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Line 184: | insert into MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS was changed to MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B

180: inventory from 11.5.9 onwards
181: |
182: |
183: | 12-31-2002 Kiran Konada bugfix2730055
184: | insert into MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS was changed to MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B
185: |
186: |
187: | 01-23-2003 Kundan Sarkar Bugfix 2503104
188: | Revert fix as OM will populate user_item_description

Line 243: | of mtl_item_revisions_b

239: |
240: | 30-DEC-2003 Kiran Konada Bugfix
241: | 3340844
242: | inserted value into revision_label
243: | of mtl_item_revisions_b
244: |
245: | 3338108
246: | a) In 11.5.9 in the dynamic sql part
247: | of inserting into mtl_item_revisions_b

Line 247: | of inserting into mtl_item_revisions_b

243: | of mtl_item_revisions_b
244: |
245: | 3338108
246: | a) In 11.5.9 in the dynamic sql part
247: | of inserting into mtl_item_revisions_b
248: | we were inserting same revision_id for
249: | an item in all orgs. Revision_id was a
250: | null column
251: |

Line 258: | info from table mtl_item_revisions_b table

254: | to be different in each org
255: |
256: | b) where condition for insert into mtl_item_revisions_tl
257: | is also changed to get the corresponding revisionId
258: | info from table mtl_item_revisions_b table
259: |
260: | c) fixed by sawant
261: | it is decided to leave blank the uom_code and revision_id
262: | in mtl_cross_references

Line 9268: --sql_stmt := 'SELECT MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S.nextval FROM dual';

9265: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN --Bugfix 6063990
9266: oe_debug_pub.add('Inside populate_item_revision');
9267: END IF;
9268: --sql_stmt := 'SELECT MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S.nextval FROM dual';
9270: --IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
9271: -- oe_debug_pub.add(sql_stmt,3);
9272: --END IF;

Line 9288: insert into mtl_item_revisions_b

9284: we are assuming that customers will always be on ITEMS 11.5.10 data model i.e. they will have tables _B and _TL.
9285: So changing dynamic sql into static sql */
9287: --sql_stmt :=
9288: insert into mtl_item_revisions_b
9289: (inventory_item_id,
9290: organization_id,
9291: revision,
9292: last_update_date,

Line 9315: MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S.nextval, -- 3338108 --:x_item_rev_seq --revision_id is generated from sequence

9311: gLoginId, -- last_update_login
9312: sysdate,
9313: sysdate,
9314: 1, --would be 1 for initial creation of item
9315: MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B_S.nextval, -- 3338108 --:x_item_rev_seq --revision_id is generated from sequence
9316: mp1.starting_revision --3340844
9317: from
9318: mtl_parameters mp1,
9319: mtl_system_items m

Line 9324: from MTL_ITEM_REVISIONS_B

9320: where m.inventory_item_id = pConfigId
9321: and m.organization_id = mp1.organization_id
9322: and NOT EXISTS
9323: (select NULL
9325: where inventory_item_id = pConfigId
9326: and organization_id = mp1.organization_id);

Line 9339: oe_debug_pub.add('Inserted into mtl_item_revisions_b for item ' || pConfigId || ' rows ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT );

9335: --EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING pConfigId, gUserId, gUserId, gLoginId,pModelId, pLineId, pConfigId;
9336: --EXECUTE IMMEDIATE sql_stmt USING pConfigId, gUserId, gUserId, gLoginId,pConfigId,pConfigId; Bugfix 6063990
9338: IF PG_DEBUG <> 0 THEN
9339: oe_debug_pub.add('Inserted into mtl_item_revisions_b for item ' || pConfigId || ' rows ' || SQL%ROWCOUNT );
9340: END IF;

Line 9380: mtl_item_revisions_b mr, --3338108

9376: mtl_parameters mp1,
9377: mtl_system_items_tl m,
9378: bom_cto_src_orgs bcso,
9379: fnd_languages l,
9380: mtl_item_revisions_b mr, --3338108
9381: mtl_parameters mp2 --4109427
9382: where m.inventory_item_id = pModelId
9383: and bcso.model_item_id = m.inventory_item_id
9384: and bcso.line_id = pLineId