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Line 1254: In Patchset I, the table were changed to mtl_item_revisions_b and mtl_item_revisions_tl.

1251: /*-------------------------------------------+
1252: Insert Item revision information
1253: Till Patchset I, this information was inserted into mtl_item_revisions table.
1254: In Patchset I, the table were changed to mtl_item_revisions_b and mtl_item_revisions_tl.
1255: In Patchset I, we were constructing insert stmts dymanically to avoid BOM/INV odf dependency.
1256: In Patchset J, we are inserting into the new tables. Dependency will not be an issue because we are maintaining a separate branch for J and I.
1257: Cannot do bulk processing here, since a different revision_id needs to be generated for each config
1258: +-------------------------------------------*/

Line 1313: insert into mtl_item_revisions_tl (

1309: WriteToLog('Inserted rows into mtl_item_revisions_b:: '||sql%rowcount,2);
1310: --insert into _tl table so that item is visible in revisions form
1311: --for multi-lingual support
1313: insert into mtl_item_revisions_tl (
1314: inventory_item_id,
1315: organization_id,
1316: revision_id,
1317: language,

Line 1353: from mtl_item_revisions_tl t

1349: and mr.inventory_item_id = v_bcolu_cfg.config_item_id --3338108
1350: and mr.organization_id = bcso.organization_id --3338108
1351: and NOT EXISTS
1352: (select NULL
1353: from mtl_item_revisions_tl t
1354: where t.inventory_item_id = v_bcolu_cfg.config_item_id
1355: and t.organization_id = bcso.organization_id
1356: and t.revision_id = mr.revision_id --3338108
1357: and t.language = l.language_code );

Line 1359: WriteToLog('Inserted rows into mtl_item_revisions_tl:: '||sql%rowcount,2);

1355: and t.organization_id = bcso.organization_id
1356: and t.revision_id = mr.revision_id --3338108
1357: and t.language = l.language_code );
1359: WriteToLog('Inserted rows into mtl_item_revisions_tl:: '||sql%rowcount,2);
1361: END LOOP; /* c_bcolu_cfg */