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Line 78: from po_line_locations_archive plla

74: initially update to a value other than NULL*/
76: select plla.promised_date
77: into X_promised_date
78: from po_line_locations_archive plla
79: where plla.line_location_id = X_line_location_id
80: and plla.revision_num = (select min(revision_num)
81: from po_line_locations_archive plla2
82: where plla2.line_location_id = X_line_location_id

Line 81: from po_line_locations_archive plla2

77: into X_promised_date
78: from po_line_locations_archive plla
79: where plla.line_location_id = X_line_location_id
80: and plla.revision_num = (select min(revision_num)
81: from po_line_locations_archive plla2
82: where plla2.line_location_id = X_line_location_id
83: and plla2.promised_date is not NULL);

Line 161: FROM po_line_locations pll2,

157: (nvl(sum(pll2.quantity - nvl(pll2.quantity_cancelled,0) -
158: nvl(X_orig_quantity,0)),0))
159: INTO X_unreleased_quantity,
160: X_available_quantity
161: FROM po_line_locations pll2,
162: po_line_locations pll
163: WHERE pll.line_location_id = pll2.source_shipment_id(+)
164: AND pll.line_location_id = X_source_shipment_id
165: AND pll.shipment_type <> 'PRICE BREAK'

Line 162: po_line_locations pll

158: nvl(X_orig_quantity,0)),0))
159: INTO X_unreleased_quantity,
160: X_available_quantity
161: FROM po_line_locations pll2,
162: po_line_locations pll
163: WHERE pll.line_location_id = pll2.source_shipment_id(+)
164: AND pll.line_location_id = X_source_shipment_id
165: AND pll.shipment_type <> 'PRICE BREAK'
166: GROUP BY (pll.quantity - nvl(pll.quantity_cancelled,0));