      and  table_name  =  x_tab_name
      and  column_name <> 'ZD_EDITION_NAME'
    order by column_id;
Line: 552

      , ic.column_name
      , nvl(col.nullable, 'Y') nullable
      ( select i.owner, i.index_name, c.constraint_name
        from   dba_indexes i, dba_constraints c
        where  i.table_owner = x_owner
          and  i.table_name  = x_tab_name
          and  i.uniqueness  = 'UNIQUE'
          and  i.index_type  = 'NORMAL'  /* exclude other index types */
          and  c.owner(+)           = i.table_owner
          and  c.table_name(+)      = i.table_name
          and  c.index_owner(+)     = i.owner
          and  c.index_name(+)      = i.index_name
          and  c.constraint_type(+) = 'P'
          and  i.index_name not like '%~%'    /*exclude revised indexes created by a patch */
          and  rownum = 1
        order by 3,1,2 /* puts PK row first, if it exists */) up,
      dba_ind_columns ic, dba_tab_columns col
    where ic.index_owner = up.owner
      and ic.index_name    = up.index_name
      and ic.column_name   <> 'ZD_EDITION_NAME'
      and ic.table_owner   = x_owner
      and ic.table_name    = x_tab_name
      and col.owner        = x_owner
      and col.table_name   = x_tab_name
      and col.column_name  = ic.column_name
    order by ic.column_position;
Line: 623

      log(c_module, 'EVENT', 'Copy Seed Data using insert-select: '||x_table_name);
Line: 624

      exec('insert into "'||x_table_owner||'"."'||ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_table_name)||
           '" select * from "'||x_table_owner||'"."'||ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_table_name)||'"',
Line: 660

    ||NL||'  for insert or update or delete on '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name
    ||NL||'  forward crossedition '||l_disable||' compound trigger '
    ||NL||'  type DATA_T is table of '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name||'%ROWTYPE index by simple_integer;'
Line: 674

    ||NL||'  if inserting then'
    ||NL||     l_new_key_stmt
    ||NL||'  else'
    ||NL||     l_old_key_stmt
    ||NL||'  end if;'
Line: 679

    ||NL||'  if inserting or updating then'
    ||NL||     l_save_stmt
    ||NL||'  end if;'
Line: 686

    ||NL||' if inserting then'
    ||NL||'   for j IN 1..l_key.count loop'
    ||NL||'     begin '
    ||NL||'       insert into '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name
    ||NL||'       values l_data(j);'
Line: 692

    ||NL||'       update '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name||' set row = l_data(j)'
    ||NL||'       '||l_where_stmt||' and zd_edition_name=l_edition;'
Line: 706

    ||NL||'             insert into '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name
    ||NL||'             values l_data(j);'
Line: 714

    ||NL||'                update '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name||' set row = l_data(j)'
    ||NL||'               '||l_where_stmt||' and zd_edition_name=l_edition;'
Line: 729

    ||NL||'      delete from '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name
    ||NL||       l_where_stmt||' and zd_edition_name=l_edition;'
Line: 790

    select to_number(value) into v_parallel
    from v$parameter where name='parallel_max_servers';
Line: 815

      select 'Y' into l_exists from dual
      where exists
              ( select syn.object_name from dba_objects_ae syn
                where syn.owner        = ad_zd.apps_schema
                  and syn.object_name  = x_table_name
                  and syn.object_type  = 'SYNONYM'
                  and syn.edition_name =
                    ( select max(ed.edition_name) from dba_objects_ae ed
                      where  ed.owner        = syn.owner
                        and  ed.object_name  = syn.object_name
                        and  ed.edition_name < ad_zd.get_edition ) );
Line: 837

    select 'Y' into l_exists from dual
    where exists
            ( select column_name
              from   dba_tab_columns
              where  owner       = l_table_owner
                and    table_name  = l_table_name
                and    data_type = 'LONG' );
Line: 856

      select 'Y' into l_exists
      from   user_triggers
      where  trigger_name = ad_zd_seed.eds_trigger(l_table_name)
        and  table_owner  = l_table_owner
        and  table_name   = ad_zd_table.ev_view(l_table_name);
Line: 936

    select i.owner, i.index_name
    from   dba_indexes i
    where  i.table_owner = x_tab_owner
    and    i.table_name  = x_tab_name
    and    i.uniqueness  = 'UNIQUE'
    and    i.index_type  <> 'LOB'
    and    exists  ( select null
                     from   dba_ind_columns c
                     where  c.index_owner = i.owner
                     and    c.index_name  = i.index_name
                     and    c.column_name = 'ZD_EDITION_NAME' );
Line: 949

    select constraint_name, constraint_type
    from dba_constraints o
    where owner           = x_tab_owner
    and   table_name      = x_tab_name
    and   constraint_type in ('U','P')
    and   exists  ( select null
                    from   dba_cons_columns i
                    where  i.owner = o.owner
                    and    i.constraint_name  = o.constraint_name
                    and    i.column_name = 'ZD_EDITION_NAME' );
Line: 961

    select object_owner, object_name, policy_name, function from dba_policies
    where object_owner = x_tab_owner
    and object_name in (x_tab_name, ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_tab_name))
    and upper(policy_name) like '%ZD_SEED';
Line: 1127

**   seed data table a loader will insert/delete/update
**   data in.
**  1). Create new trigger to populate ZD_EDITION_NAME
**  2). Create a copy of the data
**  3). Create new VPD POLICY to restrict sql to that new data
**  4). Create synchronization FCET
**  5). Commit
procedure PREPARE(X_TABLE_NAME in varchar2)
  C_MODULE          varchar2(80) := c_package||'prepare';
Line: 1150

    select text
    from   dba_source
    where  owner = x_owner
    and    name  = x_function
    and    type  = 'FUNCTION'
    and    instr(text,x_edition) <> 0;
Line: 1244

        'select zd_edition_name'||
        ' from '||x_table_owner||'.'||ad_zd_table.ev_view(x_table_name)||
        ' where rownum=1';
Line: 1259

        'delete from '||x_table_owner||'.'||x_table_name||
        ' where zd_edition_name <> '''||l_seed_edition||'''';
Line: 1272

** Cleanup - delete old seed data rows
** NOTE: old triggers and policy functions will be handled by
**       central edition manager cleanup
procedure CLEANUP(X_TABLE_NAME in varchar2 default NULL)
  C_MODULE        varchar2(80)     := c_package||'cleanup';
Line: 1291

    select col.owner, col.table_name
        dba_tab_columns col
      , user_objects obj
    where  col.owner in
             ( select oracle_username from system.fnd_oracle_userid
               where  read_only_flag in ('A','E') )
      and  col.table_name not like '%#'
      and  col.column_name = 'ZD_EDITION_NAME'
      and  obj.object_name =  ad_zd_seed.eds_function(col.table_name)
      and  obj.object_type = 'FUNCTION'
      and  obj.edition_name = sys_context('userenv', 'current_edition_name')
      and  obj.edition_name <> 'ORA$BASE'
      and  exists
             ( select src.line from user_source src
               where  src.name  = obj.object_name
                 and  src.type  = obj.object_type
                 and  src.text  like '%'||obj.edition_name||'%' );
Line: 1324

      select s.table_owner, s.table_name
      into   l_table_owner, l_table_name
      from   dba_synonyms s
      where  s.owner        = ad_zd.apps_schema
      and    s.synonym_name = x_table_name;
Line: 1341

Line: 1342

Line: 1368

    select col.owner, col.table_name
        dba_tab_columns col
      , user_objects_ae obj
    where  col.owner in
             ( select oracle_username from system.fnd_oracle_userid
               where  read_only_flag in ('A','E') )
      and  col.table_name not like '%#'
      and  col.column_name = 'ZD_EDITION_NAME'
      and  obj.object_name =  ad_zd_seed.eds_function(col.table_name)
      and  obj.object_type = 'FUNCTION'
      and  obj.edition_name > sys_context('userenv', 'current_edition_name')
      and  exists
             ( select src.text from user_source_ae src
               where  src.edition_name = obj.edition_name
                 and  src.name  = obj.object_name
                 and  src.type  = obj.object_type
                 and  src.text  like '%'||obj.edition_name||'%' );