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1 package wip_picking_pub AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2  /* $Header: wippckps.pls 120.1.12000000.1 2007/01/18 22:19:35 appldev ship $ */
4   type allocate_rec_t IS RECORD(wip_entity_id NUMBER,
5                                 repetitive_schedule_id NUMBER, --only populated for rep schedules
6                                 use_pickset_flag VARCHAR2(1),
7                                 project_id NUMBER,
8                                 task_id NUMBER,
9                                 bill_seq_id NUMBER, --these 2 are only populated for flow schedules if
10                                 bill_org_id NUMBER, --the schedule has been exploded in the bom_explosions table
11                                 required_date DATE,
12                                 alt_rtg_dsg VARCHAR2(10));
14   type allocate_tbl_t IS TABLE OF allocate_rec_t INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
16   /* ER 4378835: Increased length of lot_number from 30 to 80 to support OPM Lot-model changes */
17   type allocate_comp_rec_t IS RECORD(wip_entity_id NUMBER,
18                                      repetitive_schedule_id NUMBER,
19                                      use_pickset_flag VARCHAR2(1),
20                                      project_id NUMBER,
21                                      task_id NUMBER,
22                                      operation_seq_num NUMBER,
23                                      inventory_item_id NUMBER,
24                                      item_name VARCHAR2(2000),
25                                      primary_uom_code VARCHAR2(3),
26                                      revision VARCHAR2(3),
27                                      requested_quantity NUMBER,
28                                      source_subinventory_code VARCHAR2(10),
29                                      source_locator_id NUMBER,
30                                      lot_number VARCHAR2(80),
31                                      start_serial VARCHAR2(30),
32                                      end_serial VARCHAR2(30));
34   type allocate_comp_tbl_t IS TABLE OF allocate_comp_rec_t INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
36   /* This procedure is callback for INV to set backorder qty in WRO */
37   procedure pre_allocate_material(p_wip_entity_id in NUMBER,
38                               p_operation_seq_num in NUMBER,
39                               p_inventory_item_id in NUMBER,
40                               p_repetitive_schedule_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
41                               p_use_pickset_flag in VARCHAR2, -- null is no,
42                               p_allocate_quantity in NUMBER,
43                               x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
44                               x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
46   /* This procedure issues material to a job/repetitive_schedule.
47      However, it fails if the requirement does not exist!
48      Parameters:
49        p_wip_entity_id: the wip entity_id
50        p_inventory_item_id: id of the item being issued
51        p_repetitive_line_id: line id of the repetitive schedule if
52                                issuing to a rep sched
53        p_transaction_id: the transaction id from mmt. Only used for
54                          repetitive schedules
55        p_primary_quantity: quantity being issued, in item's primary UOM and negative
56                            since it is a pull from inventory. e.g., set this to -5
57                            to issue 5 to the job
58        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used, also
59                         'L' if rows are locked
60        x_msg_data: error message if error occurred. This is not put on the message
61                    stack!
62   */
63   procedure  issue_material(p_wip_entity_id in NUMBER,
64                             p_operation_seq_num in NUMBER,
65                             p_inventory_item_id in NUMBER,
66                             p_repetitive_line_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
67                             p_transaction_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
68                             p_primary_quantity in NUMBER,
69                             x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
70                             x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
73   /* This procedure deallocates material from a job/repetitive_schedule, i.e. it
74      lowers the quantity_allocated column in wro.
75      Parameters:
76        p_wip_entity_id: the wip entity_id
77        p_operation_seq_num: op seq of item being deallocated
78        p_inventory_item_id: id of the item being issued
79        p_repetitive_schedule_id: repetitive schedule id if entity is rep sched
80        p_primary_quantity: quantity being issued, in item's primary UOM
81        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used, also
82                         'L' if rows are locked
83        x_msg_data: error message if error occurred. This is not put on the message
84                    stack!
85   */
86   procedure unallocate_material(p_wip_entity_id in NUMBER,
87                                 p_operation_seq_num in NUMBER,
88                                 p_inventory_item_id in NUMBER,
89                                 p_repetitive_schedule_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
90                                 p_primary_quantity in NUMBER,
91                                 x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
92                                 x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
95   /* This procedure allocates material to a job/repetitive_schedule, i.e. it
96      ups the quantity_allocated column in wro.
97      Parameters:
98        p_wip_entity_id: the wip entity_id
99        p_operation_seq_num: op seq of item being deallocated
100        p_inventory_item_id: id of the item being issued
101        p_repetitive_schedule_id: repetitive schedule id if entity is rep sched
102        p_primary_quantity: quantity being issued, in item's primary UOM
103        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used, also
104                         'L' if rows are locked
105        x_msg_data: error message if error occurred. This is not put on the message
106                    stack!
107   */
108   procedure allocate_material(p_wip_entity_id in NUMBER,
109                               p_operation_seq_num in NUMBER,
110                               p_inventory_item_id in NUMBER,
111                               p_repetitive_schedule_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
112                               p_primary_quantity in NUMBER,
113                               x_quantity_allocated OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
114                               x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
115                               x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
117   /* This procedure cancels open allocations. It should be called when a job/schedule is cancelled to prevent addional move orders
118      or tasks from being transacted.
119      Parameters:
120        p_wip_entity_id: The wip entity id of the job/schedule
121        p_wip_entity_type: The wip entity type of the job/schedule
122        p_repetitive_schedule_id: The rep sched id of the schedule if cancelling a rep. sched.
123        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used
124        x_msg_data: The error message. This message is not put on the stack!
125   */
126   procedure cancel_allocations(p_wip_entity_id NUMBER,
127                                p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
128                                p_repetitive_schedule_id NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
129                                x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
130                                x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
133  /* This procedure called for cancellation of move orders for specific components. This procedure queries for the move order
134     lines related to the specified component of the entity and calls cancel_MO_line for each of this component and zeros the
135     backorder quantity in WRO.*/
137   Procedure cancel_comp_allocations(p_wip_entity_id NUMBER,
138 		     p_operation_seq_num NUMBER,
139 		     p_inventory_item_id NUMBER,
140                      p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
141                      p_repetitive_schedule_id NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
142                      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
143                      x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
145   /* This procedure reduces the allocated quantity for a component
146    by the requested quantity */
147    procedure reduce_comp_allocations(p_comp_tbl IN allocate_comp_tbl_t,
148                                p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
149                                p_organization_id NUMBER,
150                                x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
151                                x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
153    /* This procedure is used in the WIPCMPPK form to allocate material.
154      Parameters:
155        p_alloc_tbl: A table of records containing the entities for which to allocate.
156        p_days_to_alloc: For rep scheds, the maximum number of days to allocate. Less may
157                         be allocated if the open quantity is less.
158        p_start_date : The start date to allocate for.
159        p_cutoff_date: The last date to allocate for.
160        p_operation_seq_num_low : Starting operation seq to allocate for. Only for Discrete jobs and EAM work orders
161        p_operation_seq_num_high: Ending operation seq to allocate for. Only for Discrete jobs and EAM work orders
162        p_wip_entity_type: The wip entity type of the jobs/schedules.
163        p_organization_id: The organization id of the jobs/schedules.
164        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used
165        x_msg_data: The error message. This message is not put on the stack!
166   */
167    procedure allocate(p_alloc_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY allocate_tbl_t,
168                      p_days_to_alloc NUMBER := NULL, --only used for rep scheds
169                      p_auto_detail_flag VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
170                      p_start_date  DATE DEFAULT NULL,
171                      p_cutoff_date DATE,
172                      p_operation_seq_num_low NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
173                      p_operation_seq_num_high NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
174                      p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
175                      p_organization_id NUMBER,
176                      p_pick_grouping_rule_id NUMBER := NULL, /* Added as part of Enhancement#2578514*/
177                      p_print_pick_slip VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,      /* Added as part of Enhancement#2578514*/
178                      p_plan_tasks BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL,           /* Added as part of Enhancement#2578514*/
179                      x_conc_req_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
180                      x_mo_req_number OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
181                      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
182                      x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
184                       /* This procedure is called for allocating specific components .
185      Parameters:
186        p_alloc_comp_tbl: A table of records containing the (entity,operation sequence,component) combination for which to allocate.
187        p_days_to_alloc: For rep scheds, the maximum number of days to allocate. Less may
188                         be allocated if the open quantity is less.
189        p_auto_detail_flag: Indicates automatic detailing of Move Order lines to Inventory.
190        p_cutoff_date: The last date to allocate for.
191        p_wip_entity_type: The wip entity type of the jobs/schedules.
192        p_organization_id: The organization id of the jobs/schedules.
193        x_return_status: FND_API return codes are used
194        x_msg_data: The error message. This message is not put on the stack!
195   */
198   procedure allocate_comp(p_alloc_comp_tbl IN OUT NOCOPY allocate_comp_tbl_t,
199                      p_days_to_alloc NUMBER DEFAULT NULL, --only used for rep scheds
200                      p_auto_detail_flag VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
201                      p_cutoff_date DATE,
202                      p_wip_entity_type NUMBER,
203                      p_organization_id NUMBER,
204                      p_pick_grouping_rule_id NUMBER := NULL,
205                      p_print_pick_slip VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL,
206                      p_plan_tasks BOOLEAN DEFAULT NULL,
207                      x_conc_req_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
208                      x_mo_req_number OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
209                      x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
210                      x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
212     Function Quantity_Allocated(p_wip_entity_id IN NUMBER,
213                               p_operation_seq_num IN NUMBER,
214                               p_organization_id IN NUMBER,
215                               p_inventory_item_id IN NUMBER,
216                               p_repetitive_schedule_id IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
217                               p_quantity_issued IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL) RETURN NUMBER;
219     Function Is_Component_Pick_Released(p_wip_entity_id in number,
220                      p_repetitive_schedule_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
221                      p_org_id in NUMBER,
222                      p_operation_seq_num in NUMBER,
223                      p_inventory_item_id in NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
225     Function Is_Job_Pick_Released(p_wip_entity_id in number,
226                      p_repetitive_schedule_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
227                      p_org_id in NUMBER) RETURN BOOLEAN;
229     Procedure Update_Requirement_SubinvLoc(p_wip_entity_id number,
230                  p_repetitive_schedule_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
231                  p_operation_seq_num NUMBER,
232                  p_supply_subinventory in VARCHAR2,
233                  p_supply_locator_id in NUMBER,
234                  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
235                  x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
237     Procedure Update_Component_BackOrdQty(p_wip_entity_id number,
238                  p_repetitive_schedule_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
239 		 p_operation_seq_num NUMBER,
240                  p_new_component_qty in NUMBER,
241                  p_inventory_item_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
242                  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
243                  x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
245     Procedure Update_Job_BackOrdQty(p_wip_entity_id number,
246                  p_repetitive_schedule_id in NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
247                  p_new_job_qty in NUMBER,
248                  x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
249                  x_msg_data OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
253 end wip_picking_pub;